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Humaid Al Hatmi

Research Postgraduate - Electrical Power Node

Research Postgraduate - Electrical Power Node in the Department of Engineering



Humaid is a PhD student in Electrical power node in engineering. He got his Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Nottingham University-UK in 2015 and Bachelor degree in Electrical engineering form Higher College of Technology-Muscat in 2012. He is currently doing PhD in renewable energy systems to develop a novel technique for reactive power control of grid connected solar farms.

Research project

During the last decays, demands for sustainable energy installation based on the renewable energy resources has rapidly increased, as a result of continuing concerns about energy security, climate change, global warming and Green House Gas (GHG) emission. Power generation from clean energy resources e.g. solar and wind energy, have been recognised as an effective way to mitigate the impacts of climate change and supplying sustainable energy. In this trend, energy harvesting based on the photovoltaic (PV) systems is expected to play a very significant role in the decarbonised future economy, especially in developing countries.

 Power generation from new and renewable energy resources helps reduce carbon emissions, however it brings new challenges in maintaining power grid stability. Reactive power generation and control might be one of the major challenges for the grid connected photovoltaic systems. The key objective of this project is to develop novel techniques for reactive power control in grid connected solar farms.