Staff profile
David Wilkinson

Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion |
Project Director, ECLAS of St John's College |
Authored book
- Hutchings, D., & Wilkinson, D. (2020). God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse. SPCK
- Wilkinson, D. A. (2015). When I pray what does God do. Monarch
- Wilkinson, D. (2010). Christian Eschatology and the Physical Universe. T&T Clark
- Wilkinson, D. (2007). God, the Universe and Everything: 42 days through faith and pop culture. Epworth
- Young, J., & Wilkinson, D. (2006). The Case Against Christ. Hodder & Stoughton
- Wilkinson, D. (2002). Creation. IVP
- Wilkinson, D. (2001). God, time and Stephen Hawking. (Rev. ed.). Monarch
Chapter in book
- Wilkinson, D. (2017). Being Human in a Cosmic Context. In M. Fuller, D. Evers, A. Runehov, & K.-W. Sæther (Eds.), Issues in Science and Theology: Are We Special?: Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology (3-16). Springer Verlag
- Wilkinson, D. (2017). The Accelerating Universe and New Creation: Christian eschatology in the face of scientific futility. In C. Chalamet, A. Dettwiler, M. Mazzocco, & G. Waterlot (Eds.), Game Over? Reconsidering Eschatology (97-110). De Gruyter.
- Wilkinson, D. (2016). The origin and end of the Universe: A challenge for Christianity. In E. Priest (Ed.), Reason and Wonder: Why Science and Faith Need Each Other (64-73). SPCK
- Wilkinson, D. (2014). From Beginning to End: The Scientific Relevance of Creation and New Creation. In B. Leahy (Ed.), Faith and the Marvellous Progress of Science (171-188). New City Press, New York
- Wilkinson, D. (2009). Worshipping the Creator God : the doctrine of creation. In R. Berry, & T. Noble (Eds.), Darwin, Creation and the Fall (15-29). Inter-Varsity Press
- Wilkinson, D. (2009). Reading Genesis 1-3 in the light of modern science. In S. Barton, & D. Wilkinson (Eds.), Reading Genesis after Darwin (127-144). Oxford University Press
- Wilkinson, D. (2009). Turning the corner: Educating the theological educators, shaping the church traditions and engaging a new generation. In R. Frost, D. Wilkinson, & J. Cox (Eds.), The call and the commission : the challenge of how the church equips a new generation of leaders for a new world (194-208). Paternoster
- Wilkinson, D. (2008). What are the lessons from evangelism and apologetics for new communities?. In S. Croft (Ed.), Mission shaped questions : defining issues for today's church (102-113). Church House Publishing
- Wilkinson, D. (2008). Creation Accounts in the Old Testament. In N. Spurway (Ed.), Creation and the Abrahamic faiths (1-12). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Wilkinson, D. (2008). Natural Theology in Contemporary Cosmology. In A. Bentley (Ed.), The edge of reason ? science and religion in modern society (186-192). Continuum Press
- Wilkinson, D. (2006). .Mistakes, Failures and the Confidence of Others'. In G. Stevenson (Ed.), Pulpit Journeys. DLT
- Wilkinson, D. (2006). ‘Carl Sagan’. In C. Campbell-Jack, & G. McGrath (Eds.), New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. InterVarsity Press
- Murray, P., & Wilkinson, D. (2005). The Significance of the Theology of Creation Within Christian Tradition. In C. Southgate (Ed.), God, Humanity and Cosmos (39-61). (2nd ed.). T&T Clark
- Wilkinson, D. (2005). ‘Hawking, Dawkins and The Matrix: The dialogue of science and religion in the media’. In D. Alexander (Ed.), Can We Be Sure About Anything? Science, Faith and Postmodernism (214-236). IVP
- Wilkinson, D. (2005). The end of it all : contemporary cosmology and Christian eschatology in dialogue. In C. Ledger, & S. Pickard (Eds.), Creation and complexity : interdisciplinary issues in science and religion. Australian Theological Forum
- Wilkinson, D. (2004). The activity of God : a methodist perspective. In C. Marsh, B. Beck, A. Shier-Jones, & H. Wareing (Eds.), Unmasking methodist theology : a way forward (142-154). Continuum Press
- Wilkinson, D. (2004). Jesus Christ: God's Way of Salvation. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth World Methodist Conference (32-42). World Methodist Council
- Wilkinson, D. (2004). ‘An Absence of God or a Surer Path to God?’. In C. Ledger, & S. Pickard (Eds.), Creation and Complexity: Interdisciplinary Issues in Science and Religion (167-182). Australian Theological Forum
- Wilkinson, D. (2004). The God of the Physical Universe. In J. Astley, D. Brown, & A. Loades (Eds.), Problems in Theology 4: Science and Religion (49-51). T&T Clark
Edited book
- Frost, R., Wilkinson, D., & Cox, J. (Eds.). (2009). The Call and the Commission: Equipping a New Generation of Leaders for a New World. Paternoster
- Barton, S., & Wilkinson, D. (Eds.). (2009). Reading Genesis After Darwin. Oxford University Press
Journal Article
- Wilkinson, D. A. (2020). Pop science and pop theology: new ways of exploring an old dialogue. Theology, 123(1), 20-27.
- Wilkinson, D. (2018). Why should theology take SETI seriously?. Theology and Science, 16(4), 427-438.
- Wilkinson, D. (2017). Attempting Cultural Change. Crucible: The Journal of Christian Social Ethics, July, 6-15
- Bouveng, R., & Wilkinson, D. (2016). Going beyond the How and Why of Science-Religion? Senior Christian Leaders on Science and Personal Faith
- Wilkinson, D. (2016). Searching for Another Earth: The Recent History of the Discovery of Exoplanets. Zygon, 51(2), 414-430
- Wilkinson, D. (2015). Proofs of the divine power? Temple Chevallier and the design argument in the 19th century. Scottish Journal of Theology, 68(1), 34-42
- Douglas, B., & Wilkinson, D. (2014). Flannel and the Cloth
- Wilkinson, D. (2009). The Work of a Friend: Theology in the Light of the Origin of Species. Epworth review, 36(2), 45-65
- Wilkinson, D. (2009). Christian Apologetics in a Post-Christian Culture
- Wilkinson, D. (2008). Dawkins, the Simpsons and God: Public Theology and Pop Culture. Epworth review, 35(4), 6-20
- Wilkinson, D. (2002). ‘The Art of Apologetics in the 21st Century’
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Supervision students
Chanil Lee
PhD student
Tedroy Powell
Reverend Tom King
DThM student
Tim Wright
PhD student (TEI)