Staff profile
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Emeritus Professor in the Department of Chemistry |
Coordination chemistry; diagnostics and imaging; lanthanides; chirality
David Parker grew up in the North-East of England and graduated with a First in Chemistry from Oxford in the summer of ‘78. After a D.Phil. with John M Brown on mechanistic studies in asymmetric catalysis, in 1980 he took up a NATO fellowship to work with Jean-Marie Lehn in Strasbourg. He returned to Durham in January 1982 to a Lectureship in Chemistry and was promoted to a Chair in 1992. He received the RSC Hickinbottom Fellowship for 1988/9, the Corday-Morgan Medal and Prize in 1989, the ICI Prize in Organic Chemistry in 1991, an RSC Interdisciplinary Award in 1996, a Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship (1998/9), the inaugural IBC Award for Supramolecular Science and Technology in 2000, the first RSC award for Supramolecular Chemistry in 2002, a Tilden Lectureship and Silver Medal in 2003, the Ludwig Mond Medal in 2011 and the triennial Lecoq de Boisbaudran award for rare earth science in 2012. In 2002, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, and in 2014 was recognized as a RISE Fellow by EPSRC. He has twice served as Chairman of Durham Chemistry and held an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (2011-16).
Research Interests
The chemistry of new chiral systems is being studied using multidisciplinary techniques to address key aspects of complexation phenomena in aqueous and biological media. It examines:
- new aspects of coordination and complexation chemistry, developing metal complexes or conjugates that may bind reversibly or react selectively with biomolecules; their behaviour in vitro and via in cellulo examinations to in vivo applications;
- the development of very bright 1 and responsive, luminescent lanthanide complexes in which the metal-based emission is a function of the local ionic or chiral environment; this work embraces the synthesis of imaging probes for bioactive species and the development of chiral probes and labels for circularly polarised luminescence (CPL) spectroscopy and microscopy (with Dr. Robert Pal in Durham);
- the synthesis and characterisation of functional magnetic resonance probes, developing responsive and targeted paramagnetic contrast agents that provide information on local pH and temperature in deep tissue, using ParaShift Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (MRI/MRS: with Prof AM Blamire in Newcastle).
We enjoy fruitful collaborations with academic and industrial research groups in Italy (Turin and Alessandria), France (CISBio Bioassays), and the USA (Harvard). Within the group, pulsed NMR at six field strengths, luminescence spectroscopy and microscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry, HPLC and ratiometric methods of analysis are used to define solution complexation phenomena.
Responsive Lanthanide Complexes and Sensors
Several single component, macrocyclic complexes of the lanthanide ions have been devised in which the delayed emission from the metal ion within a defined compartment (e.g. a cell organelle) is a sensitive function of pH, dissolved oxygen and the concentration of certain anions - including phosphorus(V) oxy-anions (e.g. ATP and ADP), bicarbonate, lactate citrate and urate, as well as certain serum proteins, such as AGP and serum albumin 2-6. The factors determining the cellular localisation profile of well-defined series of metal complexes are examined, including studies of the mechanism of cell uptake and trafficking. In collaboration with colleagues in Newcastle and Harvard, fast relaxing and paramagnetically shifted probes for dual and triple 1H imaging in vivo are being developed for MRI and MRS, notably using complexes of dysprosium, erbium and thulium. 7,8 In collaboration with leading groups in Southampton and Manchester, new theories of electronic and nuclear relaxation are being devised. The consequences of the anisotropy and orientation of magnetic and electric susceptibility tensors in rare earth complexes with ligand fields of differing sizes is being explored, with profound consequences in NMR shift and relaxation behaviour and in optical emission spectroscopy. 8,9
- AT Frawley, HV Linford, M Starck, R Pal, D Parker, Chem Sci, 2018, 9, 1042-1049; AT Frawley, D Parker and R Pal, Chem Commun 2016, 52, 13349-13352; SJ Butler, M Delbianco, L Lamarque, BK McMahon, ER Neil, R Pal, D Parker, JW Walton, JM Zwier, Dalton Trans 2015, 44, 4791; M Delbianco, V Sadovnikova, E Bourrier, L Lamarque, JM Zwier, D Parker, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2014, 53, 10718.
- M Starck, R Pal and D Parker, Chem-Eur J 2016, 22, 570-580; SJ Butler, D Parker Chem Soc Rev, 2013, 42, 1652; R Carr, NH Evans, D Parker Chem Soc Rev, 2012, 41 4673.
- ER Neil MA Fox, R Pal and D Parker Dalton Trans 2016, 45, 8355-8366; ERH Walter, JAG Williams, D Parker, Chem Commun 2017, 53, 13344-13347.
- BK McMahon, R Pal, D Parker Chem Comm 2013, 49, 5363; SJ Butler, BK McMahon, R Pal D Parker JW Walton, Chem Eur J 2013, 19, 9511.
- S Shuvaev, EA Suturina, K Mason, D Parker, Chem Sci 2018, 9, 2996-3003; S Shuvaev, R Pal, D Parker, Chem Commun 2017, 53, 6724-6727.
- L Jennings, RS Waters, R Pal, D Parker, ChemMedChem 2017, 12, 271-277.
- PK Senanayake, NJ Rogers, P Harvey, K-LNA Finney, AM Funk, JI Wilson, R Maxwell, D Parker and AM Blamire, Magn Reson Med 2017, 77, 1307-1317; K Mason NJ Rogers, E Suturina, JA Aguilar AS Batsanov, DS Yufit, D Parker, Inorg Chem 2017, 56, 4028-4038; AM Funk, K-L NA Finney, P Harvey, AM Kenwright, ER Neil, NJ Rogers, PK Senanayake, D Parker, Chem Sci 2015, 6, 1655.
- D Parker I Kuprov, EA Suturina, K Mason, CFGC Geraldes, Angew Chem Int Ed 2017, 56, 12215-12218; M Vonci, K Mason, EA Suturina, AT Frawley, SG Worswick, I Kuprov, EJL McInnes, D Parker, NF Chilton, J Am Chem Soc, 2017, 139, 14166-14172.
- OA Blackburn, RM Edkins, S Faulkner, AM Kenwright, NJ Rogers, S Shuvaev and D Parker, Dalton Trans, 2016, 45, 6782-6800.
Research interests
- Coordination Chemistry
- Diagnostics and Imaging
- Lanthanides
- Chirality
Esteem Indicators
- 2014: Elected as EPSRC RISE Fellow: A RISE Fellowship (Recognising Inspiration in Science and Engineering) was awarded to Professor David Parker FRS in 2014
- 2012: Ludwig Mond Award: The Royal Society of Chemistry awarded Professor David Parker FRS the Ludwig Mond Prize Lectureship for 2011 in recognition of his work on the coordination chemistry of rare earth complexes. This prize is given in recognition of major contributions to Inorganic Chemistry.
- 2012: Lecoq de Boisbaudran Award: Triennial Award in Rare Earth Science given by the European Rare Earth Society in August 2012.
- 2002: FRS: Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London
Journal Article
- Atkinson, P., Bretonniere, Y., & Parker, D. (online). Chemoselective signalling of selected phospho-anions using lanthanide luminescence. Chemical Communications, 438-439
- Aime, S., Barge, A., Batsanov, A., Botta, M., Castelli, D., Fedeli, F., Mortillaro, A., Parker, D., & Puschmann, H. (online). Controlling the variation of axial water exchange rates in macrocyclic lanthanide(III) complexes. Chemical Communications, 1120-1121
- Parker, D., & Yu, J. (online). A pH-insensitive, ratiometric chemosensor for citrate using europium luminescence. Chemical Communications, 3141-3143
- Bobba, G., Dickins, R., Kean, S., Mathieu, C., Parker, D., Peacock, R., Siligardi, G., Smith, M., Williams, J., & Geraldes, C. (online). Chiroptical, ESMS and NMR spectroscopic study of the interaction of enantiopure lanthanide complexes with selected self-complementary dodecamer oligonucleotides. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 2, 1729-1737
- Dickins, R., Parker, D., Bruce, J., & Tozer, D. (online). Correlation of optical and NMR spectral information with coordination variation for axially symmetric macrocyclic Eu(III) and Yb(III) complexes: axial donor polarisability determines ligand field and cation donor preference. Dalton Transactions, 1264-1271
- Aime, S., Botta, M., Bruce, J., Mainero, V., Parker, D., & Terreno, E. (online). Modulation of the water exchange rates in Gd-DO3A complex by formation of ternary complexes with carboxylate ligands. Chemical Communications, 115-116
- Barge, A., Botta, M., Parker, D., & Puschmann, H. (online). The nature of the counter-anion can determine the rate of water exchange in a metal aqua complex. Chemical Communications, 1386-1387
- De Rosa, D. F., Starck, M., Parker, D., & Pal, R. (2024). Unlocking same‐sign CPL: solvent effects on spectral form and racemisation kinetics in nine‐coordinate chiral europium(III) complexes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 30(9), Article e202303227.
- Maity, S., Price, B. D., Wilson, C. B., Mukherjee, A., Starck, M., Parker, D., Wilson, M. Z., Lovett, J. E., Han, S., & Sherwin, M. S. (2023). Triggered Functional Dynamics of AsLOV2 by Time‐Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance at High Magnetic Fields. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(13), Article e202212832.
- Fradgley, J. D., Starck, M., Lamarque, L., & Parker, D. (2022). Comparative Analysis of a Series of pH‐Responsive Sulphonated Europium Complexes for Bioassays Monitoring Acidification. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2022(32), Article e202200426.
- Strong, K. A., Stokes, P., Parker, D., Buckley, A. K., Mosely, J. A., Brodie, C. N., & Dyer, P. W. (2022). Versatile, Cheap, Readily Modifiable Sample Delivery Method for Analysis of Air-/Moisture-Sensitive Samples Using Atmospheric Pressure Solids Analysis Probe Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 94(32), 11315-11320.
- Stachelek, P., MacKenzie, L., Parker, D., & Pal, R. (2022). Circularly polarised luminescence laser scanning confocal microscopy to study live cell chiral molecular interactions. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 533.
- Parker, D., Fradgley, J. D., Delbianco, M., Starck, M., Walton, J., & Zwier, J. M. (2022). Comparative analysis of lanthanide excited state quenching by electronic energy and electron transfer processes. Faraday Discussions, 234, 159 - 174.
- Starck, M., Fradgley, J. D., De Rosa, D. F., Batsanov, A. S., Papa, M., Taylor, M. J., Lovett, J. E., Lutter, J. C., Allen, M. J., & Parker, D. (2021). Versatile Para‐Substituted Pyridine Lanthanide Coordination Complexes Allow Late Stage Tailoring of Complex Function. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(71), 17921-17927.
- Parker, D., Fradgley, J. D., & Wong, K.-L. (2021). The design of responsive luminescent lanthanide probes and sensors. Chemical Society Reviews, 50(14), 8193-8213.
- Fradgley, J. D., Frawley, A. T., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2021). Striking solvent dependence of total emission and circularly polarised luminescence in coordinatively saturated chiral europium complexes: solvation significantly perturbs the ligand field. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(19), 11479-11487.
- Zhang, Y., Ma, X., Chau, H.-F., Thor, W., Jiang, L., Zha, S., Fok, W.-Y., Mak, H.-N., Zhang, J., Cai, J., Ng, C.-F., Li, H., Parker, D., Li, L., Law, G.-L., & Wong, K.-L. (2021). Lanthanide–Cyclen–Camptothecin Nanocomposites for Cancer Theranostics Guided by Near-Infrared and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ACS Applied Nano Material, 4(1), 271-278.
- Starck, M., Fradgley, J. D., Pal, R., Zwier, J. M., Lamarque, L., & Parker, D. (2021). Synthesis and Evaluation of Europium Complexes that Switch On Luminescence in Lysosomes of Living Cells. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(2), 766-777.
- Fradgley, J. D., Starck, M., Laget, M., Bourrier, E., Dupuis, E., Lamarque, L., Trinquet, E., Zwier, J. M., & Parker, D. (2021). Targeted pH switched europium complexes monitoring receptor internalisation in living cells. Chemical Communications, 57(47), 5814-5817.
- Starck, M., Fradgley, J. D., Di Vita, S., Mosely, J., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2020). Targeted Luminescent Europium Peptide Conjugates: Comparative Analysis Using Maleimide and para-Nitropyridyl Linkages for Organelle Staining. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 31(2), 229-240.
- Parker, D., Suturina, E. A., Kuprov, I., & Chilton, N. F. (2020). How the Ligand Field in Lanthanide Coordination Complexes Determines Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy, Paramagnetic NMR Shift, and Relaxation Behavior. Accounts of Chemical Research, 53(8), 1520-1534.
- Starck, M., MacKenzie, L. E., Batsanov, A. S., Parker, D., & Pal, R. (2019). Excitation modulation of Eu:BPEPC based complexes as low-energy reference standards for circularly polarised luminescence (CPL). Chemical Communications, 55(94), 14115-14118.
- Parker, D., Suturina, E., Harnden, A., Batsanov, A., Fox, M., Mason, K., Vonci, M., McInnes, E., & Chilton, N. (2019). Unravelling the Complexities of Pseudocontact Shift Analysis in Lanthanide Coordination Complexes of Differing Symmetry. Angewandte Chemie, 131(30), 10936-10400.
- Suturina, E. A., Mason, K., Botta, M., Carniato, F., Kuprov, I., Chilton, N. F., McInnes, E. J., Vonci, M., & Parker, D. (2019). Periodic trends and hidden dynamics of magnetic properties in three series of triazacyclononane lanthanide complexes. Dalton Transactions, 48(23), 8400-8409.
- Vonci, M., Mason, K., Neil, E. R., Yufit, D. S., McInnes, E. J., Parker, D., & Chilton, N. F. (2019). Sensitivity of Magnetic Anisotropy in the Solid State for Lanthanide Complexes with Small Crystal Field Splitting. Inorganic Chemistry, 58(9), 5733-5745.
- Parker, D., Harnden, A. C., & Batsanov, A. S. (2019). Paramagnetic Lanthanide NMR Probes Signalling Changes in Zinc Concentration by Emission and Chemical Shift: A Proof of Concept Study. Angewandte Chemie, 25(24), 6212-6225.
- Shuvaev, S., & Parker, D. (2019). A near-IR luminescent ratiometric ytterbium pH probe. Dalton Transactions, 48(14), 4471-4473.
- Jennings, L. B., Shuvaev, S., Fox, M. A., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2018). Selective signalling of glyphosate in water using europium luminescence. Dalton Transactions, 47(45), 16145-16154.
- Chen, C., Ao, L., Wu, Y.-T., Cifliku, V., Cardoso Dos Santos, M., Bourrier, E., Delbianco, M., Parker, D., Zwier, J., Huang, L., & Hildebrandt, N. (2018). Single-Nanoparticle Cell Barcoding by Tunable FRET from Lanthanides to Quantum Dots. Angewandte Chemie, 130(41), 13876-13881.
- Mason, K., Harnden, A. C., Patrick, C. W., Poh, A. W., Batsanov, A. S., Suturina, E. A., Vonci, M., McInnes, E. J., Chilton, N. F., & Parker, D. (2018). Exquisite sensitivity of the ligand field to solvation and donor polarisability in coordinatively saturated lanthanide complexes. Chemical Communications, 54(61), 8486-8489.
- Suturina, E. A., Mason, K., Geraldes, C. F., Chilton, N. F., Parker, D., & Kuprov, I. (2018). Lanthanide-induced relaxation anisotropy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(26), 17676-17686.
- Parker, D., Shuvaev, S., & Fox, M. A. (2018). Monitoring the ADP/ATP ratio via induced circularly‐polarised europium luminescence. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(25), 7488-7492.
- Parker, D., Walter, E., & Williams, J. (2018). APTRA-based luminescent lanthanide complexes displaying enhanced selectivity for Mg2+. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(30), 7724-7733.
- Parker, D., Williams, J., & Walter, E. (2018). Tuning Mg2+ selectivity: comparative analysis of the photophysical properties of four fluorescent probes with an alkynyl-naphthalene fluorophore. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(24), 6432-6441.
- Shuvaev, S., Suturina, E. A., Mason, K., & Parker, D. (2018). Chiral probes for α1-AGP reporting by species-specific induced circularly polarised luminescence. Chemical Science, 9(11), 2996-3003.
- Walter, E. R., Fox, M. A., Parker, D., & Williams, J. G. (2018). Enhanced selectivity for Mg2+ with a phosphinate-based chelate: APDAP versus APTRA. Dalton Transactions, 47(6), 1755-1763.
- Frawley, A. T., Linford, H., Starck, M., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2018). Enantioselective cellular localisation of europium(iii) coordination complexes. Chemical Science, 9(4), 1042-1049.
- Walter, E. R., Williams, J. G., & Parker, D. (2017). Solvent polarity and oxygen sensitivity, rather than viscosity, determine lifetimes of biaryl-sensitised terbium luminescence. Chemical Communications, 53(100), 13344-13347.
- Parker, D., Kuprov, I., Suturina, E., Mason, K., & Geraldes, C. (2017). Beyond Bleaney's Theory: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Periodic Trends in Lanthanide Induced Chemical Shift. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(40), 12215-12218.
- Vonci, M., Mason, K., Suturina, E. A., Frawley, A. T., Worswick, S. G., Kuprov, I., Parker, D., McInnes, E. J., & Chilton, N. F. (2017). Rationalization of Anomalous Pseudocontact Shifts and Their Solvent Dependence in a Series of C3-Symmetric Lanthanide Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(40), 14166-14172.
- Farkas, E., Nagel, J., Waldron, B. P., Parker, D., Tóth, I., Brücher, E., Rösch, F., & Baranyai, Z. (2017). Equilibrium, Kinetic and Structural Properties of Gallium(III) and Some Divalent Metal Complexes Formed with the New DATAm and DATA5m Ligands. Chemistry - A European Journal, 23(43), 10358-10371.
- Shuvaev, S., Starck, M., & Parker, D. (2017). Responsive, Water-Soluble Europium(III) Luminescent Probes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 23(42), 9974-9989.
- Finney, K.-L. N., Harnden, A. C., Rogers, N. J., Senanayake, P. K., Blamire, A. M., O'Hogain, D., & Parker, D. (2017). Simultaneous Triple Imaging with Two PARASHIFT Probes: Encoding Anatomical, pH and Temperature Information using Magnetic Resonance Shift Imaging. Chemistry - A European Journal, 23(33), 7976-7989.
- Shuvaev, S., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2017). Selectively switching on europium emission in drug site one of human serum albumin. Chemical Communications, 53(50), 6724-6727.
- Mason, K., Rogers, N., Suturina, E., Kuprov, I., Aguilar, J., Batsanov, A., Yufit, D., & Parker, D. (2017). PARASHIFT Probes: Solution NMR and X-ray Structural Studies of Macrocyclic Ytterbium and Yttrium Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(7), 4028-4038.
- Senanayake, P., Rogers, N., Harvey, P., Finney, K., Funk, A., Wilson, J., Maxwell, R., Blamire, A., & Parker, D. (2017). A New Paramagnetically Shifted Imaging Probe for MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 77(3), 1307-1317.
- Jennings, L., Waters, R., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2017). Induced Europium Circularly Polarised Luminescence Monitors Reversible Drug Binding to Native α1-Acid Glycoprotein. ChemMedChem, 12(3), 271-277.
- Neil, E., & Parker, D. (2017). Selective signalling of sialic acid in solution by circularly polarised luminescence spectroscopy using a dynamically racemic europium(III) complex. RSC Advances, 7(8), 4531-4540.
- Frawley, A., Pal, D., & Parker, D. (2016). Very bright, enantiopure europium(III) complexes allow time-gated chiral contrast imaging. Chemical Communications, 52(91), 13349-13352.
- Neil, E., Pal, R., Fox, M., & Parker, D. (2016). Induced europium CPL for the selective signalling of phosphorylated amino-acids and O-phosphorylated hexapeptides. Dalton Transactions, 45(20), 8355-8366.
- Sim, N., Gottschalk, S., Pal, R., Delbianco, M., Degtyarik, D., Razansky, D., Westmeyer, G., Ntziachristos, V., Parker, D., & Mishra, A. (2015). Wavelength-dependent optoacoustic imaging probes for NMDA receptor visualisation. Chemical Communications, 51(82), 15149-15152.
- Neil, E., Fox, M., Pal, R., Pålsson, L., O'Sullivan, B., & Parker, D. (2015). Chiral probe development for circularly polarised luminescence: comparative study of structural factors determining the degree of induced CPL with four heptacoordinate europium(III) complexes. Dalton Transactions, 44(33), 14937-14951.
- Funk, A., Harvey, P., Finney, K.-L., Fox, M., Kenwright, A., Rogers, N., Senanayake, P., & Parker, D. (2015). Challenging lanthanide relaxation theory: erbium and thulium complexes that show NMR relaxation rates faster than dysprosium and terbium analogues. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(25), 16507-16511.
- Seemann, J., Waldron, B., Roesch, F., & Parker, D. (2015). Approaching ‘kit-type’ labelling with 68Ga: the DATA chelators. ChemMedChem, 10(6), 1019-1026.
- Sim, N., & Parker, D. (2015). Critical design issues in the targeted molecular imaging of cell surface receptors. Chemical Society Reviews, 44(8), 2122-2134.
- Butler, S., Delbianco, M., Lamarque, L., McMahon, B., Neil, E., Pal, R., Parker, D., Walton, J., & Zwier, J. (2015). EuroTracker® dyes : design, synthesis, structure and photophysical properties of very bright europium complexes and their use in bioassays and cellular optical imaging. Dalton Transactions, 44(11), 4791-4803.
- Lawson, D., Barge, A., Terreno, E., Parker, D., Aime, S., & Botta, M. (2015). Optimizing the high-field relaxivity by self-assembling of macrocyclic Gd(III) complexes. Dalton Transactions, 44(11), 4910-4917.
- Sim, N., Pal, R., Parker, D., Engelmann, J., Mishra, A., & Gottschalk, S. (2014). Magnetic resonance and optical imaging probes for NMDA receptors on the cell surface of neurons: synthesis and evaluation in cellulo. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 12(46), 9389-9404.
- Delbianco, M., Lamarque, L., & Parker, D. (2014). Synthesis of meta and para-substituted aromatic sulfonate derivatives of polydentate phenylazaphosphinate ligands: enhancement of the water solubility of emissive europium(III) EuroTracker® dyes. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 12(40), 8061-8071.
- Delbianco, M., Sadovnikova, V., Bourrier, E., Mathis, G., Lamarque, L., Zwier, J., & Parker, D. (2014). Bright, highly water soluble triazacyclononane europium complexes to detect ligand binding with time-resolved FRET microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(40), 10718-10722.
- McMahon, B., & Parker, D. (2014). Selective ion pair recognition of citrate and zinc ions in water by ratiometric luminescence signaling. RSC Advances, 4(71), 37649-37654.
- Soulié, M., Latzko, F., Bourrier, E., Placide, V., Butler, S. J., Pal, R., Walton, J. W., Baldeck, P. L., Le Guennic, B., Andraud, C., Zwier, J. M., Lamarque, L., Parker, D., & Maury, O. (2014). Comparative analysis of conjugated alkynyl chromophore-triazacyclononane ligands for sensitized emission of europium and terbium. Chemistry - A European Journal, 20(28), 8636 -8646.
- Carr, R., Puckrin, R., McMahon, B. K., Pal, R., Parker, D., & Pålsson, L.-O. (2014). Induced circularly polarized luminescence arising from anion or protein binding to racemic emissive lanthanide complexes. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 2(2), Article 024007.
- Butler, S. J., Lamarque, L., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2014). EuroTracker dyes: highly emissive europium complexes as alternative organelle stains for live cell imaging. Chemical Science, 2014(5), 1750-1756.
- Butler, S. J., Delbianco, M., Evans, N. H., Frawley, A. T., Pal, R., Parker, D., Puckrin, R. S., & Yufit, D. S. (2014). Utility of tris(4-bromopyridyl) europium complexes as versatile intermediates in the divergent synthesis of emissive chiral probes. Dalton Transactions, 43(15), 5721-5730.
- Neil, E. R., Funk, A. M., Yufit, D. S., & Parker, D. (2014). Synthesis, stereocontrol and structural studies of highly luminescent chiral tris-amidepyridyl-triazacyclononane lanthanide complexes. Dalton Transactions, 43(14), 5490-5504.
- Funk, A., Finney, K.-L., Harvey, P., Kenwright, A., Neil, E., Rogers, N., Senanayake, P., & Parker, D. (2014). Critical analysis of the limitations of Bleaney's theory of magnetic anisotropy in paramagnetic lanthanide coordination complexes. Chemical Science, 6(3), 1655-1662.
- De Luca, E., Harvey, P., Chalmers, K. H., Mishra, A. P., Senanayake, K., Wilson, J. I., Botta, M., Fekete, M., Blamire, A. M., & Parker, D. (2014). Characterisation and evaluation of paramagnetic fluorine labelled glycol chitosan conjugates for 19F and 1H magnetic resonance imaging. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 19(2), 215-227.
- Palmer, A. J., Ford, S. H., Butler, S. J., Hawkins, T. J., Hussey, P. J., Pal, R., Walton, J. W., & Parker, D. (2014). Emissive europium complexes that stain the cell walls of healthy plant cells, pollen tubes and roots. RSC Advances, 4(18), 9356-9366.
- Gempf, K. L., Butler, S. J., Funka, A. M., & Parker, D. (2013). Direct and selective tagging of cysteine residues in peptides and proteins with 4-nitropyridyl lanthanide complexes. Chemical Communications, 49(80), 9104-9106.
- Harvey, P., Blamire, A., Wilson, J., Finney, K., Funk, A., Senanayake, P., & Parker, D. (2013). Moving the goal posts: enhancing the sensitivity of PARASHIFT proton magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Chemical Science, 4(11), 4251-4258.
- Smith, D., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2012). Measuring Equilibrium Bicarbonate Concentrations Directly in Cellular Mitochondria and in Human Serum Using Europium/Terbium Emission Intensity Ratios. Chemistry - A European Journal, 18(37), 11604-11613.
- Mishra, A., Gottschalk, S., Engelmann, J., & Parker, D. (2012). Responsive Imaging Probes for Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors. Chemical Science, 3(1), 131-135.
- Smith, D., Law, G.-L., Benjamin, S., Pal, R., Parker, D., & Wong, K.-L. (2011). Evidence for the optical signalling of changes in bicarbonate concentration within the mitochondrial region of living cells. Chemical Communications, 47(26), 7347-7349.
- New, E., Congreve, A., & Parker, D. (2010). Definition of the uptake mechanism and sub-cellular localisation profile of emissive lanthanide complexes as cellular optical probes. Chemical Science, 1(1), 111-118.
- Chalmers, K., De Luca, E., Hogg, N., Kenwright, A., Kuprov, I., Parker, D., Botta, M., Wilson, J., & Blamire, A. (2010). Design Principles and Theory of Paramagnetic Fluorine-Labelled Lanthanide Complexes as Probes for 19F Magnetic Resonance: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Chemistry - A European Journal, 16(1),
- Montgomery, C., New, E., Parker, D., & Peacock, R. (2008). Enantioselective regulation of a metal complex in reversible binding to serum albumin: dynamic helicity inversion signalled by circularly polarised luminescence. Chemical Communications, 2008(36), 4261-4263.
- Yu, J., Parker, D., Pal, R., Poole, R., & Cann, M. (2006). A europium complex that selectively stains nucleoli of cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(7), 2294-2299.
- Poole, R., Kielar, F., Richardson, S., Stenson, P., & Parker, D. (2006). A ratiometric and non-enzymatic luminescence assay for uric acid: differential quenching of lanthanide excited states by anti-oxidants. Chemical Communications, 2006(39), 4084-4086.
- Senanayake, K., Thompson, A., Howard, J., Botta, M., & Parker, D. (2006). Synthesis and characterisation of dimeric eight-coordinate lanthanide(III) complexes of a macrocyclic tribenzylphosphinate ligand. Dalton Transactions, 5423-5428.
- Stenson, P., Thompson, A., & Parker, D. (2006). Structural characterisation of a diprotonated ligand lanthanide complex - a key intermediate in lanthanide ion association and complex dissociation pathways. Dalton Transactions, 2006(27), 3291-3293.
- Fulton, D., Elemento, E., Aime, S., Chaabane, L., Botta, M., & Parker, D. (2006). Glycoconjugates of gadolinium complexes for MRI applications. Chemical Communications, 2006(10), 1064-1066.
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