Staff profile
Affiliation |
Royal Society Wolfson Fellow in the Department of Physics |
Professor in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology |
Conference Paper
- Alcaraz Maestre, J., Heinrich, G., Huston, J., Krauss, F., Maitre, D., Nurse, E., Pittau, R., Alioli, S., Andersen, J., Ball, R., Buckley, A., Cacciari, M., Campanario, F., Chanon, N., Chachamis, G., Ciulli, V., Cossutti, F., Cullen, G., Denner, A., Dittmaier, S., …Zapp, K. (2012, March). The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report. Presented at 7th Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France
- Hoche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2010, December). Next-to-leading order matrix elements and truncated showers. Presented at 5th Conference, PLHC2010, Hamburg, Germany
- Bartalini, P., Chekanov, S., Gieseke, S., & Krauss, F. (2009, March). Introduction to Monte Carlo models and Tools working group (WG5). Presented at 2nd workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics
- Krauss, F. (2008, August). Phenomenology at collider experiments. Presented at School for Experimental High Engergy Physics Students, Oxford, UK
- Bern, Z., Dittmaier, S., Dixon, L., Heinrich, G., Huston, J., Kersevan, B., Kunszt, Z., Soper, D., Bernicot, C., Binoth, T., Boudjema, F., Britto, R., Campbell, J., Czakon, M., Denner, A., Dissertori, G., Duplancic, G., Ellis, R., Frederix, R., Gehrmann, T., …Zanderighi, G. (2008, December). The NLO multileg working group: Summary report. Presented at 5th Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders (PhysTeV 2007), Les Houches, France
- Hoche, S., Krauss, F., & Teubner, T. (2007, December). Multijet events in the k_T-factorisation scheme
- Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., & others. (2007, December). New trends in modern event generators
- Krauss, F. (2006, December). High-Q**2 physics at the LHC. Presented at Deep inelastic scattering. Proceedings, 14th International Workshop, DIS 2006, Tsukuba, Japan, April 20-24, 2006
- Alekhin, S., & Krauss, F. M. (2005, December). HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics. Proceedings, Part B
- Alekhin, S., & Krauss, F. M. (2005, December). HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A
- Gleisberg, T., & Krauss, F. M. (2004, December). Towards a fragmentation model for Sherpa
- Ballestrero, A., & Krauss, F. M. (2000, December). Reports of the Working Groups on Precision Calculations for LEP2 Physics: Proceedings. Report of the QCD working group. Presented at In *Geneva 1999/2000, Reports of the working groups on precision calculation for LEP2 physics* 137-218
- Kuhn, R., Schalicke, A., Krauss, F., & Soff, G. (2000, December). Parton showers and multijet events. Presented at Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Modern Physics (Luderitz 2000) Luderitz, Namibia, South Africa, November 13-17, 2000
- Schutzhold, R., Plunien, G., Dittes, F., Schleif, M., Krauss, F., Ivanyi, B., & Soff, G. (1998, December). Quantum fields under the influence of external conditions. Presented at Frontier tests of QED and physics of the vacuum. Proceedings, Workshop, Sandansky, Bulgaria, June 9-15, 1998
Journal Article
- Gleisberg, T., Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., & Matyszkiewicz, R. (online). How to calculate colourful cross sections efficiently
- Krauss, F. (online). A theory perspective on Top2014
- Krauss, F., Abramowicz, H., & others. (online). Summary of the Workshop on Multi-Parton Interactions (MPI@LHC 2012)
- Bothmann, E., Flower, L., Gütschow, C., Höche, S., Hoppe, M., Isaacson, J., Knobbe, M., Krauss, F., Meinzinger, P., Napoletano, D., Price, A., Reichelt, D., Schönherr, M., Schumann, S., & Siegert, F. (2024). Event generation with Sherpa 3. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(12), Article 156.
- Krauss, F., & Meinzinger, P. (2024). Hard diffraction in SHERPA. The European Physical Journal C, 84(9), Article 894.
- Campbell, J. M., Diefenthaler, M., Hobbs, T. J., Höche, S., Isaacson, J., Kling, F., Mrenna, S., Reuter, J., Alioli, S., Andersen, J. R., Andreopoulos, C., Ankowski, A. M., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashkenazi, A., Baker, M. D., Barrow, J. L., van Beekveld, M., Bewick, G., Bhattacharya, S., Bierlich, C., …Zapp, K. (2024). Event generators for high-energy physics experiments. SciPost Physics, 16(5), Article 130.
- Meinzinger, P., & Krauss, F. (2024). Hadron-level NLO predictions for QCD observables in photo-production at the Electron-Ion Collider. Physical Review D, 109(3), Article 034037.
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., & Meinzinger, P. (2024). Resolved photons in Sherpa. The European Physical Journal C, 84(2), Article 178.
- Knobbe, M., Krauss, F., Reichelt, D., & Schumann, S. (2024). Measuring hadronic Higgs boson branching ratios at future lepton colliders. The European Physical Journal C, 84(1), Article 83.
- Gross, F., Klempt, E., Brodsky, S. J., Buras, A. J., Burkert, V. D., Heinrich, G., Jakobs, K., Meyer, C. A., Orginos, K., Strickland, M., Stachel, J., Zanderighi, G., Brambilla, N., Braun-Munzinger, P., Britzger, D., Capstick, S., Cohen, T., Crede, V., Constantinou, M., Davies, C., …Zhou, X. (2023). 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics. The European Physical Journal C, 83(12), Article 1125.
- Walker, J., Aylett-Bullock, J., Shi, D., Kahindo Maina, A. G., Samir Evers, E., Harlass, S., & Krauss, F. (2023). A mixed-method approach to determining contact matrices in the Cox’s Bazar refugee settlement. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), Article 231066.
- Herren, F., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Reichelt, D., & Schönherr, M. (2023). A new approach to color-coherent parton evolution. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10), Article 91.
- Butter, A., Plehn, T., Schumann, S., Badger, S., Caron, S., Cranmer, K., Di Bello, F. A., Dreyer, E., Forte, S., Ganguly, S., Gonçalves, D., Gross, E., Heimel, T., Heinrich, G., Heinrich, L., Held, A., Höche, S., Howard, J. N., Ilten, P., Isaacson, J., …Zupan, J. (2023). Machine learning and LHC event generation. SciPost Physics, 14(4), Article 079.
- Vernon, I., Owen, J., Aylett-Bullock, J., Cuestra-Lazaro, C., Frawley, J., Quera-Bofarull, A., Sedgewick, A., Shi, D., Truong, H., Turner, M., Walker, J., Caulfield, T., Fong, K., & Krauss, F. (2022). Bayesian Emulation and History Matching of JUNE. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2233), Article 20220039.
- Krauss, F., Price, A., & Schönherr, M. (2022). YFS Resummation for Future Lepton-Lepton Colliders in SHERPA. SciPost Physics, 13(2),
- Chahal, G. S., & Krauss, F. (2022). Cluster Hadronisation in Sherpa. SciPost Physics, 13(2),
- Walker, J., & Krauss, F. (2022). Constraining the Charm-Yukawa coupling at the Large Hadron Collider. Physics Letters B, 832, Article 137255.
- Valassi, A., Yazgan, E., McFayden, J., Amoroso, S., Bendavid, J., Buckley, A., Cacciari, M., Childers, T., Ciulli, V., Frederix, R., Frixione, S., Giuli, F., Grohsjean, A., Gütschow, C., Höche, S., Hopkins, W., Ilten, P., Konstantinov, D., Krauss, F., Li, Q., …Stewart, G. A. (2021). Challenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC. Computing and Software for Big Science, 5(1), Article 12.
- Aylett-Bullock, J., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Quera-Bofarull, A., Icaza-Lizaola, M., Sedgewick, A., Truong, H., Curran, A., Elliott, E., Caulfield, T., Fong, K., Vernon, I., Williams, J., Bower, R., & Krauss, F. (2021). JUNE: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation. Royal Society Open Science, 8(7),
- Bieköetter, A., Gregg, P., Krauss, F., & Schöenherr, M. (2021). Constraining CP violating operators in charged and neutral triple gauge couplings. Physics Letters B, 817,
- Bothmann, E., Chahal, G. S., Hoche, S., Krause, J., Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., Liebschner, S., Napoletano, D., Schonherr, M., Schulz, H., Schumann, S., & Siegert, F. (2019). Event Generation with Sherpa 2.2. SciPost Physics, 7, Article 034.
- Krauss, F., Lindert, J. M., Linten, R., & Schönherr, M. (2019). Accurate simulation of W, Z, and Higgs boson decays in Sherpa. The European Physical Journal C, 79(2), Article 143.
- Krauss, F., & Napoletano, D. (2018). Towards a fully massive five-flavor scheme. Physical Review D, 98(9), Article 096002.
- Bothmann, E., Krauss, F., & Schönherr, M. (2018). Single top-quark production with sherpa. The European Physical Journal C, 78(3), Article 220.
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., & Prestel, S. (2017). Implementing NLO DGLAP evolution in parton showers. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(10), Article 93.
- Alioli, S., Arbuzov, A., Bardin, D. Y., Barzè, L., Bernaciak, C., Bondarenko, S., Carloni Calame, C., Chiesa, M., Dittmaier, S., Ferrera, G., de Florian, D., Grazzini, M., Höche, S., Huss, A., Jadach, S., Kalinovskaya, L., Karlberg, A., Krauss, F., Li, Y., Martinez, H., …Zanderighi, G. (2017). Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 77(5), Article 280.
- Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., & Plehn, T. (2017). LHC multijet events as a probe for anomalous dimension-six gluon interactions. Physical Review D, 95(3), Article 035024.
- Krauss, F., Napoletano, D., & Schumann, S. (2017). Simulating b-associated production of Z and Higgs bosons with the SHERPA event generator. Physical Review D, 95(3), Article 036012.
- collaboration, A., & F. M., K. (2016). Study of hard double-parton scattering in four-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 110.
- Gonçalves, D., Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., & Maierhofer, P. (2016). Boosting invisible searches via ZH : From the Higgs boson to dark matter simplified models. Physical Review D, 94(5), Article 053014.
- Bothmann, E., Ferrarese, P., Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., Schumann, S., & Thompson, J. (2016). Aspects of perturbative QCD at a 100 TeV future hadron collider. Physical Review D, 94(3), Article 034007.
- Gonçalves, D., Krauss, F., & Linten, R. (2016). Distinguishing b-quark and gluon jets with a tagged b hadron. Physical Review D, 93(5), Article 053013.
- Gonçalves, D., Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., & Maierhöfer, P. (2015). Higgs-Strahlung: Merging the NLO Drell-Yan and Loop-Induced 0+1 jet Multiplicities. Physical Review D, 92(7),
- Gonçalves, D., Krauss, F., & Spannowsky, M. (2015). Augmenting the diboson excess for the LHC Run II. Physical Review D, 92(5),
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., Maierhöfer, P., Pozzorini, S., Schönherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2015). Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for top-quark pair production with up to two jets merged with a parton shower. Physics Letters B, 748, 74-78.
- Englert, C., Krauss, F., Spannowsky, M., & Thompson, J. (2015). Di-Higgs phenomenology in t¯thh: The forgotten channel. Physics Letters B, 743, 93-97.
- Buschmann, M., Gonçalves, D., Kuttimalai, S., Schönherr, M., Krauss, F., & Plehn, T. (2015). Mass effects in the Higgs-gluon coupling: boosted vs. off-shell production. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(02),
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., & Schönherr, M. (2014). Uncertainties in MEPS@NLO calculations of h+jets. Physical Review D, 90(1),
- Krauss, F., Petrov, P., Schönherr, M., & Spannowsky, M. (2014). Measuring collinear W emissions inside jets. Physical Review D, 89(11), Article 114006.
- Bicer, M., DuranYildiz, H., Yildiz, I., Coignet, G., Delmastro, M., Alexopoulos, T., Grojean, C., Antusch, S., Sen, T., He, H.-J., Potamianos, K., Haug, S., Moreno, A., Heister, A., Sanz, V., Gomez-Ceballos, G., Klute, M., Zanetti, M., Wang, L.-T., Dam, M., …Chattopadhyay, S. (2014). First Look at the Physics Case of TLEP. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(01), Article 164.
- Cascioli, F., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Maierhöfer, P., Pozzorini, S., & Siegert, F. (2014). Precise Higgs-background predictions: merging NLO QCD and squared quark-loop corrections to four-lepton + 0,1 jet production. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(1),
- Cascioli, F., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Moretti, N., Pozzorini, S., Schönherr, M., Siegert, F., & Maierhöfer, P. (2014). Next-to-leading order simulations with Sherpa+OpenLoops. PoS: Proceedings of Science, LL2014,
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., Schönherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2013). QCD matrix elements + parton showers: the NLO case. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(4), Article 027.
- Krauss, F., & Collaboration, A. (2013). Measurement of hard double-parton interactions in W->lv+ 2-jet events at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. New Journal of Physics, 15,
- Zapp, K., Krauss, F., & Wiedemann, U. (2013). A perturbative framework for jet quenching. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3), Article 80.
- Höche, S., Krauss, F., Schönherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2013). W+n-Jet Predictions at the Large Hadron Collider at Next-To-Leading Order Matched with a Parton Shower. Physical Review Letters, 110(5),
- Gehrmann, T., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Schönherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2013). NLO QCD matrix elements + parton showers in e+e− → hadrons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1),
- Maierhoefer, P., Cascioli, F., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Pozzorini, S., & Siegert, F. (2013). Status of OpenLoops and Simulation of $H \to WW$ Backgrounds. PoS: Proceedings of Science, RADCOR2013,
- Schönherr, M., Höche, S., Krauss, F., & Siegert, F. (2013). Merging of matrix elements and parton showers at NLO accuracy. PoS: Proceedings of Science, EPS-HEP2013,
- Schonherr, M., Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., & Siegert, F. (2013). Systematic uncertainties in NLoPs matching. PoS: Proceedings of Science, ICHEP2012,
- Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2012). A critical appraisal of NLO+PS matching methods. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09,
- Winter, J., Hoeche, S., Hoeth, H., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., Zapp, K., Schumann, S., & Siegert, F. (2012). Systematic improvement of QCD parton showers
- Beringer, J., Krauss, F., Richardson, P., & others. (2012). Review of Particle Physics (RPP). Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, D86,
- Hoche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2011). NLO matrix elements and truncated showers. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(8), Article 123.
- Buckley, A., Butterworth, J., Gieseke, S., Grellscheid, D., Hoche, S., Hoeth, H., Krauss, F., Lonnblad, L., Nurse, E., Richardson, P., Schumann, S., Seymour, M., Sjostrand, T., Skands, P., & Webber, B. (2011). General-purpose event generators for LHC Physics. Physics Reports, 504(5), 145-233.
- Hoche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2011). Automating the POWHEG method in Sherpa. Journal of High Energy Physics, 04,
- Binoth, T., others, & Krauss, F. (2010). A Proposal for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs. Computer Physics Communications, 181, 1612-1622.
- Siegert, F., Hoche, S., Krauss, F., & Schonherr, M. (2010). Multi-jet merging with NLO matrix elements. PoS: Proceedings of Science, ICHEP2010,
- Gleisberg, T., Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., Schumann, S., Siegert, F., & Winter, J. (2009). Event generation with SHERPA 1.1. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(02), Article 007.
- Alwall, J., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Lavesson, N., Lönnblad, L., Maltoni, F., Mangano, M., Moretti, M., Papadopoulos, C., Piccinini, F., Schumann, S., Treccani, M., Winter, J., & Worek, M. (2008). Comparative study of various algorithms for the merging of parton showers and matrix elements in hadronic collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 53(3), 473-500.
- Schumann, S., & Krauss, F. (2008). A Parton shower algorithm based on Catani-Seymour dipole factorisation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 03,
- Krauss, F., Underwood, T., & Zwicky, R. (2008). Process gg→h0→γγ in the Lee-Wick standard model. Physical Review D, 77(1),
- Gleisberg, T., & Krauss, F. (2008). Automating dipole subtraction for QCD NLO calculations. The European Physical Journal C, 53(3), 501-523.
- Archibald, J., Gleisberg, T., Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., Schumann, S., Siegert, F., & Winter, J. (2008). Recent developments in SHERPA. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 183, 60-66.
- Rodrigo, G., Catani, S., Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., & Winter, J.-C. (2008). From multileg loops to trees (by-passing Feynman's Tree Theorem). Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 183, 262-267.
- Catani, S., Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., Rodrigo, G., & Winter, J.-C. (2008). From loops to trees by-passing Feynman's theorem. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09,
- Dedes, A., Figy, T., Hoche, S., Krauss, F., & Underwood, T. E. (2008). Searching for Nambu-Goldstone Bosons at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11,
- Archibald, J., Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., Siegert, F., Gleisberg, T., Schonherr, M., Schumann, S., & Winter, J.-C. (2008). Simulation of photon-photon interactions in hadron collisions with SHERPA. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 179-180, 218-225.
- del Aguila, F., others, & Krauss, F. (2008). Collider aspects of flavour physics at high $Q$. The European Physical Journal C, C57, 183-308.
- Hoeche, S., Krauss, F., & Teubner, T. (2008). Multijet events in the $k_T$ -factorisation scheme. The European Physical Journal C, C58, 17-28.
- Winter, J.-C., & Krauss, F. (2008). Initial-state showering based on colour dipoles connected to incoming parton lines. Journal of High Energy Physics, 07,
- Schonherr, M., & Krauss, F. (2008). Soft Photon Radiation in Particle Decays in SHERPA. Journal of High Energy Physics, 12,
- Alwall, J., Ballestrero, A., Bartalini, P., Belov, S., Boos, E., Buckley, A., Butterworth, J., Dudko, L., Frixionem, S., Garren, L., Gieseke, S., Gusev, A., Hinchliffe, I., Huston, J., Kersevan, B., Krauss, F., Lavesson, N., Lönnblad, L., Maina, E., Maltoni, F., …Zeppenfeld, D. (2007). A standard format for Les Houches event files. Computer Physics Communications, 176(4), 300-304.
- Hagiwara, K., Kilian, W., Krauss, F., Ohl, T., Plehn, T., Rainwater, D., Reuter, J., & Schumann, S. (2006). Supersymmetry simulations with off-shell effects for LHC and ILC. Physical Review D, 73(5),
- Krauss, F., Schalicke, A., & Soff, G. (2006). APACIC++ 2.0: A Parton cascade in C++. Computer Physics Communications, 174, 876-902.
- Krauss, F., Schalicke, A., Schumann, S., & Soff, G. (2005). Simulating W / Z + jets production at the CERN LHC. Physical Review D, 72(5),
- Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., Schalicke, A., Schumann, S., & Winter, J.-C. (2005). Studying W+ W− production at the Fermilab Tevatron with SHERPA. Physical Review D, 72(3),
- Schalicke, A., & Krauss, F. (2005). Implementing the ME+PS merging algorithm. Journal of High Energy Physics, 07,
- Krauss, F., Schalicke, A., Schumann, S., & Soff, G. (2004). Simulating W / Z + jets production at the Tevatron. Physical Review D, 70(11),
- Gleisberg, T., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Schälicke, A., Schumann, S., & Winter, J.-C. (2004). SHERPA 1.α, a proof-of-concept version. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(02), Article 056.
- Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., Papadopoulos, C., Schaelicke, A., & Schumann, S. (2004). Cross sections for multi-particle final states at a linear collider. The European Physical Journal C, 34(2), 173-180.
- Winter, J.-C., Krauss, F., & Soff, G. (2004). A Modified cluster hadronization model. The European Physical Journal C, C36, 381-395.
- Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., Matchev, K. T., Schalicke, A., Schumann, S., & Soff, G. (2003). Helicity formalism for spin-2 particles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09,
- Krauss, F., & Soff, G. (2002). Next-to-leading order {QCD} corrections to B anti-B mixing and epsilon(K) within the MSSM. Nuclear Physics B, 633(1-2), 237-249.
- Eilam, G., Krauss, F., & Lublinsky, M. (2002). Possible large mass effects in direct determination of the CKM elements in top decays. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, D66,
- Krauss, F., Kuhn, R., & Soff, G. (2002). AMEGIC++ 1.0: A Matrix element generator in C++. Journal of High Energy Physics, 02,
- Schalicke, A., Krauss, F., Kuhn, R., & Soff, G. (2002). Implementing initial state radiation for lepton induced processes in AMEGIC++. Journal of High Energy Physics, 12,
- Krauss, F. (2002). Matrix elements and parton showers in hadronic interactions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 08,
- Kuhn, R., Krauss, F., Ivanyi, B., & Soff, G. (2001). APACIC++ 1.0 : A Parton Cascade In C++. Computer Physics Communications, 134(2), 223-266.
- Catani, S., Krauss, F., Kuhn, R., & Webber, B. (2001). QCD matrix elements + parton showers. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11,
- Eilam, G., & Krauss, F. (2000). Determining the quantum numbers of excited heavy mesons. Physics Letters B, B482, 374-377.
- Krauss, F., Kuhn, R., & Soff, G. (2000). Multijet events and parton showers. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, G26, L11-L15.
- Krauss, F., Kuhn, R., & Soff, G. (1999). APACIC++, a parton cascade in C++
- Ginzburg, I., Jentschura, U., Karshenboim, S., Krauss, F., Serbo, V., & Soff, G. (1998). Production of bound mu+ mu- systems in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, 58(6), 3565-3573.
- Urban, J., Krauss, F., Jentschura, U., & Soff, G. (1998). Next-to-leading order QCD corrections for the B0 anti-B0 mixing with an extended Higgs sector. Nuclear Physics B, 523(1-2), 40-58.
- Krauss, F., Greiner, M., & Soff, G. (1997). Photon and gluon induced processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 39, 503-564.
- Urban, J., Krauss, F., Hofmann, C., & Soff, G. (1997). B0 anti-B0 mixing involving supersymmetry. Modern Physics Letters A, A12, 419-426.
- Urban, J., Krauss, F., & Soff, G. (1997). Influence of external momenta in K0 anti-K0 and B0 anti-B0 mixing. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, G23, L25-L31.
- Heinemeyer, S., Mariotti, C., Passarino, G., Tanaka, R., Andersen, J., Artoisenet, P., Bagnaschi, E., Banfi, A., Becher, T., Bernlochner, F., Bolognesi, S., Bolzoni, P., Boughezal, R., Buarque, D., Campbell, J., Caola, F., Carena, M., Cascioli, F., Chanon, N., Cheng, T., …Zuberi, S. (2013). Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties: Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group. CERN-2013-004. [No known commissioning body]
- Dittmaier, S., Mariotti, C., Passarino, G., Tanaka, R., Alekhin, S., Alwall, J., Bagnaschi, E., Banfi, A., Blumlein, J., Bolognesi, S., Chanon, N., Cheng, T., Cieri, L., Cooper-Sarkar, A., Cutajar, M., Dawson, S., Davies, G., De Filippis, N., Degrassi, G., Denner, A., …Zanderighi, G. (2012). Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions. CERN-2012-002. [No known commissioning body]
- Dittmaier, S., Mariotti, C., Passarino, G., Tanaka, R., Baglio, J., Bolzoni, P., Boughezal, R., Brein, O., Collins-Tooth, C., Dawson, S., Dean, S., Denner, A., Farrington, S., Felcini, M., Flechl, M., de Florian, D., Forte, S., Grazzini, M., Hackstein, C., Hahn, T., …Zirke, T. (2011). Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables. CERN-2011-002. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper
Supervision students
Edwin Herrera Chacon
PGR Student
Freddie Daniels
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PGR Student