Staff profile
Dr Jake Phipps
Teaching Assistant

Affiliation |
Teaching Assistant in the Department of English Studies |
Background, Teaching, and Research
I completed my PhD at Durham University in 2021, under the supervision of Professor Fiona Robertson and Professor Mark Sandy. My dissertation 'That Ill Opinion': Robert Burns and the British Romantic Tradition, focused on Robert Burns's influence on major English poets of the Romantic period, with chapters on Wordsworth, Keats, and Byron. This project was generously funded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (DDS). I have published on Burns, Wordsworth, Byron, and T.S. Eliot, with my work appearing in Romanticism, The Byron Journal, The Charles Lamb Bulletin, and The Wordsworth Circle. I am currently working on developing my PhD thesis into my first monograph.
I have been tutoring at Durham since 2018, where I have taught on Ancient Worlds (formerly Classical and Biblical Backgrounds to English Lit) and Introduction to Poetry. I am also an Associate Lecturer at Newcastle University, where I have taught across all years of the undergraduate degree, and have supervised final-year dissertations on a range of topics, including E.M. Forster, Leo Tolstoy, and Plato.
In April 2023, I undertook a guest-lectureship at Chuo University's Institute of Policy and Cultural Studies, Tokyo, Japan, where I lectured on British Romantic Literature and Culture.
Forthcoming: 'So We'll Go No More A Roving': The Language of Love and Friendship in Byron's Letters, edited chapter in Romantic Synchronicity: Literary Coincidence and the Poetics of Simultaneity (EUP 2024)
'A Long and Clamorous Bray': Echo and Allusion in Wordsworth's Peter Bell, The Wordsworth Circle, 53.4 (Summer, 2023)
'The Art of Easy Writing': The Case of Burns and Byron, Romanticism, 28.3, September 2022
'By Contraries Joined': Wordsworth's Friendship with Burns, The Charles Lamb Bulletin, December 2021
Antithetical Minds: Eliot's Byron and Byron's Burns, The Byron Journal, 49.1, November 2020
Current Resarch:
I am currently working on three projects: I am in the process of turning my PhD thesis into a monograph; I am developing a new project focused on friendship in Romantic poetry, tentatively titled 'Reciprocities of the Imagination: Friendship and Influence in Romantic Poetry'. This project focuses on a wide cast of Romantic poets and their circles, including Burns, William and Dorothy Wordsworth, S.T. Coleridge, Keats and his circle, as well as Byron, Scott, and Moore; and I am a co-investigator for the international and interdicplinary project 'The Science of Literature: Interdisciplinary Study of Textual Influence Based on Context-Oriented Machine Leaning'. This long-term project brings together scholars from Digital Humanities, Philosophy, Linguistics, and Literary Studies.
Research interests
- Romantic Period Literature; Poetry and Poetics; Influence Study