Staff profile
Conference Paper
- Baugh, C. M., Lacey, C. G., Frenk, C. S., Granato, G. L., Silva, L., Bressan, A., Benson, A. J., & Cole, S. (2007, October). The Nature of (Sub)millimeter Galaxies in Hierarchical Models. Presented at From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies
- Nagashima, M., Lacey, C. G., Okamoto, T., Baugh, C. M., Frenk, C. S., & Cole, S. (2006, July). The metal enrichment of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the cold dark matter universe. Presented at Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies
- Lacey, C. (2006, January). A Multi-Wavelength Model of Galaxy Formation. Presented at The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present
- Benson, A., Frenk, C. S., Baugh, C. M., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. G. (2001, December). Galaxy Formation at High Redshifts: the View from the NGST. Presented at The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy
- Cole, S. M., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., & Benson, A. (2000, July). The evolution of disc galaxies. Presented at Discussion Meeting on ‘The formation of galaxies’, Durham
- Lacey, C. (1991, December). The Disk Heating Problem
Journal Article
- Lu, S., Frenk, C. S., Bose, S., Lacey, C. G., Cole, S., Baugh, C. M., & Helly, J. C. (2024). A comparison of pre-existing ΛCDM predictions with the abundance of JWST galaxies at high redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 536(1), 1018-1034.
- Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., Schaye, J., Nobels, F. S. J., & Schaller, M. (2024). Winds versus jets: a comparison between black hole feedback modes in simulations of idealized galaxy groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 5988–6020.
- Kugel, R., Schaye, J., Schaller, M., Helly, J. C., Braspenning, J., Elbers, W., Frenk, C. S., McCarthy, I. G., Kwan, J., Salcido, J., van Daalen, M. P., Vandenbroucke, B., Bahé, Y. M., Borrow, J., Chaikin, E., Huško, F., Jenkins, A., Lacey, C. G., Nobels, F. S. J., & Vernon, I. (2023). FLAMINGO: calibrating large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with machine learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 6103-6127.
- Schaye, J., Kugel, R., Schaller, M., Helly, . J. C., Braspenning, J., Elbers, W., McCarthy, I. G., van Daalen, M. P., Vandenbroucke, B., Frenk, C. S., Kwan, J., Salcido, J., Bahe´, Y. M., Borrow, J., Chaikin, E., Hahn, O., Husko, F., Jenkins, A., Lacey, C. G., & Nobels, F. S. J. (2023). The FLAMINGO project: cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for large-scale structure and galaxy cluster surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 4978–5020.
- Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2023). The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 5323-5339.
- Huško, F., & Lacey, C. G. (2023). The complex interplay of AGN jet-inflated bubbles and the intracluster medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 4375-4394.
- Quera-Bofarull, A., Done, C., Lacey, C. G., Nomura, M., & Ohsuga, K. (2023). QWIND3: UV line-driven accretion disc wind models for AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 2693-2711.
- Huško, F., & Lacey, C. G. (2023). Active galactic nuclei jets simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(4), 5090-5109.
- Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., Schaye, J., Schaller, M., & Nobels, F. S. (2022). Spin-driven jet feedback in idealized simulations of galaxy groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3), 3750 - 3772.
- Gu, Q., Guo, Q., Zhang, T., Cautun, M., Lacey, C., Frenk, C. S., & Shao, S. (2022). The spatial distribution of satellites in galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 390-402.
- Gómez, J. S., Padilla, N., Helly, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Lagos, C. (2022). Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(4), 5500-5519.
- Baugh, C., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Manzoni, G. (2022). Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(2), 1880-1893.
- Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2021). Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(4), 5918-5937.
- Elliott, E. J., Baugh, C. M., & Lacey, C. G. (2021). Efficient exploration and calibration of a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with deep learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506(3), 4011-4030.
- Gurung-López, S., Saito, S., Baugh, C. M., Bonoli, S., Lacey, C. G., & Orsi, Á. A. (2021). Determining the systemic redshift of Lyman α emitters with neural networks and improving the measured large-scale clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(1), 603-626.
- Hough, T., Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á., Cora, S. A., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2020). Are Lyα emitters segregated in protoclusters regions?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(2), 2104-2115.
- Xu, W., Guo, Q., Zheng, H., Gao, L., Lacey, C., Gu, Q., Liao, S., Shao, S., Mao, T., Zhang, T., & Chen, X. (2020). Galaxy properties in the cosmic web of EAGLE simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(2), 1839-1851.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Cui, W., Contreras, S., Baugh, C., Comparat, J., Griffin, A., Helly, J., Knebe, A., Lacey, C., & Norberg, P. (2020). Do model emission line galaxies live in filaments at z∼1?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(2), 1852-1870.
- Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., McDowell, J. C., Lacey, C., Done, C., & Quera-Bofarull, A. (2020). Qwind code release. A non-hydrodynamical approach to modelling line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(1), 402-412.
- Griffin, A. J., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lagos, C. D. P., Baugh, C. M., & Fanidakis, N. (2020). AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(2), 2535-2552.
- Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Padilla, N., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2020). Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(3), 3266-3289.
- Cowley, W. I., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., Cole, S., Frenk, C. S., & Lagos, C. D. P. (2019). The evolution of the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light: evidence for a top-heavy initial mass function?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(3), 3082-3101.
- Griffin, A. J., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., del P Lagos, C., Baugh, C. M., & Fanidakis, N. (2019). The evolution of SMBH spin and AGN luminosities for z < 6 within a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 198-227.
- Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2019). A comparison between semi-analytical gas cooling models and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 1691-1717.
- Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Baugh, C. M., & Lacey, C. G. (2019). Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume I: the impact of radiative transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 1882-1906.
- Amarantidis, S., Afonso, J., Messias, H., Henriques, B., Griffin, A., Lacey, C., Lagos, C. D. P., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Dubois, Y., Volonteri, M., Matute, I., Pappalardo, C., Qin, Y., Chary, R.-R., & Norris, R. P. (2019). The first Super Massive Black Holes: indications from models for future observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2694-2709.
- Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lagos, C. D., Lacey, C. G., Helly, J. C., Jenkins, A., Frenk, C. S., Benson, A. J., Bower, R. G., & Cole, S. (2019). Galaxy formation in the Planck Millennium: the atomic hydrogen content of dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 4922-4937.
- Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Xiao, T., Lin, L., Hwang, H. S., Tosaki, T., Bureau, M., Cigan, P. J., Clark, C. J., Clements, D. L., De Looze, I., Dharmawardena, T., Gao, Y., Gear, W. K., Greenslade, J., Lamperti, I., Lee, J. C., Li, C., Michałowski, M. J., Mok, A., …Zheng, Z. (2018). JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(3), 3497-3519.
- Izquierdo-Villalba, D., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Griffin, A. J. (2018). The environment of radio galaxies: a signature of AGN feedback at high redshifts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(1), 1340-1352.
- Sun, S., Guo, Q., Wang, L., Wang, J., Gao, L., Lacey, C., & Pan, J. (2018). The Large-scale Effect of Environment on Galactic Conformity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(3), 3136-3144.
- Zavala, J., Aretxaga, I., Dunlop, J., Michałowski, M., Hughes, D., Bourne, N., Chapin, E., Cowley, W., Farrah, D., Lacey, C., Targett, T., & van der Werf, P. (2018). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: The EGS deep field - II. Morphological transformation and multiwavelength properties of faint submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(4), 5585-5602.
- Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2018). A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 543-569.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Comparat, J., Norberg, P., Baugh, C., Contreras, S., Lacey, C., McCullagh, N., Orsi, A., Helly, J., & Humphries, J. (2018). The host dark matter haloes of [O II] emitters at 0.5 < z < 1.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(3), 4024-4038.
- Cowley, W., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2018). Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(2), 2352-2372.
- Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Lagos, C. D., Frenk, C. S., Bower, R. G., Cole, S., Helly, J. C., Schaller, M., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Theuns, T. (2018). Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(1), 492-521.
- Delvecchio, I., Smolčić, V., Zamorani, G., Lagos, C. D. P., Berta, S., Delhaize, J., Baran, N., Alexander, D., Rosario, D., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Ilbert, O., Lacey, C., Le Fèvre, O., Miettinen, O., Aravena, M., Bondi, M., Carilli, C., Ciliegi, P., Mooley, K., Novak, M., …Tasca, L. (2017). The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z ≲ 6. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 602, Article A3.
- Cowley, W., Béthermin, M., Lagos, C. D. P., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2017). The far infra-red SEDs of main sequence and starburst galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(1), 1231-1248.
- Jose, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Subramanian, K. (2017). Understanding the non-linear clustering of high-redshift galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(4), 4428-4436.
- Cowley, W., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Wilkinson, A. (2017). Blending bias impacts the host halo masses derived from a cross-correlation analysis of bright submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(3), 3396-3404.
- Okamoto, T., Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., & Frenk, C. (2017). The metal enrichment of passive galaxies in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(4), 4866-4874.
- Geach, J., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., van der Werf, P., Alexander, D., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Arumugam, V., Asboth, V., Banerji, M., Beanlands, J., Best, P., Blain, A., Birkinshaw, M., Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Chen, C.-C., Chrysostomou, A., Clarke, C., …Zemcov, M. (2017). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(2), 1789-1806.
- Hurley, P., Oliver, S., Betancourt, M., Clarke, C., Cowley, W., Duivenvoorden, S., Farrah, D., Griffin, M., Lacey, C., Le Floc'h, E., Papadopoulos, A., Sargent, M., Scudder, J., Vaccari, M., Valtchanov, I., & Wang, L. (2017). HELP: XID+, the probabilistic de-blender for Herschel SPIRE maps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(1), 885-896.
- Bose, S., Frenk, C., Hou, J., Lacey, C., & Lovell, M. (2016). Reionisation in sterile neutrino cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(4), 3848-3859.
- Hou, J., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., & Bose, S. (2016). Constraining SN feedback: a tug of war between reionization and the Milky Way satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(2), 1224-1239.
- Jose, C., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). The clustering of dark matter haloes: scale-dependent bias on quasi-linear scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(1), 270-281.
- Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., Frenk, C. S., Benson, A. J., Bower, R. G., Cole, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Helly, J. C., Lagos, C. D., & Mitchell, P. D. (2016). A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(4), 3854-3911.
- Guo, Q., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Guo, Q., Schaller, M., Furlong, M., Bower, R., Cole, S., Crain, R., Frenk, C., Helly, J., Lacey, C., Lagos, C. D. P., Mitchell, P., Schaye, J., & Theuns, T. (2016). Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(4), 3457-3482.
- Cowley, W., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2016). The clustering evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(2), 1621-1641.
- Wang, L., Norberg, P., Gunawardhana, M., Heinis, S., Baldry, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bourne, N., Brough, S., Brown, M., Cluver, M., Cooray, A., da Cunha, E., Driver, S., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Grootes, M., Holwerda, B., Hopkins, A., Ibar, E., …van der Werf, P. (2016). GAMA/H-ATLAS: common star formation rate indicators and their dependence on galaxy physical parameters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(2), 1898-1916.
- Park, J., Kim, H.-S., Wyithe, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Barone-Nugent, R., Trenti, M., & Bouwens, R. (2016). The clustering and halo occupation distribution of Lyman-break galaxies at z ˜ 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(1), 176-189.
- Wang, L., Norberg, P., Bethermin, M., Bourne, N., Cooray, A., Cowley, W., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Farrah, D., Lacey, C., Loveday, J., Maddox, S., Oliver, S., & Viero, M. (2016). The faint end of the 250 μm luminosity function at z < 0.5. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 592, Article L5.
- Orsi, Á. A., Fanidakis, N., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). The environments of high-redshift radio galaxies and quasars: probes of protoclusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(4), 3827-3839.
- Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2016). The evolution of the stellar mass versus halo mass relationship. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(2), 1459-1483.
- Kim, H.-S., Wyithe, J., Park, J., Poole, G., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). A hybrid multiresolution scheme to efficiently model the structure of reionization on the largest scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(4), 4498-4511.
- Bussmann, R., Riechers, D., Fialkov, A., Scudder, J., Hayward, C., Cowley, W., Bock, J., Calanog, J., Chapman, S., Cooray, A., De Bernardis, F., Farrah, D., Fu, H., Gavazzi, R., Hopwood, R., Ivison, R., Jarvis, M., Lacey, C., Loeb, A., Oliver, S., …Wardlow, J. (2015). Erratum: "HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies" (2015, ApJ, 812, 43). Astrophysical Journal, 815(2), Article 135.
- Farrow, D., Cole, S., Norberg, P., Metcalfe, N., Baldry, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brown, M., Hopkins, A., Lacey, C., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Palamara, D., Robotham, A., & Sridhar, S. (2015). Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(2), 2120-2145.
- Bussmann, R., Riechers, D., Fialkov, A., Scudder, J., Hayward, C., Cowley, W., Bock, J., Calanog, J., Chapman, S., Cooray, A., Bernardis, F., Farrah, D., Fu, H., Gavazzi, R., Hopwood, R., Ivison, R., Jarvis, M., Lacey, C., Loeb, A., Oliver, S., …Wardlow, J. (2015). HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 812(1), Article 43.
- Liske, J., Baldry, I., Driver, S., Tuffs, R., Alpaslan, M., Andrae, E., Brough, S., Cluver, M., Grootes, M., Gunawardhana, M., Kelvin, L., Loveday, J., Robotham, A., Taylor, E., Bamford, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brown, M., Drinkwater, M., Hopkins, A., Meyer, M., …Wright, A. (2015). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(2), 2087-2126.
- Campbell, D., Baugh, C., Mitchell, P., Helly, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., Lagos, C. D. P., Simha, V., & Farrow, D. (2015). A new methodology to test galaxy formation models using the dependence of clustering on stellar mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(1), 852-871.
- Gutcke, T., Fanidakis, N., Macciò, A., & Lacey, C. (2015). The star formation and AGN luminosity relation: predictions from a semi-analytical model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(4), 3759-3767.
- Lagos, C. D. P., Padilla, N., Davis, T., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Zwaan, M., & Contreras, S. (2015). The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - II. Misaligned gas accretion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448(2), 1271-1287.
- Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Georgakakis, A., Bernhard, E., Mitchell, P., Buat, V., Elbaz, D., LeFloc'h, E., Lacey, C., Magdis, G., & Xilouris, M. (2015). Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 576, Article A10.
- Saito, T., Matsuda, Y., Lacey, C., Smail, I., Orsi, A., Baugh, C., Inoue, A., Tanaka, I., Yamada, T., Ohta, K., De Breuck, C., Kodama, T., & Taniguchi, Y. (2015). The environments of Ly α blobs I: Wide-field Ly α imaging of TN J1338-1942, a powerful radio galaxy at z ≃ 4.1 associated with a giant Ly α nebula. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447(4), 3069-3086.
- Comparat, J., Richard, J., Kneib, J.-P., Ilbert, O., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Tresse, L., Zoubian, J., Arnouts, S., Brownstein, J., Baugh, C., Delubac, T., Ealet, A., Escoffier, S., Ge, J., Jullo, E., Lacey, C., Ross, N., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D., Steele, O., …Zou, H. (2015). The 0.1 < z < 1.65 evolution of the bright end of the OII luminosity function. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 575, Article A40.
- Cowley, W. I., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2015). Simulated observations of sub-millimetre galaxies: the impact of single-dish resolution and field variance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446(2), 1784-1798.
- Béthermin, M., Daddi, E., Magdis, G., Lagos, C., Sargent, M., Albrecht, M., Aussel, H., Bertoldi, F., Buat, V., Galametz, M., Heinis, S., Ilbert, O., Karim, A., Koekemoer, A., Lacey, C., Le Floc'h, E., Navarrete, F., Pannella, M., Schreiber, C., Smolčić, V., …Viero, M. (2015). Evolution of the dust emission of massive galaxies up to z = 4 and constraints on their dominant mode of star formation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573, Article A113.
- McNaught-Roberts, T., Norberg, P., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Loveday, J., Peacock, J., Baldry, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brough, S., Driver, S., Robotham, A., & Vázquez-Mata, J. (2014). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of the galaxy luminosity function on environment, redshift and colour. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445(2), 2125-2145.
- Mitchell, P., Lacey, C., Cole, S., & Baugh, C. (2014). The evolution of the star-forming sequence in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(3), 2637-2664.
- Lagos, C. D. P., Davis, T., Lacey, C., Zwaan, M., Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Padilla, N. (2014). The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies – I. A new test of galaxy formation physics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(2), 1002-1021.
- Guo, Q., Lacey, C., Norberg, P., Cole, S., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Cooray, A., Dye, S., Bourne, N., Dunne, L., Eales, S., Ivison, R., Maddox, S., Alpasan, M., Baldry, I., Driver, S., & Robotham, A. (2014). Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(3), 2253-2270.
- Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2014). Extending the halo mass resolution of N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(4), 3256-3265.
- Lagos, C., Baugh, C., Zwaan, M., Lacey, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Power, C., Swinbank, A., & van Kampen, E. (2014). Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(1), 920-941.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Lagos, C., Helly, J., Campbell, D., & Mitchell, P. (2014). How sensitive are predicted galaxy luminosities to the choice of stellar population synthesis model?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(1), 264-283.
- Park, J., Kim, H.-S., Wyithe, J., & Lacey, C. G. (2014). The cross-power spectrum between 21 cm emission and galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(3), 2474-2482.
- Kim, J.-W., Edge, A. C., Wake, D. A., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C. M., Lacey, C. G., Yamada, T., Sato, Y., Burgett, W. S., Chambers, K. C., Price, P. A., Foucaud, S., Draper, P., & Kaiser, N. (2014). Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(1), 825-840.
- Lagos, C. D. P., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2013). A dynamical model of supernova feedback: gas outflows from the interstellar medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(2), 1787-1817.
- Fanidakis, N., Macciò, A., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Frenk, C. (2013). The most luminous quasars do not live in the most massive dark matter haloes at any redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(1), 315-326.
- Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2013). How well can we really estimate the stellar masses of galaxies from broad-band photometry?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(1), 87-114.
- Fanidakis, N., Georgakakis, A., Mountrichas, G., Krumpe, M., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Miyaji, T., & Benson, A. (2013). Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(1), 679-688.
- Kim, H.-S., Wyithe, J., Park, J., & Lacey, C. (2013). Variation in the escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies and the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum during reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433(3), 2476-2484.
- Geach, J., Chapin, E., Coppin, K., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., Werf, P. V. D., Serjeant, S., Farrah, D., Roseboom, I., Targett, T., Arumugam, V., Asboth, V., Blain, A., Chrysostomou, A., Clarke, C., Ivison, R., Jones, S., Karim, A., Mackenzie, T., …Zemcov, M. (2013). The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 53-61.
- Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Zuntz, J. (2013). Single-colour diagnostics of the mass-to-light ratio - I. Predictions from galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(1), 430-439.
- Merson, A., Baugh, C., Helly, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Cole, S., Bielby, R., Norberg, P., Frenk, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., Lacey, C., & Lagos, C. D. P. (2013). Lightcone mock catalogues from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation - I. Construction and application to the BzK colour selection. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(1), 556-578.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Wilkins, S. (2013). The ultraviolet colours and dust attenuation of Lyman-break galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(2), 1609-1625.
- Kim, H.-S., Power, C., Baugh, C., Wyithe, J., Lacey, C., Lagos, C., & Frenk, C. (2013). On the role of feedback in shaping the cosmic abundance and clustering of neutral atomic hydrogen in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(4), 3366-3374.
- Kim, H.-S., Wyithe, J., Raskutti, S., Lacey, C., & Helly, J. (2013). The structure of reionization in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(3), 2467-2479.
- Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). The accuracy of the UV continuum as an indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427(2), 1490-1496.
- del P. Lagos, C., Bayet, E., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Bell, T., Fanidakis, N., & Geach, J. (2012). Predictions for the CO emission of galaxies from a coupled simulation of galaxy formation and photon-dominated regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(3), 2142-2165.
- Kim, H.-S., Lacey, C., Cole, S., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Efstathiou, G. (2012). The contribution of star-forming galaxies to fluctuations in the cosmic background light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(4), 2674-2687.
- Orsi, A., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). Can galactic outflows explain the properties of Ly α emitters?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(1), 87-115.
- Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). Predictions for the intrinsic UV continuum properties of star-forming galaxies and the implications for inferring dust extinction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(2), 1522-1529.
- González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2012). The nature and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423(4), 3709-3726.
- Fanidakis, N., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., Cole, S., Done, C., Frenk, C., Hickox, R., Lacey, C., & del P. Lagos, C. (2012). The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time : what is downsizing?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(4), 2797-2820.
- Lagos, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Benson, A., Kim, H.-S., & Power, C. (2011). Cosmic evolution of the atomic and molecular gas contents of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418(3), 1649-1667.
- Almeida, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2011). Modelling the dusty universe - II. The clustering of submillimetre-selected galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417, 2057-2071.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Kim, J.-W. (2011). Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe - II. Clustering of Extremely Red Objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417(1), 517-531.
- Lagos, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Bower, R., & Benson, A. (2011). On the impact of empirical and theoretical star formation laws on galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416(2), 1566-1584.
- Creasey, P., Theuns, T., Bower, R., & Lacey, C. (2011). Numerical overcooling in shocks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415(4), 3706-3720.
- Wardlow, J., Smail, I., Coppin, K., Alexander, D., Brandt, W., Danielson, A., Luo, B., Swinbank, A., Walter, F., Weiß, A., Xue, Y., Zibetti, S., Bertoldi, F., Biggs, A., Chapman, S., Dannerbauer, H., Dunlop, J., Gawiser, E., Ivison, R., Knudsen, K., …van der Werf, P. (2011). The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : a photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415(2), 1479-1508.
- Kim, H.-S., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Power, C., & Schneider, M. (2011). The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414(3), 2367-2385.
- González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2011). The role of submillimetre galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413(2), 749-762.
- Guo, Q., Cole, S., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Norberg, P., Auld, R., Baldry, I., Bamford, S., Bourne, N., Buttiglione, E., Cava, A., Cooray, A., Croom, S., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Driver, S., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., …van Kampen, E. (2011). Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(4), 2277-2285.
- Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2011). The evolution of Lyman-break galaxies in the cold dark matter model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(3), 1828-1852.
- Samushia, L., Percival, W., Guzzo, L., Wang, Y., Cimatti, A., Baugh, C., Geach, J., Lacey, C., Majerotto, E., Mukherjee, P., & Orsi, A. (2011). Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 1993-2002.
- Silva, L., Schurer, A., Granato, G., Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Paoletti, L., Petrella, A., & Selvestrel, D. (2011). Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies: introducing the artificial neural network. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 2043-2056.
- Raičević, M., Theuns, T., & Lacey, C. (2011). The galaxies that reionized the Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(2), 775-787.
- Wang, Y., Percival, W., Cimatti, A., Mukherjee, P., Guzzo, L., Baugh, C., Carbone, C., Franzetti, P., Garilli, B., Geach, J., Lacey, C., Majerotto, E., Orsi, A., Rosati, P., Samushia, L., & Zamorani, G. (2010). Designing a space-based galaxy redshift survey to probe dark energy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409(2), 737-749.
- Bower, R., Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2010). The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(4), 2017-2045.
- Power, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2010). The redshift evolution of the mass function of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406(1), 43-59.
- Orsi, A., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Cimatti, A., Wang, Y., & Zamorani, G. (2010). Probing dark energy with future redshift surveys: a comparison of emission line and broad-band selection in the near-infrared. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(2), 1006-1024.
- Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Benson, A., Orsi, A., Silva, L., Granato, G., & Bressan, A. (2010). Predictions for Herschel from Λ-cold dark matter : unveiling the cosmic star formation history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(1), 2-28.
- Eales, S., Dunne, L., Clements, D., Cooray, A., de Zotti, G., Dye, S., Ivison, R., Jarvis, M., Lagache, G., Maddox, S., Negrello, M., Serjeant, S., Thompson, M., van Kampen, E., Amblard, A., Andreani, P., Baes, M., Beelen, A., Bendo, G., Benford, D., …White, G. (2010). The Herschel ATLAS. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122(891), 499-515.
- Geach, J., Cimatti, A., Percival, W., Wang, Y., Guzzo, L., Zamorani, G., Rosati, P., Pozzetti, L., Orsi, A., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Garilli, B., Franzetti, P., Walsh, J., & Kümmel, M. (2010). Empirical Hα emitter count predictions for dark energy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(2), 1330-1338.
- Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Granato, G., Silva, L., & Bressan, A. (2010). Modelling the dusty universe - I. Introducing the artificial neural network and first applications to luminosity and colour distributions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(1), 544-564.
- Austermann, J., Dunlop, J., Perera, T., Scott, K., Wilson, G., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D., Almaini, O., Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Cirasuolo, M., Clements, D., Coppin, K., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Egami, E., Farrah, D., Ferrusca, D., Flynn, S., …Yun, M. (2010). AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(1), 160-176.
- Angulo, R., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2009). The fate of substructures in cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 399(2), 983-995.
- Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Almeida, C. (2009). Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe – I. Counts of extremely red objects and basic properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398(2), 497-514.
- González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2009). Testing model predictions of the cold dark matter cosmology for the sizes, colours, morphologies and luminosities of galaxies with the SDSS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397(3), 1254-1274.
- Orsi, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Infante, L. (2008). The clustering of Lyα emitters in a ΛCDM Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 391(4), 1589-1604.
- Swinbank, A., Lacey, C., Smail, I., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Blain, A., Chapman, S., Coppin, K., Ivison, R., Gonzalez, J., & Hainline, L. (2008). The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 391(1), 420-434.
- Font, A., Bower, R., McCarthy, I., Benson, A., Frenk, C., Helly, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2008). The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 389(4), 1619-1629.
- Rauch, M., Haehnelt, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Röttgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2008). A population of faint extended line emitters and the host galaxies of optically thick QSO absorption systems. Astrophysical Journal, 681(2), 856-880.
- Angulo, R., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2008). The assembly bias of dark matter haloes to higher orders. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387(2), 921-932.
- Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Wake, D., Lacey, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., & Pimbblet, K. (2008). Luminous red galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386(4), 2145-2160.
- Haehnelt, M. G., Rauch, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M. J., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Rottgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2008). Hunting for the Building Blocks of Galaxies like our own Milky Way with FORS. Messenger (Los Angeles, Calif. Online), 132, 41-45
- Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Silva, L., Granato, G., & Bressan, A. (2008). Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(3), 1155-1178.
- Coppin, K., Halpern, M., Scott, D., Borys, C., Dunlop, J., Dunne, L., Ivison, R., Wagg, J., Aretxaga, I., Battistelli, E., Benson, A., Blain, A., Chapman, S., Clements, D., Dye, S., Farrah, D., Hughes, D., Jenness, T., van Kampen, E., Lacey, C., …Vaccari, M. (2008). The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - VI. 350-μm mapping of submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 384(4), 1597-1610.
- McCarthy, I., Frenk, C., Font, A., Lacey, C., Bower, R., Mitchell, N., Balogh, M., & Theuns, T. (2008). Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 593-605.
- Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2008). The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 755-776.
- Malbon, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2007). Black hole growth in hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 382(4), 1394-1414.
- Oesch, P., Stiavelli, M., Carollo, C., Bergeron, L., Koekemoer, A., Lucas, R., Pavlovsky, C., Trenti, M., Lilly, S., Beckwith, S., Dahlen, T., Ferguson, H., Gardner, J., Lacey, C., Mobasher, B., Panagia, N., & Rix, H.-W. (2007). The UDF05 follow-up of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. I. The faint-end slope of the Lyman Break Galaxy Population at z ~ 5. Astrophysical Journal, 671(2), Article 1212.
- Nilsson, K., Orsi, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Thommes, E. (2007). Narrow-band surveys for very high redshift Lyman-α emitters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 474(2), 385-392.
- Almeida, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2007). The structural and photometric properties of early-type galaxies in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376(4), 1711-1726.
- McCarthy, I., Bower, R., Balogh, M., Voit, G., Pearce, F., Theuns, T., Babul, A., Lacey, C., & Frenk, C. (2007). Modelling shock heating in cluster mergers - I. Moving beyond the spherical accretion model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376(2), 497-522.
- Coppin, K., Chapin, E., Mortier, A., Scott, S., Borys, C., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Hughes, D., Pope, A., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Wagg, J., Alexander, D., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Babbedge, T., Best, P., Blain, A., Chapman, S., Clements, D., …Willott, C. (2006). The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(4), 1621-1652.
- Babbedge, T., Rowan-Robinson, M., Vaccari, M., Surace, J., Lonsdale, C., Clements, D., Fang, F., Farrah, D., Franceschini, A., Gonzalez-Solares, E., Hatziminaoglou, E., Lacey, C., Oliver, S., Onyett, N., Pérez-Fournon, I., Polletta, M., Pozzi, F., Rodighiero, G., Shupe, D., Siana, B., & Smith, H. (2006). Luminosity functions for galaxies and quasars in the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370(3), 1159-1180.
- Bower, R., Benson, A., Malbon, R., Helly, J., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (2006). Breaking the hierarchy of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370(2), 645-655.
- Benson, A., Sugiyama, N., Nusser, A., & Lacey, C. (2006). The epoch of reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369(3), 1055-1080.
- Le Delliou, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Morris, S. (2006). The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 365(3), 712-726.
- Zheng, Z., Berlind, A., Weinberg, D., Benson, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Davé, R., Frenk, C., Katz, N., & Lacey, C. (2005). Theoretical models of the halo occupation distribution : separating central and satellite galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 633(2), 791-809.
- Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., Okamoto, T., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Cole, S. (2005). The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 363(1), L31-L35.
- Mortier, A., Serjeant, S., Dunlop, J., Scott, S., Ade, P., Alexander, D., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Best, P., Blain, A., Bock, J., Borys, C., Bressan, A., Carilli, C., Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Clements, D., Coppin, K., …Vaccari, M. (2005). The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey — I. Survey motivation, design and data processing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 363(2), 563-580.
- Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Cole, S. (2005). The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358(4), 1247-1266.
- Le Delliou, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Guiderdoni, B., Bacon, R., Courtois, H., Sousbie, T., & Morris, S. (2005). The abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 357(1), L11-L15.
- Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Granato, G., Silva, L., Bressan, A., Benson, A., & Cole, S. (2005). Can the faint submillimetre galaxies be explained in the Λ cold dark matter model?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 356(3), 1191-1200.
- Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Benson, A., Cole, S., Granato, G., Silva, L., & Bressan, A. (2004). Predictions for the SKA from hierarchical galaxy formation models. New Astronomy Reviews, 48(11-12), 1239-1246.
- Benson, A., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2004). Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 351(4), 1215-1236.
- Benson, A., Bower, R., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2003). What shapes the luminosity function of galaxies?. Astrophysical Journal, 599(1), 38-49.
- Voit, G., Balogh, M., Bower, R., Lacey, C., & Bryan, G. (2003). On the origin of intracluster entropy. Astrophysical Journal, 593(1), 272-290.
- Berlind, A., Weinberg, D., Benson, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Davé, R., Frenk, C., Jenkins, A., Katz, N., & Lacey, C. (2003). The halo occupation distribution and the physics of galaxy formation. Astrophysical Journal, 593(1), 1-25.
- Bell, E., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2003). The properties of spiral galaxies : confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(2), 367-384.
- Benson, A., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (2003). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - III. Environmental dependence in the luminosity function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(2), 679-691.
- Helly, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Benson, A., & Lacey, C. (2003). Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 338(4), 903-912.
- Helly, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Lacey, C., & Pearce, F. (2003). A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 338(4), 913-925.
- Ullio, P., Bergström, L., Edsjö, J., & Lacey, C. (2002). Cosmological dark matter annihilations into γ rays : a closer look. Physical Review D, 66(12), Article 123502.
- Nusser, A., Benson, A., Sugiyama, N., & Lacey, C. (2002). Statistics of neutral regions during hydrogen reionization. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 580(2), L93-L96.
- Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2002). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - I. Model and results at z=0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333(1), 156-176.
- Benson, A., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2002). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - II. Satellite galaxies in the Local Group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333(1), 177-190.
- Benson, A., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (2001). The clustering evolution of the galaxy distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327(4), 1041-1056.
- Liu, G.-C., Sugiyama, N., Benson, A., Lacey, C., & Nusser, A. (2001). Polarization of the cosmic microwave background from nonuniform reionization. Astrophysical Journal, 561(2), 504-516.
- Bower, R., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2001). The impact of galaxy formation on the X-ray evolution of clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 325(2), 497-508.
- Benson, A., Nusser, A., Sugiyama, N., & Lacey, C. (2001). Non-uniform reionization by galaxies and its effect on the cosmic microwave background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 320(1), 153-176.
- de Jong, R., & Lacey, C. (2000). The local space density of SB-SDM galaxies as function of their scale size, surface brightness, and luminosity. Astrophysical Journal, 545(2), 781-797.
- Cole, S., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2000). Hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 319(1), 168-204
- Granato, G., Lacey, C., Silva, L., Bressan, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2000). The infrared side of galaxy formation. I. The local universe in the semianalytical framework. Astrophysical Journal, 542(2), 710-730.
- Benson, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2000). The dependence of velocity and clustering statistics on galaxy properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 316(1), 107-119
- Benson, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2000). The nature of galaxy bias and clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 311(4), 793-808
- Valageas, P., Lacey, C., & Schaeffer, R. (2000). Scaling laws in gravitational clustering for counts-in-cells and mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 311(2), 234-250.
- Baugh, C., Benson, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (1999). Modelling the evolution of galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305(1), L21-L25.
- Porciani, C., Catelan, P., & Lacey, C. (1999). How dark matter halos cluster in Lagrangian space. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 513(2), L99-L102.
- Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (1998). The epoch of galaxy formation. Astrophysical Journal, 498(2), 504-521.
- Governato, F., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Cole, S., Lacey, C., Quinn, T., & Stadel, J. (1998). The seeds of rich galaxy clusters in the Universe. Nature, 392(6674), 359-361
- Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (1996). The structure of dark matter haloes in hierarchical clustering models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 281(2), 716-736.
- Lacey, C., & Cole, S. (1994). Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation - II. Comparison with N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 271(3), 676-692.
- Lacey, C. (1994). Quasar Variability. Nature, 371, Article 210.
- Lacey, C., & Cole, S. (1993). Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 262(3), 627-649.
- Lacey, C., Guiderdoni, B., Rocca-Volmerange, B., & Silk, J. (1993). Tidally triggered galaxy formation. II - Galaxy number counts. Astrophysical Journal, 402, 15-41.
- Lacey, C., & Silk, J. (1991). Tidally triggered galaxy formation. I - Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function. Astrophysical Journal, 381, 14-32.
- Lacey, C. G. (1989). Gravitational instability in a primordial collapsing gas cloud. Astrophysical Journal, 336, 612-638.
- Lacey, C. G., & Field, G. B. (1988). Energetic constraints on spectral distortions of the microwave background. Astrophysical Journal, 330(7), L1-L4.
- Lacey, C. G. (1988). The structure of shocks with thermal conduction and radiative cooling. Astrophysical Journal, 326, 769-778.
- Binney, J., & Lacey, C. (1988). The diffusion of stars through phase space. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 230(4), 597-627.
- Carr, B., & Lacey, C. (1987). Dark clusters in galactic halos?. Astrophysical Journal, 316, 23-35.
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