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Dr Janie Ling Chin

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering


About Me

Dr Janie Ling Chin is Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering of Durham University, UK. She was awarded a PhD in 2016 after spending 5 years in her part-time study focussing on life cycle assessment (LCA) of conventional, retrofit and state-of-the-art power systems for cargo ships. In conjunction to her PhD study, she led the research on Environment Safety and Risk Analysis in a FP7 project “INOvative Energy MANagement System for Cargo SHIP (266082; total funding: €3,341,187)”.

Janie’s research areas cover LCA, energy systems integration, hydrogen technology, and thermal management including liquid desiccant technology. She is Researcher Co-Investigator or Co-Investigator in projects currently funded by the UK Research and Innovation, namely UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub (EP/Y024605/1; total funding: £ 21.3 million), SCI-FI: Sustainable Cooling Infrastructure for Fisheries in Indonesia (total funding: £2,281,011.20), Network+ for Heating and Cooling Research (EP/S032134/1; total funding: £1,159,698), and Network+ for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Energy Research Community (EP/W033771/1; total funding: £1,006,946).

Also, she is one of the investigators for current/recent projects that focus on hydrogen, which include Growing Teesside’s Hydrogen Economy and Catalysing a Just Transition to Net Zero (total funding: £11,109,202); Network+ for Hydrogen-fuelled Transportation (EP/S032134/1; total funding: £966,316); The Road to Hydrogen: A Hydrogen Fuel Cell HGV Demonstration Project (10011534; total funding: £411,540); and Overview on Hydrogen Scalability, Transport, Storage and Distribution (total funding: £23,500). These projects are/were funded through Research England Development Fund; Innovate UK; and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult respectively. She leads sustainability and policy research in a Horizon project, Demonstration of a Digitized Energy System Integration across Sectors Enhancing Flexibility and Resilience towards an Efficient, Sustainable, Cost-optimised, Affordable, Secure and Stable Energy Supply (10040861; total funding: €9,621,673).

As a Co-Investigator for the Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre project (EP/V027050/1; total funding: £19,903,412), she led and co-led post-doctoral researchers in developing a digital twin and a smart decision modelling tool in two 2-year projects respectively, i.e., An Integrated Energy System Planning Tool for Net Zero Industrial Clusters and A Smart Decision Modelling for Industrial Cluster Decarbonisation, respectively.

She also led a 14-month project, Energy Recovery and Utilisation, which was funded through Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Impact Acceleration Account to develop a mobile thermal battery system using liquid desiccant technology (total funding: £57,983). She is also co-Investigator in other active/recent projects funded by Innovate UK and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Impact Acceleration Account. These include Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops: Setting a New Standard (10054907; total funding: £499,947); UK-India Foundation Industries Sustainable Thermal Energy Management Collaboration (10019361; total funding: £79,923); and A Decarbonisation Plan for the Church of England (total funding: £34,165).

Janie has the specialist skills essential to project management, which are built upon her qualification (MSc in Project Management) and strengthened via professional development (PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner certificates in Project Management) and hands-on experience in managing multiple research projects. She has organised and delivered more than 25 national and international stakeholder engagement events, and she is champion for equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Research interests

  • Life cycle assessment
  • Decarbonisation
  • Hydrogen fuelled transportation
  • Hydrogen technology
  • Energy systems integration
  • Thermal management
  • Waste heat recovery
  • Sustainability
  • Carbon capture, storage and utilisation


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article