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Sam Chen

Research Postgraduate – Fluid Mechanics Node

Research Postgraduate – Fluid Mechanics Node in the Department of Engineering


Sam Geng Chen is a second-year PhD student in the Fluid Mechanics Node at Durham University, sponsored by the Aura Centre for Doctoral Training. He graduated from the Ocean University of China with a Master’s degree in Coastal and Offshore Engineering and worked as a coastal engineer at DHI China, specialising in metocean studies and hydrodynamic modelling before. His current research focuses on the hydrodynamics of floating wind turbine platforms.

Research Project

As offshore wind farms explore deeper waters and more challenging environments, floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) present an innovative solution to harness wind energy. This PhD project focuses on developing a high-fidelity hybrid aero-hydro-structural model for FOWTs to optimise their design and performance. The research incorporates numerical modelling, and experimental data to accurately predict structural responses to wind, waves, and currents. This work aims to support the design of next-generation FOWTs.