Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography | |
Senior Fellow in the Global Policy Institute Journal | |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Authored book
- Vradis, A., Papada, E., Painter, J., & Papoutsi, A. (2018). New Borders: Hotspots and the European Migration Regime. Pluto Books
- Painter, J., & Jeffrey, A. (2011). Geografia politica. UTET
- Painter, J., & Jeffrey, A. (2009). Political geography: an introduction to space and power. (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications
- Cloke, P., Cook, I., Crang, P., Goodwin, M., Painter, J., & Philo, C. (2004). P. Cloke, I. Cook, P. Crang, M. Goodwin, J. Painter, & C. Philo (Eds.), Practising human geography. SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (1995). Politics, geography and 'political geography': a critical perspective. Edward Arnold
Chapter in book
- Askins, K., Burton, K., Norcup, J., Painter, J., & Sidaway, J. (2021). The United Kingdom. In L. Berg, U. Best, M. Gilmartin, & H. Larsen (Eds.), Placing Critical Geography: Historical Geographies of Critical Geography. Routledge.
- Lewis, S., Hudson, M., & Painter, J. (2018). Revealing a 'Hidden Civil War': a serendipitous methodology. In A. Plows (Ed.), Messy ethnographies in action (13-22). Vernon Press
- Painter, J. (2015). Power. In J. Agnew, V. Mamadouh, A. Secor, & J. Sharp (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell companion to political geography (141-151). Wiley.
- Painter, J. (2011). Conceptualizing "society" and "state". In B. Mitchneck (Ed.), State, society, and transformation (20-49). Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
- Painter, J. (2009). Territorio/rete = Territory/network. In E. dell'Agnese (Ed.), Geo-grafia : strumenti e parole (137-163). Edizioni Unicopli
- Painter, J. (2009). Urbanism lite. In A. Amin, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Thinking about almost everything (102-103). Profile Books
- Painter, J. (2009). Territoire et réseau: une fausse dichotomie? = Territory and network: a false dichotomy?. In M. Vanier (Ed.), Territoires, territorialité, territorialisation : controverses et perspectives = Territories, territoriality, territorialisation : controversies and perspectives (57-66). Presses Universitaires de Rennes
- Painter, J. (2008). Geographies of space and power. In K. Cox, M. Low, & J. Robinson (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of political geography (57-72). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (2005). Governmentality and regional economic strategies. In J. Hillier, & E. Rooksby (Eds.), Habitus : a sense of place (131-157). (2nd ed.). Ashgate Publishing
- Painter, J. (2005). State: society. In P. Cloke, & R. Johnston (Eds.), Spaces of geographical thought : deconstructing binaries (42-60). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (2002). Multi-level citizenship, identity and regions in contemporary Europe. In J. Anderson (Ed.), Transnational democracy : political spaces and border crossings (93-110). Routledge
- Painter, J. (2002). The rise of the workfare state. In R. Johnston, P. Taylor, & M. Watts (Eds.), Geographies of global change: remapping the world (158-173). Blackwell
- Painter, J. (2002). Governmentality and Regional Economic Strategies. In J. Hillier, & E. Rooksby (Eds.), Habitus: a sense of place (115-139). Ashgate Publishing
- O'Carroll, F., & Painter, J. (2002). Opportunities for study abroad: the SOCRATES-ERASMUS programme. In A. Rogers, & H. Viles (Eds.), The student's companion to geography (335-339). Blackwell
- Painter, J. (2002). Regulation theory, post-Fordism and urban politics. In S. Fainstein, & S. Campbell (Eds.), Readings in urban theory (92-109). Blackwell
- Painter, J. (2001). Regulation, regime and practice in urban politics. In B. Jessop (Ed.), Regulation theory and the crisis of capitalism : Vol. 5 ; Developments and extensions (63-86). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Painter, J., & Goodwin, M. (2000). Local governance after Fordism: a regulationist perspective. In G. Stoker (Ed.), The new politics of British local governance (33-53). Macmillan
- Painter, J. (2000). Pierre Bourdieu. In M. Crang, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Thinking space (239-259). Routledge
- Painter, J. (2000). Local government and governance. In V. Gardiner, & H. Matthews (Eds.), The changing geography of the UK (296-314). Routledge
- Painter, J. (2000). State and governance. In T. Barnes, & E. Sheppard (Eds.), A companion to economic geography (359-376). Blackwell
- Painter, J. (1999). New geographies of democracy in contemporary Europe. In A. Williams, & R. Hudson (Eds.), Divided Europe: society and territory (107-131). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (1998). Entrepreneurs are made, not born: learning and urban regimes in the production of entrepreneurial cities. In T. Hall, & P. Hubbard (Eds.), The entrepreneurial city: geographies of politics, regime and representation (259-274). Wiley
- Goodwin, M., & Painter, J. (1997). Concrete research, urban regimes and regulation theory. In M. Lauria (Ed.), Reconstructing regime theory: regulating urban politics in a global economy (13-29). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (1997). Local politics, anti-essentialism and economic geography. In R. Lee, & J. Wills (Eds.), Geographies of economies (98-107). Arnold
- Painter, J. (1997). Regulation, regime and practice in urban politics. In M. Lauria (Ed.), Reconstructing urban regime theory : regulating urban politics in a global economy (122-143). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (1995). Regulation theory, post-Fordism and urban politics. In D. Judge, G. Stoker, & H. Wolman (Eds.), Theories of urban politics (276-295). SAGE Publications
- Painter, J. (1995). The regulatory state: the corporate welfare state and beyond. In R. Johnston, P. Taylor, & M. Watts (Eds.), Geographies of global change: remapping the world in the late twentieth century (127-143). Blackwell
- Painter, J. (1995). The culture of competition. In J. Bourn (Ed.), Public sector management (719-729). Dartmouth Publishing
- Massey, D., & Painter, J. (1989). The changing geography of trade unions. In J. Mohan (Ed.), The political geography of contemporary Britain (130-150). Macmillan
Conference Paper
Edited book
- Featherstone, D., & Painter, J. (Eds.). (2013). Spatial politics: essays for Doreen Massey. Wiley
- Atkinson, S., Fuller, S., & Painter, J. (Eds.). (2012). Wellbeing and place. Ashgate Publishing
Journal Article
- McFarlane, C., Langley, P., Lewis, S., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2023). Interrogating ‘urban social innovation’: relationality and urban change in Berlin. Urban Geography, 44(2), 337-357.
- Vradis, A., Papada, E., Papoutsi, A., & Painter, J. (2020). Governing mobility in times of crisis: Practicing the border and embodying resistance in and beyond the hotspot infrastructure. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(6), 981-990.
- Papada, E., Papoutsi, A., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2020). Pop-up governance: transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015-2017. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(6), 1028-1045.
- Papoutsi, A., Painter, J., Papada, E., & Vradis, A. (2019). The EC hotspot approach in Greece: creating liminal EU territory. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(12), 2200-2212.
- Painter, J. (2017). Why we need to talk about money. Soundings, Summer 2017(66), 34-39
- Painter, J., Papada, E., Papoutsi, A., & Vradis, A. (2017). Hotspot politics―or, when the EU state gets real. Political Geography, 60, 259-260.
- Daley, P., McCann, E., Mountz, A., & Painter, J. (2017). Editorial. Re-imagining Politics and Space: Why here, why now?. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35(1), 3-5.
- Painter, J. (2016). Doreen Massey (1944-2016): an appreciation. Soundings, 63, 38-44
- Sharp, J., Cumbers, A., Painter, J., & Wood, N. (2014). Deciding whose future? Challenges and opportunities of the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 for Scotland and beyond. Political Geography, 41, 32-42.
- Painter, J. (2012). Regional biopolitics. Regional Studies, 47(8), 1235-1248.
- Painter, J. (2012). The politics of the neighbour. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(3), 515-533.
- Painter, J. (2010). Rethinking territory. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 42(5), 1090-1118.
- Bickerstaff, K., Bulkeley, H., & Painter, J. (2009). Symposium: Justice, nature and the city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(3), 591-600.
- Robinson, F., Zass-Ogilvie, I., & Painter, J. (2009). Brownfield regeneration and the public understanding of risks to health: a scoping study. Northern economic review, 39, 27-54
- Painter, J. (2008). Cartographic anxiety and the search for regionality. Environment and Planning A, 40(2), 342-361.
- Painter, J. (2008). European citizenship and the regions. European Urban and Regional Studies, 15(1), 5-19.
- Chaturvedi, S., & Painter, J. (2007). Whose world, whose order? Spatiality, geopolitics and the limits of the world order concept. Cooperation and Conflict, 42(4), 375-395.
- Painter, J. (2007). Stateness in action. Geoforum, 38(4), 605-607.
- Painter, J. (2007). What kind of citizenship for what kind of community?. Political Geography, 26(2), 221-224.
- Painter, J. (2006). Cartophilias and cartoneuroses. Area, 38(3), 345-347.
- Painter, J. (2006). Prosaic geographies of stateness. Political Geography, 25(7), 752-774.
- Bialasiewicz, L., Elden, S., & Painter, J. (2005). The Constitution of EU territory. Comparative European Politics, 3(3), 333-363.
- Bialasiewicz, L., Elden, S., & Painter, J. (2005). 'The best defence of our security lies in the spread of our values': Europe, America and the question of values. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23(2), 159-164.
- Painter, J. (2003). A Nemzetközi Kritikai Földrajzi Csoport = The International Critical Geography Group
- Painter, J. (2003). Towards a post-disciplinary political geography. Political Geography, 22(6), 637-639.
- Painter, J. (2003). Empire and citizenship. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 2(2), 248-253
- Painter, J. (2001). Space, territory and the European project: reflections on Agnew and Paasi. European Urban and Regional Studies, 8(1), 42-43
- Painter, J. (2000). A third way for Europe? Discourse, regulation and the European question in Britain. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 91(3), 227-236.
- Goodwin, M., & Painter, J. (1996). Local governance, the crises of Fordism and the changing geographies of regulation. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 21(4), 635-648.
- Painter, J., & Philo, C. (1995). Spaces of citizenship: an introduction. Political Geography, 14(2), 107-120
- Bakshi, P., Goodwin, M., Painter, J., & Southern, A. (1995). Gender, race, and class in the local welfare state: moving beyond regulation theory in analysing the transition from Fordism. Environment and Planning A, 27(10), 1539-1554.
- Painter, J., & Goodwin, M. (1995). Local governance and concrete research: investigating the uneven development of regulation. Economy and Society, 24(3), 334-356.
- Painter, J. (1994). Trade union geography: alternative frameworks for analysis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 19(1), 99-101
- Painter, J. (1992). The culture of competition. Public Policy and Administration, 7(1-2), 58-68.
- Painter, J. (1991). The geography of trade union responses to local government privatization. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 16(2), 214-226
- Painter, J. (1991). Compulsory competitive tendering in local government: the first round. Public Administration, 69, 191-210
- Painter, J. (1991). Regulation theory and local government. Local Government Studies, 17(6), 23-44.
Other (Print)
- Painter, J., Orton, A., MacLeod, D., Dominelli, L., & Pande, R. (2011). Connecting Localism and Community Empowerment: Research Review and Critical Synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme. Durham
- Painter, J. (1990). Seconds out, round two: the first round of compulsory competitive tendering
Working Paper
Supervision students
Anil Sindhwani
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Ihsan Abualrob
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Robbie Gilmore
Research Postgraduate (PhD)