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Professor Del Atkinson

Head of Condensed Matter Physics

Head of Condensed Matter Physics in the Department of Physics+44 (0) 191 33 43592
Sir Gareth Roberts Professor of Applied Physics in the Department of Physics+44 (0) 191 33 43592
Tutor of St Chad's College 


My research interests span academia and industry and I have collaborations working on thin-film magnetic materials, thin-film semiconductors for flexible electronics and nanocomposite pressure-sensitive inks for sensing applications, where the focus of my research is on understanding the relationship between physical structure and functional behaviour.

I am actively involved with co-ordinating and delivering undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and I enjoy science outreach that includes talks to public and schools on nanotechnology and science in society.

Prior to Durham, I worked as a postdoc at Bath University and Cardiff University, and as a research engineer in industry. Since arriving in Durham I have held an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship in Nanoscale Magnetism and Spintronics, an RCUK Fellowship in Nanoscience and was a visiting research fellow at CSIC in Madrid, Spain. Before coming to Durham my industrial work was rewarded with a BAE Systems Chair’s Gold Award for Innovation in 2000. 

About Sir Gareth Roberts

About the Sir Gareth Roberts Lecture Series

Teaching activity

L1 Foundations of Physics - Lectures on Thermodynamics

L1 Discovery Skills – Module Leader

L2 Bridge Project – Supervisor

L3 Industrial Team Project – Supervisor

L4 Research Project –Supervisor

CMP Postgraduate Course – Lectures on Nanofabrication and Presentation skills

Research interests

Magnetization processes, nanomagnetism, spintronic interactions, nanoscale lithography, pulsed field magnetometry

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: 2017- present: SuperSpin International Advisory Board member: Member of International Advsiory Board for EPSRC SuperSpin Programme


Conference Paper

Journal Article

Supervision students