Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Psychology |
Graham Towl is Professor of Psychology at Durham University (DU) and visiting clinical professor at Newcastle University. His current primary research area is mental health, particularly prisoner suicide. He was an expert member of the Ministerial Independent Advisory Panel on deaths in state custody including hospitals and prisons. Uniquely he is the recipient of the British Psychological Society Awards for Distinguished Contributions to both Professional Practice and Forensic Academic Knowledge. He is included in A&C Black's Who's Who for exceptional contributions in the field of equality and diversity. In 2003, he was acknowledged in a national peer survey as the most influential forensic psychologist in the UK. He has practical experience of working in hospitals and prisons. As a former Senior Civil Servant, he has thorough understanding of the machinery of government. His most recent post at the Ministry of Justice was as Chief Psychologist, where he enjoyed international reputation for innovations in service delivery. He devised and established a national infrastructure for more effective delivery of psychological services across prisons and probation services in England and Wales. He has maintained his research whilst undertaking the role of pro-vice-chancellor on DU's Executive Committee. He has overseen a number of innovative change-management programmes, e.g. giving DU national presence on provision of support services for university students who have experienced sexual violence.
Research interests
- Addressing sexual violence at universities
- Hate crimes and hate incidents
- Mental health
- Prisoner suicide
Authored book
- An International Perspective. Routledge
- Kuay, H. S., & Towl, G. (in press). Child to Parent Aggression and Violence: A Guidebook for Parents and Practitioners. Routledge
- Humphries, C., & Towl, G. (2020). Addressing student sexual violence in higher education - a good practice guide
- Towl, G. J., & Walker, T. (2019). Tackling Sexual Violence at Universities.
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (2017). Suicide in Prisons: Prisoners' Lives Matter. Waterside Press
- Walker, T., & Towl, G. (2016). Preventing Self-injury and Suicide in Women’s Prisons. Waterside Press
- Towl, G., Farrington, D. P., Crighton, D., & Hughes, G. (2013). Dictionary of forensic psychology. Routledge
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (2009). Psychology in prisons. John Wiley and Sons
- Needs, A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Applying psychology to forensic practice. John Wiley and Sons
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Psychology in prisons. Wiley
- Towl, G. J. (2008). Psychological research in prisons. John Wiley and Sons
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Psychology in probation services. John Wiley and Sons
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (2002). Cognitive-behavioural Approaches to Offending. Routledge
- Farrington, D., Hancock, G., Livingston, M., Painter, K., & Towl, G. (2000). Evaluation of intensive regimes for young offenders. Great Britain, Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate
- Towl, G. J., McHugh, M., Jones, D., & Executive, N. (1999). Suicide in prisons: research, policy and practice. Pavilion
- Towl, G. J., & McDougall, C. (1999). What Do Forensic Psychologists Do?: Current and Future Directions in the Prison and Probation Services. British Psychological Society. Division of Forensic Psychology
- Towl, G. J., & Snow, L. (1998). Suicide and self injury in prisons. The Stationery Office
- Towl, G. J. (1997). Suicide and Self-injury in Prisons: Research Directions in the 1990s. The British Psychological Society
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (1996). The handbook of psychology for forensic practitioners. Psychology Press
- Towl, G. J. (1995). Groupwork in prisons. The British Psychological Society
- Towl, G. J., Snow, L., & McHugh, M. (1991). Suicide in prisons. Wiley
Chapter in book
- Walker, T. (2021). Trauma Informed Care in the Criminal Justice System. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Forensic Psychology (735-750). (3rd). Wiley
- Towl, G. J. (2015). Risk and Resilience. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Forensic Psychology (415-424). (2nd ed.). Wiley
- Towl, G. J. (2015). Concluding Themes: Psychological Perspectives and Futures. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Forensic Psychology (437-442). (2nd ed.). Wiley
- Towl, G. (2011). Psychology in the UK National Offender Management Service: Prisons and Probation. In J. R. Adler, & J. M. Gray (Eds.), Forensic Psychology: Concepts, Debates and Practice (529-542). (2nd ed.). Routledge
- Towl, G. J. (2008). Applied Psychological Services in HM Prison Service and the National Probation Service. In A. Needs, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Applying Psychology to Forensic Practice (222-235). John Wiley and Sons
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Suicide, Attempted Suicide and Self-Injury. In G. J. Towl, & D. A. Crighton (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (185-201). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Groupwork within Prisons. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (93-107). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Prisoner Needs. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (57-70). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Development and Criminal Behaviour. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (34-56). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Sex Offending. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (217-229). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Problem Drug Use. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (151-166). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Psychological Assessment. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (71-92). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Mental Disorder. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (127-150). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Principles of Risk Assessment. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (108-125). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2008). Post-Traumatic Stress. In D. A. Crighton, & G. J. Towl (Eds.), Psychology in Prisons (167-184). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Towl, G. J. (2007). Drug-misuse intervention work. In G. J. Towl (Ed.), Psychological Research in Prisons (116-127). Blackwell
- Thomas-Peter, B., & Towl, G. J. (2006). The modern context of psychology in corrections: Influences, limitations and values of “what works.”. In G. J. Towl (Ed.), Psychological Research in Prisons (24-39). Blackwell
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. (2006). Methodological issues in psychological research in prisons. In G. J. Towl (Ed.), Psychological Research in Prisons (138-147). Blackwell
Doctoral Thesis
Edited book
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (Eds.). (in press). Forensic Psychology. Wiley
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (Eds.). (2015). Forensic Psychology. Wiley
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (Eds.). (2010). Forensic Psychology. Wiley
Journal Article
- Towl, G. (online). Applied Psychological Services in Prisons and Probation (From Forensic Psychology: Concepts, Debates and Practice, P 305-319, 2004, Joanna R. Adler, ed.-See NCJ-205397)
- Towl, G., & McDougall, C. (online). Introduction: What do forensic psychologists do?
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). Meta-analysis suggests trauma informed care for women subjected to intimate partner violence (IPV) may be effective in reducing depression and anxiety in survivors. Evidence-Based Nursing, Article ebnurs-2023-103895.
- Towl, G. (online). 3.10 Suicide in prisons
- Towl, G. (online). Forensic psychology in prisons and probation. Prison service journal, 32-33
- Towl, G. (online). Anger control groupwork in practice
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). Intentional self-injury
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). Self-inflicted deaths in prison in England and Wales: An analysis of the data for 1988-90 and 1994-95
- Towl, G. (online). Culture Groups in Prison (From Groupwork With Offenders, P 71-79, 1993, Allan Brown and Brian Caddick, eds.-See NCJ-158762)
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). Suicides in prison in England and Wales. Prison service journal, 44-47
- Towl, G., & Forbes, D. (online). Working with suicidal prisoners
- Shaw, J., Humber, N., Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (online). Suicide and self-injury in offenders
- Towl, G. J. (online). Ethical issues in forensic psychological policy and practice
- Towl, G. (online). Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Resilience
- Towl, G. (online). Groupwork in Prisons-A National Survey. Prison service journal, 5-5
- Morrissey, C., & Towl, G. (online). Psychologists Assessment and Treatment of Lifers: Recommendations for futured developments
- Towl, G. (online). Anger control groupwork in prisons
- McHngh, M., Towl, G., & Snow, L. (online). Reception and induction
- Siddiqui, N., Towl, G., Matthewson, J., & Earnshaw, M. (online). Understanding the Patterns of Hate Incidents and Reporting Attitudes at a UK University. Qeios,
- Towl, G. (online). Psychology in the National Offender Management Service for England and Wales
- Towl, G. (online). Psychological services in HM Prison Service
- Dexter, P., & Towl, G. (online). An investigation into suicidal behaviours in prison
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (online). Applied psychological services in the National Probation Service for England and Wales
- Bates, A., Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). Assessment and treatment of sexual offenders
- Towl, G. (online). Applied psychological services in HM Prison Service and the national Probation Service
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (online). International self-injury (ISI)
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (online). Psychologists in prisons
- Needs, A., & Towl, G. (online). Reflections on clinical risk assessments with lifers. Prison service journal, 14-17
- Towl, G. (online). Emotional rescue: the value and limitations of anger management in our prisons
- Poulter, H., Walker, T., Ahmed, D., Moore, H., Riley, F., Towl, G., & Harris, M. (2023). More than just ‘free heroin’: Caring whilst navigating constraint in the delivery of diamorphine assisted treatment. International Journal of Drug Policy, 116, Article 104025.
- Franklin-Corben, P., & Towl, G. (2023). Responding to gender-based violence in higher education: changes as a function of Covid-19. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 15(3),
- Riley, F., Harris, M., Poulter, H., Moore, H., Ahmed, D., Towl, G., & Walker, T. (2023). ‘This is hardcore’: a qualitative study exploring service users’ experiences of Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) in Middlesbrough, England. Harm Reduction Journal, 20, Article 66.
- Kuay, H., Boothroyd, L., Towl, G., Tiffin, P., & Munoz, L. (2022). Callous-Unemotional Traits are Associated With Child-to-Parent Aggression. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66(15), 1603-1626.
- Thomson, N. D., Kuay, H. S., Baron-Cohen, S., & Towl, G. J. (2017). The impact of maternal incarceration on their daughter's empathy. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 56, 10-16.
- Towl, G. (2017). Tackling Sexual Violence at Universities. The Psychologist,
- Kuay, H. S., Tiffin, P. A., Boothroyd, L. G., Towl, G. J., & Centifanti, L. C. (2017). A New Trait-Based Model of Child-to-Parent Aggression. Adolescent Research Review, 2(3), 199-211.
- Thomson, N., Towl, G., & Centifanti, L. (2016). The habitual female offender inside: How psychopathic traits predict chronic prison violence. Law and Human Behavior, 40(3), 257-269.
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (2016). The emperor's new clothes?. The Psychologist
- Towl, G., & Walker, T. (2015). Prisoner suicide. The Psychologist, 28(11), 886-889
- Towl, G. (2013). Student mental health; below the radar?. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 16(1), 1-1
- Towl, G. (2013). Student mental health: a cause for concern?. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 16(2), 29-29
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (2013). The politics of mental health. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 16(3), 59-59
- Towl, G. (2013). An Introduction to Criminal Psychology by R. Durrant. Abingdon: Routledge (2012) 390pp.\pounds 25.99 pb ISBN 978-1-843-92377-0. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 52(5), 551-552
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (2012). Policing and mental health. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 15(4), 85-85
- Towl, G. (2012). Mental healthcare in prisons. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 15(3), 53-53
- Towl, G. J. (2011). Ethics of evidence. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 14(3), 62-62
- Towl, G. (2011). Forensic psychotherapy and counselling in prisons
- Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2009). Psychology in prisons, (vol 5, pg 226, 2008). Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 6(1), 89-89
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (2007). Experimental interventions with sex offenders: A brief review of their efficacy. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 10(2), 35-37
- Bichard, M., & Towl, G. (2007). Interview with Sir Michael Bichard KCB. International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 3(3), 59-61
- Adair, J., & Towl, G. (2006). Interview with John Adair. International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 2(1), 31-34
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (2005). Distributed leadership for distributed services: Offender management and public protection. International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 1(1), 49-55
- Towl, G. (2005). National offender management services: Implications for applied psychological services in probation and prisons. Forensic Update, 81, 22-26
- Towl, G. (2005). Psychological services in prisons. The British journal of forensic practice, 7(2), 29-34
- Towl, G. (2005). Risk assessment. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 8(4), 91-93
- Towl, G. (2005). Restoring Responsibility, Ethics in Government, Business and Healthcare. International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 1(1), 58-59
- Towl, G. (2004). Leadership of applied psychological services in prisons and probation. The British journal of forensic practice, 6(3), 25-29
- Towl, G. (2003). Suicide in prisons. The British journal of forensic practice, 5(3), 28-32
- Towl, G. (2002). Psychological services in HM Prison Service and the National Probation Service: working towards an effective partnership. The British journal of forensic practice, 4(3), 3-10
- Towl, G. (2002). The ins and outs
- Towl, G. (2001). The Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice
- Towl, G. (2000). Reflections upon suicide in prisons. The British journal of forensic practice, 2(1), 17-22
- Towl, G. (1999). What do Forensic Psychologists in Prisons do?. The British journal of forensic practice, 1(3), 9-11
- Towl, G. (1999). Self-inflicted deaths in prisons in England and Wales from 1988 to 1996. The British journal of forensic practice, 1(2), 28-33
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (1999). The Handbook of Psychology for Forensic Practitioners
- Towl, G. J., & Crighton, D. A. (1998). Suicide in prisons in England and Wales from 1988 to 1995. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 8(3), 184-192
- Towl, G., & Hudson, D. (1997). Risk assessment and management of the suicidal
- McHugh, M., & Towl, G. (1997). Organizational reactions and reflections on suicide and self-injury
- Horn, R., & Towl, G. (1997). Anger management for women prisoners
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (1997). Self-inflicted deaths in England and Wales 1988-1990, and 1994-95
- J. Towl, G., & Crighton, D. A. (1997). Risk assessment with offenders. International Review of Psychiatry, 9(2-3), 187-194
- Towl, G. (1996). Homicide and suicide: assessing risk in prisons
- Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (1995). Evaluation issues in groupwork
- Towl, G., & Crighton, D. (1995). Risk assessment in prisons: A psychological critique. Forensic Update, 40, 6-14
- Towl, G. (1995). Anger management groupwork
- Towl, G. (1994). Ethical issues in forensic psychology. Forensic Update, 39, 23-26
- Towl, G. J., & Dexter, P. (1994). Anger management groupwork with prisoners: An empirical evaluation
- Towl, G., & Fisher, J. (1992). Education in Prisons: Ideology and Change
Other (Print)
- Towl, G. (2011). Protecting the Public? Detention and release of mentally disordered offenders
- Towl, G. (2008). Shouldn't psychologists do more to tackle the reoffending crisis? Response
- Baird, H., Renfrew, K., Nash-Henry, Z., & Towl, G. (online). Evaluation of Safeguarding Students Catalyst Fund Projects. [No known commissioning body]
- Baird, H., Towl, G., Renfrew, K., & Buckingham, R. (online). Evaluation of the Initial Impact of the Statement of Expectations – Final Report
- Siddiqui, N., Towl, G., Matthewson, J., Stretesky, C., & Earnshaw, M. (2019). Religious and Race Hate Experience Survey: Report Findings
- Harris, L. T., Coles, D., Cragg, S., Leach, P., Maganty, D., MacAttram, M., Shepherd, R., Towl, G., & Yong, M. A. (2015). The Harris Review: Changing Prisons, Saving Lives: Report of the Independent Review into Self-inflicted Deaths in Custody of 18-24 year olds. HM Government, Ministry of Justice