Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Durham Law School |
Professor of Law and Bioethics in the Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences) |
Deryck Beyleveld, BSc.Hons (Rand), MA (Cantab),.PhD, FSB, Professor of Law and Bioethics. His numerous publications span Criminology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Moral and Legal Philosophy, and many areas of law. He has a special interest in the regulation and ethics of Biotechnology and Medical Science, and founded the Sheffield Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics (SIBLE) in 1994, which he directed until his appointment at Durham University in 2006. He is an exponent of the moral theory of the American philosopher, Alan Gewirth, and much of his work involves application of this theory in the critical analysis of law. He is the author of A Bibliography on General Deterrence Research (Saxon House 1980) and The Dialectical Necessity of Morality (Chicago University Press 1991); co-author (with Roger Brownsword) of Law as a Moral Judgment (Sweet and Maxell 1986 and Sheffield Academic Press 1994), Mice Morality and Patents (Common Law Institute of Intellectual Property 1993), Human Dignity in Bioethics and Biolaw (OUP 2001), and Consent in the Law (Hart 2007); and co-author with a group of lawyers, scientists, clinicians, and philosophers of Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe (Springer 2003). He has participated in many EC funded projects, and he co-ordinated an EC funded Concerted Action PRIVIREAL on the Implementation of the Data Protection Directive in Relation to Medical Research and the Role of Research Ethics Committees from 2002-2005. He holds the Visiting Chair in Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics at the University of Utrecht, which occupies 20% of his time. He was Vice-Chair of South Sheffield Local Research Ethics Committee from 1992-1998 and Vice-Chair of Trent Multi-Centre Research Ethics Committee from 1997-2005. He is on the Advisory Board of the Polish Jurisprudence Journal Ius et Lex, of Medical Law International, and Medicine and Law (the journal of the World Association of Medical Law), and the Editorial Committee of Law, Innovation and Technology.
Teaching Areas
Philosophy of Law
Law and Medicine
Research interests
- Moral Philosophy (Pure and Applied) (especially, Gewirth and Kant)
- Legal Philosophy
- Regulation of Medical Research
- Privacy and Data Protection in Medical Law
- Morality in Patent Law
- The Regulation and Ethics of Biotechnology
- Precautionary reasoning in legal thinking
Authored book
- Beyleveld, D., & Düwell, M. (2020). The Sole Fact of Pure Reason: Kant’s Quasi-Ontological Argument for the Categorical Imperative. De Gruyter.
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2007). Consent in the Law. Hart Publishing
- Solter, D., Beyleveld, D., Friele, M., Hołówka, J., Lilie, H., Lovell-Badge, R., Mandla, C., Martin, U., & Pardo Avellaneda, R. (2003). Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe. Springer Verlag
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2001). Human Dignity in Bioethics and Biolaw. Oxford University Press
- Beyleveld, D. (1993). Mice, Morality, and Patents: The Onco-mouse Application and Article 53(a) of the European Patent Convention. Intellectual Property Institute
- Beyleveld, D. (1991). The Dialectical Necessity of Morality: An Analysis and Defence of Alan Gewirth's Argument to the Principle of Generic Consistency. The University of Chicago Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1986). Law as a Moral Judgment. Sweet and Maxwell
- Beyleveld, D. (1980). A Bibliography on General Deterrence Research. Saxon House
- Beyleveld, D. (1978). The Effectiveness of General Deterrents Against Crime: An Annotated Bibliography of Evaluative Research. (8). University of Cambridge
Chapter in book
- Beyleveld, D., Rouille-Mirza, S., Townend, D., & Wright, J. (in press). Introduction. In D. Beyleveld, S. Rouille-Mirza, D. Townend, & J. Wright (Eds.), Implementation of the Data Protection Directive in Relation to Medical Research in Europe (3-4). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., & Townend, D. (in press). EU, Norway and NAS Law Report Framework. In D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouille-Mirza, & J. Wright (Eds.), The Data Protection Directive and Medical Research Across Europe (115-123). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D. (in press). Privacy, Confidentiality and Data Protection. In R. Chadwick, H. T. Have, & E. M. Meslin (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Health Care Ethics: Core and Emerging Issues. SAGE Publications.
- Beyleveld, D. (in press). UK: Case 1-10 according to UK law. In J. Taupitz, & M. Weschka (Eds.), CHIMBRIDS - Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research: Scientific, Ethical, Philosophical and Legal Aspects (847-853). Springer Verlag
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (in press). Final statement on the concerted action “Basic Principles of Bioethics And Biolaw”. In J. Rendtorff, & P. Kemp (Eds.), Centre for Ethics and Law and Barcelona: Institute Borja de Bioètica (45-55)
- Beyleveld, D. (in press). Making sense of human dignity. In J. Coggon, S. Chan, S. Holm, & T. Kushner (Eds.), From reason to practice in bioethics: An anthology dedicated to the works of John Harris. Manchester University Press
- Beyleveld, D. (in press). Legal Issues Concerning Regulation of Chimeras and Hybrids. In J. Taupitz, & M. Weschka (Eds.), CHIMBRIDS - Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research: Scientific, Ethical, Philosophical and Legal Aspects (645-666). Springer Verlag
- Beyleveld, D. (2024). Why Any Legal Positivist Idea of Legal Obligation Is Untenable: A Kantian-Gewirthian Synthesis. In D. Beyleveld, & S. Bertea (Eds.), Theories of Legal Obligation (61-97). Springer.
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. D. (2023). Moral Interests, Privacy, and Medical Research. In M. Boylan (Ed.), International Public Health Policy and Ethics (61-73). (2nd). Springer Nature.
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2023). The Concept of Human Rights in the UDHR and the Rule of Law for the World Today. In M. Dahlin, J. Garland, A.-S. Lind, A. Singer, & S. Slokenberga (Eds.), Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning: Integritet och rättssäkerhet inom och bortom den medicinska rätten (41–55). Iustus
- Adcock, M., & Beyleveld, D. (2022). Morality and Intellectual Property Law Through the Lens of Human Rights. In C. Godt, G. Van Overwalle, L. Guibault, & D. Beyleveld (Eds.), Boundaries of Information Property (121-147). Intersentia
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2020). Is There Really Anything Wrong With an Absolute Principle?. In M. Borowski (Ed.), Modern German Non-Positivism – From Radbruch to Alexy (279-292). Mohr Siebeck
- Beyleveld, D. (2017). Sheffield Natural Law School. In M. Sellers, & P. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the philosophy of law and social philosophy (1-18). Springer Verlag.
- Beyleveld, D. (2017). What Is Gewirth and What IS Beyleveld? A Retrospect with Comments on the Contributions. In P. Capps, & S. D. Pattinson (Eds.), Ethical rationalism and the law (233-255). Hart Publishing
- Beyleveld, D. (2017). Transcendental Arguments for a Categorical Imperative as Arguments from Agential Self-Understanding. In J. P. Brune, R. Stern, & M. H. Werner (Eds.), Transcendental arguments in moral theory (141-159). De Gruyter.
- Beyleveld, D. (2016). Gewirth versus Kant on Kant’s Maxim of Reason: Towards a Gewirthian Philosophical Anthropology. In P. Bauhn (Ed.), Gewirthian perspectives on human rights (13-29). Routledge
- Beyleveld, D. (2016). The duties we have to future generations: a Gewirthian approach. In G. Bos, & M. Düwell (Eds.), Human rights and sustainability : moral responsibilities for the future (137-150). Routledge
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2015). Research Participants and the Right to be Informed. In P. R. Ferguson, & G. T. Laurie (Eds.), Inspiring a medico-legal revolution : essays in honour of Sheila McLean (173-188). Routledge
- Beyleveld, D. (2012). Hope and Belief. In R. Jenkins, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), Philosophy of Mind (1-36). Nova Science Publishers
- Pattinson, S. D., & Beyleveld, D. (2010). Confidentiality and Data Protection. In A. Grubb, J. Laing, & J. McHale (Eds.), Principles of medical law (651-723). (3rd). Oxford University Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2009). Complex Technology, Complex Calculations: Uses and Abuses of Precautionary Reasoning in Law. In P. Sollie, M. Duewell, & et al. (Eds.), Evaluating New Technologies: Methodological Problems for the Ethical Assessment of Technological Developments (175-190). Springer Verlag.
- Beyleveld, D., Finnegan, T., & Pattinson, S. D. (2009). The Regulation of Hybrids and Chimeras in the UK. In J. Taupitz, & M. Weschka (Eds.), Chimbrids : chimeras and hybrids in comparative European and international research : scientific, ethical, philosophical and legal aspects (603-825). Springer Verlag.
- Beyleveld, D. (2008). Human Cognitive Vulnerability and the Moral Status of the Human Embryo and Foetus. In M. Duwell, C. Rehmann-Sutter, & D. Mieth (Eds.), The Contingent Nature of Life (83-88). Springer Verlag
- Beyleveld, D., & Taylor, M. J. (2008). Patents for Biotechnology and the Data Protection of Biological Samples and Shared Data. In J. Herveg (Ed.), The Protection of Medical Data: Challenges of the 21st Century (131-152). Anthemis: Louvain-la-Neuve
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. D. (2008). Moral Interests, Privacy and Medical Research. In M. Boylan (Ed.), International public health policy and ethics (45-57). Springer Verlag.
- Beyleveld, D., & Sethe, S. (2008). The European Community Directives on Data Protection and Clinical Trials. In E. J. Emanuel, & et al. (Eds.), The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics (180-186). Oxford University Press, New York
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2007). Great Britain’s Perspective on the Status and Protection of the Extracorporeal Embryo. In A. Eser, H. G. Koch, & C. Seith (Eds.), International Perspectives on the Status and Protection of the Extracorporeal Embryo (171-203). Nomos
- Beyleveld, D. (2006). Conceptualising Privacy in Relation to medical research values. In S. A. McLean (Ed.), First do not harm : law, ethics and healthcare (151-164). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D. (2006). Rationality in Bioethics: reasonable Adjudication in a Life and Death Case of the Separation of Conjoined Twins. In R.-S. E. al (Ed.), Bioethics in Cultural Contexts (145-162.). Springer Verlag
- Beyleveld, D., Baker, S., Wallace, S., & Wright, J. (2005). Research Ethics Committees and the Law in the UK. In D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, & J. Wright (Eds.), Research ethics committees, data protection and medical research in European countries (271-290). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., Grubb, A., Townend, D., Morgan, R., & Wright, J. (2004). The UK's Implementation of Directive 95/46/EC. In D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouillé-Mirza, & K. Wright (Eds.), Implementation of the Data Protection Directive in relation to medical research in Europe (403-428.). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D. (2004). The Duty to Provide Information to the Data Subject: Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 95/46/EC. In D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouillé-Mirza, & J. Wright (Eds.), The Data Protection Directive and Medical Research Across Europe (69-88). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., & Townend, D. (2004). Data Protection and Medical Research. In R. Maheswaran (Ed.), GIS in Public Health Practice: Opportunities and Pitfalls (251-263.). CRC Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2004). Globalisation and Human Dignity: Some Effects and Implications for the Creation and Use of Embryos. In R. Brownsword (Ed.), Global Governance and the Quest for Justice Volume IV: Human Rights. (185-202.). Hart Publishing
- Pattinson, S. D., & Beyleveld, D. (2004). Individual Rights, Social Justice, and the Allocation of Advances in Biotechnology. In M. Boylan (Ed.), Public Health, Policy and Ethics (59-72). Kluwer International
- Beyleveld, D. (2004). An Overview of Directive 95/46/EC in Relation to Medical Research. In D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouillé-Mirza, & J. Wright (Eds.), The Data Protection Directive and medical research across Europe (5-22). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D. (2003). Individualrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit. In L. Honnefelder, D. Mieth, P. Propping, L. Siep, C. Wiesemann, D. Lanzerath, R. Cuplinskas, & R. Teuwsen (Eds.), Das genetische Wissen und die Zukunft des Menschen (375-388). De Gruyter.
- Beyleveld, D., Brownsword, R., & Wallace, S. (2002). Independent Ethics Committees in the United Kingdom. In G. Lebeer (Ed.), Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees (111-123.). IOS Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2002). Ethics Committees: Public Interest, Private Interest, and the Ethics of Partnership.'. In G. Lebeer (Ed.), Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees (135-149.). IOS Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2001). Clinical Ethics Committees in the UK: First Wave, Shock Wave, Second Wave?. In G. Lebeer, & M. Moulin (Eds.), Ethical Function on Hospital Ethics Committees 2: Working Papers in Workshop 2 of the Biomed II Concerted Action (17-32.). University of Bruxelles
- Beyleveld, D. (2001). Ethics of Statistics in Genetics. In D. Balding, C. Cannings, & M. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of Statistical Genetics (697-720.). John Wiley and Sons
- Beyleveld, D., Brownsword, R., & Wallace, S. (2001). Clinical Ethics Committees: Clinician Support or Crisis Management?. In HEC Forum, Newsletter of ETHOX
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2001). Possibilities for European Regulation of Research on Human Embryos. In M. Friele (Ed.), Embryo Experimentation in Europe: Bio-medical, Legal, and Philosophical Aspects (58-72.). European Academy of Science
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2000). Legal Regulation of Assisted Procreation, Genetic Diagnosis and Gene Therapy. In D. Beyleveld, & H. Haker (Eds.), The ethics of genetics in human procreation (215-276). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., Brownsword, R., & Llewelyn, M. (2000). The Morality Clauses in the EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Material: Conflict, Compromise, and the Patent Community. In J. Lonbay, & R. Goldberg (Eds.), European Healthcare Law (157-181.). Cambridge University Press
- Beyleveld, D. (2000). Ethics Law and Legislation. In D. Mieth (Ed.), Ethik und Wissenschaft in Europa (169-195.). Alber
- Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2000). Precautionary Reasoning as a link to Moral Action. In M. Boylan (Ed.), Medical Ethics (39-53.). Prentice Hall
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword), (. R. (2000). Legal Argumentation in Biolaw. In P. Kemp (Ed.), Bioethics and Biolaw Vol. 1: Judgement of Life (179-217.). Rhodos
- Beyleveld, D. (2000). The Moral Status of the Human Embryo and Fetus. In H. Haker, & D. Beyleveld (Eds.), The ethics of genetics in human procreation (59-85). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2000). Human Dignity, Human Rights and the Human Genome. In J. D. Rendtorff, & P. Kemp (Eds.), Basic Ethical Principles in European Bioethics and Biolaw (15-44.). Centre for Ethics and Law and Barcelona: Institute Borja de Bioètica
- Beyleveld, D. (2000). Ethics Committees as Figures of Democracy. In G. Lebeer, & M. Moulin (Eds.), Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees: Working Papers of Workshop 1 of the Biomed II Concerted Action 1 (25-35). Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2000). Independent Ethics Committees in the United Kingdom. In G. Lebeer, & M. Moulin (Eds.), Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees: Working Papers of Workshop 1 of the Biomed II Concerted Action 1 (129-143.). Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Beyleveld, D. (1999). Gewirth and Kant on Justifying the Supreme Principal of Morality. In M. Boylan (Ed.), Gewirth: Critical Essays on Action, Rationality, and Community (97-117.). Rowman & Littlefield
- Beyleveld, D. (1999). Does PID Solve the Moral Problems of Prenatal Diagnosis? A Rights Analysis. In E. Hildt, & S. Graumann (Eds.), Genetics in human reproduction (135-140). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1998). Human Rights, Human Dignity and Human Genes. In R. Brownsword, W. Cornish, & M. Llewelyn (Eds.), Law and Human Genetics (69-88). Blackwell
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1998). Patenting Human Genes: Legality, Morality, and Human Rights. In J. Harris (Ed.), Property Problems-From Genes to Pension Funds (9-24.). Kluwer
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1998). Methodological Syncretism in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law. In S. L. Paulson, & B. L. Paulson (Eds.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes (113-146.). Clarendon Press
- Beyleveld, D. (1998). The Moral and Legal Status of the Human Embryo. In E. Hildt, & D. Mieth (Eds.), In vitro fertilisation in the 1990's : towards a medical, social and ethical evaluation (247-260.). Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1993). The Dialectically Necessary Foundation of Natural Law. In A. Norrie (Ed.), Closure or Critique: Current Directions in Legal Theory (22-44.). Edinburgh University Press
- Beyleveld, D., & Wiles, P. (1979). How to Retain Your Soul and Be a Political Deviant. In P. Rock, & D. Downes (Eds.), Deviant Interpretations (122-144.)
Conference Paper
Edited book
- Beyleveld, D., & Bertea, S. (Eds.). (2024). Theories of Legal Obligation. Springer International Publishing.
- Beyleveld, D., Townend, D., & Wright, J. (Eds.). (2005). Research Ethics Committees, Data Protection and Medical Research in European Countries. Ashgate Publishing
- Beyleveld, D., Townend, D., Rouillé-Mirza, S., & Wright, J. (Eds.). (2004). Implementation of the Data Protection Directive in Relation to Medical Research in Europe
- Beyleveld, D., & Haker, H. (Eds.). (2000). The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation
Journal Article
- Beyleveld, D. (online). Law, Ethics and Genomics
- Beyleveld, D. (online). Genetic Privacy in Biobanking. International Conference on Legal and Ethical Issues of Biobanking,
- Beyleveld, D. (online). Why Recital 26 of the EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions Should Be Implemented in National Law. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 1-26
- Beyleveld, D. (online). Ethical Issues in the Forensic Applications DNA Analysis. Forensic Science International, 88:3-15
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2019). Punitive and Preventive Justice in an Era of Profiling, Smart Prediction and Practical Preclusion: Three Key Questions. International Journal of Law in Context, 15(2), 198-218.
- Beyleveld, D., & Jianjun, L. (2017). Inclusive governance over agricultural biotechnology: risk assessment and public participation. Law, Innovation and Technology, 9(2), 301-317.
- Adcock, M., & Beyleveld, D. (2016). Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework. Intellectual property rights. Open access, 4(1), Article 154.
- Beyleveld, D. (2016). Genetic privacy protection in biobanking. Taiwan keji falu yu zhengu luncong, 3(2), 5-21
- Beyleveld, D., & Ziche, P. (2015). Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18(5), 927-942.
- Beyleveld, D., Düwell, M., & Spahn, A. (2015). Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking?. Jurisprudence, 6(3), 549-566.
- Beyleveld, D. (2015). Korsgaard v. Gewirth on Universalization: Why Gewirthians are Kantians and Kantians Ought to be Gewirthians. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 12(5), 573-597.
- Beyleveld, D. (2013). Williams’ False Dilemma: How to Give Categorically Binding Impartial Reasons to Real Agents. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 10(2), 204-226.
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2012). Emerging Technologies, Extreme Uncertainty, and the Principle of Rational Precautionary Reasoning. Law, Innovation and Technology, 4(1), 35-65.
- Beyleveld, D. (2011). The Principle of Generic Consistency as the Supreme Principle of Human Rights. Human Rights Review, 13(1), 1-18.
- Pattinson, S. D., & Beyleveld, D. (2010). Defending Moral Precaution as a Solution to the Problem of Other Minds: A Reply to Holm and Coggon. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 23(2), 258-273.
- Beyleveld, D., & Bos, G. (2009). The Foundational Role of the Principal of Instrumental Reason in Gewirth’s Argument for the Principle of Generic Consistency: A Response to Andrew Chitty. King's Law Journal, 20(1), 1-20
- Beyleveld, D., & Taylor, M. J. (2007). Data Protection, Genetics and Patents for Biotechnology. European Journal of Health Law, 14(2), 177-187
- Beyleveld, D. (2007). Data Protection and Genetics: Medical Research and the Public Good. King's Law Journal, 18:(2), 275-289
- Adcock, M., & Beyleveld, D. (2007). Purposive Interpretation and the Regulation of Technology: Legal Constructs, Legal Fictions, and the Rule of Law. Medical Law International, 8(4), 305-324
- Pattinson, S. D., & Beyleveld, D. (2006). Medical Research into Emergency Treatment: Regulatory Tensions in England and Wales. Web journal of current legal issues, 5,
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2006). Principle, Proceduralism and Precaution in a Community of Rights. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 19(2), 141-168
- Beyleveld, D., & Toddington, S. (2005). Human Nature, Social Theory and the Problem of Institutional Design
- Beyleveld, D., & Townend, D. (2004). When is Personal Data Rendered Anonymous? Interpreting Recital 26 of Directive 95/46/EC. Medical Law International, 6(2), 73-86.
- Pattinson, S. D., & Beyleveld, D. (2002). 'Horizontal Applicability and Horizontal Effect'. Law Quarterly Review, 118, 623-646
- Beyleveld, D., Kirkham, R., & Townend, D. (2002). Which Presumption? A Critique of the House of Lords Reasoning on Retrospectivity and the Human Rights Act. Legal Studies, 22(2), 185-207
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2002). Is Patent Law Part of the EC Legal Order? A Critical Commentary on the Interpretation of Article 6(1) of Directive 98/44/EC in Case C-377/98.'. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 129-143
- Beyleveld, D. (2002). Law, Ethics, and Research Ethics Committees. Medicine and law, 1, 57-75
- Beyleveld, D. (2002). A Reply to Marcus G. Singer on 'Gewirth, Beyleveld and Dialectical Necessity. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 15(4), 458-473
- Beyleveld, D. (2001). Ethics by Partnership: An Imperative for the Future of Pharmacogenetics. Pharmacogenetics,
- Beyleveld, D. (2001). The Role of Research Ethics Committees in Safeguarding the Rights of Patients in Genetic Research. European Biopharmaceutical Review,
- Beyleveld, D. (2001). How Not to Regulate in the Public Interest: Source Informatics, Data Protection and the Health and Social Care Act. Genetics Law Monitor,
- Beyleveld, D. (2000). Is Embryo Research and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Ethical?. Forensic Science International, 113, 461-475
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2000). Human dignity, human rights, and human genetics. Modern Law Review, 61(5), 661-680
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2000). My Body, My Body Parts, My Property?. Health Care Analysis, 8, 87-99
- Beyleveld, D., & Histead), (. E. (2000). Betrayal of Confidence in the Court of Appeal. Medical Law International, 4, 277-311
- Beyleveld, D. (2000). Regulating Morality Through Patent Law: A Critique of the EC Directive
- Beyleveld, D., & Histed, E. (1999). Anonymisation is Not Exoneration: R v. Department of Health, ex parte Source Informatics Ltd. Medical Law International, 4(1), 69-80
- Beyleveld, D., Gunter, B., & Kinderlerer, J. J. (1999). The Media and Public Understanding of Biotechnology. Science Communication, 20(4), 373-394
- Beyleveld, D., Quarrell, O., & Toddington, S. (1998). Generic Consistency in the Reproductive Enterprise: Ethical and Legal Implications of Exclusion Testing for Huntington's Disease. Medical Law International, 3(223), 135-158
- Beyleveld, D., & Longley, D. (1998). Informing Potential Participants of Local Research Ethics Committee Approval of Research Protocols. Medical Law International, 3(233), 209-222
- Beyleveld, D., Gunter, B., & Kinderlerer, J. J. (1998). Research Report. Teenagers and Biotechnology: A Survey of Understanding and Public Opinion in Britain. Studies in Science Education, 32, 81-112
- Beyleveld, D., Adams, J., & Brownsword, R. (1997). Privity of Contract-the Benefits and Burdens of Law Reform. Modern Law Review, 60(2), 234-257
- Beyleveld, D., & Villiers, C. (1997). A General Right to a Minimum Wage in English Law: An Argument from Generic Consistency. Legal Studies, 17(2), 234-257
- Beyleveld, D. (1996). Dialectically Contingent Justifications for the Principle of Generic Consistency and Legal Theory. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 9(1), 15-41
- Beyleveld, D. (1996). Legal Theory and Dialectically Contingent Justifications for the Principle of Generic Consistency. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 9(1), 15-41
- Beyleveld, D. (1995). The Concept of a Human Right and Incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Public Law, 577-598
- Beyleveld, D., Howells, G., & Longley, D. (1995). Heart valve ownership: legal, ethical and policy issues
- Beyleveld, D. (1993). From the 'Middle-Way' to normative irrationalism: Hans Kelsen's General Theory of Norms. Modern Law Review, 56, 104-119
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1991). Impossibility, Irrationality, and Strict Product Liability
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1991). Privity, Transitivity, and Rationality. Modern Law Review, 54(1), 48-71
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1989). Les Implications de la Theorie du Droit Naturel en Sociologie du Droit
- Beyleveld, D. (1989). Normative Positivism: The Mirage of The Middle-Way. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 9(4), 463-512
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (1987). Practice made perfect?. Modern Law Review, 50(5), 662-672
- Beyleveld, D. (1985). The Practical Difference Between Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 5(1), 1-32
- Beyleveld, D. (1983). Law as a Moral Judgment vs. Law as the Rules of the Powerful. The American Journal of Jurisprudence, 28(1), 79-117.
- Beyleveld, D. (1982). Ehrlich's Analysis of Deterrence: Methodogical Strategy and Ethics in Isaac Ehrlich's Research and Writing on the Death Penalty as a Deterent. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 22(2), 101-123
- Beyleveld, D. (1981). Naturalism and Social Science: A Post-Empiricist Philosophy of Social Science. Sociology, 15(1), 156-157
- Beyleveld, D. (1979). Deterrence Research as a Basis for Deterrence Policies. Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention, 18, 135-149
- Beyleveld, D. (1979). Identifying, Explaining, and Predicting Deterrence. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 19(3), 205-224
- Beyleveld, D., & Wiles, P. (1975). Man and Method in David Matza's Becoming Deviant. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 15(2), 111-127
- Beyleveld, D. (1973). Philosophical issues and the "New Criminology". The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society, 13(4), 394-395
Other (Print)
- Beyleveld, D. (2009). Morality and the god of reason. Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics University of Utrecht
- Beyleveld, D. (2006). Creating Mice with Human Brains. Inaugural Public Lecture as Belle van Zuylen Chair of Human Rights and Bioethics
Working Paper
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. Human dignity, human rights, and the human genome
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. Main developments in bioethics and biolaw in the United Kingdom, 1996-1998
- Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. SIBLE: II European legal-morality and its application to the Human Genome Project