Staff profile
Research interests
- Main group chemistry (Phosphorous, Antimony, Bismuth)
- Homogeneous catalysis
- Activation / Fixation of small molecules (e.g. carbon dioxide, hydrogen)
- From molecular synthesis to nanoparticles & 2D materials
Journal Article
- Mokrai, R., Barrett, J., Apperley, D. C., Benkő, Z., & Heift, D. (2020). Tweaking the Charge Transfer: Bonding Analysis of Bismuth(III) Complexes with a Flexidentate Phosphane Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry, 59(13), 8916-8924.
- Heift, D. (2019). Iron Sulfide Materials: Catalysts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution. Inorganics, 7(6),
- Mokrai, R., Barrett, J., Apperley, D., Batsanov, A., Benkő, Z., & Heift, D. (2019). Weak pnictogen bond with bismuth: Experimental evidence based on Bi-P through-space coupling. Chemistry - A European Journal, 25(16), 4017-4024.
- Heift, D., Lacroix, L.-M., Lecante, P., Fazzini, P.-F., & Chaudret, B. (2018). Controlling the Sulfidation Process of Iron Nanoparticles: Accessing Iron-Iron Sulfide Core-Shell Structures. ChemNanoMat, 4(7), 663-669.
- Gilliard Jr., R. J., Heift, D., Benko, Z., Keiser, J. M., Rheingold, A. L., Grutzmacher, H., & Protasiewicz, J. D. (2018). An isolable magnesium diphosphaethynolate complex. Dalton Transactions, 47(3), 666-669.
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., Suter, R., Verel, R., & Grützmacher, H. (2016). The reactivity of acyl chlorides towards sodium phosphaethynolate, Na(OCP): a mechanistic case study. Chemical Science, 7(9), 6125-6131.
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., Grützmacher, H., Jupp, A., & Goicoechea, J. (2015). Cyclo-oligomerization of isocyanates with Na(PH2) or Na(OCP) as “P−” anion sources. Chemical Science, 6(7), 4017-4024.
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., & Grützmacher, H. (2014). Phosphaketenes as Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Triphospha Heterocycles. Chemistry - A European Journal, 20(36),
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., & Grützmacher, H. (2014). Redox-triggered reversible interconversion of a monocyclic and a bicyclic phosphorus heterocycle. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(26), 6757-6761.
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., & Grützmacher, H. (2014). Is the phosphaethynolate anion, (OCP)-, an ambident nucleophile? A spectroscopic and computational study. Dalton Transactions, 43(15), 5920-5928.
- Heift, D., Benkő, Z., & Grützmacher, H. (2014). Coulomb repulsion versus cycloaddition: formation of anionic four-membered rings from sodium phosphaethynolate, Na(OCP). Dalton Transactions, 43(2), 831-840.
- Klein, A., Butsch, K., Elmas, S., Biewer, C., Heift, D., Nitsche, S., Schlipf, I., & Bertagnolli, H. (2012). Oxido-pincer complexes of copper(II) - An EXAFS and EPR study of mono- and binuclear [(pydotH)2CuCl2](n) (n=1 or 2). Polyhedron, 31(1), 649-656.
- Alidori, S., Heift, D., Santiso-Quinones, G., Benko, Z., Grutzmacher, H., Caporali, M., Gonsalvi, L., Rossin, A., & Peruzzini, M. (2012). Synthesis and Characterization of Terminal [Re(XCO)(CO)2(triphos)] (X=N, P): Isocyanate versus Phosphaethynolate Complexes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 18(46),
- Puschmann, F. F., Stein, D., Heift, D., Hendriksen, C., Gál, Z. A., Grützmacher, H.-F., & Grützmacher, H. (2011). Phosphination of Carbon Monoxide: A Simple Synthesis of Sodium Phosphaethynolate (NaOCP). Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(36),