Staff profile
Professor Christine Done
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43614 |
After gaining my PhD from Cambridge on X-rays from black holes, I went to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center on an NRC fellowship for two years, where a highlight was being part of ground control flying an X-ray telescope in the payload bay of the space shuttle! I returned to the UK on a junior (2 year) and then senior (5 year) research fellowship from the UK research council before getting tenure at the University of Durham in 2000. I was promoted to full professor in 2006, becoming one of the first women to hold this post. I am also a non-stipendiary Visiting Professor at the Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe of the University of Tokyo, having spent the academic year 2016/2017 in Tokyo on a sabbatical working with the Japanese Space Agency.
Marks of my standing in the community are that I am one of only two European scientists supported by the European Space Agency to be part of XRISM, the next Japanese/US X-ray telescope. I chair of one of the Science Working Groups for this mission as well being a member of the Science Management Office which advises the mission Principal Investigator. I also chair of one of the Science Working Groups for the Athena X-ray satellite (due for launch by the European Space Agency in 2030) and have served as overall chair (Chair of chairs) of the NASA Chandra time allocation committee in 2016. Other indications of esteem include being awarded the Royal Astronomical Society George Darwin Lectureship for a distinguished and eloquent speaker in 2019 and being invited on the Stephen Murray Distinguished Visitor Program, Harvard, USA in 2018.
For more information and links, see my
Responsibilities within department
Director of Research (till August 2021)
Teaching activity
I now teach the L1 sections on Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics as part of the Foundations of Physics module.
I used to teach the L2 course on Quantum Mechanics, and the L4 course on general relativity
Research interests
I am interested in anything with a decent gravitational field,especially black holes formed from stellar evolution in our Galaxy and the supermassive black holes in the centres of other galaxies which are thought to power the Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). An enormous amount of gravitational potential energy can be released in the form of high energy X-ray radiation where these capture (accrete) any nearby material. I use this X-ray emission to study the radiation mechanisms and environment of these extreme gravitational objects, but X-rays do not penetrate through our atmosphere, so this can only be studied from space - so I'm a rocket scientist!!
Research interests
- Black holes
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Truss, M., & Done, C. (2006, December). The decline and fall of GRS 1915+105: the end is nigh?
- Madejski, G., Done, C., Zycki, P., & Greenhill, L. (2006, December). X-Ray Emission from Megamaser Galaxy IC 2560
- Done, C., & Gierliński, M. (2005, December). Accretion in Strong Gravity: from Galactic to Supermassive Black Holes
- Done, C., & Gierliński, M. (2005, December). Scaling variability from stellar to supermassive black holes
- Beckwith, K., & Done, C. (2005, December). Observational Effects of Strong gravity
- Sobolewska, M., & Done, C. (2005, December). What is the origin of the soft excess in AGN?
- Mueller, M., Madejski, G., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (2004, December). The X-ray Variability of NGC 4945: Characterizing the Power Spectrum through Light Curve Simulations
- Done, C., & Gierlinski, M. (2004, December). X-ray emission from Galactic black hole binary systems
- Zycki, P., Madejski, G., & Done, C. (2003, December). Chandra/XTE observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4945
- Życki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (2001, December). Soft Spectral States of Soft X-ray Transients
- Done, C. (2001, December). Galactic Black Holes: Modeling the Spectrum
- Gierlinski, M., Done, C., & Barret, D. (2001, December). Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
- Done, C. (2001, December). Accretion Flows in X-ray Binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei (Invited)
- Gierliński, M., Done, C., & Barret, D. (2001, December). Phase-resolved Spectra of the Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
- Madejski, G., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (2000, December). Rapid Hard X-ray Variability of the Heavily Absorbed Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945
- Done, C. (2000, December). Relativistic Iron Lines from Galactic BLack Holes
- Wilson, C., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (2000, December). Spectral Variability of the linear rise of the X-ray Transient J1550
- Done, C., & Zycki, P. (1999, December). Relativistic Distortions in the Low/Hard State X-ray Spectrum of CYG X-1
- Zycki, P., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1999, December). On Accretion Flow in Soft X-ray Transients
- Done, C., & Zycki, P. (1999, December). An Unstable Inner Disk in Cyg X-1 ?
- Zycki, P., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1999, December). On the Geometry of Accretion Flow in Soft X-ray Transients from Modeling the X-ray Reprocessing. Presented at High Energy Processes in Accreting Black Holes, Gräftåvallen
- de Martino, D., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Beuermann, K., Bonnet-Bidaud, J.-M., Chiappetti, L., Done, C., Gänsicke, B., Mouchet, M., & Mukai, K. (1999, December). BeppoSAX observations of Polars
- Done, C., Zycki, P., & Smith, D. (1998, December). Relativistic Smearing of the Reflection Spectrum in Galactic Black Hole Candidates
- Done, C., & Magdziarz, P. (1998, December). The X-Ray Spectrum of the Polar by Cam
- di Salvo, T., Burderi, L., Robba, N., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (1998, December). BeppoSAX Observation of the Black Hole Candidate CYG X-1
- Zycki, P., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1998, December). Geometry of Accretion in Soft X-Ray Transients
- Done, C., & Osborne, J. (1997, December). The X-Ray Spectrum of the Dwarf Nova SS CYG
- Zycki, P., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1997, December). Relativistic Effects in the X-ray Spectra of the Black Hole Candidate GS 2023+338
- Shanks, T., Almaini, O., Boyle, B., della Ceca, R., Done, C., Georgantopoulos, I., Griffiths, R., Rawling, S., Roche, N., Stewart, ,., & C., G. (1996, December). The Faint Galaxy Contribution to the X-ray Background
- Gierlinski, M., Zdziarski, A., Johnson, W., Phlips, B., Ebisawa, K., & Done, C. (1996, December). The first simultaneous X-ray/ gamma-ray observations of CYG X-1 by {\it Ginga} and OSSE
- Done, C., Osborne, J., & Beardmore, A. (1996, December). The hard X-ray spectra of EF ERI and other CVs
- Warwick, R., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1995, December). The Soft X-ray Spectrum of NGC4151
- Done, C., & Smith, D. (1995, December). The X-ray Spectra of Seyfert 2s Observed by GINGA
- Osborne, J., Beardmore, A., Done, C., Ishida, M., & Mukai, K. (1995, December). GINGA and ASCA Observations of AM HER and EF ERI
- Beardmore, A., Done, C., Osborne, J., & Ishida, M. (1995, December). The Ginga Hard X-Ray Spectrum of AM Herculis
- Ueda, Y., Ebisawa, K., & Done, C. (1994, December). Spectral Study of GX339-4 in the Low Intensity State Observed with Ginga
- Done, C., Pounds, K., Nandra, K., & Fabian, A. (1994, December). ROSAT Monitoring of NGC 5548
- Done, C., Pounds, K., Nandra, K., & Fabian, A. (1994, December). X-Ray Monitoring of NGC 5548
- George, I., Nandra, K., Fabian, A., Turner, T., Done, C., & Day, C. (1994, December). Dramatic X-ray Spectral Variability of Mkn 841
- Zdziarski, A., Johnson, W., Done, C., Smith, D., & McNaron-Brown, K. (1994, December). The Average X-ray/Gamma-ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies from Ginga and OSSE
- Madejski, G., Done, C., Turner, T., Mushotzky, R., Serlemitsos, P., Fiore, F., Sikora, M., & Begelman, M. (1994, December). Solving the mystery of the periodicity in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814
- Done, C., Mulchaey, J., Mushotzky, R., & Arnaud, K. (1992, December). Problems for the standard black hole/accretion disk models in Cygnus X-1?
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1992, December). Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos From Active Galactic Nuclei
- Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992, December). The X-ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC 6814
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1992, December). Neutrinos from Hell
- Madejski, G., Serlemitsos, P., Marshall, F., Kallman, T., Mushotzky, R., Turner, J., Done, C., Arnaud, K., Boldt, E., Holt, S., Jahoda, K., Kelley, R., Petre, R., Smale, A., Swank, J., Szymkowiak, A., & Weaver, K. (1992, December). BBXRT Observations of BL Lac Objects PKS 2155-304 and H1426+428
- Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992, December). X-Ray Variability of NGC6814
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1992, December). High energy neutrinos from the cores and jets of active galaxies
- Owens, A., & Done, C. (1991, December). A composite emission model for Cygnus X - 1
- Done, C., Koyama, K., Kunieda, H., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., & Turner, T. (1991, December). Quasi-Periodic Continuum Variability of NGC 6814
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1991, December). High energy neutrinos from primary cosmic rays accelerated in the cores of active galaxies
- Turner, T., Done, C., Kunieda, H., Mushotzky, R., & Awaki, H. (1991, December). An Accretion Disk Model for NGC 6814 ?
- Done, C., Ghisellini, G., & Fabian, A. (1990, December). Reacceleration and Pair Loading in Compact Sources
- Done, C., & Fabian, A. (1989, December). Pair Production in AGN
- Ghisellini, G., Done, C., & Fabian, A. (1989, December). Reacceleration of pairs in compact sources
Journal Article
- Madejski, G., Marshall, H., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (online). Chandra Grating Observations of Seyfert galaxy IC 4329a
- Suzuki, H., Tsuji, N., Kanemaru, Y., Shidatsu, M., Olivera-Nieto, L., Safi-Harb, S., Kimura, S. S., de la Fuente, E., Casanova, S., Mori, K., Wang, X., Kato, S., Tateishi, D., Uchiyama, H., Tanaka, T., Uchida, H., Inoue, S., Huang, D., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Miura, D., …Ueda, Y. (2025). Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 978(2), Article L20.
- Mochizuki, Y., Tsujimoto, M., Kelley, R. L., Vander Meulen, B., Enoto, T., Nagai, Y., Done, C., Pradhan, P., Hell, N., Pottschmidt, K., Ebisawa, K., & Behar, E. (2024). Detection of the Orbital Modulation of Fe K α Fluorescence Emission in Centaurus X-3 Using the High-resolution Spectrometer Resolve on board XRISM. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977(1), Article L21.
- Barnier, S., & Done, C. (2024). Making the Invisible Visible: Magnetic Fields in Accretion Flows Revealed by X-Ray Polarization. The Astrophysical Journal, 977(2), 201.
- Gianolli, V. E., Bianchi, S., Kammoun, E., Gnarini, A., Marinucci, A., Ursini, F., Parra, M., Tortosa, A., De Rosa, A., Kim, D. E., Marin, F., Matt, G., Serafinelli, R., Soffitta, P., Tagliacozzo, D., Di Gesu, L., Done, C., Marshall, H. L., Middei, R., Mikusincova, R., …Tombesi, F. (2024). A second view on the X-ray polarization of NGC 4151 with IXPE. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, Article A29.
- Hagen, S., Done, C., Silverman, J. D., Li, J., Liu, T., Ren, W., Buchner, J., Merloni, A., Nagao, T., & Salvato, M. (2024). Systematic collapse of the accretion disc across the supermassive black hole population. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534(3), 2803-2818.
- Belczynski, K., Done, C., Hagen, S., Lasota, J.-P., & Sen, K. (2024). Common origin for black holes in both high mass X-ray binaries and gravitational-wave sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, Article A21.
- Hagen, S., Done, C., & Edelson, R. (2024). What drives the variability in AGN? Explaining the UV-Xray disconnect through propagating fluctuations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(4), 4850-4867.
- Veresvarska, M., Scaringi, S., Hagen, S., De Martino, D., Done, C., Ilkiewicz, K., Knigge, C., & Littlefield, C. (2024). The Peculiar Bursting Nature of CP Pup. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(1), 664-672.
- Kubota, A., Done, C., Tsurumi, K., & Mizukawa, R. (2024). Disc corona radii and QPO frequencies in black hole binaries: testing Lense– Thirring precession origin. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(2), 1668-1684.
- Porquet, D., Hagen, S., Grosso, N., Lobban, A., Reeves, J. N., Braito, V., & Done, C. (2024). Probing the face-on disc-corona system of the bare AGN Mrk 110 from UV to hard X-rays: A moderate changing-state AGN?. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 681, Article A40.
- Ward, M., Done, C., Jin, C., Lusso, E., & Middei, R. (2024). Wavelength dependences of the optical/UV and X-ray luminosity correlations of quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(1), 356–373.
- Tomaru, R., Done, C., & Odaka, H. (2024). X-ray polarization properties of thermal-radiative disc winds in binary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 7047–7054.
- Hagen, S., & Done, C. (2023). Estimating black hole spin from AGN SED fitting: the impact of general-relativistic ray tracing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(3), 3455-3467.
- Kawamura, T., Done, C., & Takahashi, T. (2023). The origin of long soft lags and the nature of the hard-intermediate state in black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(1), 1280-1287.
- Zappacosta, L., Piconcelli, E., Fiore, F., Saccheo, I., Valiante, R., Vignali, C., Vito, F., Volonteri, M., Bischetti, M., Comastri, A., Done, C., Elvis, M., Giallongo, E., La Franca, F., Lanzuisi, G., Laurenti, M., Miniutti, G., Bongiorno, A., Brusa, M., Civano, F., …Vanzella, E. (2023). HYPerluminous quasars at the Epoch of ReionizatION (HYPERION): A new regime for the X-ray nuclear properties of the first quasars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 678, Article A201.
- Mitchell, J. A. J., Done, C., Ward, M. J., Kynoch, D., Hagen, S., Lusso, E., & Landt, H. (2023). The SOUX AGN sample: optical/UV/X-ray SEDs and the nature of the disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524(2), 1796-1825.
- Tomaru, R., Done, C., Odaka, H., & Tanimoto, A. (2023). A different view of wind in X-ray binaries: the accretion disc corona source 2S 0921-630. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(3), 3441-3449.
- Mahmoud, R. D., Done, C., Porquet, D., & Lobban, A. (2023). Origins of the UV/X-ray relation in Arakelian 120. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 3585-3596.
- Hagen, S., & Done, C. (2023). Modelling continuum reverberation in active galactic nuclei: a spectral-timing analysis of the ultraviolet variability through X-ray reverberation in Fairall 9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(1), 251-268.
- Middei, R., Petrucci, P.-O., Bianchi, S., Ursini, F., Matzeu, G. A., Vagnetti, F., Tortosa, A., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Piconcelli, E., De Rosa, A., De Marco, B., Reeves, J., Perri, M., Guainazzi, M., Cappi, M., & Done, C. (2023). Tracking the spectral properties of ESO 511-G030 across different epochs. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 672, 1-17.
- Wang, Y., Baldi, R. D., del Palacio, S., Guolo, M., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Done, C., Castro Segura, N., Pasham, D. R., Middleton, M., Altamirano, D., Gandhi, P., Qiao, E., Jiang, N., Yan, H., Giroletti, M., Migliori, G., McHardy, I., Panessa, F., Jin, C., …Dai, L. (2023). The radio detection and accretion properties of the peculiar nuclear transient AT 2019avd. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 2417–2435.
- Kynoch, D., Mitchell, J. A. J., Ward, M. J., Done, C., Lusso, E., & Landt, H. (2023). The SOUX AGN sample: SDSS–XMM-Newton optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray selected active galactic nuclei spanning a wide range of parameter space – sample definition. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 2781-2805.
- Jin, C., Done, C., Ward, M., Panessa, F., Liu, B., & Liu, H.-Y. (2023). The extreme super-eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 – II. A weak-line Seyfert linking to the weak-line quasar. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 6065-6082.
- Kawamura, T., Done, C., Axelsson, M., & Takahashi, T. (2023). MAXI J1820+070 X-ray spectral-timing reveals the nature of the accretion flow in black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(3), 4434-4453.
- Quera-Bofarull, A., Done, C., Lacey, C. G., Nomura, M., & Ohsuga, K. (2023). QWIND3: UV line-driven accretion disc wind models for AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 2693-2711.
- Jin, C., Done, C., Ward, M., Panessa, F., Liu, B., & Liu, H. (2022). Multiwavelength campaign on the Super-Eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 – I. Peculiar X-ray spectra and variability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(4), 5642-5656.
- Scaringi, S., Groot, P., Knigge, C., Bird, A., Breedt, E., Buckley, D., Cavecchi, Y., Degenaar, N., de Martino, D., Done, C., Fratta, M., Iłkiewicz, K., Koerding, E., Lasota, J.-P., Littlefield, C., Manara, C., O’Brien, M., Szkody, P., & Timmes, F. (2022). Localized thermonuclear bursts from accreting magnetic white dwarfs. Nature, 604(7906), 447-450.
- Sathyaprakash, R., Roberts, T., Grisé, F., Kaaret, P., Ambrosi, E., Done, C., Gladstone, J., Kajava, J., Soria, R., & Zampieri, L. (2022). A multi-wavelength view of distinct accretion regimes in the pulsating ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 1313 X-2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(4), 5346-5362.
- Kawamura, T., Axelsson, M., Done, C., & Takahashi, T. (2022). A full spectral-timing model to map the accretion flow in black hole binaries: the low/hard state of MAXI J1820+070. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(1), 536-552.
- Tomaru, R., Done, C., & Mao, J. (2022). What powers the wind from the black hole accretion disc in GRO J1655-40?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 1789-1801.
- Nicastro, F., Kaastra, J., Argiroffi, C., Behar, E., Bianchi, S., Bocchino, F., Borgani, S., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Bregman, J., Churazov, E., Diaz-Trigo, M., Done, C., Drake, J., Fang, T., Grosso, N., Luminari, A., Mehdipour, M., Paerels, F., Piconcelli, E., Pinto, C., …Zappacosta, L. (2021). The Voyage of Metals in the Universe from Cosmological to Planetary Scales: the need for a Very High-Resolution, High Throughput Soft X-ray Spectrometer. Experimental Astronomy, 51, 1013–1041.
- Horne, K., Rosa, G. D., Peterson, B., Barth, A., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M., Kriss, G., Pei, L., Bentz, M., Cackett, E., Edelson, R., Eracleous, M., Goad, M., Grier, C., Kaastra, J., Kochanek, C., Krongold, Y., Mathur, S., Netzer, H., Proga, D., …Zu, Y. (2021). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IX. Velocity–Delay Maps for Broad Emission Lines in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 907(2), Article 76.
- Jin, C., Done, C., & Ward, M. (2021). Re-observing the NLS1 galaxy RE J1034+396 – II. New insights on the soft X-ray excess, QPO, and the analogy with GRS 1915+105. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(2), 2475-2495.
- Ursini, F., Dovčiak, M., Zhang, W., Matt, G., Petrucci, P.-O., & Done, C. (2020). Estimating the size of X-ray lamppost coronae in active galactic nuclei. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 644, Article A132.
- Williams, P., Pancoast, A., Treu, T., Brewer, B., Peterson, B., Barth, A., Malkan, M., Rosa, G. D., Horne, K., Kriss, G., Arav, N., Bentz, M., Cackett, E., Bontà, E. D., Dehghanian, M., Done, C., Ferland, G., Grier, C., Kaastra, J., Kara, E., …Zu, Y. (2020). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. XII. Broad-line Region Modeling of NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 902(1), Article 74.
- Szanecki, M., Niedźwiecki, A., Done, C., Klepczarek, Ł., Lubiński, P., & Mizumoto, M. (2020). Geometry of the X-ray source 1H 0707–495. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 641, Article A89.
- White, C., Narayan, R., Kluźniak, W., Fragile, P., Done, C., Mahmoud, R., & Bollimpalli, D. (2020). Looking for the underlying cause of black hole X-ray variability in GRMHD simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(3), 3808-3828.
- Clavel, M., Done, C., Marcel, G., Dubus, G., & Tetarenko, B. (2020). Thermally-Driven Disc Winds as a Mechanism for X-ray Irradiation Heating in Black Hole X-ray Binaries: The Case Study of GX339−4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(4), 3666-3682.
- Ward, M., Done, C., & Jin, C. (2020). Reobserving the NLS1 galaxy RE J1034+396 – I. The long-term, recurrent X-ray QPO with a high significance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(4), 3538-3550.
- Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., McDowell, J. C., Lacey, C., Done, C., & Quera-Bofarull, A. (2020). Qwind code release. A non-hydrodynamical approach to modelling line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(1), 402-412.
- Ward, M. J., Landt, H., Jin, C., Done, C., & Ferland, G. J. (2020). State-of-the-art AGN SEDs for Photoionization Models: BLR Predictions Confront the Observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 5917-5922.
- Done, C., Ohsuga, K., & Nomura, M. (2020). Line-driven disc wind in near-Eddington active galactic nuclei: decrease of mass accretion rate due to powerful outflow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(3), 3616-3626.
- Takahashi, T., Odaka, H., Ohsuga, K., Done, C., & Tomaru, R. (2020). The thermal-radiative wind in low-mass X-ray binary H1743−322 – II. Iron line predictions from Monte Carlo radiation transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(3), 3413-3421.
- Mahmoud, R. D., & Done, C. (2020). Discarding the disc in a changing-state AGN: the UV/X-ray relation in NGC 4151. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(4), 5126-5139.
- Tomaru, R., Done, C., Ohsuga, K., Nomura, M., & Takahashi, T. (2019). The thermal-radiative wind in low mass X-ray binary H~1743-322; Radiation hydrodynamic simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(3), 3098-3111.
- Dubus, G., Done, C., Tetarenko, B. E., & Hameury, J.-M. (2019). The impact of thermal winds on the outburst lightcurves of black hole X-ray binaries. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 632, Article A40.
- Shidatsu, M., & Done, C. (2019). Application of the Thermal Wind Model to Absorption Features in the Black Hole X-ray Binary H 1743$-$322. Astrophysical Journal, 885(2), Article 112.
- Kubota, A., & Done, C. (2019). Modelling the spectral energy distribution of super-Eddington quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 524-533.
- Kynoch, D., Landt, H., Ward, M. J., Done, C., Boisson, C., Baloković, M., Angelakis, E., & Myserlis, I. (2019). The relativistic jet of the γ-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS J1222+0413. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 181-197.
- Mahmoud, R. D., Done, C., & De Marco, B. (2019). Reverberation Reveals the Truncated Disc in the Hard State of GX 339-4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 2137-2152.
- Panda, S., Czerny, B., Done, C., & Kubota, A. (2019). CLOUDY view of the warm corona. Astrophysical Journal, 875(2), Article 133.
- Tang, J.-J., Goto, T., Ohyama, Y., Jin, C., Done, C., Lu, T.-Y., Hashimoto, T., Eser, E. K., Chiang, C.-Y., & Kim, S. J. (2019). Rapid Black Hole Growth at the Dawn of the Universe: Super-Eddington Quasar at z=6.6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(2), 2575-2586.
- Porquet, D., Done, C., Reeves, J., Grosso, N., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Lobban, A., Nardini, E., Braito, V., Marin, F., Kubota, A., Ricci, C., Koss, M., Stern, D., Ballantyne, D., & Farrah, D. (2019). A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. V. Spin determination from disc-Comptonisation efficiency method. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 623, Article A11.
- Mizumoto, M., Ebisawa, K., Tsujimoto, M., Done, C., Hagino, K., & Odaka, H. (2019). X-ray reverberation lags of the Fe–K line due to AGN disc winds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(4), 5316-5326.
- Edelson, R., Gelbord, J., Cackett, E., Peterson, B., Horne, K., Barth, A., Starkey, D., Bentz, M., Brandt, W., Goad, M., Joner, M., Korista, K., Netzer, H., Page, K., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Breeveld, A., Cenko, S., Done, C., Evans, P., …Villforth, C. (2019). The First Swift Intensive AGN Accretion Disk Reverberation Mapping Survey. Astrophysical Journal, 870(2), Article 123.
- Mizumoto, M., Done, C., Tomaru, R., & Edwards, I. (2019). Thermally driven wind as the origin of warm absorbers in AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 1152-1160.
- Kimura, M., & Done, C. (2019). Evolution of X-ray irradiation during the 1999–2000 outburst of the black hole binary XTE J1859 + 226. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(1), 626-638.
- Hori, T., Ueda, Y., Done, C., Shidatsu, M., & Kubota, A. (2018). Evolution of thermally driven disk wind in the black hole binary 4U 1630-47 observed with Suzaku and Nustar. Astrophysical Journal, 869(2), Article 183.
- McHardy, I., Connolly, S., Horne, K., Cackett, E., Gelbord, J., Peterson, B., Pahari, M., Gehrels, N., Goad, M., Lira, P., Arevalo, P., Baldi, R., Brandt, N., Breedt, E., Chand, H., Dewangan, G., Done, C., Elvis, M., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Fausnaugh, M., …Ward, M. (2018). X-ray/UV/optical variability of NGC 4593 with Swift: reprocessing of X-rays by an extended reprocessor. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(3), 2881-2897.
- Noda, H., & Done, C. (2018). Explaining changing-look AGN with state transition triggered by rapid mass accretion rate drop. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(3), 3898-3906.
- Axelsson, M., & Done, C. (2018). Breaking the spectral degeneracies in black hole binaries with fast timing data: the hard state of Cygnus X-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(1), 751-758.
- Kubota, A., & Done, C. (2018). A physical model of the broadband continuum of AGN and its implications for the UV/X relation and optical variability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(1), 1247-1262.
- Mahmoud, R. D., & Done, C. (2018). A physical model for the spectral-timing properties of accreting black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(3), 4040-4059.
- Mizumoto, M., Done, C., Hagino, K., Ebisawa, K., Tsujimoto, M., & Odaka, H. (2018). X-ray short-time lags in the Fe-K energy band produced by scattering clouds in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(1), 971-982.
- Tomaru, R., Done, C., Odaka, H., Watanabe, S., & Takahashi, T. (2018). Monte-Carlo simulations of the detailed iron absorption line profiles from thermal winds in X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476(2), 1776-1784.
- Collaboration, H., Aharonian, F., Akamatsu, H., Akimoto, F., Allen, S. W., Angelini, L., Audard, M., Awaki, H., Axelsson, M., Bamba, A., Bautz, M. W., Blandford, R., Brenneman, L. W., Brown, G. V., Bulbul, E., Cackett, E. M., Chernyakova, M., Chiao, M. P., Coppi, P. S., Costantini, E., …Raassen, A. (2018). Atomic data and spectral modeling constraints from high-resolution X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster with Hitomi*. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 70(2), Article 12.
- Yoneda, H., Done, C., Paerels, F., Takahashi, T., & Watanabe, S. (2018). Search for gravitational redshifted absorption lines in LMXB Serpens X-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(2), 2194-2203.
- Kynoch, D., Landt, H., Ward, M. J., Done, C., Gardner, E., Boisson, C., Arrieta-Lobo, M., Zech, A., Steenbrugge, K., & Pereira Santaella, M. (2018). The relativistic jet of the γ-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 404-423.
- Takahashi, T., Kokubun, M., Mitsuda, K., Kelley, R. L., Ohashi, T., Aharonian, F., Akamatsu, H., Akimoto, F., Allen, S. W., Anabuki, N., Angelini, L., Arnaud, K. A., Asai, M., Audard, M., Awaki, H., Axelsson, M., Azzarello, P., Baluta, C., Bamba, A., Bando, N., …Zoghbi, A. (2018). Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4(02), Article 021402.
- Mahmoud, R. D., & Done, C. (2018). Modelling the energy dependence of black hole binary flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(2), 2084-2097.
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2018). What powers the most relativistic jets? – II. Flat-spectrum radio quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(2), 2639-2654.
- Done, C., Tomaru, R., & Takahashi, T. (2018). Thermal winds in stellar mass black hole and neutron star binary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(1), 838-848.
- Ezhikode, S. H., Gandhi, P., Done, C., Ward, M., Dewangan, G. C., Misra, R., & Philip, N. S. (2017). Determining the torus covering factors for a sample of type 1 AGN in the local Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(3), 3492-3511.
- Gandhi, P., Degenaar, N., Done, C., & Watson, M. G. (2017). In search of a new era of UK X-ray astronomy. Astronomy and Geophysics, 58(6), 6.24-6.28.
- Schulze, A., Done, C., Lu, Y., Zhang, F., & Inoue, Y. (2017). Evidence for higher black hole spin in radio-loud quasars. Astrophysical Journal, 849(1), Article 4.
- Jin, C., Done, C., Ward, M., & Gardner, E. (2017). Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 – II. Multiwavelength constraints on the global structure of the accretion flow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471(1), 706-721.
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2017). The origin of the UV/optical lags in NGC 5548. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(3), 3591-3605.
- Edelson, R., Gelbord, J., Cackett, E., Connolly, S., Done, C., Fausnaugh, M., Gardner, E., Gehrels, N., Goad, M., Horne, K., McHardy, I., Peterson, B., Vaughan, S., Vestergaard, M., Breeveld, A., Barth, A., Bentz, M., Bottorff, M., Brandt, W., Crawford, S., …Zheng, W. (2017). Swift Monitoring of NGC 4151: Evidence for a Second X-Ray/UV Reprocessing. Astrophysical Journal, 840(1), Article 41.
- Jin, C., Done, C., & Ward, M. (2017). Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6−5311 – I. Origin of the soft X-ray excess and structure of the inner accretion flow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(3), 3663-3681.
- Hagino, K., Done, C., Odaka, H., Watanabe, S., & Takahashi, T. (2017). Revisiting the extremely fast disc wind in a gravitationally lensed quasar APM 08279+5255. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(2), 1442-1452.
- Aharonian, F., Akamatsu, H., Akimoto, F., Allen, S., Angelini, L., Arnaud, K., Audard, M., Awaki, H., Axelsson, M., Bamba, A., Bautz, M., Blandford, R., Bulbul, E., Brenneman, L., Brown, G., Cackett, E., Chernyakova, M., Chiao, M., Coppi, P., Costantini, E., …Zoghbi, A. (2017). Hitomi Constraints on the 3.5 keV Line in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 837(1), Article L15.
- Kawano, T., Done, C., Yamada, S., Takahashi, H., Axelsson, M., & Fukazawa, Y. (2017). Black hole spin of Cygnus X-1 determined from the softest state ever observed. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 69(2), Article 36.
- Collinson, J. S., Ward, M. J., Landt, H., Done, C., Elvis, M., & McDowell, J. C. (2017). Reaching the peak of the quasar spectral energy distribution – II. Exploring the accretion disc, dusty torus and host galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(1), 358-382.
- Sutton, A., Swartz, D., Roberts, T., Middleton, M., Soria, R., & Done, C. (2017). Crossing the Eddington Limit: Examining Disk Spectra at High Accretion Rates. Astrophysical Journal, 836(1), Article 48.
- Landt, H., Ward, M. J., Baloković, M., Kynoch, D., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Boisson, C., Done, C., Schimoia, J., & Stern, D. (2017). On the black hole mass of the γ-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(3), 2565-2576.
- Bertemes, C., Trakhtenbrot, B., Schawinski, K., Done, C., & Elvis, M. (2016). Testing the completeness of the SDSS colour selection for ultramassive, slowly spinning black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(4), 4041-4051.
- Luangtip, W., Roberts, T., & Done, C. (2016). The X-ray spectral evolution of the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(4), 4417-4432.
- Hagino, K., Odaka, H., Done, C., Tomaru, R., Watanabe, S., & Takahashi, T. (2016). A disc wind interpretation of the strong Fe K$\alpha$ features in 1H 0707-495. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(1), 3954-3963.
- Collaboration, H., Aharonian, F., Akamatsu, H., Akimoto, F., Allen, S., Anabuki, N., Angelini, L., Arnaud, K., Audard, M., Awaki, H., Axelsson, M., Bamba, A., Bautz, M., Blandford, R., Brenneman, L., Brown, G., Bulbul, E., Cackett, E., Chernyakova, M., Chiao, M., …Zoghbi, A. (2016). The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster. Nature, 535, 117-121.
- Kubota, A., & Done, C. (2016). Tracking the energetics of the non-thermal disc–corona–jet in the very high state GX 339 − 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(4), 4238-4249.
- Shidatsu, M., Done, C., & Ueda, Y. (2016). An optically thick disk wind in GRO J1655-40?. Astrophysical Journal, 823(2), Article 159.
- Ingram, A., van der Klis, M., Middleton, M., Done, C., Altamirano, D., Heil, L., Uttley, P., & Axelsson, M. (2016). A quasi-periodic modulation of the iron line centroid energy in the black hole binary H1743-322. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(2), 1967-1980.
- Axelsson, M., & Done, C. (2016). Revealing the nature of the QPO and its harmonic in GX 339-4 using frequency-resolved spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(2), 1778-1784.
- Done, C., & Jin, C. (2016). The mass and spin of the extreme Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0707-495 and its implications for the trigger for relativistic jets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(2), 1716-1724.
- Dovčiak, M., & Done, C. (2016). Minimum X-ray source size of the on-axis corona in AGN. Astronomische Nachrichten, 337(4-5),
- Earnshaw, H. M., Roberts, T. P., Heil, L. M., Mezcua, M., Walton, D. J., Done, C., Harrison, F. A., Lansbury, G. B., Middleton, M. J., & Sutton, A. D. (2016). A variable ULX and possible IMBH candidate in M51a. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(4), 3840-3854.
- Hjalmarsdotter, L., Axelsson, M., & Done, C. (2016). Limits on pair production and multizone Comptonization: the broad-band X/γ-ray spectrum of XTE J1550–564 revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(4), 4354-4363.
- Krawczynski, H., Stern, D., Harrison, F., Kislat, F., Zajczyk, A., Beilicke, M., Hoormann, J., Guo, Q., Endsley, R., Ingram, A., Miyasaka, H., Madsen, K., Aaron, K., Amini, R., Baring, M., Beheshtipour, B., Bodaghee, A., Booth, J., Borden, C., Böttcher, M., …Zhang, W. (2016). X-ray polarimetry with the Polarization Spectroscopic Telescope Array (PolSTAR). Astroparticle Physics, 75, 8-28.
- Jin, C., Done, C., & Ward, M. (2016). Strong constraints on a super-Eddington accretion flow: XMM–Newton observations of an intermediate-mass black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(1), 691-702.
- Tomsick, J., Rahoui, F., Kolehmainen, M., Miller-Jones, J., Fürst, F., Yamaoka, K., Akitaya, H., Corbel, S., Coriat, M., Done, C., Gandhi, P., Harrison, F., Huang, K., Kaaret, P., Kalemci, E., Kanda, Y., Migliari, S., Miller, J., Moritani, Y., Stern, D., …Urata, Y. (2015). The Accreting Black Hole Swift J1753.5-0127 from Radio to Hard X-Ray. Astrophysical Journal, 808(1),
- Collinson, J., Ward, M., Done, C., Landt, H., Elvis, M., & McDowell, J. (2015). Reaching the peak of the quasar spectral energy distribution - I. Observations and models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(2), 2174-2193.
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2015). Complex narrow-line Seyfert 1s: high spin or high inclination?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448(3), 2245-2259.
- Hagino, K., Odaka, H., Done, C., Gandhi, P., Watanabe, S., Sako, M., & Takahashi, T. (2015). The origin of ultrafast outflows in AGN: Monte Carlo simulations of the wind in PDS 456. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446(1), 663-676.
- Hori, T., Ueda, Y., Shidatsu, M., Kawamuro, T., Kubota, A., Done, C., Nakahira, S., Tsumura, K., Shirahata, M., & Nagayama, T. (2014). Erratum: “Suzaku Observation of the Black Hole Binary 4U 1630-47 in the Very High State” (2014, ApJ, 790, 20). Astrophysical Journal, 796(2), Article 146.
- Sutton, A. D., Done, C., & Roberts, T. P. (2014). Irradiated, colour-temperature-corrected accretion discs in ultraluminous X-ray sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(3), 2415-2427.
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2014). A physical model for the X-ray time lags of narrow-line Seyfert type 1 active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(3), 2456-2473.
- Hori, T., Ueda, Y., Shidatsu, M., Kawamuro, T., Kubota, A., Done, C., Nakahira, S., Tsumura, K., Shirahata, M., & Nagayama, T. (2014). SUZAKU Observation of the Black Hole Binary 4U 1630-47 in the Very High State. Astrophysical Journal, 790(1), Article 20.
- Shidatsu, M., Ueda, Y., Yamada, S., Done, C., Hori, T., Yamaoka, K., Kubota, A., Nagayama, T., & Moritani, Y. (2014). Spectral and Timing Properties of the Black Hole X-Ray Binary H1743-322 in the Low/Hard State Studied with Suzaku. Astrophysical Journal, 789(2), Article 100.
- Finn, C. W., Morris, S. L., Crighton, N. H., Hamann, F., Done, C., Theuns, T., Fumagalli, M., Tejos, N., & Worseck, G. (2014). A compact, metal-rich, kpc-scale outflow in FBQS J0209-0438: detailed diagnostics from HST/COS extreme UV observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(4), 3317-3340.
- Alston, W., Done, C., & Vaughan, S. (2014). X-ray time delays in the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy PG 1244+026. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(2), 1548-1555.
- Axelsson, M., Done, C., & Hjalmarsdotter, L. (2014). An imperfect double: probing the physical origin of the low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation and its harmonic in black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(1), 657-662.
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2014). What powers the most relativistic jets? – I. BL Lacs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(1), 779-788.
- Starling, R., Done, C., Jin, C., Romero-Colmenero, E., Potter, S., Wiersema, K., Page, K., Page, M., Breeveld, A., & Lobban, A. (2014). The story of Seyfert galaxy RE J2248-511: from intriguingly ultrasoft to unremarkably average. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(4), 3929-3938.
- Kolehmainen, M., Done, C., & Díaz Trigo, M. (2014). The soft component and the iron line as signatures of the disc inner radius in Galactic black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(1), 316-326.
- Shidatsu, M., Ueda, Y., Nakahira, S., Done, C., Morihana, K., Sugizaki, M., Mihara, T., Hori, T., Negoro, H., Kawai, N., Yamaoka, K., Ebisawa, K., Matsuoka, M., Serino, M., Yoshikawa, T., Nagayama, T., & Matsunaga, N. (2013). The Accretion Disk and Ionized Absorber of the 9.7 hr Dipping Black Hole Binary MAXI J1305-704. Astrophysical Journal, 779,
- Gardner, E., & Done, C. (2013). Jets and the accretion flow in low-luminosity black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434(4), 3454-3462.
- Done, C., Jin, C., Middleton, M., & Ward, M. (2013). A new way to measure supermassive black hole spin in accretion disc-dominated Active Galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434(3), 1955-1963.
- Yamada, S., Makishima, K., Done, C., Torii, S., Noda, H., & Sakurai, S. (2013). Evidence for a Cool Disk and Inhomogeneous Coronae from Wide-Band Temporal Spectroscopy of Cygnus X-1 with Suzaku. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 65,
- Axelsson, M., Hjalmarsdotter, L., & Done, C. (2013). Fast variability as a probe of the smallest regions around accreting black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(2), 1987-1994.
- Straub, O., Done, C., & Middleton, M. (2013). The effect of advection at luminosities close to Eddington: The ULX in M 31. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 553,
- Yamada, S., Torii, S., Mineshige, S., Ueda, Y., Kubota, A., Gandhi, P., Done, C., Noda, H., Yoshikawa, A., & Makishima, K. (2013). Highly Ionized Fe-K Absorption Line from Cygnus X-1 in the High/Soft State Observed with Suzaku. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 767(2), Article L35.
- Middleton, M. J., Miller-Jones, J. C., Markoff, S., Fender, R., Henze, M., Hurley-Walker, N., Scaife, A. M., Roberts, T. P., Walton, D., Carpenter, J., Macquart, J.-P., Bower, G. C., Gurwell, M., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Harris, J., Daniel, M., Miah, J., Done, C., Morgan, J. S., …Grainge, K. (2013). Bright radio emission from an ultraluminous stellar-mass microquasar in M 31. Nature, 493(7431), 187-190.
- Ingram, A., & Done, C. (2012). The effect of frame dragging on the iron Kα line in X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427(2), 934-947.
- Feroci, M., Stella, L., van der Klis, M., Courvoisier, T.-L., Hernanz, M., Hudec, R., Santangelo, A., Walton, D., Zdziarski, A., Barret, D., Belloni, T., Braga, J., Brandt, S., Budtz-Jørgensen, C., Campana, S., den Herder, J.-W., Huovelin, J., Israel, G., Pohl, M., Ray, P., …Ziolkowski, J. (2012). The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT). Experimental Astronomy, 34, 415-444.
- Jin, C., Ward, M., & Done, C. (2012). A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - III. Broad-band SED properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(2), 907-929.
- Tamura, M., Kubota, A., Yamada, S., Done, C., Kolehmainen, M., Ueda, Y., & Torii, S. (2012). The Truncated Disk from Suzaku Data of GX 339-4 in the Extreme Very High State. Astrophysical Journal, 753,
- Jin, C., Ward, M., & Done, C. (2012). A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - II. Relation between X-ray emission and optical spectra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422(4), 3268-3284.
- Middleton, M., Sutton, A., Roberts, T., Jackson, F., & Done, C. (2012). The missing link: a low mass X-ray binary in M31 seen as an ultraluminous X-ray source. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420(4), 2969-2977.
- Done, C., Davis, S., Jin, C., Blaes, O., & Ward, M. (2012). Intrinsic disc emission and the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420(3), 1848-1860.
- Jin, C., Ward, M., Done, C., & Gelbord, J. (2012). A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - I. Optical spectra and spectral energy distribution modelling. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420(3), 1825-1847.
- Fanidakis, N., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., Cole, S., Done, C., Frenk, C., Hickox, R., Lacey, C., & del P. Lagos, C. (2012). The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time : what is downsizing?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(4), 2797-2820.
- Clark, T., Zhao, J.-X., Feng, Y.-X., Done, T., Jupiter, S., Lough, J., & Pandolfi, J. (2012). Spatial variability of initial $^230$Th/ $^232$Th in modern Porites from the inshore region of the Great Barrier Reef. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 78, 99-118.
- Ingram, A., & Done, C. (2012). Modelling variability in black hole binaries: linking simulations to observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(3), 2369-2378.
- Torii, S., Yamada, S., Makishima, K., Sakurai, S., Nakazawa, K., Noda, H., Done, C., Takahashi, H., & Gandhi, P. (2011). Spectral and Timing Studies of Cyg X-1 in the Low/Hard State with Suzaku. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 63, 771-783.
- Middleton, M., Uttley, P., & Done, C. (2011). Searching for the trigger of the active galactic nucleus quasi-periodic oscillation: 8 years of RE J1034+396. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417, 250-260.
- Sobolewska, M., Papadakis, I., Done, C., & Malzac, J. (2011). Evidence for a change in the X-ray radiation mechanism in the hard state of Galactic black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417, 280-288.
- Kolehmainen, M., Done, C., & Díaz Trigo, M. (2011). Modelling the high-mass accretion rate spectra of GX 339-4: black hole spin from reflection?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416, 311-321.
- Ingram, A., & Done, C. (2011). A physical model for the continuum variability and quasi-periodic oscillation in accreting black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415(3), 2323-2335.
- Hiemstra, B., Méndez, M., Done, C., Díaz Trigo, M., Altamirano, D., & Casella, P. (2011). A strong and broad Fe line in the XMM-Newton spectrum of the new X-ray transient and black hole candidate XTE J1652-453. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 411, 137-150.
- Liu, B., Done, C., & Taam, R. (2011). The Effect of Coronal Radiation on a Residual Inner Disk in the Low/Hard Spectral State of Black Hole X-ray Binary Systems. Astrophysical Journal, 726(1), Article 10.
- Done, C. (2011). Observational Constraints on Strong Gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 20, 2755-2760.
- Done, C., & Diaz Trigo, M. (2010). A re-analysis of the iron line in the XMM-Newton data from the low/hard state in GX339-4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(4), 2287-2296.
- Kolehmainen, M., & Done, C. (2010). Limits on spin determination from disc spectral fitting in GX 339-4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406, 2206-2212.
- Ingram, A., & Done, C. (2010). A physical interpretation of the variability power spectral components in accreting neutron stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(4), 2447-2452.
- Yamada, S., Makishima, K., Nakazawa, K., Noda, H., Takahashi, H., Dotani, T., Kubota, A., Ebisawa, K., Ueda, Y., & Done, C. (2010). Suzaku wide-band observations of black-hole binaries and AGNs: continuum and Fe-K lines.
- Lachowicz, P., & Done, C. (2010). Quasi-periodic oscillations under wavelet microscope: the application of Matching Pursuit algorithm. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 515,
- Kubota, A., Done, C., Davis, S., Dotani, T., Mizuno, T., & Ueda, Y. (2010). Testing Accretion Disk Structure with Suzaku Data of LMC X-3. Astrophysical Journal, 714, 860-867.
- Vierdayanti, K., Done, C., Roberts, T., & Mineshige, S. (2010). X-ray spectral variability in the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 403(3), 1206-1212.
- Ueda, Y., Honda, K., Takahashi, H., Done, C., Shirai, H., Fukazawa, Y., Yamaoka, K., Naik, S., Awaki, H., Ebisawa, K., Rodriguez, J., & Chaty, S. (2010). Suzaku Observation of GRS 1915+105: Evolution of Accretion Disk Structure during Limit-cycle Oscillation. Astrophysical Journal, 713, 257-268.
- Chiang, C., Done, C., Still, M., & Godet, O. (2010). An additional soft X-ray component in the dim low/hard state of black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 403, 1102-1112.
- Middleton, M., & Done, C. (2010). The X-ray binary analogy to the first AGN quasi-periodic oscillation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 403, 9-16.
- Gladstone, J., Roberts, T., & Done, C. (2009). The ultraluminous state. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397(4), 1836-1851.
- Ingram, A., Done, C., & Fragile, P. (2009). Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations spectra and Lense-Thirring precession. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 397(1), 101-105.
- Schurch, N., Done, C., & Proga, D. (2009). The Impact of Accretion Disk Winds on the X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Xscort + Hydrodynamic Simulations. Astrophysical Journal, 694, 1-11.
- Middleton, M., Done, C., Ward, M., Gierliński, M., & Schurch, N. (2009). RE J1034+396: the origin of the soft X-ray excess and quasi-periodic oscillation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394, 250-260.
- Gierliński, M., Done, C., & Page, K. (2009). Reprocessing of X-rays in the outer accretion disc of the black hole binary XTE J1817-330. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 392, 1106-1114.
- Done, C., & Davis, S. (2008). Angular Momentum Transport in Accretion Disks and Its Implications for Spin Estimates in Black Hole Binaries. Astrophysical Journal, 683(1), 389-399.
- Gierliński, M., Done, C., & Page, K. (2008). X-ray irradiation in XTE J1817-330 and the inner radius of the truncated disc in the hard state. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 388, 753-760.
- Makishima, K., Takahashi, H., Yamada, S., Done, C., Kubota, A., Dotani, T., Ebisawa, K., Itoh, T., Kitamoto, S., Negoro, H., Ueda, Y., & Yamaoka, K. (2008). Suzaku Results on Cygnus X-1 in the Low/Hard State
- Tilak, A., Greenhill, L., Done, C., & Madejski, G. (2008). A Deep 0.3-10 keV Spectrum of the H$_2$O Maser Galaxy IC 2560. Astrophysical Journal, 678, 701-711.
- Schurch, N., & Done, C. (2008). Funnel wall jets and the nature of the soft X-ray excess. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 386, L1-L4.
- Reeves, J., Done, C., Pounds, K., Terashima, Y., Hayashida, K., Anabuki, N., Uchino, M., & Turner, M. (2008). On why the iron K-shell absorption in AGN is not a signature of the local warm/hot intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 385, L108-L112.
- Middleton, M., Done, C., & Schurch, N. (2008). High-energy X-ray spectra of Seyferts and Unification schemes for active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383, 1501-1505.
- Gierliński, M., Middleton, M., Ward, M., & Done, C. (2008). A periodicity of ~1 hour in X-ray emission from the active galaxy RE J1034+396. Nature, 455(7211), 369-371.
- Itoh, T., Done, C., Makishima, K., Madejski, G., Awaki, H., Gandhi, P., Isobe, N., Dewangan, G., Griffthis, R., Anabuki, N., Okajima, T., Reeves, J., Takahashi, T., Ueda, Y., Eguchi, S., & Yaqoob, T. (2008). Suzaku Wide-Band X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert2 AGN in NGC 4945
- Done, C., Gierlinski, M., & Kubota, A. (2007). Modelling the behaviour of accretion flows in x-ray binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 15(1), 1-66.
- Gladstone, J., Done, C., & Gierlinski, M. (2007). Analysing the atolls: X-ray spectral transitions of accreting neutron stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 378(1), 13-22.
- Done, C., & Nayakshin, S. (2007). Can the soft excess in AGN originate from disc reflection?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 377(1), L59-L63
- Mizuno, T., Miyawaki, R., Ebisawa, K., Kubota, A., Miyamoto, M., Winter, L. M., Ueda, Y., Isobe, N., Dewangan, G. C., Done, C., Griffiths, R. E., Haba, Y., Kokubun, M., Kotoku, J., Makishima, K., Matsushita, K., Mushotzky, R. F., Namiki, M., Petre, R., Takahashi, H., …Terashima, Y. (2007). Suzaku Observation of Two Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources in NGC 1313. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 59, 257-267
- Sobolewska, M., & Done, C. (2007). What is the origin of the soft excess in active galactic nuclei?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374(1), 150-158.
- Kubota, A., Dotani, T., Cottam, J., Kotani, T., Done, C., Ueda, Y., Fabian, A. C., Yasuda, T., Takahashi, H., Fukazawa, Y., Yamaoka, K., Makishima, K., Yamada, S., Kohmura, T., & Angelini, L. (2007). Suzaku Discovery of Iron Absorption Lines in Outburst Spectra of the X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-472. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 59, 185-198
- Done, C., Sobolewska, M., Gierlinski, M., & Schurch, N. (2007). The iron K feature in narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies: evidence for a P Cygni profile?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 374(1), L15-L19
- Middleton, M., Done, C., Gierliński, M., & Davis, S. (2006). Black hole spin in GRS 1915+105. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 373(1), 1004-1012.
- Done, C., & Kubota, A. (2006). Disc-corona energetics in the very high state of Galactic black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371(1), 1216-1230
- Schurch, N., & Done, C. (2006). Failed disc winds: a physical origin for the soft X-ray excess?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371(1), 81-92.
- Gierliński, M., & Done, C. (2006). Energy-dependent variability and the origin of the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 371(1), L16-L20
- Davis, S. W., Done, C., & Blaes, O. M. (2006). Testing Accretion Disk Theory in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries. Astrophysical Journal, 647(1), 525-538.
- Done, C., & Gierliński, M. (2006). Truncated disc versus extremely broad iron line in XTE J1650-500. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367(2), 659-668.
- Beckwith, K., & Done, C. (2005). Extreme gravitational lensing near rotating black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 359, 1217-1228
- Kubota, A., & Done, C. (2004). The very high state accretion disc structure from the Galactic black hole transient XTE J1550 - 564. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 353(3), 980-990.
- Gierlinski, M., & Done, C. (2004). Is the soft excess in active galactic nuclei real?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 349(1), L7-L11.
- Gregory, R., Whisker, R., Beckwith, K., & Done, C. (2004). Observing braneworld black holes
- Done, C., & Gierliński, M. (2004). Spectral Transitions in X-Ray Binaries. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 155, 9-18
- Page, K., Turner, M., Done, C., O'Brien, P., Reeves, J., Sembay, S., & Stuhlinger, M. (2004). XMM-Newton observations of 3C 273. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 349, 57-67
- Beckwith, K., & Done, C. (2004). Accurate Modelling of Relativistic Iron Lines from Accretion Discs. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 155, 259-262
- Gierliński, M., & Done, C. (2004). Black hole accretion discs: reality confronts theory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 347(3), 885-894.
- Done, C., Wardziński, G., & Gierliński, M. (2004). GRS 1915+105: the brightest Galactic black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 349, 393-403.
- Mueller, M., Madejski, G., Zycki, P., & Done, C. (2004). Modelling the Broad-Band Power Density Spectra of AGN to Include Relativistic Effects in Highly Inclined Systems. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 8,
- Kubota, A., Makishima, K., & Done, C. (2004). Understanding of X-Ray Spectra of Black Hole Binaries and Its Application to ULXs. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 155, 19-26
- Beckwith, K., & Done, C. (2004). Iron line profiles in strong gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 352, 353-362
- Done, C., & Gierliński, M. (2003). Observing the effects of the event horizon in black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 342(4), 1041-1055.
- Done, C., Madejski, G. M., Życki, P. T., & Greenhill, L. J. (2003). Simultaneous Chandra and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Nearby Bright Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945. Astrophysical Journal, 588, 763-770
- Barrio, F. E., Done, C., & Nayakshin, S. (2003). On the accretion geometry of Cyg X-1 in the low/hard state. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 342, 557-563.
- O'Brien, P., Page, K., Turner, M., Done, C., & Reeves, J. (2003). Xmm-Newton Monitoring of 3C273
- Gierliński, M., & Done, C. (2003). The X-ray/γ-ray spectrum of XTE J1550-564 in the very high state. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 342, 1083-1092
- Mueller, M., Madejski, G., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (2003). The Power Density Spectrum of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945: The Relationship between X-ray Variability and Black Hole Mass. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 7,
- Gierlinski, M., & Done, C. (2002). A comment on the colour-colour diagrams of low-mass X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 331(4), L47-L50.
- Turner, J., Allington-Smith, J., Chapman, S., Content, R., Done, C., Haynes, R., Lee, D., & Morris, S. (2002). The origin of [FeII] emission in NGC 4151. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 331(2), 284-292.
- Done, C. (2002). Accretion flows in X-ray binaries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 360, 1967-
- Gierliński, M., & Done, C. (2002). The X-ray spectrum of the atoll source 4U 1608-52. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337, 1373-1380
- Done, C., Życki, P., & Smith, D. (2002). The X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 331, 453-462.
- Gierliński, M., Done, C., & Barret, D. (2002). Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 331, 141-153.
- Kubota, A., Done, C., & Makishima, K. (2002). Another interpretation of the power-law-type spectrum of an ultraluminous compact X-ray source in IC 342. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337, L11-L15.
- Wilson, C., & Done, C. (2001). Mapping the inner accretion disc of the Galactic black hole J1550-564 through its rise to outburst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 325(1), 167-177.
- Di Salvo, T., Done, C., Życki, P., Burderi, L., & Robba, N. (2001). Probing the inner region of Cygnus X-1 in the low/hard state through its x-ray broadband spectrum. Astrophysical Journal, 547(2), 1024-1033.
- ŻYcki, P., Madejski, G., & Done, C. (2001). Structure of the circumnuclear region of Seyfert 2 galaxies-clues from RXTE observations of NGC 4945
- Done, C., & Nayakshin, S. (2001). Testing models of X-ray reflection from irradiated discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328, 616-622.
- Życki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (2001). On the complex disc-corona interactions in the soft spectral states of soft X-ray transients. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 326, 1367-1380.
- Done, C. (2001). Galactic black hole binary systems. Advances in Space Research, 28, 255-265.
- Done, C., & Nayakshin, S. (2001). Observational Signatures of X-Ray-irradiated Accretion Disks. Astrophysical Journal, 546, 419-428.
- Madejski, G., Done, C., & Życki, P. (2001). Recent results for AGN observed by the Rossi X-ray timing explorer. Advances in Space Research, 28, 369-373.
- di Salvo, T., Robba, N., Burderi, L., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (2000). BeppoSAX observation of the black hole condidate Cyg X-1. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 80, 1507-.
- Madejski, G., Życki, P., Done, C., Valinia, A., Blanco, P., Rothschild, R., & Turek, B. (2000). Structure of the Circumnuclear Region of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Revealed by Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Hard X-Ray Observations of NGC 4945. Astrophysical Journal, 535, L87-L90.
- Done, C., Madejski, G., & Życki, P. (2000). The Relativistic Iron Line Profile in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy IC 4329A. Astrophysical Journal, 536, 213-224.
- Madejski, G., Done, C., Zycki, P., & Greenhill, L. (2000). Chandra Observations of Highly Obscured Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 32, 1182-
- Barret, D., Olive, J., Boirin, L., Done, C., Skinner, G., & Grindlay, J. (2000). Hard X-Ray Emission from Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries. Astrophysical Journal, 533, 329-351.
- Perry, J., Done, C., & Crawford, C. (1999). Women in astronomy. Astronomy and Geophysics, 40, 29-
- Done, C., & Zycki, P. (1999). Relativistic distortions in the X-ray spectrum of CYG X-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305, 457-468.
- Done, C., & Magdziarz, P. (1999). The X-ray spectrum of the polar BY Cam. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 69, 376-378
- Zycki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (1999). X-ray spectral evolution of GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg) during decline after outburst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305, 231-240.
- di Salvo, T., Done, C., Zycki, T., Burderi, L., & Robba, R. (1999). Relativistic Smearing Detected in the Spectrum of CYG X-1 in Hard State Observed by BeppoSAX. Astrophysical letters & communications, 38, 261-
- Rothschild, R., Band, D., Blanco, P., Gruber, D., Heindl, W., MacDonald, D., Marsden, D., Jahoda, K., Pierce, D., Madejski, G., Elvis, M., Schwartz, D., Remillard, R., Zdziarski, A., Done, C., & Svensson, R. (1999). Observation of Centaurus A by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer. Astrophysical Journal, 510, 651-658.
- Życki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (1999). The 1989 May outburst of the soft X-ray transient GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 309, 561-575.
- Zycki, T., Done, C., & Smith, A. (1999). On the Geometry of Accretion Flow in Soft X-Ray Transients. Astrophysical letters & communications, 38, 193-196
- Done, C., Zycki, P., & Smith, D. (1999). Relativistic smearing of the reflection spectrum in Galactic Black Hole Candidates. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 69, 352-355
- Haynes, R., Lee, D., Allington-Smith, J., Content, R., Dodsworth, G., Lewis, I., Sharples, R., Turner, J., Webster, J., Done, C., Peletier, R., Parry, I., & Chapman, S. (1999). Multiple-Object and Integral Field Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Using Fibers. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 111, 1451-1468
- Madejski, G., Done, C., & Zycki, P. (1999). Black holes in AGN: recent results on IC 4329a and NGC 4945
- Green, A., McHardy, I., & Done, C. (1999). The discovery of non-linear X-ray variability in NGC 4051. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305, 309-318.
- de Martino, D., Matt, G., Barcaroli, R., Belloni, T., Beuermann, K., Bonnet-Bidaud, J., Chiappetti, L., Done, C., Gänsicke, B., Mouchet, M., & Mukai, K. (1999). BeppoSAX observations of AM Her type stars. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 69(1-3), 368-371.
- Done, C., & Magdziarz, P. (1998). Complex absorption and reflection of a multitemperature cyclotron-bremsstrahlung X-ray cooling shock in BY Cam. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 298, 737-746.
- Zycki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (1998). Evolution of the Accretion Flow in Nova MUSCAE 1991. Astrophysical Journal, 496, L25-
- Madejski, G., Done, C., Zycki, P., Rothschild, R., Blanco, P., Valinia, A., & Turek, B. (1998). Constraints on the Structure of the Circumnuclear Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945 Inferred from Hard X-ray Observations with the RXTE. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 30, 1332-
- Matt, G., Barcaroli, R., Belloni, T., Beuermann, K., Bonnet-Bidaud, J., de Martino, D., Done, C., Gänsicke, B., Guainazzi, M., Mouchet, M., & Mukai, K. (1998). The X-ray emission of the polar BL Hydri. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 334, 857-862
- Griffiths, R., Warwick, R., Georgantopoulos, I., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1998). The broad-band X-ray spectrum of MRK 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 298, 1159-1168.
- Madejski, G. M., Rothschild, R., Done, C., Magdziarz, P., & Johnson, W. N. (1998). RXTE Observations of the Bright Seyfert Galaxy IC 4329a. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 30, 842-
- King, A., & Done, C. (1998). Black holes. Observatory, 118, 336-337
- de Martino, D., Gänsicke, B., Matt, G., Mouchet, M., Belloni, T., Beuermann, K., Bonnet-Bidaud, J.-M., Mattei, J., Chiappetti, L., & Done, C. (1998). A deep X-ray low state of AM Herculis. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 333, L31-L34
- de Martino, D., Barcaroli, R., Matt, G., Mouchet, M., Belloni, T., Beuermann, K., Chiappetti, L., Done, C., Gänsicke, B., La Franca, F., & Mukai, K. (1998). BeppoSAX observations of the long period polar system V1309Ori. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 332, 904-908
- Gierlinski, M., Zdziarski, A. A., Done, C., Johnson, W. N., Ebisawa, K., Ueda, Y., Haardt, F., & Phlips, B. F. (1997). Simultaneous X-ray and gamma-ray observations of CYG X-1 in the hard state by GINGA and OSSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 288, 958-964.
- Done, C., & Osborne, J. (1997). The X-ray spectrum of the dwarf nova SS CYG in quiescence and outburst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 288, 649-664.
- Zycki, P. T., Done, C., & Smith, D. A. (1997). Relativistically Smeared X-Ray Reprocessed Components in the GINGA Spectra of GS 2023+338. Astrophysical Journal, 488, L113-
- Smith, D., & Done, C. (1996). Unified theories of active galactic nuclei: a hard X-ray sample of Seyfert 2 galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 280, 355-377.
- Done, C., & Krolik, J. H. (1996). Kinematics of the Broad Emission Line Region in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 463, 144-
- Done, C., Madejski, G., & Smith, D. (1996). NGC 4945: The Brightest Seyfert 2 Galaxy at 100 keV. Astrophysical Journal, 463, L63-
- Warwick, R., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1996). The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
- Done, C., & Smith, D. (1996). The X-ray spectra of Seyfert 2s observed by GINGA
- Madejski, G., Zdziarski, A., Turner, T., Done, C., Mushotzky, R., Hartman, R., Gehrels, N., Connors, A., Fabian, A., Nandra, K., Celotti, A., Rees, M., Johnson, W., Grove, J., & Starr, C. (1995). Joint ROSAT-Compton GRO observations of the X-ray bright Seyfert galaxy IC 4329A. Astrophysical Journal, 438, 672-679
- Watson, M., Rosen, S., O'Donoghue, D., Buckley, D., Warner, B., Hellier, C., Ramseyer, T., Done, C., & Madejski, G. (1995). Optical properties of the new polar RXJ1940.2-1025. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 273, 681-698
- Done, C., Osborne, J., & Beardmore, A. (1995). The EF ERI GINGA data and physical models for the X-ray spectra of AM Herculis systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 276, 483-494.
- Warwick, R., Done, C., & Smith, D. (1995). The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151 revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 275, 1003-1016.
- Wolstencroft, R. D., Done, C., Scarrott, S., & Scarrott, R. (1995). Imaging polarimetry of the Seyfert galaxy IC 4329A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 276, 460-466.
- McHardy, I., Green, A., Done, C., Puchnarewicz, E., Mason, K., Branduardi-Raymont, G., & Jones, M. (1995). Low-energy X-ray spectral variability of NGC 4051. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 273, 549-558
- Pounds, K., Done, C., & Osborne, J. (1995). RE 1034+39: a high-state Seyfert galaxy?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 277, L5-L10
- Zdziarski, A. A., Johnson, W. N., Done, C., Smith, D., & McNaron-Brown, K. (1995). The average X-ray/gamma-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies from GINGA and OSSE and the origin of the cosmic X-ray background. Astrophysical Journal, 438, L63-L66
- Draper, P., Done, C., Scarrott, S., & Stockdale, D. (1995). Multicolour Imaging Polarimetry of the Galaxy NGC2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 277, 1430-
- Beardmore, A., Done, C., Osborne, J., & Ishida, M. (1995). The GINGA hard X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis. Astrophysics and space science library, 272, 749-762.
- Krolik, J. H., & Done, C. (1995). Reverberation mapping by regularized linear inversion. Astrophysical Journal, 440, 166-180
- Done, C., Pounds, K., Nandra, K., & Fabian, A. (1995). The complex variable soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 5548. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 275, 417-428
- Krolik, J., & Done, C. (1994). The Kinematics of Broad Line Clouds in NGC 5548. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 27, 765-
- Grandi, P., Done, C., & Urry, C. (1994). Nonthermal pair models reflection and X-ray spectral variability of active galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 428, 599-608.
- Zdziarski, A., Fabian, A., Nandra, K., Celotti, A., Rees, M., Done, C., Coppi, P., & Madejski, G. (1994). Physical Processes in the X-Ray / Gamma-Ray Source of IC4329A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 269, L55-
- Ueda, Y., Ebisawa, K., & Done, C. (1994). Spectral study of GX 339-4 in the low-intensity state observed with GINGA. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, 107-115
- Haardt, F., Done, C., Matt, G., & Fabian, A. (1993). The high-energy spectrum of Cygnus X-1 revisited. Astrophysical Journal, 411, L95-L98
- Yoshida, K., Mitsuda, K., Ebisawa, K., Ueda, Y., Fujimoto, R., Yaqoob, T., & Done, C. (1993). Low state properties of the low-mass X-ray binary X1608-522 observed with GINGA. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 45, 605-616
- Rosen, S., Done, C., Watson, M., & Madejski, G. (1993). RX J1940.2-1025
- Madejski, G., Done, C., Turner, T., Mushotzky, R., Serlemitsos, P., Fiore, F., Sikora, M., & Begelman, M. (1993). Solving the Mystery of the X-Ray Periodicity in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC6814. Nature, 365, 626-
- George, I., Nandra, K., Fabian, A., Turner, T., Done, C., & Day, C. (1993). The broad-band X-ray spectral variability of MRK 841. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 260, 111-120
- Smale, A., Done, C., Mushotzky, R., Weaver, K., Serlemitsos, P., Marshall, F., Petre, R., Jahoda, K., Boldt, E., Swank, J., Szymkowiak, A., Kelley, R., & Arnaud, K. (1993). Resolving the iron K line in Cygnus X-2 - an observation with BBXRT. Astrophysical Journal, 410, 796-802.
- Mushotzky, R. F., Done, C., & Pounds, K. A. (1993). X-ray spectra and time variability of active galactic nuclei. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 31, 717-761
- Ebisawa, K., Ueda, Y., & Done, C. (1993). Spectral Study of GX339-4 in the Low Intensity State Observed with GINGA. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 25, 1381-
- Done, C. (1993). BBXRT and GINGA observations of AGN. Advances in Space Research, 13, 211-.
- Yaqoob, T., McKernan, B., Done, C., Serlemitsos, P., Weaver, ,., & A., K. (1993). The Iron K Line as a Probe of Beamed X-Ray Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei. Astrophysical Journal, 416, L5-
- Smith, D., Done, C., & Pounds, K. (1993). Unified theories of active galactic nuclei - The hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 1068. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 263, 54-60
- King, A., & Done, C. (1993). Stellar Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 264, 388-
- Krolik, J., Done, C., & Madejski, G. (1993). X-ray light curves of active galactic nuclei are phase incoherent. Astrophysical Journal, 402, 432-440.
- Zdziarski, A., Madejski, G., Turner, T., Done, C., Coppi, P., & Lightman, A. (1992). Observational Tests of the Nonthermal e+/- Pair/Reflection Model for AGNs. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 24, 746-
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1992). Erratum: ``High-energy neutrinos from active galactic nuclei'' [Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2697 (1991)]. Physical Review Letters, 69, 2738-.
- Weaver, K., Mushotzky, R., Arnaud, K., Serlemitsos, P., Marshall, F., Petre, R., Jahoda, K., Boldt, E., Holt, S., Swank, J., Szymkowiak, A., Kelley, R., Smale, A., & Done, C. (1992). Broad Band X-Ray Telescope observations of NGC 4151 - Iron line diagnostics. Astrophysical Journal, 401, L11-L14.
- Done, C., Mulchaey, J., Mushotzky, R., & Arnaud, K. (1992). An ionized accretion disk in Cygnus X-1. Astrophysical Journal, 395, 275-288.
- Turner, T., Done, C., Mushotzky, R., Madejski, G., & Kunieda, H. (1992). Evidence for an ionized reprocessor in NGC 6814. Astrophysical Journal, 391, 102-110.
- Madejski, G., Kallman, T., Arnaud, K., Boldt, E., Done, C., Holt, S., Jahoda, K., Kelley, R., Marshall, F., Mushotzky, R., Petre, R., Serlemitsos, P., Smale, A., Swank, J., Szymkowiak, A., Turner, T. J., & Weaver, K. (1992). X-ray spectrum of BL Lac object PKS2155-304. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 24, 1208-
- Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992). The X-ray variability of NGC 6814 - Power spectrum. Astrophysical Journal, 400, 138-152.
- Stecker, F., Done, C., Salamon, M., & Sommers, P. (1991). High-energy neutrinos from active galactic nuclei. Physical Review Letters, 66, 2697-2700.
- Ghisellini, G., George, I., Fabian, A., & Done, C. (1991). Anisotropic inverse Compton emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 248, 14-19.
- Day, C., & Done, C. (1991). A disc-reflected component in the spectra of X-ray bursters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 253, 35P-38P.
- Done, C., Ghisellini, G., & Fabian, A. (1990). Pair loading in compact sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 245, 1-14
- Done, C., Ward, M., Fabian, A., Kunieda, H., Tsuruta, S., Lawrence, A., Smith, M., & Wamsteker, W. (1990). Simultaneous multifrequency observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 - Constant optical-infrared emission observed during large-amplitude X-ray variability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 243, 713-720
- Fabian, A., & Done, C. (1990). The X- and gamma-ray continuum of active galactic nuclei. Advances in Space Research, 10, 203-208.
- Zdziarski, A. A., Ghisellini, G., George, I. M., Fabian, A., Svensson, R., & Done, C. (1990). Electron-positron pairs, Compton reflection, and the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei. Astrophysical Journal, 363, L1-L4
- Tsuruta, S., Done, C., Ward, M., Fabian, A., Kunieda, H., Lawrence, A., Smith, M., & Wamsteker, W. (1989). Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy 4051. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 21, 1097-
- Ghisellini, G., George, I. M., & Done, C. (1989). Frequency-dependent variability in synchrotron self-Compton models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 241, 43P-49P.
- Done, C., & Fabian, A. (1989). The behavior of compact non-thermal sources with pair production. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 240, 81-102.
- Telesco, C., Wolstencroft, R., & Done, C. (1988). The enhancement of infrared emission in interacting galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 329, 174-186.
- Done, C. (1988). Pair plasmas and the variability of AGN. Advances in Space Research, 8, 555-557.
- Ward, M., Done, C., Fabian, A., Tennant, A., & Shafer, R. (1988). X-ray observations of IRAS selected Seyfert galaxies and obscuration of the broad-line region. Astrophysical Journal, 324, 767-775.
- Fabian, A., Done, C., & Ghisellini, G. (1988). Photon-starved, pair-loaded compact sources and the X-ray background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 232, 21P-26P.
- Ward, M., Done, C., Fabian, A., Tennant, A., & Shafer, R. (1987). X-ray Observations of IRAS-Selected Galaxies and Obscuration of the Broad-Line Region. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 19, 696-
- George, I., Nandra, K., Fabian, A., Turner, T., Done, C., & Day, C. (1992). The broad-band X ray spectral variability of MKN 841. [No known commissioning body]
- Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992). The X ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814. [No known commissioning body]
- Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotsky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992). The X ray variability of NGC6814: Power spectra. [No known commissioning body]