Staff profile
Professor Hongjian Sun
Professor, Director of Research
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor, Director of Research in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 42478 |
Professor Hongjian Sun received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Edinburgh (U.K.) and then took postdoctoral positions at King’s College London (U.K.) and Princeton University (USA). Since April 2013, he has been with the Department of Engineering at the University of Durham. He is the Director of Research and Professor (Chair) in Smart Grid in the Department of Engineering, a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of Durham Energy Institute, and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy.
There are a couple of PhD vacancies in his research group, please make contact to know more information.I
Professor Sun has been on the Editorial Board of:
- IET Smart Grid as the Editor in Chief
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Guest Editor 2019)
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Guest Editor 2022)
- Journal of Communications and Networks as an Editor;
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking as an Associate Editor (2015-2018)
- IEEE Communications Magazine (Guest Editor 2016-2017).
He served as an organizing chair for over 10 workshops/symposium. Recent examples are:
- IEEE ICC'2020 - Smart Grid Communications, Dublin, June 2020.
- IEEE Smartgridcom'2023 - Data Analytics and Computation, Glasgow, Oct-Nov 2023.
- IEEE ICC'2024, June 2024 in Denver, USA.
Research and Projects
Prof. Sun is the Head of Durham Smart Grid Laboratory and leads Smart Grid research activities focused on: (i) demand side management and demand response, and (ii) renewable energy sources integration and virtual power plants. He has an established track record of publishing high quality scientific articles, with over 180 papers in refereed journals and international conferences. He has made contributions to and coauthored the IEEE 1900.6a-2014 Standard, secured 2 granted patents, and published 5 book chapters and 2 books.
Prof. Sun has been the Principle Investigator or Co-Investigator on a number of projects, with funding successes from the EU H2020, EU ERDF, UK EPSRC, UK BEIS, Ofgem, Innovate UK, and industry. These projects include:
- H2020 "TESTBED2" project - €1.4M;
- H2020 “TESTBED” project - €882k;
- EPSRC "CHEDDAR" project - £3M;
- DSIT "CHEDDAR -Uplift" project - £8.5M;
- EPSRC “TOPMOST” project - £101k;
- EPSRC DecarboN8 project - £1.3M;
- H2020 “SmarterEMC2” project - €3.7M;
- EU ERDF "SWIi" project - £2.5M;
- UKRI "VPP-WARD" project - £1.84M;
- UK BEIS "USER" project - £1M;
- UK Ofgem/National Grid "CVDT" project -£880k.
In the past, he was the key researcher for EPSRC project "Robust Intelligent Lamp Post (ILP) Sensor Networks for Energy Efficient Transportation Systems" and Korean ETRI project "Cognitive Radio Technology".
Research interests
- Smart Grid and Smart Energy
- Demand Side Management and Demand Response
- Virtual Power Plant and Energy hub
- Internet of Things and Communications
- Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and Management
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: EPSRC Commendation for the top 4% of members of the Peer Review College:
- 2018: Durham University Celebrating Excellence Nomination:
- 2017: Written evidence to the Parliament EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee:
A response to the Parliament EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee's inquiry on Brexit: energy security.
- 2016: Written evidence to the Parliament Energy and Climate Change Committee: A response to the Parliament Energy and Climate Change Committee's Low carbon network infrastructure inquiry.
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Li, D., Chiu, W.-Y., & Sun, H. (2016). Demand Side Management in Microgrid Control Systems. In M. S. Mahmoud (Ed.), Microgrid: Advanced Control Methods and Renewable Energy System Integration. Elsevier
- Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2016). Relaying Technologies for Smart Grid. In I. Krikidis, & G. Zheng (Eds.), Relay Technologies in Future Cooperative Communication Systems. IET Press
- Ahmad, B. I., Sun, H., Ling, C., & Nallanathan, A. (2014). Paving A Wider Way for Multimedia Over Cognitive Radios: An Overview of Wideband Spectrum Sensing Algorithms. In F. Hu, & S. Kumar (Eds.), Multimedia Over Cognitive Radio Networks: Algorithms, Protocols, and Experiments. Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., & Jiang, J. (2013). Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Compressed Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. In A. Y. Carmi, L. S. Mihaylova, & S. J. Godsill (Eds.), Compressed Sensing & Sparse Filtering (149-185). Springer Press.
Conference Paper
- Du, J., Harsh, P., & Sun, H. (2024, December). Optimal Energy Scheduling of Digital Twins Based Integrated Energy System. Presented at The 4th International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy, Sydney
- Heron, J., & Sun, H. (2019, December). Smart Electric Vehicle Charging with Ideal and Practical Communications in Smart Grids. Presented at IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), HI, USA
- Touya, E., & Sun, H. (2018, December). Managing Distributed Generation in a Microgrid with Privacy Preservation. Presented at International Congress of Electric Distribution (CIDEL 2018), Buenos Aires City, Argentina
- Lin, R., Jiang, J., Bao, H., & Sun, H. (2024, July). Coordinated Control for Smoothing Wind Power Fluctuation using Energy Storage Systems. Presented at 28th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece
- Gonzalez-Osuna, E., Correa-Delval, M., & Sun, H. (2024, November). Decarbonising Heating with Power-Hydrogen Optimisation. Presented at 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation ICREC 2024, Rome, Italy
- Bisu, A. A., Gallant, A., & Sun, H. (2024, October). HYBIC: An Improved Congestion Control Algorithm for Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks in 5G and Beyond Communications. Presented at 2024 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Dubai, UAE
- Dua, A., Singh Aujla, G., Jindal, A., & Sun, H. (2024, December). Green AutoML: Energy-Efficient AI Deployment Across the Edge-Fog-Cloud Continuum. Presented at IEEE Global Communications Conference - Workshop on Next-Gen Healthcare Fusion (NgHF): AI-driven Secure Integrated Networks for Healthcare IoT Systems, Cape Town, South Africa
- Nie, D., Yu, W., Foh, C. H., Ni, Q., Chen, L., Berri, S., Chorti, A., & Sun, H. (2025, May). Efficient Context-Aware Barring Scheme for Low-Latency 2-Step RACH in 5G Networks. Presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2025: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications - Workshop, London
- Liu, J., Kazemtabrizi, B., Du, H., Matthews, P., & Sun, H. (2024, November). An Integrated Stacked Sparse Autoencoder and CNN-BLSTM Model for Ultra-Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting with Advanced Feature Learning. Presented at 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chicago, USA
- Bisu, A. A., Sun, H., & Gallant, A. (2025, January). Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network for Smart Grid Communications in 6G Era. Presented at 2025 IEEE 15th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
- Santana, M. A., Stefanakos, I., Fang, X., Garg, A., Sun, H., & Osman, A. (2024, November). Weather Impact on DER Long-term Performance: A Formal Verification Approach. Presented at 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Bangalore, India
- Ezeokafor, C., Harsh, P., & Sun, H. (2024, November). Multi-Objective Optimisation for Energy Scheduling in Smart Grids using Peer-to-Peer Trading. Presented at IEEE PES Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Sydney, Australia
- Harsh, P., Sun, H., Awagan, G., & Jiang, J. (2024, November). Energy scheduling of technical virtual power plant considering incentive-based demand response program and distribution network reconfiguration. Presented at IECON 2024 - 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chicago, IL, USA
- Brown, M., & Sun, H. (2024, July). Compact Implantable Antenna Design for Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker System. Presented at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNC‐URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI), Firenze, Italy
- Alshammari, A., Iqbal, A., Simorangkir, R. B., Hongjian, S., & Mabrouk., I. B. (2024, July). Ultra-Miniaturized In-Band Full-Duplex Implantable Antenna for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy. Presented at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNC‐URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI), Firenze, Italy
- Garg;, A., Aujla, G., & Sun, H. (2023, October). Analyzing Impact of Data Uncertainty in Distributed Energy Resources using Bayesian Networks. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Glasgow, UK
- Thomas, H., Sun, H., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, March). Calculating the Maximum Penetration of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks with Renewable Energy and V2G. Presented at ISGT ME 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Garg, A., Aujla, G., & Sun, H. (2023, October). Techno-Economic-Environmental Analysis for Net-Zero Sustainable Residential Buildings. Presented at IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023, Grenoble, France
- Chen, W., Sun, H., Jiang, J., You, M., & Piper, W. (2022, November). Protecting privacy in microgrids using federated learning and deep reinforcement learning. Presented at 12th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2022), Hong Kong, China
- Hua, W., Jing, R., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2023, November). Blockchain Smart Contracts for Grid Connection Management in Achieving Net Zero Energy Systems. Presented at 13th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2021), Bangkok
- Correa-Delval, M., Sun, H., Matthews, P. C., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2022, September). Appliance Scheduling Optimisation Method Using Historical Data in Households with RES Generation and Battery Storage Systems. Presented at 2022 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE 2021), Beijing, China
- Dong, Z., Jiang, J., Qian, H., & Sun, H. (2022, October). Demand side management considering household appliances and EV. Presented at 6th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2022), Chengdu, China
- Zhan, Q., Liu, N., Pan, Z., & Sun, H. (2022, May). Statistical Power Grid Observability under NOMA-based Communication Constraints. Presented at 2022 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communications and Big Data., Qingdao, China
- Zhan, Q., Liu, N., Pan, Z., & Sun, H. (2022, May). Statistical Power Grid Observability under Finite Blocklength. Presented at 2022 3rd International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things, Qingdao, China
- Deng, H., Jiang, J., Qian, H., & Sun, H. (2022, October). A Microgrid Management System Based on Metaheuristics Particle Swarm Optimization. Presented at 6th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2022), Chengdu, China
- Piper, W., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2022, September). Digital Twins for Smart Cities: Case Study and Visualisation via Mixed Reality. Presented at 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), London
- Copsey, E., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2022, September). Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Design for Mitigating Thermal Runaway Propagation. Presented at 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), London
- Mackie, M., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2021, October). Reinforcement Learning Based Load Balancing for Geographically Distributed Data centres. Presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe) 2021, Espoo, Finland
- Alnasser, A., & Sun, H. (2021, May). Trust-based Model for Securing Vehicular Networks Against RSU Attacks. Presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Vancouver, BC
- Almazroa, A., & Sun, H. (2021, April). An Internet of Things (IoT) Homecare Management System Using Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification. Presented at 11th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris
- Boyd, A., Sun, H., Black, M., & Jesson, S. (2021, September). Short-term load forecasting using artificial neural networks and social media data. Presented at CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Online Conference
- You, M., Zheng, G., & Sun, H. (2021, June). A Data Augmentation based DNN Approach for Outage-Constrained Robust Beamforming. Presented at ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Montreal, Quebec
- Correa-Delval, M., Sun, H., Matthews, P., & Jiang, J. (2021, October). Appliance Classification using BiLSTM Neural Networks and Feature Extraction. Presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), Espoo, Finland
- Meinke, R.-J., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2020, June). Optimising Demand and Bid Matching in a Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Model. Presented at 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland
- Hernandez Cedillo, M., & Sun, H. (2020, November). Data-driven Pricing and Control for Low Carbon V2G Charging Station with Balancing Services. Presented at 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Tempe, AZ
- Bisu, A., Gallant, A., Sun, H., Purvis, A., & Brigham, K. (2019, June). Experimental Performance Evaluation of TCP over an Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network Environment. Presented at International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019), Tangier Morocco
- Alnasser, A., & Sun, H. (2023, April). Global Roaming Trust-based Model for V2X Communications. Presented at INFOCOM 2019 Workshops : the Third IEEE International Workshop on the Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics of Mobile Systems and Networks (MobiSec 2019), Paris, France
- Alnasser, A., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2019, December). Multi-Metric QoS-balancing Relay Selection Algorithm in V2X Communications. Presented at IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) Workshops, Waikoloa HI, USA
- Stacpoole, K., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2019, December). Smart Scheduling of Household Appliances to Decarbonise Domestic Energy Consumption. Presented at 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications Workshops in China (ICCC Workshops)., Changchun, China
- Alamazroa, A., & Sun, H. (2019, June). An Internet of Things (IoT) Management System for Improving Homecare - A Case Study. Presented at International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC'19), Istanbul, Turkey
- Hua, W., & Sun, H. (2019, September). A Blockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Trading Scheme Coupling Energy and Carbon Markets. Presented at 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)., Porto, Portugal
- Bisu, A. A., Gallant, A., Sun, H., Brigham, K., & Purvis, A. (2018, December). Telemedicine via Satellite: Improving Access to Healthcare for Remote Rural Communities in Africa. Presented at IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2018 (HTC’18), Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Hua, W., Li, D., Sun, H., Matthews, P., & Meng, F. (2017, September). Stochastic environmental and economic dispatch of power systems with virtual power plant in energy and reserve markets. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, Chengdu, China
- Aravinthan, V., Balachandran, T., Ben-Idris, M., Fei, W., Heidari-Kapourchali, M., Hettiarachchige-Don, A., Jiang, J. N., Lei, H., Liu, C.-C., Mitra, J., Ni, M., Papic, M., Parvania, M., Sephary, M., Singh, C., Srivastava, A., Stefanov, A., Sun, H., & Tindemans, S. (2018, June). Reliability Modeling Considerations for Emerging Cyber–Physical Power Systems. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Boise, Idaho, USA
- You, M. Y., Hua, W., Shahbazi, M., & Sun, H. (2018, August). Energy Hub Scheduling Method with Voltage Stability Considerations. Presented at The seventh IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2018)., Beijing, China
- Bisu, A., Purvis, A., Brigham, K., & Sun, H. (2018, May). A Framework for End-to-End Latency Measurements in a Satellite Network Environment. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA
- Alnasser, A., & Sun, H. (2018, April). Performance Analysis of Behavior-based Solutions in Vehicular Networks. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2018), Honolulu, HI, USA
- You, M., Liu, Q., & Sun, H. (2018, May). A Cognitive Radio Enabled Smart Grid Testbed Based on Software Defined Radio and Real Time Digital Simulator. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kansas City, MO, USA
- Liu, Q., Sun, H., & Matthews, P. (2017, October). Enhancing Dynamic Voltage Stability in Power Systems with Distributed Generations. Presented at 2017 8th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Dresden, German
- Qiu, Y., Zhang, H., Long, K., Sun, H., Li, X., & Leung, V. (2017, October). Improving handover of 5G networks by network function virtualization and fog computing. Presented at 2017 6th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC2017)., Qingdao, China
- You, M., Liu, Q., Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2017, October). Power Grid Observability Redundancy Analysis under Communication Constraints. Presented at 2017 6th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC2017)., Qingdao, China
- Li, D., Hua, W., Sun, H., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2017, December). Multiobjective optimization for carbon market scheduling based on behavior learning
- Gosselin, D., Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2017, December). Household Level Distributed Energy Management System integrating Renewable Energy Sources and Electric Vehicles. Presented at IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017), Sydney
- Li, D., Sun, H., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2017, December). Achieving low carbon emission using Smart Grid technologies. Presented at 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017), Sydney
- Liu, Q. L., You, M., Sun, H., & Matthews, P. (2017, December). L-index sensitivity based voltage stability enhancement. Presented at 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017), Sydney
- Hua, W., Li, D., Sun, H., & Matthews, P. (2017, September). Unit Commitment in Achieving Low Carbon Smart Grid Environment with Virtual Power Plant. Presented at 2017 3rd IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2017)., Wuxi, China
- Heron, J., & Sun, H. (2017, September). Dynamic Time and Power Allocation for Opportunistic Energy Efficient Cooperative Relay. Presented at IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Xu, J., & Sun, H. (2017, May). ADMM-based Coordinated Decentralized Voltage Control Meets Practical Communication Systems. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC'17): Bridging People, Communities, and Cultures., Paris, France
- Benjamin, B., Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2017, December). Incorporating User Utility in a Smart Microgrid with Distributed Generation and Elastic Demand. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2017), Paris
- Li, D., Sun, H., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2016, January). A Layered Approach for Enabling Demand Side Management in Smart Grid. Presented at 2016 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Ansan, Korea
- You, M., & Sun, H. (2016, October). Realising energy-aware communication over fading channels under QoS constraints. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband., Nanjing, China
- Xu, J., Sun, H., & Dent, C. (2016, October). The Coordinated Voltage Control Meets Imperfect Communication System. Presented at 2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe),, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Jiang, J., Sun, H., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2016, May). Energy Efficient Massive MIMO System Design for Smart Grid Communications. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications 2016., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Mou, X., Groling, O., Gallant, A., & Sun, H. (2016, May). Energy Efficient and Adaptive Design for Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicles. Presented at 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Spring., Nanjing, China
- Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (2016, May). Performance Assessment of Distributed Communication Architectures in Smart Grid. Presented at 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Spring., Nanjing, China
- You, M., Mou, X., & Sun, H. (2015, September). Effective capacity analysis of smart grid communication networks. Presented at 20th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Guildford, UK
- Chiu, W.-Y., Sun, H., & Poor, H. V. (2015, December). An H∞ design for dynamic pricing in the smart grid. Presented at 2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Sabah, Malaysia
- Mou, X., & Sun, H. (2015, May). Wireless Power Transfer: Survey and Roadmap. Presented at 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring, Glasgow, UK
- Zhao, N., Qu, T., Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., & Yin, H. (2013, December). Frequency Scheduling Based Interference Alignment for Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE Globecom'13, Atlanta GA
- Chiu, W.-Y., Sun, H., & Poor, H. (2012, November). Demand-side energy storage system management in smart grid. Presented at Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2012 IEEE Third International Conference on, Tainan, Taiwan
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Jiang, J., & Poor, H. (2012, December). Compressive Autonomous Sensing (CASe) for Wideband Spectrum Sensing. Presented at IEEE ICC'12, Ottawa, Canada
- Chiu, W.-Y., Sun, H., & Poor, H. (2012, December). Robust Power Flow Control in Smart Grids with Fluctuating Effects. Presented at IEEE INFOCOM'12, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Zhao, N., Yin, H., Yu, F., & Sun, H. (2012, December). Interference Alignment through Antenna Switching to Improve Quality of Service in Wireless Networks. Presented at IEEE ICCC'12, Beijing, China
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., & Jiang, J. (2012, December). Improving the Energy Efficiency of Power Line Communications by Spectrum Sensing. Presented at IEEE ICACCI'12, Chennai, India
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Zhao, N., & Wang, C.-X. (2012, December). Green Data Transmission in Power Line Communications. Presented at IEEE GlobeCom'12, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Zhao, N., Yu, F., Sun, H., & Nallanathan, A. (2012, December). An Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE GlobeCom'12, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Zhao, N., Yu, F., Sun, H., Yin, H., & Nallanathan, A. (2012, December). Interference Alignment Based on Channel Prediction with Delayed Channel State. Presented at IEEE GlobeCom'12, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., & Jiang, J. (2011, December). Adaptive Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE APWCS'11, Singapore
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Jiang, J., Laurenson, D., Wang, C.-X., & Poor, H. (2011, December). A Novel Wideband Spectrum Sensing System for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE GLOBECOM'11, Houston, Texas, USA
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Jiang, J., & Wang, C.-X. (2011, December). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Diversity Reception in Cognitive Radios. Presented at IEEE CHINACOM'11, Harbin, China
- Sun, H., Laurenson, D., & Thompson, J. (2009, December). Cooperative Compressive Spectrum Sensing by Sub-Nyquist Sampling. Presented at IEEE UKIWCWS'09, IIT Delhi, India
- Sun, H., Laurenson, D., Thompson, J., & Wang, C.-X. (2008, December). A Novel Centralized Network for Sensing Spectrum in Cognitive Radio. Presented at IEEE ICC'08, Beijing, China
Conference Proceeding
- Singh Aujla, G., Jindal, A., Kaur, K., Garg, S., Chaudhary, R., Sun, H., & Kumar, N. (2025, June). COPS: Controller Placement in Next-Generation Software Defined Edge-Cloud Networks. Presented at 2025 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada
- Demirbaga, U., Singh Aujla, G., & Sun, H. (2025, June). Energy-based Predictive Root Cause Analysis for Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Big Data Systems. Presented at 2025 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada
- Dua, A., Jindal, A., Singh Aujla, G., & Sun, H. (2025, June). Green Reinforcement and Split Learning Framework for Edge-Fog-Cloud Continuum in 6G Networks. Presented at 2025 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada
Edited book
Journal Article
- Garg, A., Singh, A., Singh Aujla, G., & Sun, H. (online). Two-fold Strategy Towards Sustainable Renewable Energy Networks When Uncertainty is Certain. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,
- Dang, Y., Xu, J., Li, D., & Sun, H. (online). A Preference-based Online Reinforcement Learning with Embedded Communication Failure Solutions in Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,
- Xiao, Y., Wang, E., Chen, Y., Chen, L., Ikhlef, A., & Sun, H. (online). Integrated Sensing and Communications With Mixed Fields Using Transmit Beamforming. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,
- Harsh, P., Sun, H., Das, D., Goyal, A., & Jiang, J. (online). Stochastic Incentive-based Demand Response Program for Virtual Power Plant with Distributed Energy Resources. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
- Singh, A., Demirbaga, U., Singh Aujla, G., Jindal, A., Jiang, J., & Sun, H. (online). Scalable and Reliable Data Framework for Sensor-enabled Virtual Power Plant Digital Twin. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors,
- Rochd, A., Raihani, A., Mahir, O., Kissaoui, M., Laamim, M., Lahmer, A., El-Barkouki, B., El-Qasery, M., Sun, H. J., & Guerrero, J. M. (2025). Swarm Intelligence-driven Multi-objective Optimization for Microgrid Energy Management and Trading considering DERs and EVs integration: Case Studies from Green Energy Park, Morocco. Results in engineering, 25, Article 104400.
- Chen, W., Sun, H., You, M., Jiang, J., & Rivera, M. (2025). A Knowledge Graph-Based Framework for Smart Home Device Action Recommendation and Demand Response †. Energies, 18(4), Article 833.
- Xiao, Y., Wang, E., Chen, Y., Sun, H., & Ikhlef, A. (2024). Communication-Centric Integrated Sensing and Communications With Mixed Fields. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 67(12), Article 219301.
- Wang, E., Chen, Y., Ikhlef, A., & Sun, H. (2024). Dual‐user joint sensing and communications with time‐divisioned bi‐static radar. IET Communications, 18(17), 1126-1139.
- Cao, Y., Li, S., Lv, C., Wang, D., Sun, H., Jiang, J., Meng, F., Xu, L., & Cheng, X. (2023). Towards Cyber Security for Low-Carbon Transportation: Overview, Challenges and Future Directions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 183, Article 113401.
- Hua, W., Xiao, H., Pei, W., Chiu, W.-Y., Jiang, J., Sun, H., & Matthews, P. (2023). Transactive Energy and Flexibility Provision in Multi-microgrids using Stackelberg Game. CSEE journal of power and energy systems, 9(2), 505-515.
- Williams, C., Michaels, H., Crossland, A. F., Zhang, Z., Shirshova, N., MacKenzie, R. C. I., Sun, H., Kettle, J., Freitag, M., & Groves, C. (2023). Decarbonising electrical grids using photovoltaics with enhanced capacity factors. Energy & Environmental Science, 16(10), 4650-4659.
- Rochd, A., Laamim, M., Benazzouz, A., Kissaoui, M., Raihani, A., & Sun, H. (2023). Public charging infrastructure for EVs: A comprehensive analysis of charging patterns & real-world insights—Case study of Rabat City, Morocco. Energy Reports, 9(Supplement 9), 216-234.
- Peng, D., Xiao, H., Pei, W., Sun, H., & Ye, S. (2022). A novel deep learning based peer‐to‐peer transaction method for prosumers under two‐stage market environment. IET Smart Grid, 5(6), 430-439.
- Hernandez Cedillo, M., Sun, H., Jiang, J., & Cao, Y. (2022). Dynamic Pricing and Control for EV Charging Stations with Solar Generation. Applied Energy, 326, Article 119920.
- Thompson, M. J., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2022). Blockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Method. CSEE journal of power and energy systems, 8(5), 1318-1326.
- Alnasser, A., Sun, H., & Jiang, J. (2022). QoS-Balancing Algorithm for Optimal Relay Selection in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(7), 8223-8233.
- Hua, W., Chen, Y., Qadrdan, M., Jiang, J., Sun, H., & Wu, J. (2022). Applications of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies for enabling prosumers in smart grids: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161, Article 112308.
- Hua, W., Jiang, J., Sun, H., Teng, F., & Strbac, G. (2022). Consumer-centric decarbonization framework using Stackelberg game and Blockchain. Applied Energy, 309, Article 118384.
- Hua, W., Jiang, J., Sun, H., Tonello, A., Qadrdan, M., & Wu, J. (2022). Data-driven prosumer-centric energy scheduling using convolutional neural networks. Applied Energy, 308, Article 118361.
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- Yang, Z., Ping, S., Sun, H., & Aghvami, A. H. (2016). CRB-RPL: A Receiver-based Routing Protocol for Communications in Cognitive Radio Enabled Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(7), 5985-5994.
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- Zhao, N., Yu, F. R., Sun, H., & Li, M. (2016). Adaptive Power Allocation Schemes for Spectrum Sharing in Interference Alignment (IA)-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(5), 3700-3714.
- Jiang, J., Sun, H., Baglee, D., & Poor, H. V. (2016). Achieving Autonomous Compressive Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(3), 1281-1291.
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Cui, S., & Wang, C.-X. (2016). Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing over Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(3), 1382-1394.
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- Chiu, W.-Y., Sun, H., & Poor, H. (2013). Energy Imbalance Management Using a Robust Pricing Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 4(2), 896-904.
- Zhao, N., Yu, F. R., Sun, H., & Arumugam, N. (2013). Energy-efficient cooperative spectrum sensing schemes for cognitive radio networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013, Article 120.
- Jiang, J., Thompson, J. S., Sun, H., & Grant, P. M. (2013). Practical Analysis of Codebook Design and Frequency Offset Estimation for Virtual-MIMO Systems. IET Communications, 7(6), 585-594.
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- Jiang, J., Thompson, J. S., & Sun, H. (2011). A Singular-Value-Based Adaptive Modulation and Cooperation Scheme for Virtual-MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(6), 2495-2504.
- Zhao, N., & Sun, H. (2011). Robust Power Control for Cognitive Radio in Spectrum Underlay Networks. Transactions on internet and information systems (Seoul), 5(7), 1214-1229.
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Other (Print)
- Sun, H., & al, E. (2014). IEEE Standard for Spectrum Sensing Interfaces and Data Structures for Dynamic Spectrum Access and Other Advanced Radio Communication Systems - Amendment 1: Procedures, Protocols, and Data Archive Enhanced Interfaces
- Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Holland, O., & Aghvami, H. (2012). IEEE Standards 1900.6a: Functional Requirements for Wideband Spectrum Sensing