Staff profile
Dr Georgios Karagiannis
Associate Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences |
I am an Associate Professor in Statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University in UK.
I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mathematics of the Purdue University, and as a postdoctoral researcher in the Uncertainty Quantification group in the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in USA.
I hold a PhD degree in Mathematics (Statistics) from the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol, and a BSc degree in Statistics from the Department of Statistics at the Athens University of Economical and Business studies.
I am a Bayesian statistician with particular research interests in the development of methods for (i.) statistical modelling to address Bayesian computer model calibration and uncertainty quantification (UQ) problems; (ii.) statistical computing to facilitate inference in complex statistical models; and (iii.) machine learning.
A number of my recent research projects/developments address modern statistical challenges such as `Big Data' and High-Dimensional problems one can meet in real applications, while they can be implemented in parallel computing environments.
I am teaching "MATH4341: Spatio-Temporal Statistics IV" and "MATH3431: Machine Learning and Neural Networks III".
Some areas:
Research interests
- Bayesian statistics
- Machine learning, and Big-data analysis
- Computational statistics, and Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Uncertainty Quantification
Esteem Indicators
- 2020: IEEE, International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI): Financial Chair (Organ.), Registration Chair, Program Area Chair
Chapter in book
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2023). Toward Smart Energy Systems: The Case of Relevance Vector Regression Models in Hourly Solar Power Forecasting. In I. Hatzilygeroudis, G. Tsihrintzis, & L. Jain (Eds.), Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms (119-127). Springer International Publishing
- Karagiannis, G. (2022). Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Inference. In L. Aslett, F. Coolen, & J. De Bock (Eds.), Uncertainty in Engineering: Introduction to Methods and Applications (1-13). (1). Springer Verlag.
Conference Paper
- Deng, W., Feng, Q., Karagiannis, G., Lin, G., & Liang, F. (2021, December). Accelerating Convergence of Replica Exchange Stochastic Gradient MCMC via Variance Reduction. Paper presented at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'21), Virtual Event
- Alamaniotis, M., Martinez-Molina, A., & Karagiannis, G. (2023, June). Data Driven Update of Load Forecasts in Smart Power Systems using Fuzzy Fusion of Learning GPs. Presented at 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, Madrid, Spain
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2019, September). ELM-Fuzzy Method for Automated Decision-Making in Price Directed Electricity Markets. Presented at 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2019, December). Minute Ahead Wind Speed Forecasting Using a Gaussian Process and Fuzzy Assimilation. Presented at 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2018, November). Learning Uncertainty of Wind Speed Forecasting Using a Fuzzy Multiplexer of Gaussian Processes. Presented at Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2018), Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Nasiakou, A., Alamaniotis, M., Tsoukalas, L. H., & Karagiannis, G. (2017, December). A three-stage scheme for consumers' partitioning using hierarchical clustering algorithm. Presented at 2017 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA)
Conference Proceeding
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Cheng, S., Konomi, B. A., Karagiannis, G., & Kang, E. L. (2024). Recursive nearest neighbor co‐kriging models for big multi‐fidelity spatial data sets. Environmetrics, 35(4), Article e2844.
- Chang, W., Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., Guan, Y., & Haran, M. (2022). Ice Model Calibration using Semi-continuous Spatial Data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16(3), 1937-1961.
- Ma, P., Karagiannis, G., Konomi, B., Asher, T., Toro, G., & Cox, A. (2022). Multifidelity computer model emulation with high‐dimensional output: An application to storm surge. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 71(4), 861-883.
- Karagiannis, G., Hou, Z., Huang, M., & Lin, G. (2022). Inverse Modeling of Hydrologic Parameters in CLM4 via Generalized Polynomial Chaos in the Bayesian Framework. Computation, 10(5), Article 72.
- Cheng, S., Konomi, B., Matthews, J., Karagiannis, G., & Kang, E. (2021). Hierarchical Bayesian Nearest Neighbor Co-Kriging Gaussian Process Models; An Application to Intersatellite. Spatial Statistics, 44, Article 100516.
- Konomi, B., & Karagiannis, G. (2021). Bayesian analysis of multifidelity computer models with local features and non-nested experimental designs: Application to the WRF model. Technometrics, 63(4), 510-522.
- Karagiannis, G., Hao, W., & Lin, G. (2020). Calibrations and validations of biological models with an application on the renal fibrosis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 36(5), Article e3329.
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2020). Application of fuzzy multiplexing of learning Gaussian processes for the interval forecasting of wind speed. IET Renewable Power Generation, 14(1), 100-109.
- Karagiannis, G., Konomi, B., & Lin, G. (2019). On the Bayesian calibration of expensive computer models with input dependent parameters. Spatial Statistics, 34, Article 100258.
- Karagiannis, G., & Lin, G. (2017). On the Bayesian calibration of computer model mixtures through experimental data, and the design of predictive models. Journal of Computational Physics, 342, 139-160.
- Alamaniotis, M., & Karagiannis, G. (2017). Integration of Gaussian Processes and Particle Swarm Optimization for Very-Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting in Smart Power. International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research, 5(3), 1-14.
- Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., Lai, C., & Lin, G. (2017). Bayesian Treed Calibration: an application to carbon capture with AX sorbent. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(517), 37-53.
- Karagiannis, G., Konomi, B., Lin, G., & Liang, F. (2016). Parallel and Interacting Stochastic Approximation Annealing algorithms for global optimisation. Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 927-945.
- Zhang, B., Konomi, B., Sang, H., Karagiannis, G., & Lin, G. (2015). Full scale multi-output Gaussian process emulator with nonseparable auto-covariance functions. Journal of Computational Physics, 300, 623-642.
- Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., & Lin, G. (2015). On the Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process with linear model of coregionalization. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 157-158, 1-15.
- Karagiannis, G., Konomi, B., & Lin, G. (2015). A Bayesian mixed shrinkage prior procedure for spatial–stochastic basis selection and evaluation of gPC expansions: Applications to elliptic SPDEs. Journal of Computational Physics, 284, 528-546.
- Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., Sarkar, A., Sun, X., & Lin, G. (2014). Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process with adaptive design: Application to a carbon capture unit. Technometrics, 56(2), 145-158.
- Karagiannis, G., & Lin, G. (2014). Selection of polynomial chaos bases via Bayesian model uncertainty methods with applications to sparse approximation of PDEs with stochastic inputs. Journal of Computational Physics, 259, 114-134.
- Karagiannis, G., & Andrieu, C. (2013). Annealed Importance Sampling Reversible Jump MCMC Algorithms. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22(3), 623-648.