Staff profile
Professor Chris Greenwell
Professor of Geochemistry
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Geochemistry in the Department of Earth Sciences | +44 (0) 191 33 42324 |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
2016 – Present — Professor in Geochemistry, Durham University
2014 – 2016 — Reader in Geoenergy, Durham University
2012 – 2014 — Senior Lecturer in Geoenergy, Durham University
2010 – 2012 — Lecturer in Geoenergy, Durham University
2007 – 2010 — Addison Wheeler Fellow, Durham University and Affiliate Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University.
2005 – present — Honorary Lecturer at the Centre for Computational Science, Department of Chemistry. University College London (UCL)
2010 — Invited Associate Professor at CNRS Nancy, France
2005 – 2007 — Centre for Applied Marine Sciences (CAMS), School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales Bangor – Senior Research Officer
2003 – 2005 — University College London. EPSRC funded post-doctoral research assistant
2000 – 2003 — University of Cambridge, PhD
Career Research Highlights
Chris Greenwell is an internationally leading researcher into the surface chemistry, structure and properties of layered minerals. This research spans catalysis, oil and gas exploration and production, composite materials and early Earth chemistry. In particular, the Greenwell group bridges across the computer simulation and experimental study of layered mineral systems. Areas where significant advances have been made include understanding the reatcivity and folding dynamics of biomarcomolecules at mineral surfaces, fossil and bio-fuel forming reactions at mineral catalysts, the material properties of nano-composites and the crystal growth and modification of layered double hydroxide minerals.
Committee and Society Service
2010 – present — Clay Minerals Group Committee; Mineralogical Society
2003 – present — K Astrobiology Society – founding member
1997 – present — Royal Society of Chemistry, Member
Conferences and Workshops
2013 — UK Mineralogical Society Clay Minerals Special Interest group, Annual Research in Progress day - Organiser.
2012 — US Clay Mineral Society Conference on Multi-scale Modelling of Clays and Shales - Session convenor
2012 — Biofuels, Science & Society – Organiser.
2010 — Durham University Prebiotic Chemistry Symposium - Organiser.
Invited Talks (selected, since 2008)
2013 — “TBC”, invited speaker at the US Clay Minerals Society meeting in Illinois, USA
2012 — “Life on the edge? Studying biomolecules at layered mineral interfaces” Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, USA
2012 — “Mineral catalysed deoxygenation reactions - learning new tricks from a very old process”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA
2012 — “Chemistry Between the Sheets: Probing Structure and Reactivity in Layered Minerals”, Leeds University, Leeds, UK
2012 — “Shale Gas in the UK – Evaluation of the gas potential of the Holywell Shale, North East Wales”, European Gas Research Group Academic Network Event, Brussels
2011 — “Layered Minerals: Current Challenges and Applications” Imerys Minerals, Parr, Cornwall, UK
2011 — “Mineral catalysed deoxygenation reactions - learning new tricks from a very old process”, Newcastle University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Newcastle, UK
2010 — “Decarboxylation of fatty acids using mineral catalysts”, Bioenergy: Chances & Limits, Leopoldina, Germany
2010 — “Decarboxylation of fatty acids using mineral catalysts: from microalgae to road transport fuels and chemical feedstocks”, Royal Society Frontiers in Science, Fortaleza, Brazil
2010 — “Layered Minerals: Current Challenges”, Lafarge Research Centre Lyon, Lyon, France
2010 — “Investigating Layered Mineral-Organic Interactions”, CNRS Nancy (LCPME), Nancy, France
2010 — “Using computer simulation to elucidate structure and reactivity in layered minerals”, Johnson Matthey, Billingham, Teeside, UK
2010 — “Optimising oil recovery from microalgae”, Exxon-Mobil, New Jersey USA
2009 — “Microalgal Production Using Tubular Photobioreactors: Facing a changing market”, F.O. Lichts Next Generation Biofuels Conference, Munich
2008 — “Greening the oil-industry: e-Science and oil & gas well drilling chemistry”, UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
2008 — “The New Improved Muds from Environmental Sources (NIMES) Project”, EPSRC/TSB e-Science programme Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
2008 — “Marine Biofuels and Biodiscovery from Marine Organisms” New Technologies to develop the Potential of Ocean Resources, UK Foreign Office, Trade and Industry Seminar, Lisbon Portugal
Membership of Organizations and Societies
Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
Corresponding Member, European Association of Geochemists
Founding Member, UK Astrobiology Society
Prizes and Awards
2013 — Mineralogical Society – Nominated for Max Heyes medal
Bangor University - Evans-Morris Prize; Peboc Prize & Medal; John Morris Jones Prize
Recent and Current Grants (Selected)
2013 – 2017 — Royal Society Industry Fellowship to study “Mineral Interface Determination During Shale Hydration” with M-I SWACO (Schlumberger).
2013 – 2016 — Saudi Aramco “Designing High Pressure & Temperature Drilling Fluids”. A joint project with Prof Andy Whiting (Chemistry) to develop new technologies to inhibit shale swelling.
2013 – 2018 — EPSRC £1.6M “MacroBioCrude”. A sustainable chemistry grant looking at gasification of preserved macroalgae (with PI Phil Dyer).
2012 – 2015 — Leverhulme Trust: Archean Peptide Formation. This is to fund 2 postdoctoral researchers, working with Prof Fraser at Oxford University to investigate the geochemical constrains on early Earth peptide formation.
2011 – 2014 — NERC CASE PhD Studentship. This project works with M-I SWACO to study the early stage hydration of clays using neutron scattering and XRD methods.
2012 – 2015 — I-Gas PhD Studentship investgating geochemical variability across the Holywell Shale.
2012 – 2013 — Durham University Infrastructure Bid. A grant of £1.1M was received to build an integrated high pressure/flow chemistry facility refurbishing the existing high-pressure lab. Joint bid with Andy Whiting (Chemistry)
2012 – 2015 and 2013-2016 — Kurdistan Regional Government and BP. 2 PhD studentships investigating low salinity enhanced oil rcovery.
2011 – 2014: Centre for Process Innovation PhD CASE studentship to study macroalgae conversion chemistries.
2010 – 2013 — EU FP7 Research for SMEA (PI). A grant of €525K as part of the AlgaeBIoSorb consortium to look at heterogeneous catalysis for marine and freshwater microalgae biofuel upgrading (2010).
2008 – 2010 — Knowledge Transfer Partnership. A grant (£135k) has been awarded to study enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods using novel reactor vessels in partnership with an industry sponsor. With Dr Andy Whiting.
2008 – 2011 — Doctoral Training Account, Durham University. A CASE-PhD studentship was granted to study mineral induced decarboxylation of fatty acids for biofuel applications (2008). With Dr Andy Whiting.
Journal Article
- Greathouse, J. A., Geatches, D. L., Pike, D. Q., Greenwell, H. C., Johnston, C. T., Wilcox, J., & Cygan, R. T. (in press). Methylene Blue Adsorption on the Basal Surfaces of Kaolinite: Structure and Thermodynamics from Quantum and Classical Molecular Simulation. Clays and Clay Minerals, 63(3),
- Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., & Greenwell, H. C. (online). The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study. Environment, Development and Sustainability,
- Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2025). Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context. World Development, 188, Article 106902.
- Zhao, R., Xue, H., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., Xu, Y., He, T., & Erastova, V. (2024). Molecular dynamics of quantitative evaluation of confined fluid behavior in nanopores media and the influencing mechanism: Pore size and pore geometry. Physics of Fluids, 36(9), Article 092027.
- Abdullayev, E., Paterson, J. R., Kuszynski, E. P., Hamidi, M. D., Nahar, P., Greenwell, H. C., Neumann, A., & Sharples, G. J. (2024). Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia. Clays and Clay Minerals, 72, Article e9.
- Cafolla, C., Bui, T., Bao Le, T. T., Zen, A., Tay, W. J., Striolo, A., Michaelides, A., Greenwell, H. C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Local probing of the nanoscale hydration landscape of kaolinite basal facets in the presence of ions. Materials Today Physics, 46, Article 101504.
- Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., Greenwell, H. C., & Stevenson, E. G. J. (2024). Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul. Water Security, 22, Article 100177.
- Zhao, R., Xue, H., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2024). Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores. Chemical Engineering Journal, 489, Article 151362.
- Gray-Wannell, N., Cubillas, P., Aslam, Z., Holliman, P. J., Greenwell, H. C., Brydson, R., Delbos, E., Strachan, L.-J., Fuller, M., & Hillier, S. (2023). Morphological features of halloysite nanotubes as revealed by various microscopies. Clay Minerals, 58(4), 395-407.
- Liu, G., Usman, M., Luo, T., Biard, P.-F., Lin, K., Greenwell, H. C., & Hanna, K. (2023). Retention and transport of PFOA and its fluorinated substitute, GenX, through water-saturated soil columns. Environmental Pollution, 337, Article 122530.
- Hamidi, M. D., Gröcke, D. R., Kumar Joshi, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region. Journal of Hydrology, 626, Article 130187.
- Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data. Water Research, 244, Article 120521.
- Hamidi, M. D., Kissane, S., Bogush, A. A., Karim, A. Q., Sagintayev, J., Towers, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9(1), Article 20.
- Erdogan, A. R., Whitford, A. C., Underwood, T. R., Sellick, C., Patel, R., Skipper, N. T., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Swelling of compacted bentonite in organic solvents: Correlation of rate and extent of swelling with solvent properties. Applied Clay Science, 241,
- Apeiranthitis, N., Greenwell, C. H., & Carteret, C. (2022). Far- and mid-infrared examination of nontronite-1 clay mineral – Redox and cation saturation effects. Applied Clay Science, 228, 106628.
- Xue, H., Dong, Z., Tian, S., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., Luo, P., Zhang, W., Lu, S., Wang, M., Ma, W., & Wang, Y. (2022). Calculation and controlled factors of hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency using corrected pyrolysis parameters: A Songliao case study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, Article 109026.
- Degiacomi, M. T., Tian, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2021). DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 269, Article 108126.
- Tian, S., Bowen, L., Liu, B., Zeng, F., Xue, H., Erastova, V., Greenwell, H. C., Dong, Z., Zhao, R., & Liu, J. (2021). A method for automatic shale porosity quantification using an Edge-Threshold Automatic Processing (ETAP) technique. Fuel, 304, Article 121319.
- Rowbotham, J., Greenwell, C., & Dyer, P. W. (2021). Opening the Egg Box: NMR spectroscopic analysis of the interactions between s-block cations and kelp monosaccharides. Dalton Transactions, 50(38), 13246-13255.
- Bocanegra, N. R., Rivera De la Rosa, J., Lucio Ortiz, C. J., González, P. C., Greenwell, C., Badillo Almaráz, V. E., Sandoval Rangel, L., Alcántar-Vázquez, B., Rodríguez-González, V., & de Haro del Río, D. A. (2021). Catalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) over Pd-Ru/FAU zeolite catalysts. Catalysis Today, 360, 2-11.
- Badizad, M. H., Koleini, M. M., Greenwell, H. C., Ayatollahi, S., & Ghazanfari, M. H. (2021). Atomistic Insight into the Behavior of Ions at an Oil-Bearing Hydrated Calcite Surface: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding. Energy and Fuels, 35(16), 13039-13054.
- Perera-Solis, D. D., Zholobenko, V. L., Whiting, A., & Greenwell, H. C. (2021). Heterogeneous ketonic decarboxylation of dodecanoic acid: studying reaction parameters. RSC Advances, 11(56),
- Liang, M., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Greenwell, C. H., Li, H., Yu, Y., & Liu, S. (2021). Experimental investigation on gas permeability in bedding shale with brittle and semi-brittle deformations under triaxial compression. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 196,
- Liang, M., Wang, Z., Zheng, G., Zhang, X., Greenwell, H. C., Zhang, K., Feng, X., Zhang, L., & Li, H. (2021). Preliminary Experimental Study of Methane Adsorption Capacity in Shale After Brittle Deformation Under Uniaxial Compression. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, Article 542912.
- Zhitova, E., Greenwell, H., Krzhizhanovskaya, M., Apperley, D., Pekov, I., & Yakovenchuk, V. (2020). Thermal Evolution of Natural Layered Double Hydroxides: Insight from Quintinite, Hydrotalcite, Stichtite, and Iowaite as Reference Samples for CO3- and Cl-Members of the Hydrotalcite Supergroup. Minerals, 10(11), Article 961.
- Rowbotham, J. S., Aguilar, J. A., Kenwright, A. M., Greenwell, H. C., & Dyer, P. W. (2020). Solution-state behaviour of algal mono-uronates evaluated by pure shift and compressive sampling NMR techniques. Carbohydrate Research, 495, Article 108087.
- Badizad, M. H., Koleini, M. M., Greenwell, H. C., Ayatollahi, S., & Ghazanfari, M. H. (2020). A Deep Look into Dynamics of Saltwater Imbibition in a Calcite Nano-Channel: Temperature Impacts Capillarity Regimes. Langmuir, 36(31), 9035-9046.
- Gray-Wannell, N., Holliman, P., Greenwell, H., Delbos, E., & Hillier, S. (2020). Adsorption of phosphate by halloysite (7Å) nanotubes (HNTs). Clay Minerals, 55(2), 184-193.
- Rezaei Gomari, S., Amrouche, F., Santos, R. G., Greenwell, H. C., & Cubillas, P. (2020). A New Framework to Quantifying the Wetting Behaviour of Carbonate Rock Surfaces Based on the Relationship between Zeta Potential and Contact Angle. Energies, 13(4), Article 993.
- Badizad, M. H., Koleini, M. M., Greenwell, C., Ayatollahi, S., Ghazanfari, M. H., & Mohammadi, M. (2020). Ion-specific Interactions at Calcite-Brine Interfaces: A Nano-Scale Study of the Surface Charge Development and Preferential Binding of Polar Hydrocarbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(48), 27999-28011.
- Liang, M.-L., Wang, Z.-X., Zheng, G.-D., Christopher Greenwell, H., Li, H.-J., Zhang, L.-Y., Feng, X.-Q., & Zhang, K.-X. (2020). Occurrence and influence of residual gas released by crush methods on pore structure in Longmaxi shale in Yangtze Plate, Southern China. China geology, 3(4),
- Manohara, G. V., Whiting, A., & Greenwell, C. (2019). Reduced to hierarchy: carbon filament supported mixed metal oxide nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 4(23), 20230-20236.
- Al Jaberi, M., Mallet, M., Greenwell, H. C., Abdelmoula, M., & Ruby, C. (2019). Using Ca-Fe layered double hydroxide transformation to optimise phosphate removal from waste waters. Applied Clay Science, 182, Article 105281.
- Perera-Solis, D. D., Pimlott, M., Fidment, E., Whiting, A., & Greenwell, H. C. (2019). Adding Value to Waste Minerals in a Circular Economy Framework: Ochre-Derived Layered Double Hydroxide Catalysts in Fatty Acid Ketonisation. Minerals, 9(11), Article 681.
- Zhitova, E., Krivovichev, S., Pekov, I., & Greenwell, H. (2019). Crystal chemistry of natural layered double hydroxides. 5. Single-crystal structure refinement of hydrotalcite, [Mg6Al2(OH)16](CO3)(H2O)4. Mineralogical Magazine, 83(2), 269-280.
- Abedi, S., Astaraei, F. R., Ghobadian, B., Tavakoli, O., Jalili, H., Greenwell, H. C., Cummins, I., & Chivasa, S. (2019). Decoupling a novel Trichormus variabilis-Synechocystis sp. interaction to boost phycoremediation. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 2511.
- Smith, B., Li, L., Perera-Solis, D., Gildea, L., Zholobenko, V., Dyer, P., & Greenwell, H. C. (2018). Ketone Formation via Decarboxylation Reactions of Fatty Acids Using Solid Hydroxide/Oxide Catalysts. Inorganics, 6(4), Article 121.
- Preiner, M., Xavier, J. C., Sousa, F. L., Zimorski, V., Neubeck, A., Lang, S. Q., Greenwell, C., Kleinermanns, K., Tüysüz, H., McCollom, T. M., Holm, N. G., & Martin, W. F. (2018). Serpentinization: Connecting geochemistry, ancient metabolism and industrial hydrogenation. Life, 8(4), Article 41.
- Gregoire, B., Greenwell, H. C., & Fraser, D. G. (2018). Peptide Formation on Layered Mineral Surfaces: The Key Role of Brucite-like Minerals on the Enhanced Formation of Alanine Dipeptides. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2(8), 852-862.
- Li, L., Dyer, P. W., & Greenwell, H. C. (2018). Biodiesel production via trans-esterification using Pseudomonas cepacia immobilized on cellulosic polyurethane. ACS Omega, 3(6), 6804-6811.
- Jacquet, A., Geatches, D. L., Clark, S. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2018). Understanding cationic polymer adsorption on mineral surfaces: kaolinite in cement aggregates. Minerals, 8(4), Article 130.
- Tian, S., Erastova, V., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., Underwood, T., Xue, H., Zeng, F., Chen, G., Wu, C., & Zhao, R. (2018). Understanding model crude oil component interactions on kaolinite silicate and aluminol surfaces: towards improved understanding of shale oil recovery. Energy and Fuels, 32(2), 1155-1165.
- Gudiyor Veerabhadrappa, M., Li, L., Whiting, A., & Greenwell, H. C. (2018). Ultra-high aspect ratio hybrid materials: The role of organic guest and synthesis method. Dalton Transactions, 47(9), 2933-2938.
- Underwood, T. R., & Greenwell, H. C. (2018). The Water-Alkane Interface at Various NaCl Salt Concentrations: A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Readily Available Force Fields. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 352.
- Santha, N., Cubillas, P., Saw, A., Brooksbank, H., & Greenwell, H. C. (2017). Chemical Force Microscopy Study on the Interactions of COOH Functional Groups with Kaolinite Surfaces: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Minerals, 7(12), Article 250.
- Erastova, V., Degiacomi, M. T., Fraser, D., & Greenwell, H. C. (2017). Mineral Surface Chemistry Control for Origin of Prebiotic Peptides. Nature Communications, 8, Article 2033.
- Mathias, S., Greenwell, H., Withers, C., Erdogan, A., McElwaine, J., & MacMinn, C. (2017). Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments. Applied Clay Science, 149, 75-78.
- Gröcke, D., Racionero-Gómez, B., Marschalek, J., & Greenwell, H. (2017). Translocation of isotopically distinct macroalgae: a route to low-cost biomonitoring?. Chemosphere, 184, 1175-1185.
- Schiener, P., Zhao, S., Theodoridou, K., Carey, M., Mooney-McAuley, K., & Greenwell, H. (2017). The nutritional aspects of biorefined Saccharina latissima, Ascophyllum nodosum and Palmaria palmata. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 7(2), 221-235.
- Redden, H., Milledge, J. J., Greenwell, H. C., Dyer, P. W., & Harvey, P. J. (2017). Changes in higher heating value and ash content of seaweed during ensiling. Journal of Applied Phycology, 29(2), 1037-1046.
- Kareem, R., Cubillas, P., Gluyas, J., Bowen, L., Hillier, S., & Greenwell, H. (2017). Multi-technique approach to the petrophysical characterization of Berea sandstone core plugs (Cleveland Quarries, USA). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 436-455.
- Erastova, V., Degiacomi, M. T., O'Hare, D., & Greenwell, H. C. (2017). Understanding surface interactions in aqueous miscible organic solvent treated layered double hydroxides. RSC Advances, 7(9), 5076-5083.
- Racionero-Gómez, B., Sproson, A., Selby, D., Gannoun, A., Gröcke, D., Greenwell, H., & Burton, K. (2016). Osmium uptake, distribution, and 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os compositions in Phaeophyceae macroalgae, Fucus vesiculosus: Implications for determining the 187Os/188Os composition of seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 199, 48-57.
- Underwood, T., Erastova, V., & Greenwell, H. (2016). Ion Adsorption at Clay Mineral Surfaces: The Hofmeister Series for Hydrated Smectite Minerals. Clays and Clay Minerals, 64(4), 472-487.
- Underwood, T., Erastova, V., & Greenwell, H. (2016). Wetting Effects and Molecular Adsorption at Hydrated Kaolinite Clay Mineral Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(21), 11433-11449.
- Racionero-Gómez, B., Sproson, A., Selby, D., Gröcke, D., Redden, H., & Greenwell, H. (2016). Rhenium uptake and distribution in phaeophyceae macroalgae, Fucus vesiculosus. Royal Society Open Science, 3(5), Article 160161.
- Grégoire, B., Erastova, V., Geatches, D. L., Clark, S. J., Greenwell, H. C., & Fraser, D. G. (2016). Insights into the Behaviour of Biomolecules on the Early Earth: The Concentration of Aspartate by Layered Double Hydroxide Minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 176, 239-258.
- Newport, L. P., Aplin, A. C., Gluyas, J. G., Greenwell, H. C., & Gröcke, D. R. (2015). Geochemical and lithological controls on a potential shale reservoir: Carboniferous Holywell Shale, Wales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 71, 198-210.
- Raji, M., Gröcke, D., Greenwell, H., Gluyas, J., & Cornford, C. (2015). The effect of interbedding on shale reservoir properties. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 67, 154-169.
- Johnson, K., Purvis, G., Lopez-Capel, E., Peacock, C., Gray, N., Wagner, T., März, C., Bowen, L., Ojeda, J., Finlay, N., Robertson, S., Worrall, F., & Greenwell, C. (2015). Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Carbon Stabilization in Manganese Oxides. Nature Communications, 6, Article 7628.
- Metz, S., Anderson, R. L., Geatches, D. L., Suter, J. L., Lines, R., & Greenwell, H. C. (2015). Understanding the Swelling Behavior of Modified Nanoclay Filler Particles in Water and Ethanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(22), 12625-12642.
- Underwood, T., Erastova, V., Cubillas, P., & Greenwell, H. (2015). Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Montmorillonite-Organic Interactions under Varying Salinity: An Insight into Enhanced Oil Recovery. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(13), 7282-7294.
- Greathouse, J., Johnson, K., & Greenwell, H. (2014). Interaction of Natural Organic Matter with Layered Minerals: Recent Developments in Computational Methods at the Nanoscale. Minerals, 4(2), 519-540.
- Flynn, K., Mitra, A., Greenwell, H., & Sui, J. (2013). Monster potential meets potential monster: pros and cons of deploying genetically modified microalgae for biofuels production. Interface Focus, 3(1),
- Geatches, D. L., Clark, S. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2013). DFT+U investigation of the catalytic properties of ferruginous clay. American Mineralogist, 98(1), 132-140.
- Swadling, J., Suter, J., Greenwell, H., & Coveney, P. (2013). Influence of Surface Chemistry and Charge on Mineral-RNA Interactions. Langmuir, 29(5), 1573-1583.
- Greenwell, H., Lloyd-Evans, M., & Wenner, C. (2012). Biofuels, science and society. Interface Focus, 3(1),
- Rowbotham, J., Dyer, P., Greenwell, H., Selby, D., & Theodorou, M. (2012). Copper(II)-mediated thermolysis of alginates: a model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae. Interface Focus, 3(1),
- Coveney, P., Swadling, J., Wattis, J., & Greenwell, H. (2012). Theory, modelling and simulation in origins of life studies. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(16), 5430-5446.
- Swadling, J., Coveney, P., & Greenwell, H. (2012). Stability of free and mineral-protected nucleic acids: Implications for the RNA world. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 83, 360-378.
- Geatches, D., Clark, S., & Greenwell, H. (2012). Iron reduction in nontronite-type clay minerals: Modelling a complex system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 81, 13-27.
- Geatches, D. L., Jacquet, A., Clark, S. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2012). Monomer Adsorption on Kaolinite: Modeling the Essential Ingredients. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(42), 22365-22374.
- Geatches, D., Greenwell, H., & Clark, S. (2011). Ab initio transition state searching in complex systems: Fatty acid decarboxylation in minerals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(12), 2658-2667.
- Fraser, D., Greenwell, H., Skipper, N., Smalley, M., Wilkinson, M., Deme, B., & Heenan, R. (2011). Chiral interactions of histidine in a hydrated vermiculite clay. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(3), 825-830.
- Das, A., Wang, D., Leuteritz, A., Subramnaiam, K., Greenwell, H., Wagenknecht, U., & Heinrich, G. (2011). Preparation of zinc oxide free, transparent rubber nanocomposites using a layered double hydroxide filler. Journal of materials chemistry, 21(20), 7194-7200.
- Suter, J., Coveney, P., Anderson, R., Greenwell, H., & Cliffe, S. (2011). Rule based design of clay-swelling inhibitors. Energy & Environmental Science, 4(11), 4572-4586.
- Geatches, D. L., Clark, S. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2010). Role of Clay Minerals in Oil-Forming Reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114(10), 3569-3575.
- Swadling, J., Coveney, P., & Greenwell, H. (2010). Clay Minerals Mediate Folding and Regioselective Interactions of RNA: A Large-Scale Atomistic Simulation Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(39), 13750-13764.
- Flynn, K., Greenwell, H., Lovitt, R., & Shields, R. (2010). Selection for fitness at the individual or population levels: Modelling effects of genetic modifications in microalgae on productivity and environmental safety. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 263(3),
- Greenwell, H., Laurens, L., Shields, R., Lovitt, R., & Flynn, K. (2010). Placing microalgae on the biofuels priority list: a review of the technological challenges. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 7(46), 703-726.
- Thyveetil, M., Coveney, P., Greenwell, H., & Suter, J. (2008). Role of Host Layer Flexibility in DNA Guest Intercalation Revealed by Computer Simulation of Layered Nanomaterials. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(37), 12485-12495.
- Thyveetil, M., Coveney, P., Greenwell, H., & Suter, J. (2008). Computer Simulation Study of the Structural Stability and Materials Properties of DNA-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(14), 4742-4756.
- Greenwell, H., Jones, W., Coveney, P., & Stackhouse, S. (2006). On the application of computer simulation techniques to anionic and cationic clays: a materials chemistry perspective. Journal of materials chemistry, 16(8), 708-723.
- Greenwell, H., & Coveney, P. (2006). Layered double hydroxide minerals as possible prebiotic information storage and transfer compounds. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 36(1), 13-37.
- Greenwell, H., Harvey, M., Boulet, P., Bowden, A., Coveney, P., & Whiting, A. (2005). Interlayer structure and bonding in nonswelling primary amine intercalated clays. Macromolecules, 38(14), 6189-6200.