Staff profile
Professor Elisabeth Kirtsoglou
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Anthropology | +44 (0) 191 33 40680 |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
Deputy Director - Durham Global Security Institute
Research Interests
My research interests focus on Gender, Politics and Migration in Greece. I have published a monograph on Gender and Identity and since 2006 I have been working on themes like terrorism, cosmopolitanism, globalisation, power assymetries and the fragility of the social contract. I am currently conducting research on migration and refugee issues, the Greek crisis and South European politics.
Research interests
- Gender
- Greece
- Identity
- Politics
- Migration and Refugee Issues
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2021). Anticipatory Nostalgia and Nomadic Temporality: A Case Study of Chronocracy in the Crypto-colony. In E. Kirtsoglou, & B. Simpson (Eds.), The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics (159-186). Routledge
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Simpson, B. (2021). Introduction: The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics and chronocracy. In E. Kirtsoglou, & B. Simpson (Eds.), The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics (1-30). Routledge.
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2018). We are all human: Cosmopolitanism as a radically political, moral project. In N. Rapport, & H. Wardle (Eds.), An anthropology of the Enlightenment : moral social relations then and today (133-150). Bloomsbury.
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2018). Commentary: Nomadic Ethics. In Y. Hamilakis (Ed.), The new nomadic age : archaeologies of forced and undocumented migration. Equinox Publishing.
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2018). Empathy, as affective ethical technology and transformative political praxis. In B. Kapferer, & M. Gold (Eds.), Moral anthropology : a critique (104-132). Berghahn Books
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2011). The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; Imagination, Creativity and Political Agency in the Inspirational Night Dream in Islam. In I. Edgar (Ed.), The dream in Islam : from Qur'anic Tradition to Jihadist inspiration (124-136). Berghahn Journals
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2009). Conclusion: United in Discontent. In D. Theodossopoulos, & E. Kirtsoglou (Eds.), United in discontent : local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization (168-180). Berghahn Journals
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2009). Intimacies of Anti-globalization: Imagining Unhappy Others as Oneself in Greece. In D. Theodossopoulos, & E. Kirtsoglou (Eds.), United in discontent : local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization (83-102). Berghahn Journals
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2005). Unspeakable Crimes: Athenian Greek perceptions of local and international terrorism. In A. Strathern, P. Stewart, & N. Whitehead (Eds.), Terror and violence : imagination and the unimaginable (61-88). Pluto Press
Edited book
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Simpson, B. (Eds.). (2020). The Time of Anthropology: Studies of Contemporary Chronopolitics. Routledge.
- Theodossopoulos, D., & Kirtsoglou, E. (Eds.). (2009). United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Globalization. Berghahn Journals
Journal Article
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Tsimouris, G. (2018). Migration, Crisis, Liberalism: the cultural and racial politics of Islamophobia and “radical alterity” in modern Greece. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(10), 1874-1892.
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Tsimouris, E. (2016). “Il était un petit navire”: The refugee crisis, neo-orientalism, and the production of radical alterity. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Occasional Paper 9, 1-14
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2013). The Dark Ages of the Golden Dawn : anthropological analysis and responsibility in the Twilight Zone of the Greek Crisis. Suomen Antropologi, 38(1), 104-108
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2010). Dreaming the Self: A Unified Approach towards Dreams, Subjectivity and the Radical Imagination. History and Anthropology, 21(3), 321-335.
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2010). Introduction: Rhetoric and the Workings of Power — the Social Contract in Crisis. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology, 54(1), 1-14.
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2010). The Poetics of Anti-Americanism in Greece: Rhetoric, Agency, and Local Meaning. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology, 54(1), 106-124.
- Kirtsoglou, E. (2006). Phantom menace: What junior Greek army officers have to say about Turks and Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 11(1), 163-177.
- Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2004). “They are taking our culture away”: tourism and culture commodification in the Garifuna community of Roatan. Critique of Anthropology, 24(2), 135-157.
Supervision students
Alex Christou-Kent
PhD student
Emily Parker
Panagiotis Karlaganis
PhD Student
Navile Navile
Summer School Academic (Casual)