Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Physics |
Professor in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology |
I am a professor in the Department of Physics and at the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology.
My research concerns obtaining predictions for the outcome of high-energy collisions of particles at e.g. CERN's Large Hadron Collider. In particular, my work has focused on developing an efficient formalism for the study of the dominant perturbative corrections from QCD in the regions not just dominated by not just one hard scale, but two.
Precise predictions for such processes are both difficult and necessary to obtain, since they are systematically enhanced compared to the normal expectation of (small) perturbative corrections. This happens particularly in the regions of phase space that happen to be of special interest for other reasons: Such regions are of specific interest in connections with the study of the coupling between a Higgs boson and two bosons of the weak force (Higgs production through Vector Boson Fusion), and the coupling of three weak bosons (aka. Vector Boson Scattering). Such studies require a clean separation between the processes orginating from strong and from weak interactions - and although the initial and final state at the lowest perturbative order are the same (and one therefore might think the processes are indistinguishable), the quantum corrections are very different and allow for a distinction. If we can calculate them reliably.
Apart from the very practical question of relevance to the interpretation of experimental data, the study of the high-energy behaviour of scattering amplitudes is also interesting in its own right.
Journal Article
- Campbell, J. M., Diefenthaler, M., Hobbs, T. J., Höche, S., Isaacson, J., Kling, F., Mrenna, S., Reuter, J., Alioli, S., Andersen, J. R., Andreopoulos, C., Ankowski, A. M., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashkenazi, A., Baker, M. D., Barrow, J. L., van Beekveld, M., Bewick, G., Bhattacharya, S., Bierlich, C., …Zapp, K. (2024). Event generators for high-energy physics experiments. SciPost Physics, 16(5), Article 130.
- Andersen, J. R., Monni, P. F., Rottoli, L., Salam, G. P., & Soto-Ontoso, A. (2024). Exploring High-Purity Multiparton Scattering at Hadron Colliders. Physical Review Letters, 132(4), Article 041901.
- Andersen, J. R., Hassan, H., Maier, A., Paltrinieri, J., Papaefstathiou, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2023). High energy resummed predictions for the production of a Higgs boson with at least one jet. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(3), Article 1 (2023).
- Andersen, J. R., Maier, A., & Maître, D. (2023). Efficient negative-weight elimination in large high-multiplicity Monte Carlo event samples. The European Physical Journal C, 83(9), Article 835.
- Bothmann, E., Buckley, A., Gütschow, C., Prestel, S., Schönherr, M., Skands, P., Andersen, J. R., Bhattacharya, S., Butterworth, J., Singh Chahal, G., Corpe, L., Gellersen, L., Gignac, M., Höche, S., Kar, D., Krauss, F., Kretzschmar, J., Lönnblad, L., McFayden, J., Papaefstathiou, A., …Siódmok, A. (2023). A standard convention for particle-level Monte Carlo event-variation weights. SciPost Physics Core, 6, Article 007.
- Andersen, J. R., Black, J., Brooks, H., Ducloué, B., Heil, M., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2022). HEJ 2.1: High-energy resummation with vector bosons and next-to-leading logarithms. Computer Physics Communications, 278, Article 108404.
- Andersen, J. R., & Maier, A. (2022). Unbiased elimination of negative weights in Monte Carlo samples. The European Physical Journal C, 82(5), Article 433.
- Andersen, J. R., Black, J. A., Brooks, H. M., Byrne, E. P., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2021). Combined subleading high-energy logarithms and NLO accuracy for W production in association with multiple jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(4), Article 105.
- -pair production for vector boson scattering studies. Physical Review D, 104(11),
- Andersen, J. R., Gütschow, C., Maier, A., & Prestel, S. (2020). A Positive Resampler for Monte Carlo events with negative weights. The European Physical Journal C, 80(11), Article 1007.
- Andersen, J. R., Hapola, T., Heil, M., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. (2019). HEJ 2: High energy resummation for hadron colliders. Computer Physics Communications, 245, Article 106832.
- Andersen, J. R., Cockburn, J. D., Heil, M., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2019). Finite quark-mass effects in Higgs boson production with dijets at large energies. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4), Article 127.
- Andersen, J. R., Brooks, H. M., & Lönnblad, L. (2018). Merging high energy with soft and collinear logarithms using HEJ and PYTHIA. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9), Article 074.
- Andersen, J. R., Hapola, T., Heil, M., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2018). Higgs-boson plus Dijets: Higher-Order Matching for High-Energy Predictions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(08), Article 090.
- Andersen, J. R., Hapola, T., Maier, A., & Smillie, J. M. (2017). Higgs boson plus dijets: higher order corrections. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(9), Article 065.
- Andersen, J. R., Medley, J. J., & Smillie, J. M. (2016). Z/γ∗ plus multiple hard jets in high energy collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(05), Article 136.
- Andersen, J. R., Rauch, M., & Spannowsky, M. (2014). Dark Sector spectroscopy at the ILC. The European Physical Journal C, 74(6), Article 2908.
- Andersen, J., & Smillie, J. (2013). MultiJet Predictions for Higgs Studies. Proceedings of Science, DIS 2013, Article 289
- Andersen, J., Englert, C., & Spannowsky, M. (2013). Extracting precise Higgs couplings by using the matrix element method. Physical Review D, 87(1), Article 015019.
- Andersen, J., Hapola, T., & Smillie, J. (2012). W+ Multiple Jets at the LHC with High Energy Jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(9), Article 47.
- Alioli, S., Andersen, J., Oleari, C., Re, E., & Smillie, J. (2012). Probing higher-order corrections in dijet production at the LHC. Physical Review D, 85(11), Article 114034.
- Andersen, J., Hapola, T., & Sannino, F. (2012). Technicolor. Physical Review D, 85(5), Article 055017.
- Andersen, J., Antipin, O., Azuelos, G., Del Debbio, L., Del Nobile, E., Di Chiara, S., Hapola, T., Järvinen, M., Lowdon, P., Maravin, Y., Masina, I., Nardecchia, M., Pica, C., & Sannino, F. (2011). Discovering Technicolor. European Physical Journal Plus, 126(9), Article 81.
- Andersen, J., Lönnblad, L., & Smillie, J. (2011). A Parton Shower for High Energy Jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(7), Article 110.
- Andersen, J., & Smillie, J. (2011). Multiple Jets at the LHC with High Energy Jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), Article 10.
- Andersen, J., Arnold, K., & Zeppenfeld, D. (2010). Azimuthal Angle Correlations for Higgs Boson plus Multi-Jet Events. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(6), Article 91.
- Andersen, J., & Smillie, J. (2010). Constructing All-Order Corrections to Multi-Jet Rates. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(1), Article 39.
- Andersen, J. R., & Smillie, J. (2010). High Energy Description of Processes with Multiple Hard Jets. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 205-206,
- Giddings, S., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, M., & Andersen, J. (2010). supergravity. Physical Review D, 82(10), Article 104022.
- Andersen, J., & Smillie, J. (2010). The Factorisation of the t-channel Pole in Quark-Gluon Scattering. Physical Review D, 81(11),
- Andersen, J., Del Duca, V., & White, C. (2009). Higgs Boson Production in Association with Multiple Hard Jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(02), Article 015.
- Andersen, J., Smillie, J., Binoth, T., & Heinrich, G. (2008). Loop induced interference effects in Higgs Boson plus two jet production at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(02), Article 057.
- Andersen, J., & White, C. (2008). A New Framework for Multijet Predictions and its application to Higgs Boson production at the Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review D, 78(5), Article 051501.
- Andersen, J., & Smillie, J. (2007). QCD and electroweak interference in Higgs production by gauge boson fusion. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 75(3),
- Binoth, T., Reiter, T., Andersen, J. R., Heinrich, G., Smillie, J. M., & others. (2007). Next-to-leading order multi-leg processes for the Large Hadron Collider
- Andersen, J. R., & Gardi, E. (2007). Radiative B decay spectrum: DGE at NNLO. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(01),
- Andersen, J. R. (2006). On the role of NLL corrections and Energy Conservation in the High Energy Evolution of QCD. Physics Letters B, 639(3-4),
- Andersen, J. R., & Gardi, E. (2006). Progress in computing inclusive B decay spectra. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 157(1),
- Andersen, J. R., & Gardi, E. (2006). Inclusive spectra in charmless semileptonic B decays by Dressed Gluon Exponentiation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(01),
- Andersen, J. R. (2006). The Quark-Antiquark Contribution to the Fully Exclusive BFKL Evolution at NLL Accuracy. Physical Review D, 74(11),
- Andersen, J. R., & Gardi, E. (2005). Taming the B --> X(s) gamma spectrum by Dressed Gluon Exponentiation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(06),
- Andersen, J. R., & Vera, A. S. (2005). A Study of the Gluon Ladder in Diffractive Processes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(01),
- Andersen, J. R., & Vera, A. S. (2004). The Gluon Green's Function in the BFKL Approach at Next-to-Leading Logarithmic Accuracy. Nuclear Physics B, 679(1-2), 345-362.
- Andersen, J., DelDuca, V., Frixione, S., Maltoni, F., Stirling, ,., & J., W. (2004). Heavy-quark production at large rapidities at hadron colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11, 61-
- Andersen, J. R., & Vera, A. S. (2004). The Gluon Green's Function in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory. Nuclear Physics B, 699(1-2),
- Andersen, J. R., & Vera, A. S. (2003). Solving the BFKL equation in the next-to-leading approximation. Physics Letters B, 567(1-2), 116-124.
- Andersen, J. R., & Stirling, W. J. (2003). Energy Consumption and Jet Multiplicity from the Leading Log BFKL Evolution. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003(02),
- Andersen, J., Brook, N., Dokshitzer, Y. L., Khoze, V., Kittel, W., Ochs, W., Stirling, W., & Zanderighi, G. (2002). Multiparticle production in QCD jets. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 28(9), 2509-2521.
- Andersen, J. R. (2002). Forward jets and BFKL at hadron colliders. Acta Physica Polonica B, B33, 3001-3006
- Andersen, J. R., Del Duca, V., Maltoni, F., & Stirling, W. J. (2001). W Boson Production with Associated Jets at Large Rapidities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001(05),
- Andersen, J. R., Del Duca, V., Frixione, S., Schmidt, C. R., & Stirling, W. J. (2001). Mueller-Navelet Jets at Hadron Colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001(02),
- Andersen, J. R. (2000). Renormalon Model of Twist-4 Corrections to the Pion Distribution Amplitude. Physics Letters B, 475(1-2),