Staff profile
David Byrne
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Sociology |
Fellow of the Durham Research Methods Centre |
Research interests
- case based methods
- complexity theory
- postindustrial social structures
- privatization of welfare systems
- quantitative methods
- urban systems
Esteem Indicators
- 2009: Journal Editorships: Editor Sociology, AcSS, SPA nominee for RAE panel, participant in international Gulbenkian review of future of science in general, various international and prestigious UK plenary presentations in areas of complexity and socila exclusion.
- 2009: Academician - Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences: Nominated by Social Policy Association
- 2009: International Presentation: Participation in and plenary presentation to International Symposium on Complexity and Transformation Netherlands
- 2009: International Presentation: Presentation to Institute for Advanced Studies - University of Stellenbosch on Complexity.
- 2000: International Presentation: Presentation to staff Cleveland Western Reserve and Cleveland State University - Comparison of post-industrial industrial cities.
- 2000: International Presentation: Presentation to staff and postgraduates Erasmus University Rotterdam - Research the trajectories of complex cities.
- 2000: International Presentation: Presentation to staff and postgraduates University of Arizona - Exploring causality in the trajectories of complex systems.
- 2000: International Presentation: Presentation to staff group Technical University of Delft - Researching the trajectories of complex cities.
Authored book
- Byrne, D. (2018). Class after Industry. Palgrave Macmillan
- Byrne, D., & Ruane, S. (2017). Paying for the Welfare State in the 21st Century. Policy Press
- Byrne, D., & Callaghan, G. (2013). Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences. The state of the art. Routledge
- Byrne, D. (2011). Applying Social Science: The role of Social research in politics, policy and practice. Policy Press
- Byrne, D. (2005). Social Exclusion. (2nd.). Open University Press
- Byrne, D. (2002). Interpreting Quantitative Data. SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2001). Understanding the Urban. Palgrave Macmillan
- Byrne, D. (1998). Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences. Routledge
- Byrne, D. (1989). Beyond the Inner City. Open University Press
Chapter in book
- Byrne, D. (2019). The Statistics of Devolution. In J. Evans, S. Ruane, & H. Southall (Eds.), Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation (133-144). Policy Press
- Byrne, D. (2018). Researching Large Scale Complex Interventions. In N. Emmel, J. Greenhalgh, A. Manzano, M. Monaghan, & S. Dalkin (Eds.), Doing Realist Research. SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2016). Energy Systems and Energy Related Practices. In N. LaBanca (Ed.), Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy Transitions (305-320). Springer Verlag
- Byrne, D. (2016). Explanation and Empirical Social Research. In L. McKie, & L. Ryan (Eds.), An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology. Routledge
- Byrne, D., & Uprichard, E. (2012). Useful Complex Causality. In H. Kincaid (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science
- Byrne, D. (2011). What is an effect? Coming at Causality Backwards. In M. Williams, & W. Vogt (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Innovation in Social Research Methods (80-94). SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2010). Comparison, Diversity and Complexity. In P. Cilliers, & R. Preiser (Eds.), Complexity, Difference and Identity (61-78). Springer Verlag
- Byrne, D. (2009). Using Cluster Analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis and NVivo in Relation to the Establishment of Causal Configurations with Pre-existing Large N Datasets: Machining Hermeneutics. In D. Byrne, & C. Ragin (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based Methods (260-268). SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2009). INTRODUCTION: Case-Based Methods: Why We Need Them; What They Are; How to Do Them. In D. Byrne, & C. Ragin (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based Methods (1-10). SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2009). Complex Realist and Configurational Approaches to Cases: A Radical Synthesis. In D. Byrne, & C. Ragin (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based Methods. SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (2006). Exploring Organizational Effectiveness: The Value of Complex Realism as a Frame of Reference and Systematic Comparison as a Method. In S. Maguire, P. Allen, & B. McKelvey (Eds.), Complexity and Management. Sage Publication Ltd. London
- Byrne, D. (2004). Evidence based? What constitutes valid evidence?. In A. Gray, & S. Harrison (Eds.), Governing medicine : theory and practice (81-92). Open University Press
- Byrne, D. (2004). Complex and Contingent Causation - The Implications of Complex Realism for Quantitive Modelling : The Case of Housing and Health. In B. Carter, & C. New (Eds.), Making realism work : realist social theory and empirical research (50-66). Routledge
- Byrne, D. (1995). Complex and Contingent Causation - the implications of complex realism for quantitative modelling - the case of housing and health. In B. Carter, & C. New (Eds.), Doing Research. Routledge
Edited book
- Byrne, D., & Uprichard, E. (Eds.). (2012). Cluster Analysis. SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D., & Ragin, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). The SAGE handbook of case-based methods. SAGE Publications
- Byrne, D. (Ed.). (2008). Social Exclusion - Critical Concepts in Sociology. Routledge
Journal Article
- Byrne, D., ed, S. R., & et al. (online). Devolution in England - coping with postindustrial industrial regions - issues of territorial inquality
- Byrne, D. S. (2024). Scenarios—using the complexity frame of reference to inform the construction of available futures in the possibility space. Frontiers in Complex Systems, 2, Article 1306328.
- Byrne, D. (2024). Causation in complex systems where human agency is in play. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 27(3), 357-367.
- Byrne, D. S. (2020). Understanding Class in the Post-Industrial Era - Thoughts on Modes of Investigation. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, Article 39.
- Byrne, D. (2015). Response to Fugard and Potts: supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses: a quantitative tool. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(6),
- Byrne, D. (2014). Thoughts on a Pedagogy OF Complexity
- Byrne, D. (2013). Evaluating Complex Social Interventions in a Complex World. Evaluation, 19(3), 217-228.
- Byrne, D. (2012). Getting up - Staying Up? - Exploring Trajectories in Household Incomes Between 1992 and 2006. Sociological Research Online, 17(2),
- Byrne, D. (2012). UK Sociology and Quantitative Methods: Are We as Weak as They Think? Or Are They Barking up the Wrong Tree?. Sociology, 46(1), 13-24.
- Blackman, T., Wistow, J., & Byrne, D. (2011). A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Factors Associated with Narrowing Health Inequalities in England. Social Science & Medicine, 72(12),
- Griffiths, F., Borkan, J., Byrne, D., Crabtree, B., Dowrick, C., Gunn, J., Kokanovic, R., Lamb, S., Lindenmeyer, A., Parchman, M., Reis, S., & Sturt, J. (2010). Developing Evidence for How to Tailor Medical Interventions for the Individual Patient. Qualitative Health Research, 20(12), 1629-1641.
- Uprichard, E., Burrows, R., & Byrne, D. (2008). SPSS as an inscription device: From causality to description. Sociological Review, 56(4), 606-622.
- Byrne, D., & Yang, K. (2008). Conceptual & statistical problems in exploring the relationship among volume, outcome & context in relation to the organisation of secondary & tertiary health provision: An issue of causal inference in non-experimental research. Radical statistics, 96, 1-14
- Byrne, D. (2008). The oversubsidized periphery - who benefits?. Radical statistics, 97(2), 1-11
- Uprichard, E., & Byrne, D. (2006). Representing Complex Places: A Narrative Approach. Environment and Planning A, 38(4), 665-676.
- Byrne, D. (2006). Theory, Role of (in measurement)
- Byrne, D. (2006). Class, Culture and Identity: A reflection on absences against presences. Sociology, 39, 807-816
- Byrne, D. (2005). Complexity, Configuration and Cases. Theory, Culture and Society, 22(5), 95-111.
- Byrne, D. (2002). Platonic Forehand versus Aristotelian Smash - the use of computers as macroscopes in knowing the social world. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 5(1), 61-69.
- Byrne, D. (2001). What is Complexity Science? Thinking as a realist about measurement and cities and arguing for natural history. Emergence (Mahwah, N.J. Online), 3(1), 61-76
- Blackman, T., Wistow, J., & Byrne, D. (2011). Towards a new understanding of how local action can effectively address health inequalities. Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. National Institute for Health Research
- Blackman, T., Byrne, D., & Wistow, J. (2010). Variations between Spearhead areas in progress with tackling health inequalities in England. [No known commissioning body]