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Dr Gordon Cheung

Associate Professor in International Relations of China

Associate Professor in International Relations of China in the School of Government and International Affairs+44 (0) 191 33 45682


Gordon Cheung is Associate Professor in International Relations of China. His principal research interests are concerned China in the global political economy and the political economy of the global Chinese diaspora.

From exploring the politics of US-China economic relations, his recent research interest includes the study of the political impact of China's economic rise in the Global South. On the political economy of the global Chinese diaspora, he has been connecting the study of the political economy of Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia (Singapore and Malaysia) to the study of the 'food chain' of the UK Chinese diaspora. He is also interested in the study of the politics of economic integration of Taiwanese business (Taishang) in cross-strait relations. 

He is the author of several books, among them China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entreprenurial (2018), Intellectual Property Rights in China: Politics of Piracy, Trade and Protection (2009), China Factors: Political Perspectives and Economic Interactions (2007) and Market Liberalism: American Foreign Policy toward China (1998).

He received his PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has held visiting positions from the universities and research institutues in East Asia, Europe and the US, among them Wei Lun Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor in Renmin University, Visiting Research Fellow in East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, Visiting Scholar in the European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan at the University of Tubingen, Visiting Fellow in the Centre of Asian Studies at the University of Hong Kong, British Academy Visitor at the Academia Sinica, Senior Associate Member of St Antony's College at the University of Oxford, and Graduate Exchange Visitor at the University of Hawaii.

He has published articles in disciplinary and regional journals, among them Political Studies, Sustainable Development, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asian Politics and Policy, East Asian Policy, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Issues & Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, China: An International Journal, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, The China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China and China Report. He also published Chinese books, book chapters and journal articles regularly.

His research has been supported by The British Academy, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Universities' China Committee in London, Lee Foundation, Matariki Networks of Universities and Eu Tung Sen Scholarship for Graduate Exchange. He was the Recipient of Political Studies Association/APSA Exchanger Award in 2010. 

Dr Cheung has been the Editor-in-Chief of the journal East Asia: An International Quarterly since 2004. In Durham, he was former Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies. In SGIA, he served as Deputy Director of Research, Chair of Ethics and Risk Committee, Director of Undergraduate Education and Director of Teaching and Learning.

He is the Academic Advisory Board member of the Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies at Tsinghua University and the Advisory Board Member of the European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan at the University of Tubingen.

He previously served as Rapporteur for the Economic & Social Research Council, Secretary of the Overseas Chinese Studies Foundation in Hong Kong, Non-Panel Reviewer of the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, External Examiner of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at Nottingham University and the External Academic Adviser of the MA programme in the Department of Government and International Affairs at Lingnan University. 

He has supervised PhD topics on cross-strait relations, Malaysian political economy, China-Chile political economy of trust and China's international relations of Tianxia. He welcomes PhD applications in particular on the global Chinese diaspora. 

Research interests

  • Cross-Strait relations
  • China-US relations
  • Greater China studies
  • Chinese international political economy
  • Chinese political economy
  • Chinese diaspora

Esteem Indicators


Authored book

Book review

Chapter in book

Journal Article

Other (Digital/Visual Media)


Working Paper

Supervision students