Staff profile
Professor Helen Fenwick
Professor of Human Rights Law
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Human Rights Law in the Durham Law School | +44 (0) 191 33 42831 |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
Research Supervision
Mr Chris Wood
Mr Kaushik Paul
My research interest lies in the field of civil liberties and human rights. Within that field my main interests are in counter-terrorist law and policy, media freedom of expression (in particular contempt law, obscenity law and privacy law), public protest, and the influence of the European Convention on Human Rights under the Human Rights Act. The publications listed below, in particular my two single-authored books, concentrate on those areas. My current research focuses on counter-terrorist measures, media freedom of expression and judicial reasoning under the Human Rights Act.
I am interested in supervising research students (for PhDs or Mjurs) in the following areas: The Human Rights Act, Bills of Rights, counter-terrorism law and policy, privacy and media freedom, hate speech laws, English contempt law or obscenity law.
Teaching Areas
Media Law
Civil Liberties and Human Rights
Organisation and Promotion of Research
- Human rights Consultant for Doughty Street Chambers, ongoing
- Member of the Commonwealth Scolarship Commission in the United Kingdom (2016-2023)
- 2005-9 Director of Research, Durham Law School; responsible for the RAE submission and Chair of the Research Committee
- Co-Director of the Durham University Human Rights Centre 2001-2012
- Convenor of the Civil Liberties and Human Rights Subject Section for the Society of Legal Scholars 2002-201
Digital Media
- 31.4.17 Epoch Times, New York, piece on UK counter-terror measures by Simon Veazey
- 8.11.16 The Conversation ‘Ankle tags, house arrest and forced relocation: how does Britain balance security and civil rights?’
- 10.8.15 Huffington Post British Grandfather Jim Atherton Joins Christian Militia To Fight IS In Iraq
- 8.7.15 Washington Post Could Britain ban the Islamic State flag?
- 2.4.15 the Conversation 'If intelligence services want more powers they must learn to live with increased oversight' 27.5.15 The Conversation – Queen’s speech:
- 25.2.15 The Guardian - Brits abroad: is it against the law to fight Isis?
- 4.1.15 Future Foreign Policy- Disrupting the process of radicalisation via legislation to prevent young radicals leaving to fight for ISIS? celebrations
- 29.5.15 UK Constitutional law group blog ‘HRA Watch: Reform, Repeal, Replace? Backing Down on HRA Repeal in the Queen’s Speech? De-railed Plans for Rapid Introduction of a British Bill of Rights’
- 27.5.15 the Conversation 'Surveillance: the Investigatory Powers Bill in Queens Speech'
- 2.4.15 Future Foreign Policy 'Disrupting the process of radicalisation via legislation to prevent young radicals leaving to fight for ISIS'
- 10.3.15 UK Constitutional law group blog ‘The Conservative stance in the 2015 election on the UK’s relationship with the Strasbourg Court and its jurisprudence – bluff, exit strategy or compromise on both sides?’
- 10.2.14 The Conversation How Syrian conflict is putting British terrorism law to the test -
- 10.2.14 descrier Syrian conflict tests British anti-terror laws
- 19.8.13 Huffington Post Live discussion of Schedule 7 Terrorism Act 2000
- 26.11.13 UK Constitutional Law Group Blog Prisoners’ voting rights, subsidiarity, and Protocols 15 and 16: re-creating dialogue with the Strasbourg Court?’
Selected Media Appearances
- 26.9.17 interview with New Scientist on Schedule 7 Terrorism Act powers
- 3.6.17 Gave paper jointly with Lord Justice Laws, Cumberland House, Berkshire, symposium on ‘Extremism: A Warning from History’
- 24.6.17 Presentation on UK counter-terror measures to UN Expert group meeting on combating racism, xenophobia and discrimination in the context of counter-terrorism, Budapest
- Week of 22.5.17 range of interviews with regional radio stations and newspapers on counter-terror measures and the Manchester attack
- 31.3.17 interview about the UK’s counterterrorism laws in relation to the first British woman to join a female militia in Syria The Times
- 23.3.17 Interview for Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo on the attacks in London
- 3.1.17 interview with BBC Radio 4 World at One, at 1.15, and BBC Radio 5 Live about Ryan Lock who died in Syria fighting ISIS; relevance of counter-terror measures
- 30.11.16 ‘The Role of Parliaments in Overseeing Measures Implemented to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism’ for members and staff of the Assembly of Kosovo and parliamentary delegations from Western Balkan countries, Pristina, Kosovo
- 28-29 April 2016: my work on non-trial-based counter-terror measures presented in an international conference at the Maison française d'Oxford: "The Rule of Crisis: Crisis legislation, emergency and rule of law from a comparative standpoint"
- 7.8.16 Raising The Bar 11am, BBC Radio 5 live - Series 2, Episode 3 on Control orders and counter-terrorism
- 29.6.16 interview with Metro Radio on risk of ‘lone-wolf’ terror attacks in UK
- 24.3.16a discussion on Islamic terrorism for Sputnik Radio 2 pm
- 23.3.16 BBC Radio North East 8 a.m. Breakfast Show live – on Brussels attacks and security measures including surveillance
- 22.3.16 a live skype interview with Russia Today, 11.50 on the Brussels attacks and counter-terror measures.
- 22.3.16 Interview with Metro Radio on the Brussels attacks and their wider implications
- 16.2.15 Interview with Wall Street Journalon use of CCTV, surveillance in Europe generally and the attacks in Copenhagen, journalist Schechner, Sam
- 11.2.15 Interview with the Guardian, for piece by Emine Saner on British nationals returning from fighting not for ISIS, but against ISIS (with the Kurdish YPG army)
- 22.8.14 Appeared on BBC News 24 to outline the existing laws available to the UK government to restrict the movement of UK nationals suspected of involvement with terrorist organisations.
- 24.4.14 BBC South East Televised interview on British nationals fighting in Syria, terrorist offences.
- 24.4.14 BBC 1 Live interview on British nationals fighting in Syria, terrorist offences
- 14.11.14 Live interview with Julia Hartley-Brewer LBC ‘Use of temporary exclusion orders against returnees from Syria and seizure of passports’
- 4.4.15 LBC Radio, live phone interview with Ken Livingstone and David Mellor on Britons travelling to Syria
- 11.12.13 Wall Street Journal interview on Lee Rigby murderers trial, reporter Alexis Flynn
- 19.8.13 Aftenposten (Norwegian) Camerons høyest betrodde sendt for å presse The Guardian
Consultancy/Expert Advice
UN workJune 2014: gave 2 presentations and led a working group at the UN workshop in Tunisia for representatives from MENA nations (Saudia Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, etc) on developing a framework for freedom of information in their countries
- In March and April 2013 worked on comments on the draft UNODC freedom of expression tool. Attended UNODC International Expert Group Meeting on 11-12 April, Vienna, Vienna International Centre, involving 50 international experts from law, from journalism and from NGOs from around the world, 1 for each country represented; the meeting was the main event in the UNODC Initiative on Promoting Responsible and Professional Reporting on Corruption on the basis of the UN Convention against Corruption. July 2013 draft document circulated: Promoting Responsible and Professional Reporting on Corruption on the Basis of the United Nations Convention against Corruption; provided comments on: Journalistic Source Protection and intimidation of journalists, especially at borders (example of Miranda and Sched 7 Terrorism Act 2000); the right of access to information; self-regulation of the press; ‘citizen journalism’. The freedom of expression tool will be finalized and promulgated to all the UN member states in late 2013.
- Law Commission ongoing work on reform of contempt law: relates to my three chapters on contempt in Fenwick and Phillipson Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act (2006,OUP), and to my chapter in Borrie and Lowe on Contempt (Lexis Nexis, 4th edn 2010). Law Commission: Contempt of Court: A Consultation Paper (No 209) (2012). Chap 4 referred extensively to the three chaps on contempt I wrote in Media Freedom. I also wrote, with G Phillipson, a briefing note on the consultation for the Commission in November 2012.
- Gave evidence to the Joint Committee on the Draft Enhanced Terrorism Prevention Measures Bill (ETPIM Bill) on 24th October 2012. The Committee was conducting pre-legislative scrutiny on the draft Bill, and reported to Parliament on November 9th 2012 with its recommendations (Draft Enhanced Terrorism Prevention Measures Bill: Report HL Paper 70, HC 495, 27.11.12) which included a range of references to my evidence (at pp6,18,25,26,30, 31).
- Universities UK, AREC and University of Warwick working in partnership 24.4.13 - training session for research ethics officers, research assistants, IT personnel: Counter-terrorism law and security research
- Expert advisor for Liberty 2006
- Advice on counter-terrorist policy to Canadian High Commissioner 2006
- Expert assessor OSCE ODIHR Roundtable, Warsaw 2006
- Council of Europe: expert advice on criminal justice and public order laws, Armenia, 2008, Moldova 2001
- 2001 - present Human Rights Consultant for Doughty Street Chambers, London
Research interests
- Counter-terrorist law and policy
- Media freedom of expression (in particular contempt law, obscenity law and privacy law)
- Public protest
- Human Rights Act; proposals for a Bill of Rights
Authored book
- Fenwick, H., Phillipson, G., & Williams, A. (2017). Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights. (4th ed.). Routledge
- Fenwick, H. (2016). Fenwick on Civil Liberties and Human Rights. (5th ed.). Routledge
- Phillipson, G., & Fenwick, H. (2010). Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights. (3rd ed.). Routledge
- Fenwick, H. (2007). Civil Liberties and Human Rights. (4th). Routledge
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2006). Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act. Oxford University Press
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2003). Text Cases and Materials Public Law and Human Rights. (2nd). Routledge
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (1995). Text Cases and Materials Public Law and Human Rights. Cavendish
Book review
- Fenwick, H. (online). A review of 'Civil Liberties' by Conor Gearty. European Human Rights Law Review, 809-812
- Fenwick, H. (online). False Dawns and Uneasy Peace in "The New Law of Peaceful Protest: Rights and Regulation in the Human Rights Act Era"(D Mead). Times higher education supplement,
- Fenwick, H. (2014). Hate crimes in cyber-space. Times higher education supplement,
- Fenwick, H. (2011). Review of Bonfire of the Liberties: New Labour, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, by K.D. Ewing. Journal of Law and Society, 37(4), 682-686.
- Fenwick, H. (2009). Review of Daniel Moeckli Human Rights and Non-discrimination in the “War on Terror”. Human Rights Law Review, 9(2), 343-345.
Chapter in book
- Fenwick, H., & Baker, A. Constructing the Terrorist Suspect: Proactive Counter - Terrorist Strategies in Conflict with Human Rights. In K. Chandrasekharan Pillai (Ed.), International Conference on 'Criminal Justice Under Stress: Transnational Perspectives' (113-127.). Indian Law Institute
- Fenwick, H. Feminist version of the judgment in ABC v Ireland. In T. Lavers, & L. Hodson (Eds.), International Law Feminist Judgments. Hart Publishing
- Fenwick, H. A critique of audience rights to receive information and ideas under a democratic interpretation of freedom of expression: the stance of the Strasbourg Court. In C. Girard, & P. Auriel (Eds.), Freedom of expression and democracy in Europe. Oxford University Press
- Fenwick, H., & Hayward, A. (2023). The Intrinsic Value of Registered Partnerships and Marriage for Same-sex Couples, their Recognition Domestically and at the Strasbourg Court. In P. Behrens, & S. Becker (Eds.), Justice After Stonewall: LGBT Life between Challenge and Change. Routledge.
- Fenwick, H. (2022). Exploring narratives about 'cancel culture' in UK educational/employment settings under the ECHR. In P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, & G. Oberleitner (Eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022 (309-344). Cambridge University Press.
- Fenwick, H. (2019). Criminalisation and quasi-criminalisation of terrorism: emerging trends and tensions with human rights law in the UK. In D. K. Brown, J. I. Turner, & B. Weisser (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process. Oxford University Press
- Fenwick, H. (2018). ‘Reconciling international human rights law with executive non-trial-based counter-terror measures: the case of UK temporary exclusion orders’. In P. Auriel, O. Beaud, & C. Wellman (Eds.), The Rule of Crisis: Terrorism, Emergency Legislation and the Rule of Law (121-156). Springer Verlag
- Fenwick, H. (2017). Media freedom of expression at the Strasbourg Court: current predictability of the standard of protection offered. In H. Tumber, & S. Waisbord (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights (39-49). Routledge
- Fenwick, H. (2017). An ECHR right to access a registered partnership?. In A. Hayward, & J. Sherpe (Eds.), The Future of Registered Partnerships (471-496). Intersentia.
- Fenwick, H. (2015). Enhanced Subsidiarity and a Dialogic Approach - Or Appeasement in Recent Cases on Criminal Justice, Public Order and Counter-Terrorism at Strasbourg Against the UK?. In K. S. Ziegler, E. Wicks, & L. Hodson (Eds.), The UK and European Human Rights: a strained relationship? (194-213). Hart Publishing
- Fenwick, H. (2014). Post 9/11 UK counter-terrorism cases in the European Court of Human Rights: a ‘dialogic’ approach to rights’ protection or appeasement of national authorities?. In F. de Londras, & F. Davies (Eds.), Critical Debates on Counter-Terrorist Judicial Review. Cambridge University Press.
- Fenwick, H. (2013). Conservative anti-HRA rhetoric, the Bill of Rights "solution" and the role of the Bill of Rights Commission. In R. Masterman, & I. Leigh (Eds.), The United Kingdom's statutory Bill of Rights : constitutional and comparative perspectives. Oxford University Press for the British Academy
- Fenwick, H. (2013). The role of unincorporated human rights standards in English law. In L. M. O. Clashfern, & D. Falkowski (Eds.), Halsbury's Laws. (5th ed.). LexisNexis Butterworths
- Fenwick, H. (2013). The Human Rights Act. In L. M. O. Clashfern, & D. Falkowski (Eds.), Halsbury's Laws. (5th ed.). LexisNexis Butterworths
- Fenwick, H. (2013). Origins of Rights and Freedoms. In L. M. O. Clashfern, & D. Falkowski (Eds.), Halsbury's Laws. (5th ed.). LexisNexis Butterworths
- Fenwick, H. (2012). Replacing the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights: creating greater Parliamentary autonomy on human rights matters. In N. Kang-Riou, J. Milner, & S. Nayak (Eds.), Confronting the Human Rights Act : contemporary themes and perspectives (291-326). Routledge
- Phillipson, G., & Fenwick, H. (2012). UK counter-terror law post 9/11: initial acceptance of extraordinary measures and the partial return to human rights norms. In V. Ramraj, M. Hor, K. Roach, & G. Williams (Eds.), Global anti-terrorism law and policy (481-513). (2nd ed). Cambridge University Press
- Fenwick, H. (2010). Introduction. In S. M. Supperstone, Q. James Goudie, T. H. M. J. Walker, & H. Fenwick (Eds.), Supperstone, Goudie & Walker : judicial review. (4th). LexisNexis
- Fenwick, H. (2010). Publications interfering with the due course of justice in particular legal proceedings – the general position under the Contempt of Court Act 1981. In I. Cram (Ed.), Borrie and Lowe : the law of contempt (45-68). (4th). LexisNexis
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2010). UK Control Orders as a Counter-Terrorism Strategy: reading down liberty and due-process rights. In The impact of contemporary security agendas against terrorism on criminal law and law enforcement. Max Planck Institute
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2008). The Human Rights Act, public protest and judicial activism. In A. Sajó (Ed.), Free to protest : constituent power and street demonstration (189-219). Eleven International Publishing
- Fenwick, H. (2008). Religion in the Media – legal constraints. In J. Conaghan, & P. Cane (Eds.), The new Oxford companion to law. Oxford University Press
- Fenwick, H. (2007). Judicial Reasoning in Clashing Rights cases; Introduction; Conclusion. In G. Phillipson, & R. (. Masterman (Eds.), Judicial Reasoning under the Human Rights Act. Cambridge University Press
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2005). Legislative over-breadth, democratic failure and the judicial response: fundamental rights and the UK’s anti-terrorist legal policy. In V. Ramraj, M. Hor, & K. Roach (Eds.), Global Terrorism. Cambridge University Press
- Fenwick, H. (2003). Terrorismus und Recht – Der wehrhafte Rechtsstaat. In The reaction of Great Britain's legal order to September 11 2001. Hanns Seidel Foundation, Munich
- Fenwick, H. (2003). The reaction of Great Britain's legal order to September 11 2001. In Terrorismus und Recht – Der wehrhafte Rechtsstaat. Hanns Seidel Foundation
- Fenwick, H. (2002). Responding to 11 September: Detention without trial under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. In L. P. Freedman (Ed.), Superterrorism (80-104). Wiley
- Fenwick, H. (1998). The European Convention in English Perspective. In M. Andenas (Ed.), The Public Law of Europe and the Common Law of the UK (215-226). Key Haven
- Fenwick, H. (1998). Introduction to Professor Andrew Ashworth's The European Convention on Human Rights and English Criminal Justice: Ships which pass in the Night?. In D. M. Andenas (Ed.), The Public Law of Europe and the Common Law of the UK (215-226). Keyhaven Publications
- Fenwick, H., Hervey, T., O'Keeffe, D., & Kluwer, D. (1996). Special Protection for Women in EU Law. In T. Hervey, & D. O'Keeffe (Eds.), Sex Equality in the European Union (63-68). Klewer
Conference Paper
- Fenwick, H., & Laws, L. J. (2017, December). Statutory 'Prevent' duties of universities. Paper presented at Extremism: A Warning from History, Cumberland House, Berkshire
- Fenwick, H. (2012, February). Counter-terror strategies, the roles of technology and accountability: mass camera surveillance in the UK as a case study
- Fenwick, H. (2017, December). Presentation on UK counter-terror measures. Paper presented at UN Expert group meeting on combating racism, xenophobia and discrimination in the context of counter-terrorism, Budapest, Hungary
- Fenwick, H. (2013, December). Post 9/11 UK counter-terrorism cases in the European Court of Human Rights: a ‘dialogic’ approach to rights’ protection or appeasement of national authorities?. Paper presented at Critical Debates on Counter-Terrorist Judicial Review, Durham, England
- Fenwick, H. (2013, December). Setting the limits of political self-determination in democracies in relation to international human rights. Paper presented at Centre for International Law and HUman Rights, University of Lancaster
- Fenwick, H. (2013, December). The Bill of Rights Commission Report: Fulfilling Conservative expectations and airing Conservative plans. Paper presented at Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Edinburgh
- Fenwick, H. (2013, December). The Bill of Rights Commission Report: disappointing Conservative expectations or fulfilling them?. Paper presented at Bill of Rights Commission Report: Where are we now?, Durham, England
- Fenwick, H. (2011, November). Constructing suspect Muslim communities: UK preventive counter-terrorist strategies in conflict with human rights. Paper presented at The London International Human Rights Congress 2011 : 'Immigration & integration in an age of austerity : challenges and opportunities'., Houses of Parliament, London
- Fenwick, H. (2010, December). The Human Rights Act or a British Bill of Rights - riding back on human rights' protection?. Paper presented at The Human Rights Act – 10 years on., Salford, England
- Fenwick, H. (2010, December). Counter-terror law and policy in the UK post 9/11: acceptance of extraordinary measures and the incremental return to adherence to ECHR human rights norms. Paper presented at Conference on global anti-terrorism., Sydney, Australia
- Fenwick, H. (2009, December). Breach of the peace, the Human Rights Act and public protest. Paper presented at Modern Convention on Liberty., Belfast, UK
- Fenwick, H. (2009, December). Private Information and Public Places: Recent Developments in European and English Law
- Fenwick, H. (2009, December). Current UK counter-terrorism policy: Responding to Belmarsh - the UK control orders regime
- Fenwick, H. (2009, December). Re-defining the rights to liberty and due process in the context of counter-terrorism – the control order phenomenon
- Fenwick, H. (2009, December). Marginalising human rights: breach of the peace, “kettling”, the Human Rights Act and public protest. Paper presented at SLS Centenary Conference., Keele, England
- Fenwick, H. (2008, December). Proactive counter-terrorist strategies in conflict with human rights
- Fenwick, H. (2007, December). The Human Rights Act, Public Protest and Judicial Activism. Paper presented at The Individual vs. the State., Budapest, Hungary (Central European University)
- Fenwick, H. (2006, December). Counter-terrorism Law and Policy in the UK: the changing balance between human rights and security. Paper presented at Warsaw Symposium on Terrorist Law and Policy., Warsaw, Poland
- Fenwick, H. (2005, May). The Relationship between Freedom and Security in Europe. Paper presented at The British Perspective., Berlin, Germany
- Fenwick, H. (2004, June). Fundamental rights and the UK’s anti-terrorist legal policy. Paper presented at international conference on Global Terrorism., Singapore, Malaysia
- Fenwick, H. (2004, December). Part 4 ACTSA – recent developments. Paper presented at SLS conference, Sheffield, England
- Fenwick, H. (2004, December). Indefinite Detention without Trial - the “response” of Great Britain's legal order to September 11 2001: conflicts with fundamental rights. Paper presented at The European Anti-Terrorist Legislation and the protection of fundamental rights and liberties., Brussels, Brussels
- Fenwick, H. (2003, December). Breach of confidence after NIB v RTE, the Human Rights Act and the Convention. Paper presented at international symposium on Freedom of Expression, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
- Fenwick, H. (2002, December). Why bother with rights when public safety is at risk?. Paper presented at Hamlyn Lectures: Human Rights, Serious Crime and Criminal Procedure, London, England
- Fenwick, H. (2001, October). State Surveillance: in the Human Rights Act era. Paper presented at Human Rights Unit launch at University of Leeds., Leeds, England
Edited book
- Fenwick, H. (Ed.). (2014). Supperstone, Goudie & Walker: Judicial Review. Lexis Nexis
- Fenwick, H. (Ed.). (2012). Developments in Counter-terrorist measures and uses of Technology. Routledge
- Fenwick, H. (Ed.). (2010). Supperstone, Goudie & Walker: Judicial Review. LexisNexis
- Fenwick, H., Phillipson, G., & Masterman, R. (Eds.). (2007). Judicial Reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act. Cambridge University Press.
Journal Article
- Fenwick, H. (online). Privacy, the Media and the Human Rights Act
- Fenwick, H. (online). The Human Rights Act or a British Bill of Rights: creating a down-grading recalibration of rights against the counter-terror backdrop?. Public Law, 468-490
- Fenwick, H. (online). Probing Theresa May's Response to the Recent Terror Attacks. European Human Rights Law Review, 341-350
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (online). Public Protest, the Human Rights Act and Judicial Responses to Political Expression. Public Law, 625-648
- Brimblecombe, F., & Fenwick, H. (2022). Keeping control of personal information in the digital age: efficacy and equivalence of tortious and GDPR/DPA remedial relief?. Law Quarterly Review, 138, 456-480
- Brimblecombe, F., & Fenwick, H. (2022). Protecting private information in the digital era: making the most effective use of the availability of the actions under the GDPR/DPA and the tort of misuse of private information. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73(1), 26-73.
- Fenwick, H., & Fenwick, D. (2020). Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools. Public Law, 2020, 661-679
- Fenwick, H., & Fenwick, D. (2019). ‘Finding ‘East’/’West’ divisions in Council of Europe states on treatment of sexual minorities: the response of the Strasbourg Court and the role of consensus analysis’. European Human Rights Law Review, 3, 247-273
- Cram, I., & Fenwick, H. (2018). Protecting free speech and academic freedom in universities. Modern Law Review, 81(5), 825-873.
- Fenwick, H., & Hayward, A. (2017). Rejecting Asymmetry of Access to Formal Relationship Statuses for Same and Different-Sex Couples at Strasbourg and Domestically. European Human Rights Law Review, 2017(6), 544-563
- Fenwick, H., & Masterman, R. (2017). The Conservative Project to ‘Break the Link between British Courts and Strasbourg’: Rhetoric or Reality?. Modern Law Review, 80(6), 1111-1136.
- Fenwick, H. (2017). Terrorism and the control orders/TPIMs saga: a vindication of the Human Rights Act or a manifestation of ‘defensive democracy’?. Public Law, 609-626
- Fenwick, H. (2017). Terrorism threats and temporary exclusion orders: counter-terror rhetoric or reality?. European Human Rights Law Review, 2017(3), 247-271
- Fenwick, H. (2016). Same sex unions at the Strasbourg Court in a divided Europe: driving forward reform or protecting the Court’s authority via consensus analysis?. European Human Rights Law Review, 2016(3), 249-272
- Fenwick, H. (2015). Redefining the Role of TPIMs in combatting "Home-Grown" Terrorism within the Widening Counter-Terror Framework. European Human Rights Law Review, 2015(1), 41-56
- Fenwick, H., & Fenwick, D. (2013). The changing face of protection for individual privacy against the press: Leveson, the Royal Charter and tort liability. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 27(3), 241-279.
- Fenwick, H. (2013). Designing ETPIMS around ECHR review or normalisation of 'preventive' non-trial-Bbsed executive measures?. Modern Law Review, 76(5), 876-908.
- Choudhury, T., & Fenwick, H. (2011). The impact of Counter-terrorism measures on Muslim communities. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 25(3), 151-181.
- Fenwick, H. (2011). Preventive anti-terrorist strategies in the UK and ECHR: Control orders, TPIMs and the role of technology. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 25(3), 129-141.
- A, T., H, F., & L, L. (2011). Terrorist asset-freezing – Continuing Flaws in the current scheme. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 25(3), 117-128.
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2011). Covert Derogations and Judicial Deference: Redefining Liberty and Due Process Rights in Counterterrorism Law and Beyond. McGill law journal, 56(4), 864-918
- Fenwick, H. (2010). Recalibrating ECHR rights and the role of the Human Rights Act post 9/11: reasserting international human rights norms in the “war on terror”?. Current Legal Problems, 63(1), 153-234.
- Fenwick, H. (2009). Marginalising human rights: breach of the peace, “kettling”, the Human Rights Act and public protest. Public Law, 2009(4), 737-765
- Fenwick, H. (2008). Proactive counter-terrorist strategies in conflict with human rights. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 22(3), 259-270.
- Fenwick, H., & Choudhury, S. (2005). Taking the Rights of Parents and Children Seriously: Confronting the Welfare Principle under the Human Rights Act. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 25(3), 453-492.
- Fenwick, H. (2004). Clashing rights, the welfare of the child and the Human Rights Act. Modern Law Review, 67(6), 889-927.
- Phillipson, G., & Fenwick, H. (2004). 'National Irish Bank v RTE and finding the balance: Breach of Confidence, Privacy and the Public Interest Test in England and Ireland'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 55(2), 118-153
- Fenwick, H., Bonner, D., & Harris-Short, S. (2003). The Human Rights Act - the Story so far. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52, 549-586
- Fenwick, H. (2002). The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001: A Proportionate Response to 11 September?. Modern Law Review, 65(5), 724-762.
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2001). Direct Action, Convention values and the Human Rights Act. Legal Studies, 21(4), 535-568.
- Fenwick, H. (2001). Covert Surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Power Act Part II. Journal of Criminal Law, 65(6), 515-531
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2000). The Doctrine of Confidence as a Privacy Remedy in the Human Rights Act Era. Modern Law Review, 63(5), 660-693
- Fenwick, H. (1999). The Right to Protest, The Human Rights Act and the Margin of Appreciation. Modern Law Review, 62, 491-514
- Fenwick, H. (1998). From Formal to Substantive Equality: The Place of Affirmative Action in European Union Sex Equality Law. European Public Law, 4(4), 507-516
- Fenwick, H. (1997). Charge-Bargaining and Sentence Discount: The Victim's Perspective. International Review of Victimology, 5, 23-36
- Fenwick, H. (1997). Procedural Rights of Victims of Crime: Public or Private Ordering of the Criminal Justice Process?. Modern Law Review, 60, 317-333
- Fenwick, H. (1996). Perpetuating Inequality in the name of Equal Treatment. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 18(2), 263-270
- Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (1996). Confidence and Privacy: A Re-examination. Cambridge Law Journal, 55(3), 447-455
- Fenwick, H., & Hervey, T. (1995). Sex Equality in the Single Market: New Directions for the European Court of Justice. Common Market Law Review, 32(2), 443-470