Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History | +44 (0) 191 33 41669 |
I studied in Greece and the United States and worked in Australia before moving to Durham in 2016. My research interests revolve around the politics and poetics of Latin poetry, mainly of the age of Augustus. My first book (Ovid and Hesiod: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women, CUP 2013) offers the first wide-ranging study of Hesiod’s reception in Ovid. My second monograph (Law and Love in Ovid: Courting Justice in the Age of Augustus, OUP 2021) examines the ways in which poetic and legal discourse influence each other in Augustan Rome. I have also co-edited three volumes: Geography, Topography, Landscape (DeGruyter 2014) examines spatial constructions in Greek and Roman epic; Wordplay and Powerplay in Latin Poetry (De Gruyter 2016) examines the ways in which etymologies, puns, anagrams, and acronyms play a critical role in constructing poetic voices as politically powerful; Roman Law and Latin Literature (co-edited with Erica Bexley) offers a long overdue appraisal of the dynamic interactions between literary and legal discourse in the Roman world.
The resonance of Greco-Roman antiquity in our times is a major aspect of my research and teaching interests. I have published articles on the reception of classical literature in David Malouf, Salman Rushdie, and A.D. Hope.
When I am not wandering in the maze of Greek and Latin literature, I listen to music. I have a passion for classical music and hold a Diploma in violin from the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki.
Areas of Doctoral Supervision
I am keen to supervise students working on Latin poetry and its reception as well as those interested in law and classical literature. The reception of Greek poetry in Latin is one of my major research interest.
I am available to speak at schools on the following topics:
a) Metamorphosis in Ovid's Metamorphoses.
b) Law and Love in Latin Elegy.
c) Vergil's life and the Aeneid's Augustan Reception.
Research interests
- Latin Poetry
- Greek Epic
- Hellenistic Poetry
- Law and Literature
- Reception Studies, Intertextuality, Narratology
- Gender studies
Authored book
- Ziogas, I. (2021). Law and Love in Ovid: Courting Justice in the Age of Augustus. Oxford University Press
- Ziogas, I. (2013). Ovid and Hesiod: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women. Cambridge University Press.
Book review
- Ziogas, I. (online). Review of Christos Tsagalis, From Listeners to Viewers: Space in the Iliad. Washington, DC 2012. Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
- Ziogas, I. (online). Review of Andreas N. Michalopulos, Οβίδιος, Ηρωίδες 20-21: Ακόντιος και Κυδίππη. Εισαγωγή, Κείμενο, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια. Athens: Εκδόσεις Δημ. Ν. Παπαδήμα, 2014. Pp. 389. ISBN 9789602065969. Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
- Ziogas, I. (online). Review of Lee Fratantuono, Madness Transformed: a Reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011. Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
- Ziogas, I. (online). Review of Sophia Papaioannou, Redesigning Achilles: 'Recycling' the Epic Cycle in the 'Little Iliad': (Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.1-13.622). Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, Bd. 89. Berlin/New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2007. Pp. xii, 304. ISBN 9783110200485. Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
- Ziogas, I. (2019). Review of Ovid’s Homer: Authority, Repetition, and Reception. By Barbara Weiden Boyd.
- Ziogas, I. (2015). Virgilian Fama. Syson (A.) Fama and Fiction in Vergil's Aeneid . Pp. viii + 240. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2013. Cased, US$66.95. ISBN: 978-0-8142-1234-9. Classical Review, 65(2), 450-2.
- Ziogas, I. (2015). 2014. viii, 344p. ISBN 9781107046900
- Ziogas, I. (2011). Review of Johnson, P., Ovid Before Exile. Art and Punishment in the Metamorphoses. Madison, WI 2009
- Ziogas, I. (2010). Review of Burgess, J., The Death and Afterlife of Achilles. Baltimore 2009
Chapter in book
- Ziogas, I. (2021). Life and Death of the Greek Heroine in Odyssey 11 and the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women. In G. Gazis, & A. Hooper (Eds.), Aspects of death and the afterlife in Greek literature (55-74). Liverpool University Press
- Ziogas, I. (2018). Ovid's Hesiodic Voices. In A. Loney, & S. Scully (Eds.), Oxford handbook to Hesiod (377-393). Oxford University Press.
- Ziogas, I. (2018). Law and Literature in the Ancient World: The Case of Phryne. In K. Dolin (Ed.), Law and Literature (79-93). Cambridge University Press.
- Ziogas, I. (2017). Ovid and Catullus: The Silence of Time. In A. Michalopoulos, S. Papaioannou, & A. Zissos (Eds.), Dicite, Pierides (202-219). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Ziogas, I. (2016). Love Elegy and Legal Language in Ovid. In P. Mitsis, & I. Ziogas (Eds.), Wordplay and powerplay in Latin poetry (213-240). De Gruyter.
- Ziogas, I. (2016). Introduction: Power, Puns, and Politics from Horace to Silius Italicus. In P. Mitsis, & I. Ziogas (Eds.), Wordplay and powerplay in Latin poetry (1-12). De Gruyter.
- Ziogas, I. (2015). The Poet as Prince: Author and Authority under Augustus. In H. Baltussen, & P. Davis (Eds.), The art of veiled speech : self-censorship from Aristophanes to Hobbes (115-136). University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Skempis, M., & Ziogas, I. (2013). Introduction: Putting Epic Space in Context. In M. Skempis, & I. Ziogas (Eds.), Geography, topography, landscape : configurations of space in Greek and Roman epic (1-18). De Gruyter.
- Ziogas, I. (2013). The Topography of Epic Narrative in Ovid's Metamorphoses. In M. Skempis, & I. Ziogas (Eds.), Geography, topography, landscape : configurations of space in Greek and Roman epic (325-348). De Gruyter.
- Ziogas, I. (2011). The Myth is Out There: Reality and Fiction at Tomis (David Malouf's An Imaginary Life). In J. Ingleheart (Ed.), Two thousand years of solitude : exile after Ovid (289-305). Oxford University Press.
- Skempis, M., & Ziogas, I. (2009). Arete's Words: Etymology, Ehoie-poetry and Gendered Narrative in the Odyssey. In J. Grethlein, & A. Rengakos (Eds.), Narratology and interpretation : the content of narrative form in ancient literature (213-240). De Gruyter
Edited book
- Ziogas, I., & Bexley, E. (Eds.). (in press). Roman Law and Latin Literature. Bloomsbury
- Ziogas, I., & Mitsis, P. (Eds.). (2016). Wordplay and Powerplay in Latin Poetry. De Gruyter.
- Skempis, M., & Ziogas, I. (Eds.). (2014). Geography, Topography, Landscape: Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic. De Gruyter.
Journal Article
- Ziogas, I. (online). Singing for Octavia: Vergil’s Life and Marcellus’ Death. Harvard studies in classical philology, 429-481
- Ziogas, I. (2022). Armonías discordantes: la musomachia de Ovidio (Fastos V, 1-110) y la política de la recepción hesiódica. Auster, 27, Article e074.
- Ziogas, I. (2021). Etymological Law. Incontri di filologia classica, 19, 179-200.
- Ziogas, I. (2016). Orpheus and the Law: The Story of Myrrha in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Law in context (Bundoora), 34(1), 24-41
- Ziogas, I. (2016). Famous Last Words: Caesar's Prophecy on the Ides of March. Antichthon, 50, 134-153.
- Ziogas, I. (2014). Sparse Spartan Verse: Filling Gaps in The Thermopylae Epigram. Ramus, 43(02), 115-133.
- Ziogas, I. (2014). Stripping the Roman Ladies: Ovid's Rites and Readers. Classical Quarterly, 64(02), 735-744.
- Ziogas, I. (2011). Ovid as a Hesiodic Poet: Atalanta in the Catalogue of Women (fr. 72-6 M-W) and the Metamorphoses (10.560-707). Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies, 64(2), 249-70.
- Ziogas, I. (2011). Ovid in Rushdie, Rushdie in Ovid: A Nexus of Artistic Webs
- Ziogas, I. (2010). The Permanence of Cupid's Metamorphosis in the Aeneid. Trends in Classics, 2(1), 150-174.