Staff profile
Professor Joe Elliott
Professor, Principal of Collingwood College
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor, Principal of Collingwood College in the School of Education | +44 (0) 191 33 45011 |
Principal of Collingwood College | +44 (0) 191 33 45011 |
Julian (Joe) Elliott joined Durham University in 2004 from the University of Sunderland where he was Acting Dean of the School of Education and Lifelong Learning. Prof. Elliott taught in mainstream and special schools prior to practising as an LEA educational psychologist.
A Chartered Psychologist and Fellow of the British Psychological Society, he is registered to engage in clinical practice as an educational psychologist by the Health Professions Council. He is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the REF 2014 Education Panel.
His research and teaching interests include dyslexia, achievement motivation, working memory difficulties, SEN, behaviour management, cognitive education, and psychological assessment. His research involves ongoing collaborations with partners in Europe, the United States, Asia and Australia.
The Dyslexia Debate, 2014
The Dyslexia Debate: Book Flyer (flyer)
The Dyslexia Debate: Research Briefing (Briefing)
The Dyslexia Debate: Book Launch Conferences April 22/23/24, 2014 (Conferences)
Conference: The End of Dyslexia in Higher Education? May 7, 2014 (Advert)
Joe is a member of the Physical Wellbeing in Schools project. For further information, please see
Completed Supervisions (since 2008)
Research interests
- Reading Disability/ Dyslexia
- Behaviour Problems in Children
- Cross-cultural influences in Learning and Behaviour
Esteem Indicators
- 2006: Keynote presentation: Invitation to give the Ruth Wong Memorial Lecture at the 2006 Annual Conference at the Singapore Educational Research Association
- 2005: Interview by Interviewed on work in achievement motivation by, the world's leading education website.
- 2004: Sabbatical at Yale University: Invited by Professor Robert Sternberg to take up a sabbatical at Yale University in 2004. Has been an Affiliate of the Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise at Yale, and latterly, Tufts, since then. Collaborating and publishing with Professor Sternberg and his team on several projects.
- 2003: IACEP: President of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (2003-2005)
- 2000: Channel 4 documentary on Dyslexia: Following publication of book examining work with children with SEN, was invited to take a significant part in a Channel 4 documentary on dyslexia. Was intervied extensively in the national media and attracted considerable international interest. Asked to write an article on the topic for Education Canada and invited to Northern Ireland to give a seminar to the CCEA
- 2000: Presentations on work: Invited to present on work in two different research areas; achievement motivation and dynamic assessment, at many leading world universities including Yale (twice), Brown, Tennessee (Knoxville), Moscow State, Hertzen (St. Petersburg), Sydney & Geneva as well as several in the UK (Cambridge, Birmingham & Stirling).
- 2000: Editorial Boards: Member of Editorial Boards of:British Educational REsearch Journal (twice during the period)Comparative EducationEducational and Child PsychologyBritish Journal of Special Education and Support for Learning
Authored book
- Elliott, J., & Place, M. (2021). Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping Fourth Edition. (6th). Routledge.
- Elliott, J., Nicholson, R., & Winch, C. (2016). Dyslexia: Developing the Debate. Bloomsbury Academic
- Armstrong, D., Hallett, F., Elliott, J., & Hallett, G. (2016). Understanding Child and Adolescent Behaviour in the Classroom: Research and Practice for Teachers. Cambridge University Press
- Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2014). The Dyslexia Debate. Cambridge University Press.
- Elliott, J., & Place, M. (2012). Children in Difficulty. (3rd ed.). Routledge
- Elliott, J., Hufton, N., Illushin, L., & Willis, W. (2005). Motivation, Engagement and Educational Performance. Palgrave Press
- Moseley, D., Baumfield, V., Elliott, J., Gregson, M., Higgins, S., Miller, J., & Newton, D. (2005). Frameworks for thinking: a handbook for teaching and learning. Cambridge University Press.
- Elliott, J., & Place, M. (2004). Children in difficulty: a guide to understanding and helping. (Second). RoutledgeFalmer Press
- Moseley, D., Baumfield, V., Elliott, J., Higgins, S., Miller, J., Newton, D., & Gregson, M. (2003). Frameworks for Thinking. Cambridge University Press
- Elliott, J. (2003). Educational and child psychology. v. 20 (2003). The British Psychological Society
- Elliott, J., Hufton, N., Illushin, L., & Willis, W. (2002). Motivation, Engagement and Educational Performance. Palgrave Press
Chapter in book
- Smith, P., & Elliott, J. (2017). Social problems in schools. In A. Slater, & J. Bremner (Eds.), Introduction to Developmental Psychology. (3rd). Wiley
- Lopes, S., Gomes, C., Oliveira, C., & Elliott, J. (2016). Selecting participants for dyslexia studies : Complexities and challenges. In M. Frazier (Ed.), Dyslexia: Perspectives, Challenges and Treatment Options. Nova Science Publishers
- Elliott, J. (2015). Teacher Expertise. In J. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition (56-59). (2nd Edition). Elsevier
- Elliott, J. (2014). Teachers' craft knowledge and EBD. In P. Garner, P. Kaufman, & J. Elliot (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties, 2nd Edition. (2nd Edition). SAGE Publications
- Place, M., & Elliott, J. (2014). The Importance of the E in EBD. In P. Garner, P. Kaufman, & J. Elliot (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties, 2nd Edition. (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications
- Elliott, J. (2013). Some challenges to educational achievement in the Russian Federation since the end of the Soviet Union. In J. Hattie, & E. Anderman (Eds.), The International Handbook of Student Achievement. Routledge
- Elliott, J., & Resing, W. (2012). Cross-cultural factors in learning and motivation. In N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer: New York
- Elliott, J., & Tymms, P. (2012). What the evidence says and what we need to investigate. In S. Suggate, & E. Reese (Eds.), Contemporary Debates in Childhood Education and Development (275-284). Routledge.
- Resing, W., Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2012). Dynamic teting and assessment. In N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer: New York
- Elliott, J., & Girgorenko, E. (2012). Reading disabilities. In P. Jarvis (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook on Learning. Routledge
- Smith, P., & Elliott, J. (2011). Social Problems in Schools. In A. Slater, & J. Bremner (Eds.), Introduction to Developmental Psychology. (2nd ed). Wiley
- Gibbs, S., & Elliott, J. (2010). Dyslexia: a categorical falsehood without validity or utility. In T. Scruggs, & M. Mastropieri (Eds.), Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities: Vol. 2 Literacy and Learning. Emerald
- Elliott, J., Grigorenko, E., & Resing, W. (2010). Dynamic assessment. In International Encyclopedia of Education. (3rd ed.). Elsevier
- Elliott, J., & Gibbs, S. (2009). Does dyslexia exist?. In R. Cigman, & R. Davis (Eds.), New Philosophies of Learning (115-130). Blackwell
- Tan, M., Aljughaiman, A., Elliott, J., Kornilov, S., Ferrando Prieto, M., Bolden, D., Adams-Shearer, K., Chart, H., Newman, T., Jarvin, L., Sternberg, R., & Girgorenko, E. (2009). Considering Language and Culture: The international translation and adaptation of the Aurora Assessment Battery. In E. Grigorenko (Ed.), Assessment of Abilities and Competencies in the Era of Globalization. Springer Verlag
- Tan, M., Aljughaiman, A., Elliott, J., Kornilov, S., Prieto, M., Bolden, D., Adams-Shearer, K., Chart, H., Newman, T., Jarvin, L., Sternberg, R., & Grigorenko, E. (2009). Considering language, culture and cognitive abilities: The international translation and adaptation of the Aurora Assessment Battery. In E. (. Grigorenko (Ed.), Multicultural psychoeducational assessment (443-468). Springer Verlag
- Elliott, J. (2009). Western influences upon post-Soviet Education. In M. Fleer, M. Hedegaard, & J. Tudge (Eds.), The World Yearbook of Education 2009: Childhood Studies and the Impact of Globalization: Policies and Practices at Global and Local Levels. Routledge
- Elliott, J. (2009). Motivation and behaviour in Russian schools : the impact of globalisation upon the Soviet educational legacy. In M. Fleer, E. Hedegaard, & J. (. Tudge (Eds.), The world yearbook of education 2009 : childhood studies and the impact of globalization : policies and practices at global and local levels (233-253). Routledge
- Elliott, J. (2008). The Art and Heart of a Skilled Teacher: A Personal Reflection. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan (Eds.), The Ones We Remember. Scholars Reflect on Teachers who made a Difference. Information Age Publishing
- Elliott, J. (2007). Ecosystemic perspectives on student behaviour: Why teachers in training need to see the bigger picture. In T. Scruggs, & M. Mastropieri (Eds.), Advances in learning and behavioural disabilities. International perspectives (57-77). Elsevier
- Hufton, N., & Elliott, J. (2004). Motivation theory and the management of motivation to learn in school. In J. Wearmouth, R. Richmond, T. Glynn, & M. Berryman (Eds.), Understanding Pupil Behaviour in Schools: A Diversity of Approaches. David Fulton
Edited book
- Garner, P., Kauffman, J., & Elliott, J. (Eds.). (2014). The SAGE Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. SAGE Publications
- Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (Eds.). (2008). Western Educational Theory and Practice in Diverse Contexts. Routledge
- Bempechat, J., & Elliott, J. (Eds.). (2002). Learning in culture and context: Approaching the complexities of achievement motivation in student learning. Jossey-Bass
Journal Article
- Hein, S., Tan, M., Ahmed, Y., Elliot, J. . G., Bolden, D. . S., Sternberg, R. . J., & Grigorenko, E. . L. (in press). Psychometric Evaluation of Aurora-a: An Augmented Assessment of Analytical, Practical, and Creative Abilities in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology,
- Elliott, J., Stanbridge, J., & Branigan, K. (online). Special Educational Needs and Disability tribunals: Dyslexia, scientific validity and equity. British Educational Research Journal,
- Elliott, J. (online). Social factors in student achievement motivation: comparison across three cultural contexts
- Elliott, J., & Hufton, N. (online). Achievement motivation in real contexts
- Elliott, J. G., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2024). Dyslexia in the twenty-first century: a commentary on the IDA definition of dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 74, 363–377.
- Elliott, J. (2020). It’s Time to Be Scientific About Dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(51), 561-575.
- Lopes, J., Gomes, C., Oliveira, C., & Elliott, J. (2020). Research studies on dyslexia: participant inclusion and exclusion criteria. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(5), 587-602.
- Gibbs, S., & Elliott, J. (2020). The dyslexia debate: life without the label. Oxford Review of Education, 46(4), 487-500.
- Resing, W. C., Bakker, M., Elliott, J. G., & Vogelaar, B. (2019). Dynamic testing: Can a robot as tutor be of help in assessing children's potential for learning?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(4), 540-554.
- Elliott, J., Stankov, L., Lee, J., & Beckmann, J. (2019). What did PISA and TIMSS ever do for us?: the potential of large scale datasets for understanding and improving educational practice. Comparative Education, 55(1), 133-155.
- Elliott, J., & Place, M. (2019). Practitioner Review: School refusal: developments in conceptualisation and treatment since 2000. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60(1), 4-15.
- Elliott, J., Resing, W., & Beckmann, J. (2018). Dynamic assessment: a case of unfulfilled potential?. Educational Review, 70(1), 7-17.
- Vogelaar, B., Bakker, M., Elliott, J., & Resing, W. (2017). Dynamic testing and test anxiety amongst gifted and average-ability children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(1), 75-89.
- Resing, W., Touw, K., Veerbeek, J., & Elliott, J. (2017). Progress in the inductive strategy-use of children from different ethnic backgrounds: a study employing dynamic testing. Educational Psychology, 37(2), 173-191.
- Resing, W., Bakker, M., Pronk, C., & Elliott, J. (2017). Progression paths in children’s problem solving: The influence of dynamic testing, initial variability, and working memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 153, 83-109.
- Resing, W., Bakker, M., Pronk, C., & Elliott, J. (2016). Dynamic testing and transfer: An examination of children's problem-solving strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 110-119.
- Tsai, J., Ang, J., Blevins, E., Goernandt, J., Fung, H., Jiang, D., Elliott, J., Kolzer, A., Uchida, Y., Lee, Y.-C., Lin, Y., Zhang, X., Govindama, Y., & Haddouk, L. (2016). Leaders’ smiles reflect cultural differences in ideal affect. Emotion, 16(2), 183-195.
- Tymms, P., Curtis, S. E., Routen, A. C., Thomson, K. H., Bolden, D. S., Bock, S., Dunn, C. E., Cooper, A. R., Elliott, J. G., Moore, H. J., Summerbell, C. D., Tiffin, P. A., & Kasim Adetayo, S. (2016). Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e009318.
- Mourgues, C., Tan, M., Hein, S., Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2016). Using creativity to predict future academic performance: An application of Aurora's five subtests for creativity. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 378-386.
- Elliott, J., & Resing, W. (2015). Can Intelligence Testing Inform Educational Intervention for Children with Reading Disability?. Journal of Intelligence, 3(4), 137-157.
- Della Salla, S., & Elliott, J. (2015). I problem nella diagnosi della dislessa e il mercato che circonda la sua valutazione: un’intervista a Julian Elliott = The problems in diagnosing dyslexia and the market surrounding its assessment: An Interview with Julian Elliott
- Gibbs, S., & Elliott, J. (2015). The differential effects of labelling: how do ‘dyslexia’ and ‘reading difficulties’ affect teachers’ beliefs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 30(3), 323-337.
- Elliott, J. (2015). The Author’s response to peer commentary. Psychology of Education Review, 39(1), 35-36
- Elliott, J. (2015). The Dyslexia Debate: Actions, reactions, and over-reactions. Psychology of Education Review, 39(1), 6-16
- Elliott, J. (2015). The myths of dyslexia
- Resing, W., Tunteler, E., & Elliott, J. (2015). The effect of dynamic testing with electronic prompts and scaffolds on children's inductive reasoning: A microgenetic study. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 14(2), 231-251
- Holmes, J., Hilton, K., Place, M., Alloway, T., Elliott, J., & Gathercole, S. (2014). Children with low working memory and children with ADHD: same or different?. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 976.
- Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2014). The end of dyslexia?. The Psychologist, 27(8), 576-580
- Elliott, J. (2014). Lessons from abroad: Whatever happened to pedagogy?. Comparative Education, 50(1), 27-44.
- Elliott, J. (2014). The Dyslexia Debate: More heat than light?
- Elliott, J. (2014). The Dyslexia Debate: Some key myths
- Elliott, J. (2014). Time to rethink dyslexia?
- Kornilov, S., Tan, M., Elliott, J., Sternberg, R., & Grigorenko, E. (2012). Gifted Identification with Aurora: Widening the Spotlight. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(1), 117-133.
- Stemler, S., Elliott, J., McNeish, D., Grigorenko, E., & Sternberg, R. (2012). Examining the construct and cross-cultural validity of the Teaching Excellence rating Scale (TERS)
- Elliott, J., Stemler, S., Grigorenko, E., Sternberg, R., & Hoffman, N. (2011). The socially skilled teacher and the development of tacit knowledge. British Educational Research Journal, 37(1), 83-103.
- Resing, W., & Elliott, J. (2011). Dynamic testing with tangible electronics: Measuring children's change in strategy use with a series completion task. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81(4), 579-605.
- Resing, W., Steijn, W., Xenidou-Dervou, I., Stevenson, C., & Elliott, J. (2011). Computerized dynamic testing: A study of the potential of an approach using sensor technology. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 10(2), 178-194.
- Lauchlan, F., Resing, W., & Elliott, J. (2011). Computerised assessment and its contribution to educational psychology. Educational and Child Psychology, 28(3),
- Holmes, J., Gathercole, S., Place, M., Dunning, D., Hilton, K., & Elliott, J. (2010). Working memory deficits can be overcome: Impacts of training and medication on working memory in children with ADHD. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(6), 827-836.
- Alloway, T., Elliott, J., & Holmes, J. (2010). The prevalance of ADHD-like symptoms in a community sample. Journal of Attention Disorders, 14(1), 52-56.
- Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., & Elliott, J. (2010). Examining the link between working memory behaviour and academic attainment in students with ADHD. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(7), 632-636.
- Holmes, J., Gathercole, S., Place, M., Alloway, T., Elliott, J., & Hilton, K. (2010). The diagnostic utility of executive function assessments in the identification of ADHD in children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 15(1), 37-43.
- Urwick, J., & Elliott, J. (2010). International orthodoxy versus national realities: Inclusive schooling and the education of children with disabilities in Lesotho. Comparative Education, 47(2), 137-150.
- Alloway, T., Elliott, J., Holmes, J., & Place, M. (2010). Exploring the link between attention and working memory in clinical and community samples. Child Neuropsychology, 16, 242-254.
- Hall, B., Place, M., & Elliott, J. (2010). Self harm through cutting - Evidence from a sample of schools in the North of England. Pastoral Care in Education, 28(1), 33-43
- Elliott, J., Gathercole, S., Alloway, T., Holmes, J., & Kirkwood, H. (2010). An evaluation of a classroom-based intervention to help overcome working memory difficulties and improve long-term academic achievement. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 9(3), 227-250.
- Elliott, J. (2009). The nature of teacher authority and teacher expertise. Support for Learning, 24(4), 197-203.
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., & Elliott, J. (2009). Self-confidence and performance goal orientation interactively predict performance in a reasoning test with accuracy feedback. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(2), 277-282.
- Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., Kirkwood, H., & Elliott, J. (2009). The Working Memory Rating Scale: A classroom-based behavioural assessment of working memory. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(2), 242-245.
- Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., Kirkwood, H., & Elliott, J. (2009). The cognitive and behavioural characteristics of children with low working memory. Child Development, 80(2), 606-621.
- Nguyen, M., Elliott, J., Terlouw, C., & Pilot, A. (2009). Neocolonialism in education: Cooperative learning, Western pedagogy in an Asian Context. Comparative Education, 45(1), 109-130.
- Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., Holmes, J., Place, M., Elliott, J., & Hilton, K. (2009). The diagnostic utility of behavioral checklists in identifying children with ADHD and children with working memory deficits. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 40(3), 353-366.
- Resing, W., Elliott, J., & Higgins, S. (2009). Reasoning in children and adolescents. Educational and Child Psychology, 26(3),
- Nguyen, P., Terlouw, C., Pilot, A., & Elliott, J. (2009). Cooperative learning that features a culturally appropriate pedagogy. British Educational Research Journal, 35(6), 857-873.
- Elliott, J., & Gibbs, S. (2008). Does dyslexia exist?. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(3-4), 475-491.
- Gathercole, S., Alloway, T., Kirkwood, H., Elliott, J., Holmes, J., & Hilton, K. (2008). Attentional and executive behavioural profiles of children with poor working memory. Learning and Individual Differences, 18(2), 214-223.
- Remedios, R., Kiseleva, Z., & Elliott, J. (2008). Goal orientations in Russian university students: from mastery to performance?. Educational Psychology, 28(6), 677-691.
- Elliott, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2007). Are Western educational theories and practices truly universal?. Comparative Education, 43(1), 1-4.
- Elliott, J., & Tudge, J. (2007). The impact of the West on post-Soviet Russian education: change and resistance to change. Comparative Education, 43, 93-112.
- Van der Aalsvoort, D., & Elliott, J. (2007). Inclusion and the role of educational psychologists. Educational and Child Psychology, 24(3), 4-7
- Tymms, P., & Elliott, J. (2006). Difficulties and Dilemmas in the Assessment of Special Educational Needs
- Stemler, S., Elliott, J., Grigorenko, E., & Sternberg, R. (2006). There's more to teaching than instruction: seven strategies for dealing with the practical side of teaching. Educational Studies, 32, 101-118
- Moseley, D., Elliott, J., Gregson, M., & Higgins, S. (2005). Thinking Skills Frameworks for Use in Education and Training. British Educational Research Journal, 31(3), 367-390.
- Elliott, J. (2004). Multimethod approaches in educational research. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 51, 135-149
- Elliott, J., Lidz, C., & Shaughnessy, M. (2004). An Interview with Joe Elliott and Carol Lidz
- Elliott, J. (2003). Dynamic Assessment in Educational Settings: Realising Potential. Educational Review, 55(1), 15-32.
- Hufton, N., Elliott, J., & Illushin, L. (2003). Teachers' beliefs about student motivation: similarities and differences across cultures. Comparative Education, 39(3), 367-389.
- Elliott, J., & Bempechat, J. (2002). The Culture and Contexts of Achievement Motivation. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 7-26.
- Hufton, N., Elliott, J., & Illushin, L. (2002). Achievement Motivation across Cultures: Some Puzzles and Their Implications for Future Research. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 65-85.
- Hufton., N., Elliott, J., & Illushin, L. (2002). Educational Motivation and Engagement: qualitative accounts from three countries. British Educational Research Journal, 28(2), 265-289.
- Elliott, J., Hufton, N., Illushin, L., & Lauchlan, F. (2001). Motivation in the junior years: international perspectives on children's attitudes, expectations and behaviour and their relationship to educational achievement. Oxford Review of Education, 27(1), 37-68.
- Elliott, J., Hufton, N., Illushin, L., & Willis, W. (2001). The Kids Are Doing All Right': Differences in Parental Satisfaction, Expectation, and Attribution in St. Petersburg, Sunderland, and Kentucky. Cambridge Journal of Education, 31(2), 179-204
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