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I am the Project Manager for both the i-CONN Innovative Training Network in the Geography Department.  and for the SMART Soils programme in the Engineering Department.

In the past fifteen years, my career portfolio has included project management, business development, scientific research, business management of university spin-out companies and educational/outreach activities. I was the SME Engagement Manager for the ERDF funded COAST Project (Collaborative Outreach to SMEs in Applied Surface Engineering Technologies) in the Chemistry Department 2018 - 2020 which partnered with CPI. Prior to that I was the Project Manager for the Notedev Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences. I have also been involved in the administration of several Durham University spin-outs, most notably as the business manager for Durham Magneto Optics Ltd. I was the coordinator for the Institute of Physics’ ‘Group Industrial Projects Scheme, which aimed to support the development and roll-out of team-based, client-led undergraduate research projects in physics departments across the country. My previous research has been in magnetic materials for technological applications, with several post-doctoral research positions in the Physics Department.

After an interdisciplinary first degree, I obtained a PhD in physical sciences (geophysics) from the University of Liverpool in 1990, which involved a variety of magnetic measurements and magnetometry of magnetic fine particle samples obtained during fieldwork in central China. I then worked in science administration at the Research Councils and in university administration, before taking a career break. 

I am part of the Planetarium Team and have given planetarium shows to more than 1000 people. I have also been involved in other outreach activites including organising and contributing to several exhibits at Celebrate Science

I was a Tutor at St Chad's College for many years and represented the Tutors on the Governing Body.
