Staff profile
Edward Harris
Emeritus Professor

Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History |
Research interests
- Economic History
- Greek History
- Greek Law
Authored book
- Harris, E. (2013). The Rule of Law in Action in Democratic Athens. Oxford University Press
- Harris, E. (2008). Demosthenes: Speeches 20-22. University of Texas Press
- Harris, E. (2006). Democracy and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens: Essays on Law, Society, and Politics. Cambridge University Press.
- Harris, E. (1995). Aeschines and Athenian Politics. Oxford University Press
Chapter in book
- Harris, E. (2007). Who Enforced the Law in Classical Athens?. In E. Cantarella (Ed.), Symposion 2005: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Salerno, 14-18 September 2005) (159-176). Verlag der Oesterreichen Akademie der Wissenschaft
- Harris, E. (2006). Did the Athenian Courts Attempt to Achieve Consistency? Oral Tradition and Written Records in the Athenian Administration of Justice. In C. Cooper (Ed.), Politics of orality (343-370). Brill Academic Publishers
- Harris, E. (2006). Antigone the Lawyer or the Ambiguities of Nomos. In E. Harris, & L. Rubinstein (Eds.), The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece (19-56). Duckworth
- Harris, E. (2006). Was all Criticism of Athenian Democracy Anti-Democratic?. In U. Bultrighini (Ed.), Democrazia e Anti-Democrazia (11-24). Edizioni dell'Orso
- Harris, E. (2005). Feuding or the Rule of Law? The Nature of Litigation in Classical Athens. An Essay in Legal Sociology. In M. Gargarin, & R. Wallace (Eds.), Symposion 2001 : Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Evanston, Illinois, 5.- 8. September 2001) = Papers on Greek and Hellenistic legal history (Evanston, Illinois, September 5-8, 2001) (125-142). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Harris, E. (2004). More Thoughts on Open Texture in Athenian Law. In D. Leao, D. Rosetti, & M. Fialho (Eds.), Nomos estudos sobre direito antigo (241-263)
- Harris, E. (2001). Workshop, household and marketplace : the nature of technical specialization in classical Athens and its influence on economy and society. In P. Cartledge, E. E. Cohen, & L. Foxhall (Eds.), Money, labour and land : approaches to the economies of ancient Greece (67-99). Routledge
- Harris, E. (2001). How to Kill in Attic Greek. The Semantics of the Verb apokteinein and their implications for Athenian Homicide Law. In E. Cantarella, & G. Thuer (Eds.), Symposion 1997. Vortraege zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (75-87)
- Harris, E. (2001). Lycurgus. In M. Gagarin (Ed.), Deinarchos, Hypereides, and Lycurgus (153-218). University of Texas Press
- Harris, E. (2000). The Authenticity of Andocides De Pace. A Subversive Essay. In P. Flensted-Jensen, T. Nielsen, & L. Rubinstein (Eds.), Polis and Politics: Studies in Greek HistoryPolitics: Studies in Ancient Greek History, (479-506)
- Harris, E. (1994). Law and Oratory. In I. Worthington (Ed.), Persuasion. Greek Rhetoric in Action (130-150). Routledge
Edited book
- Harris, E., Leao, D., & Rhodes, P. J. (Eds.). (2010). Law and Drama in Ancient Greece. Duckworth
- Harris, E. M., & Thür, G. (Eds.). (2009). Symposion 2007: Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistisch Rechtsgeschichte (Durham, 2-6 September 2007)
- Harris, E., & Rubinstein, L. (Eds.). (2004). The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece. Duckworth
Journal Article
- Harris, E. M. (2022). Law and Economic Growth in Ancient Athens. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 39(1), 203-212.
- Harris, E. (2021). The Work of Craterus and the Documents in the Attic Orators and in the “Lives of the Ten Orators”. Klio, 103(2), 463-504.
- Harris, E. (2013). How to Address the Athenian Assembly: Rhetoric and Political Tactics in the Debate About Mytilene (Thuc. 3.37–50). Classical Quarterly, 63(1), 94-109.
- Canevaro, M., & Harris, E. (2012). The Documents in Andocides' On the Mysteries. Classical Quarterly, 62(1), 98-129.
- Harris, E. (2004). Le rôle de l'epieikeia dans les tribunaux athéniens. Revue historique de droit français et étranger (1922), 82(1), 1-14
- Harris, E. (2004). Notes on a Lead Letter from the Athenian Agora. Harvard studies in classical philology, 104,
- Harris, E. (2002). Did Solon Abolish Debt-Bondage?. Classical Quarterly, 52(2), 415-30.
- Harris, E. (2002). Pheidippides the Legislator. A Note on Aristophanes Clouds. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 140, 3-5
- Harris, E. (2000). Open Texture in Athenian Law. Dike, 3, 27-79
- Harris, E. (1999). Notes on the New Grain-Tax Law. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 128, 269-272
- Harris, E. (1999). IG ii3 227 and the So-Called Peace of Epilycus. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 126, 123-128
- Harris, E. (1997). A Note on the Constitution of the Five Thousand. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 116,
- Harris, E. (1994). Demosthenes Loses a Friend and Nausicles Gains a Position. A Prosopographical Note on Athenian Politics after Chaironea. Historia, 43, 378-384
- Harris, E. (1986). How Often Did he Athenian Assembly Meet?. Classical Quarterly, 36, 363-377.