Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43725 |
i) Responsibilities within Department
Member of the undergraduate admissions team
i) Teaching Activity
A lecturer of the level 3 module "Condensed Matter Physics"
Level 3 Nuclear Physics Laboratory Supervisor (Michaelmas and Epiphany Terms)
Level 4 project supervisor
A lecturer of the postgraduate condensed matter physics course
Research Interests
My research activities lie in the field of experimental condensed matter physics. I am particularly interested the magnetic properties of materials such as transition metal oxides, organic magnets and magnetic nanoparticles. Measurements on these systems are carried out with a commercial QD MPMS magnetometer as well as a dc SQUID-based magnetometer developed in-house which is capable low field magnetometry at temperatures above 300 mK. Other instrumentation includes a 9GHZ ESR spectrometer operating between 100K and 550K and electrical transport systems for temperatures ranging from 2K to 1300K. I also use international facilities (ISIS, Paul Scherrer Institut, Institut Laue-Langevin) for other magnetic measurements.
Esteem Indicators
- 2000:
Member of the ISIS muon facility access panel.
: Member of the ISIS muon facility access panel.
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Giblin, S., Terry, I., Leighton, C., & Wu, J. (online). Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation in LaCoO3
- Read, D., Terry, I., Goetz, H., & Eska, G. (online). Electrical and Magnetic Measurements of Cd1-xMnxTe:In at the Metal-Insulator Transition
- Vonmolnar, S., Terry, I., Becla, P., Penney, T., & Mcelfresh, M. (online). Localization And The Insulator Metal Transition In Magnetic Semiconductors. Institute of physics conference series, 29-39
- Terry, I., Giblin, S., Zaidi, N., & Monkman, A. (online). Room Temperature Magnetic Ordering in an Organic Polymer
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (online). Electrical Transport Close to The Metal-Insulator Transition in CdMnTe:In
- Read, D., Leighton, C., Terry, I., Becla, P., Goetz, H., Taubenreuther, K., Hristakos, L., Nazaretski, E., & Eska, G. (online). Low temperature electrical conductivity of Cd_1-xMn_xTe:In close to the metal insulator transition
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2023). Driving a Molecular Spin-Peierls System into a Short Range Ordered State through Chemical Substitution. Magnetochemistry, 9(6), Article 150.
- Berlie, A., & Terry, I. (2022). Possible realization of the Majumdar-Ghosh point in the mineral szenicsite. Physical Review B, 105(22), Article L220404.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Szablewski, M., Telling, M., Apperley, D., Hodgkinson, P., & Zeller, D. (2022). A study of the dynamics and structure of the dielectric anomaly within the molecular solid TEA(TCNQ)2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(12), 7481-7492.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Szablewski, M., & Quinn, K. (2020). No evidence for room temperature ferromagnetism in the high temperature metal-organic material: Ni2TCNQ. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33(6),
- Bossin, L., Bailiff, I., & Terry, I. (2020). Radiological emergency dosimetry – The use of luminescent mineral fillers in polymer-based fabrics. Radiation Measurements, 134, Article 106318.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Cottrell, S. P., Hu, W., & Liu, Y. (2020). Understanding the role of electrons in the magnetism of a colossal permittivity dielectric material. Materials Horizons, 7(1), 188-192.
- Bossin, L., Bailiff, I. K., & Terry, I. (2018). Phototransferred TL properties of alumina substrates. Radiation Measurements, 120, 41-46.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2018). A 3D antiferromagnetic ground state in a quasi-1D π-stacked charge-transfer system. Journal of Materials Chemistry C Materials for optical and electronic devices, 6(46), 12468-12472.
- Berlie, A., & Terry, I. (2017). Absence of quantum criticality and bulk 3D magnetism in green dioptase. European Physical Society Letters, 120(4), Article 47006.
- Bossin, L., Bailiff, I. K., & Terry, I. (2017). Luminescence characteristics of some common polyester fabrics: Application to emergency dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 106, 436-442.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Szablewski, M., Xiao, F., & Williams, R. C. (2017). A collapse of ferromagnetism in an organic based magnet under pressure. Materials Research Express, 4(2), Article 026103.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Cottrell, S., Pratt, F., & Szablewski, M. (2017). Magnetic ordering of defects in a molecular spin-Peierls system. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29(2), Article 025809.
- Gutiérrez Seijas, J., Prado-Gonjal, J., Ávila Brande, D., Terry, I., Morán, E., & Schmidt, R. (2017). Microwave-Assisted Synthesis, Microstructure, and Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth Cobaltites. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(1), 627-633.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Liu, Y., & Szablewski, M. (2016). Dipolar Glass and Magneto-Electric Coupling Within a π-stacked Organic system. Journal of Materials Chemistry C Materials for optical and electronic devices, 4, 6090-6095.
- Terry, I., Adams, P., Bykovetz, N., Giblin, S., Guguchi, Z., Khasanov, R., Klein, J., Lin, C., & Liu, T. (2016). An exploration of some magnetic fundamentals in EuSe using μSR. AIP Advances, 6(5),
- Prado-Gonjal, J., Gutiérrez-Seijas, J., Herrero Ansorregui, I., Morán, E., Terry, I., & Schmidt, R. (2016). The role of defects in microwave and conventionally synthesized LaCoO3 perovskite. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36(5), 1197-1206.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Szablewski, M., & Giblin, S. (2016). Tuneability and criticality in a three-dimensional stacked molecular system. Physical Review B, 93(5), Article 054422.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Szablewski, M., & Giblin, S. (2015). Separating the ferromagnetic and glassy behavior within the metal-organic magnet Ni(TCNQ)2. Physical review B, 92(18), Article 184431.
- Kouroukla, E., Bailiff, I., Terry, I., & Bowen, L. (2014). Luminescence characterisation of alumina substrates using cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy. Radiation Measurements, 71,
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2013). Controlling nickel nanoparticle size in an organic/metal-organic matrix through the use of different solvents. Nanoscale, 5(24), 12212-12223.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2013). A Magnetic Study of Low Moment Nickel Clusters Formed from the Solid-State Decomposition Reaction of Nickel bis-1,5-Cyclooctadiene. Journal of Cluster Science, 24(4), 1057-1066.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., Giblin, S., Lancaster, T., & Szablewski, M. (2013). A muon spin relaxation study of the metal-organic magnet Ni(TCNQ)2. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(17), Article 17E304.
- Giblin, S., Bramwell, S., Holdsworth, P., Prabhakaran, D., & Terry, I. (2011). Creation and measurement of long-lived magnetic monopole currents in spin ice. Nature Physics, 7(3), 252-258.
- Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2011). A sample holder for measuring the magnetic properties of air-sensitive compounds. Measurement Science and Technology, 22(1),
- Giblin, S., Terry, I., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., & Leighton, C. (2009). Low-temperature interactions of magnetic excitons in LaCoO(3). Physical review B, 79(17), Article 174410.
- Schmidt, R., Wu, J., Leighton, C., & Terry, I. (2009). Dielectric response to the low-temperature magnetic defect structure and spin state transition in polycrystalline LaCoO(3). Physical review B, 79(12), Article 125105.
- Giblin, S., Champion, J., Zhou, H., Wiebe, C., Gardner, J., Terry, I., Calder, S., Fennell, T., & Bramwell, S. (2008). Static Magnetic Order in Tb(2)Sn(2)O(7) Revealed by Muon Spin Relaxation with Exterior Muon Implantation. Physical Review Letters, 101(23), Article 237201.
- Nguyen, H., Howard, L., Stinton, G., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., Ross, I., Serres, A., & Evans, J. (2006). Synthesis of size controlled fcc and fct FePt nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials, 18(26), 6414-6418.
- Read, D., Terry, I., & Giblin, S. (2006). Low temperature magnetic susceptometer based upon a dc superconducting quantum interference device. Review of Scientific Instruments, 77(10),
- Giblin, S., Terry, I., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Wu, J., & Leighton, C. (2006). Local matrix-cluster interactions in a phase separated perovskite. Physical review B, 74(10),
- Ashcroft, G., & Terry, I. (2006). Resonant properties of a Flanders alternating gradient fieldmagnetometer: influence of temperature and magnetic moment. Measurement Science and Technology, 17(8), 2263-2268
- Giblin, S., Terry, I., Read, D., Hillier, A., & Becla, P. (2006). Probing the magnetic ground state of the DX- center in Cd1-xMnxTe: In using muon spin relaxation. Physical review B, 73(5),
- Ashcroft, G., Terry, I., & Gover, R. (2006). Study of the preparation conditions for NiMn2O4 grown from hydroxideprecursors. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26(6), 901-908
- Howard, L., Nguyen, H., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., & Evans, J. (2005). A synthetic route to size-controlled fcc and fct FePt nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(29), 10140-10141.
- Giblin, S., Terry, I., Clark, S., Prokscha, T., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Wu, J., & Leighton, C. (2005). Observation of magnetic excitons in LaCoO 3. European Physical Society Letters, 70(5), 677-683.
- Nguyen, H., Howard, L., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., Ross, I., Serres, A., Burckstummer, H., & Evans, J. (2005). Synthesis of monodispersed fcc and fct FePt/FePd nanoparticles bymicrowave irradiation. Journal of materials chemistry, 15(48), 5136-5143
- Parkinson, N., Hatton, P., Howard, J., Giblin, S., Terry, I., Ritter, C., Mok, B., & Wu, M. (2005). Study of the magnetic interactions in Ba2PrRu1-xCuxO6 using neutron powder diffraction. Journal of materials chemistry, 15(13), 1375-1383.
- Zaidi, N., Giblin, S., Terry, I., & Monkman, A. (2004). Room temperature magnetic order in an organic magnet derived from polyaniline. Polymer, 45(16), 5683-5689.
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (1999). Nearest neighbor hopping in Cd0.83Mn0.17Te : In, controlled bypersistent photoconductivity. Solid State Communications, 110(10), 531-536
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (1998). Metal-insulator Transition In The Persistent Photoconductor Cd1-xMnxTe : In. European Physical Society Letters, 42(1), 67-72.
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (1998). Metallic Conductivity Near The Metal-insulator Transition In Cd1-xmnxte. Physical Review B, 58, 9773-9782
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (1998). Reply To Comments On "metal-insulator Transition In The Persistent Photoconductor Cd1-xmnxte : In"
- Horsfall, A., Terry, I., Jackson, W., Brinkman, A., & Oktik, S. (1997). Magnetic Measurements On Hgmnte Epitaxial Layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 81, 4868-4868
- Leighton, C., Terry, I., & Becla, P. (1997). Persistent photoconductivity at elevated temperatures in Cd1-xMnxTe:In. Physical Review B, 56, 6689-6697
- Horsfall, A., Oktik, S., Terry, I., & Brinkman, A. (1996). Electrical Measurements Of Hg1-xmnxte Films Grown By Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 159, 1085-1089
- Terry, I., Penney, T., Vonmolnar, S., & Becla, P. (1996). Low Temperature Magnetoresistance Of The Persistent Photoconductor Cd0.9mn0.1te:in. Journal of Crystal Growth, 159, 1070-1074
- Terry, I., Penney, T., Vonmolnar, S., & Becla, P. (1994). Hopping Conduction Near The Metal-insulator-transition In Cdmnte - In And Evidence For A Magnetic Hard Gap In The Density-of-states. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 8, 905-912
- von Molnár, S., Terry, I., Penney, T., & Becla, P. (1994). Local magnetization and magnetotransport in magnetic semiconductors. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 197, 151-157
- Penney, T., Terry, I., Vonmolnar, S., & Becla, P. (1993). Evidence For A Magnetic Hard Gap In The Density-of-states Of A Magnetic Semiconductor Near The Metal-insulator-transition. Journal of Applied Physics, 73, 5750-5750
- Terry, I., Penney, T., Vonmolnar, S., Rigotty, J., & Becla, P. (1992). Band Tails And The Insulator-metal Transition In The Persistent Photoconductor Cd1-xmnxtein. Solid State Communications, 84, 235-240
- Terry, I., Penney, T., von Molnár, S., & Becla, P. (1992). Low-temperature transport properties of Cd0.91Mn0.09Te:In and evidence for a magnetic hard gap in the density of states. Physical Review Letters, 69, 1800-1803
- Terry, I., Vonmolnar, S., Torressen, A., & Becla, P. (1992). Magnetic-field Dependence Of The Dielectric-constant In Cd1-xmnxte - In On Approaching The Insulator-to-metal Transition. Philosophical Magazine B-physics Of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical And Magnetic Properties, 65, 1245-1254
- Terry, I., Becla, P., & Penney, T. (1991). The Influence Of Local Magnetization Of Magnetotransport In Cd0.92mn0.08te-in. Journal of Applied Physics, 70, 5834-5834
- Terry, I., Meredith, D., & Wigmore, J. (1989). LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Charge hologram in Bi₁₂GeO₂₀ created by phonon-enhanced tunnelling from shallow traps. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 4, 824-827