Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Physics |
Director of Education in the Department of Physics |
Lecturer in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology |
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Maître, D., Ngairangbam, V. S., & Spannowsky, M. (2025). Optimal equivariant architectures from the symmetries of matrix-element likelihoods. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 6(1), Article 015059.
- Janßen, T., Maître, D., Schumann, S., Siegert, F., & Truong, H. (2023). Unweighting multijet event generation using factorisation-aware neural networks. SciPost Physics, 15(3), Article 107.
- Butter, A., Plehn, T., Schumann, S., Badger, S., Caron, S., Cranmer, K., Di Bello, F. A., Dreyer, E., Forte, S., Ganguly, S., Gonçalves, D., Gross, E., Heimel, T., Heinrich, G., Heinrich, L., Held, A., Höche, S., Howard, J. N., Ilten, P., Isaacson, J., …Zupan, J. (2023). Machine learning and LHC event generation. SciPost Physics, 14(4), Article 079.
- Andersen, J. R., Maier, A., & Maître, D. (2023). Efficient negative-weight elimination in large high-multiplicity Monte Carlo event samples. The European Physical Journal C, 83(9), Article 835.
- Maître, D., & Truong, H. (2023). One-loop matrix element emulation with factorisation awareness. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(5), Article 159.
- Maître, D., & Santos-Mateos, R. (2023). Multi-variable integration with a neural network. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(3),
- Maître, D., & Truong, H. (2021). A factorisation-aware Matrix element emulator. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(11), Article 066.
- De Laurentis, G., & Maître, D. (2021). Two-Loop Five-Parton Leading-Colour Finite Remainders in the Spinor-Helicity Formalism. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(1), Article 16.
- Laurentis, G. D., & Maitre, D. (2019). Extracting analytical one-loop amplitudes from numerical evaluations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7, Article 123.
- Anger, F., Febres Cordero, F., Höche, S., & Maître, D. (2018). Weak vector boson production with many jets at the LHC s=13 TeV. Physical Review D, 97(9), Article 096010.
- Johnson, M., & Maître, D. (2018). Strong coupling constant extraction from high-multiplicity Z + jets observables. Physical Review D, 97(5), Article 054013.
- Bern, B., Dixon, L., Febres Cordero, F., Hoeche, S., Ita, H., & Maitre, D. (2015). Extrapolating W-associated jet-production ratios at the LHC. Physical Review D, 92(1), Article 014008.
- Maître, D. (2015). NLO high multiplicity processes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 608, Article 012075.
- Bern, Z., Dixon, L., Febres Cordero, F., Höche, S., Ita, H., Kosower, D., Lo Presti, N., & Maître, D. (2014). Next-to-leading orderγγ+2−jetproduction at the LHC. Physical Review D, 90(5), Article 054004.
- Bern, Z., Dixon, L., Febres Cordero, F., Höche, S., Ita, H., Kosower, D., & Maître, D. (2014). Ntuples for NLO events at hadron colliders. Computer Physics Communications, 185(5), 1443-1460.
- Bern, Z., Diana, G., Dixon, L., Febres Cordero, F., Hoeche, S., Kosower, D., Ita, H., Maître, D., & Ozeren, K. (2012). Four-Jet Production at the Large Hadron Collider at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD. Physical Review Letters, 109(4), Article 042001.
Supervision students
Elliot Fox
PGR Student
Wendy Gray
PGR Student
Yunji Ha
PGR Student