Staff profile
Professor Stuart Adams
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43618 |
Charles Adams was educated at Oulder Hill Community School in Rochdale. He studied Physics at Hertford College, Oxford University. He obtained a Masters by Research from McMaster University in Canada followed by a PhD from Strathclyde University in Glasgow. After post doctoral work in Germany and the US, he began a research group at Durham in October 1995. His main interests are in experimental quantum optics, in particular light-matter interactions in strongly-interacting atomic systems. He was awarded the Thomson medal by the Institute of Physics (IOP) in 2014 and the Holweck Prize by the French Physical Society and IOP in 2020 for pioneering work on quantum optics.
With I. G. Hughes he is author of the optics textbook, Optics f2f.
Research interests
- Quantum optics
Esteem Indicators
- 2020: IOP-SFP Holweck Prize 2020: IOP-SFP Holweck Prize 2020 awarded to Charles Adams
- 2014: Thomson medal and prize winner:
Authored book
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Chen, S., Reed, D., Downes, L. A., MacKellar, A. R., Almuhawish, N. F., Jamieson, M. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2021, December). THz electrometry with Rydberg atoms and all IR lasers. Presented at 2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., Macleod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2005, June). Loading of selected sites in an optical lattice using light-shift engineering. Presented at International Conference of Laser Spectroscopy, Aviemore
- Lee, H.-J., Adams, C., Davidson, N., Young, B., Weitz, M., Kasevich, M., & Chu, S. (1995, December). Dipole Trapping, Cooling in Traps, and Long Coherence Times
Journal Article
- Kay, A., Pachos, J. K., & Adams, C. S. (online). Graph State Preparation and Cluster Computation with Global Addressing of Optical Lattices
- Liu, Z.-K., Ding, D.-S., Yu, Y.-C., Busche, H., Shi, B.-S., Guo, G.-C., Adams, C. S., & Nori, F. (2024). Epidemic spreading and herd immunity in a driven non-equilibrium system of strongly-interacting atoms. Quantum Frontiers, 3, Article 23.
- Allinson, G., Jamieson, M. J., Mackellar, A. R., Downes, L. A., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2024). Simultaneous multiband radio-frequency detection using high-orbital-angular-momentum states in a Rydberg-atom receiver. Physical Review Research, 6(2), Article 023317.
- Ding, D., Bai, Z., Liu, Z., Shi, B., Guo, G., Li, W., & Adams, C. S. (2024). Ergodicity breaking from Rydberg clusters in a driven-dissipative many-body system. Science Advances, 10(9), Article eadl5893.
- Pritchett, J. D., Gallagher, L. A. P., Brewin, A., Wong, H. Q. X., Langbein, W., Lynch, S. A., Adams, C. S., & Jones, M. P. A. (2024). Giant microwave–optical Kerr nonlinearity via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide. APL Photonics, 9(3), Article 031303.
- Rotunno, A. P., Berweger, S., Prajapati, N., Simons, M. T., Artusio-Glimpse, A. B., Holloway, C. L., Jayaseelan, M., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2023). Detection of 3–300 MHz electric fields using Floquet sideband gaps by “Rabi matching” dressed Rydberg atoms. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(13), Article 134501.
- Wadenpfuhl, K., & Adams, C. S. (2023). Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor. Physical Review Letters, 131(14), Article 143002.
- Guttridge, A., Ruttley, D., Baldock, A., González-Férez, R., Sadeghpour, H., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2023). Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule. Physical Review Letters, 131(1), Article 013401.
- Benhemou, A., Angkhanawin, T., Adams, C. S., Browne, D. E., & Pachos, J. K. (2023). Universality of Z3 parafermions via edge-mode interaction and quantum simulation of topological space evolution with Rydberg atoms. Physical Review Research, 5(2), Article 023076.
- Downes, L. A., Whiting, D. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2022). Rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum beams using atom-based imaging. Optics Letters, 47(22), 6001-6004.
- Rogers, J. P., Gallagher, L. A., Pizzey, D., Pritchett, J. D., Adams, C. S., Jones, M. P., Hodges, C., Langbein, W., & Lynch, S. A. (2022). High-resolution nanosecond spectroscopy of even-parity Rydberg excitons in Cu2O. Physical Review B, 105(11), Article 115206.
- Gallagher, L. A., Rogers, J. P., Pritchett, J. D., Mistry, R. A., Pizzey, D., Adams, C. S., Jones, M. P., Grünwald, P., Walther, V., Hodges, C., Langbein, W., & Lynch, S. A. (2022). Microwave-optical coupling via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide. Physical Review Research, 4(1),
- Maxwell, J. L., Hughes, I. G., & Adams, C. S. (2022). White-light versus discrete wavelength measurements of Faraday dispersion and the Verdet constant. European Journal of Physics, 43(1), Article 015302.
- Christaller, F., Mäusezahl, M., Moumtsilis, F., Belz, A., Kübler, H., Alaeian, H., Adams, C. S., Löw, R., & Pfau, T. (2022). Transient Density-Induced Dipolar Interactions in a Thin Vapor Cell. Physical Review Letters, 128(17), Article 173401.
- Chen, S., Reed, D. J., MacKellar, A. R., Downes, L. A., Almuhawish, N. F., Jamieson, M. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2022). Terahertz electrometry via infrared spectroscopy of atomic vapor. Optica, 9(5), 485-491.
- Skljarow, A., Kübler, H., Adams, C., Pfau, T., Löw, R., & Alaeian, H. (2022). Purcell-enhanced dipolar interactions in nanostructures. Physical Review Research, 4(2),
- Spong, N. L., Jiao, Y., Hughes, O. D., Weatherill, K. J., Lesanovsky, I., & Adams, C. S. (2021). Collectively encoded Rydberg qubit. Physical Review Letters, 127(6), Article 063604.
- Lynch, S. A., Hodges, C., Mandal, S., Langbein, W., Singh, R. P., Gallagher, L. A., Pritchett, J. D., Pizzey, D., Rogers, J. P., Adams, C. S., & Jones, M. P. (2021). Rydberg excitons in synthetic cuprous oxide Cu2O. Physical Review Materials, 5(8), Article 084602.
- Ribeiro, S., Cutler, T. F., Adams, C. S., & Gardiner, S. A. (2021). Collective effects in the photon statistics of thermal atomic ensembles. Physical Review A, 104(1), Article 013719.
- Bai, Z., Adams, C. S., Huang, G., & Li, W. (2020). Self-Induced Transparency in Warm and Strongly Interacting Rydberg Gases. Physical Review Letters, 125(26), Article 263605.
- Gluyas, J., Adams, C., & Wilson, I. (2020). The theoretical potential for large-scale underground thermal energy storage (UTES) within the UK. Energy Reports, 6(7), 229-237.
- Cutler, T., Hamlyn, W., Renger, J., Whittaker, K., Pizzey, D., Hughes, I., Sandoghdar, V., & Adams, C. (2020). Nanostructured alkali-metal vapor cells. Physical Review Applied, 14(3), Article 034054.
- Ding, D.-S., Busche, H., Shi, B.-S., Guo, G.-C., & Adams, C. S. (2020). Phase Diagram and Self-Organizing Dynamics in a Thermal Ensemble of Strongly Interacting Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review X, 10(2), Article 021023.
- Möhl, C., Spong, N. L., Yuechun, J., So, C., Ilieva, T., Weidemüller, M., & Adams, C. S. (2020). Photon correlation transients in a weakly blockaded Rydberg ensemble. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53(8), Article 084005.
- Jackson, N., Hanley, R., Hill, M., Leroux, F., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2020). Number-resolved imaging of $^{88}$Sr atoms in a long working distance optical tweezer. SciPost Physics, 8(3), Article 038.
- Anderson, J., Gillen, C., Wright, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2020). Optical rotation of white light. American Journal of Physics, 88(3),
- Downes, L. A., MacKellar, A. R., Whiting, D. J., Bourgenot, C., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2020). Full-Field Terahertz Imaging at Kilohertz Frame Rates Using Atomic Vapor. Physical Review X, 10(1), Article 011027.
- Carr, D. L., Spong, N. L., Hughes, I. G., & Adams, C. S. (2020). Measuring the Faraday effect in olive oil using permanent magnets and Malus' law. European Journal of Physics, 41(2), Article 025301.
- Ogden, T. P., Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Wrathmall, S., Adams, C., & Potvliege, R. (2019). Quasisimultons in Thermal Atomic Vapors. Physical Review Letters, 123(24), Article 243604.
- So, C., Spong, N. L., Möhl, C., Jiao, Y., Ilieva, T., & Adams, C. S. (2019). Zeeman-tunable modulation transfer spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 44(21), 5374-5377.
- Dodds, A. B., Kendon, V., Adams, C. S., & Chancellor, N. (2019). Practical designs for permutation-symmetric problem Hamiltonians on hypercubes. Physical Review A, 100(3), Article 032320.
- Peyrot, T., Šibalić, N., Sortais, Y., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction by transmission spectroscopy in a wedged nanocell. Physical Review A, 100(2), Article 022503.
- Peyrot, T., Beurthe, C., Coumar, S., Roulliay, M., Perronet, K., Bonnay, P., Adams, C., Browaeys, A., & Sortais, Y. (2019). Fabrication and characterization of super-polished wedged borosilicate nano-cells. Optics Letters, 44(8), 1940-1943.
- Peyrot, T., Sortais, Y., Greffet, J.-J., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Optical Transmission of an Atomic Vapor in the Mesoscopic Regime. Physical Review Letters, 122(11), Article 113401.
- Peyrot, T., Keaveney, J., Sortais, Y. R., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I. G., Browaeys, A., & Adams, C. S. (2018). Collective Lamb shift of a nanoscale atomic vapor layer within a sapphire cavity. Physical Review Letters, 120(24), Article 243401.
- Whiting, D. J., Mathew, R. S., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(2), 119-128.
- Bettles, R. J., Minář, J., Adams, C. S., Lesanovsky, I., & Olmos, B. (2017). Topological properties of a dense atomic lattice gas. Physical Review A, 96(4), Article 041603(R).
- Whiting, D. J., Šibalić, N., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). Single-photon interference due to motion in an atomic collective excitation. Physical Review Letters, 118(25), Article 253601.
- Busche, H., Huillery, P., Ball, S. W., Ilieva, T., Jones, M. P., & Adams, C. S. (2017). Contactless nonlinear optics mediated by long-range Rydberg interactions. Nature Physics, 13(7), 655-658.
- Bettles, R. J., Gardiner, S. A., & Adams, C. S. (2016). Cooperative eigenmodes and scattering in one-dimensional atomic arrays. Physical Review A, 94(4), Article 043844.
- Firstenberg, O., Adams, C., & Hofferberth, S. (2016). Nonlinear quantum optics mediated by Rydberg interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49(15), Article 152003.
- Bettles, R. J., Gardiner, S. A., & Adams, C. S. (2016). Enhanced optical cross section via collective coupling of atomic dipoles in a 2D array. Physical Review Letters, 116(10), Article 103602.
- Bettles, R., Gardiner, S., & Adams, C. (2015). Cooperative ordering in lattices of interacting two-level dipoles. Physical Review A, 92(6), Article 063822.
- Barredo, D., Labuhn, H., Rayets, S., Lahaye, T., Browaeys, A., & Adams, C. (2015). Coherent Excitation Transfer in a Spin Chain of Three Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 114(11), Article 113002.
- Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2014). Optical Response of Gas-Phase Atoms at Less than λ/80 from a Dielectric Surface. Physical Review Letters, 112, Article 253201.
- Maxwell, D., Szwer, D., Barato, D., Busche, H., Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2014). Microwave control of the interaction between two optical photons. Physical Review A, 89(4), Article 043827.
- Paredes-Barato, D., & Adams, C. (2014). All-optical quantum information processing using Rydberg gates. Physical Review Letters, 112(4), Article 040501.
- Lochead, G., Boddy, D., Sadler, D., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2013). Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope. Physical Review A, 87(5), Article 053409.
- Maxwell, D., Szwer, D., Paredes-Barato, D., Busche, H., Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2013). Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons. Physical Review Letters, 110(10), Article 103001.
- Carr, C., Tanasittikosol, M., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Three-photon electromagnetically induced transparency using Rydberg states. Optics Letters, 37(18), 3858-3860
- Keaveney, J., Sargsyan, A., Krohn, U., Hughes, I., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2012). Cooperative Lamb Shift in an Atomic Vapor Layer of Nanometer Thickness. Physical Review Letters, 108(17), Article 173601.
- Weller, L., Dalton, T., Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Measuring the Stokes parameters for light transmitted by a high-density rubidium vapour in large magnetic fields. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(5), Article 055001.
- Pritchard, J., Adams, C., & Molmer, K. (2012). Correlated Photon Emission from Multiatom Rydberg Dark States. Physical Review Letters, 108(4), Article 043601.
- Weller, L., Kleinbach, K., Zentile, M., Knappe, S., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2012). Optical isolator using an atomic vapor in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Optics Letters, 37(16), 3405-3407.
- Weller, L., Kleinbach, K., Zentile, M., Knappe, S., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Absolute absorption and dispersion of a rubidium vapour in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(21),
- Carr, C., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Polarization spectroscopy of an excited state transition. Optics Letters, 37(1), 118-120.
- Tanasittikosol, M., Carr, C., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Subnatural linewidths in two-photon excited-state spectroscopy. Physical Review A, 85(3), Article 033830.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Optical preparation and measurement of atomic coherence at gigahertz bandwidth. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(12),
- West, A., Weatherill, K., Hayward, T., Fry, P., Schrefl, T., Gibbs, M., Adams, C., Allwood, D., & Hughes, I. (2012). Realization of the Manipulation of Ultracold Atoms with a Reconfigurable Nanomagnetic System of Domain Walls. Nano Letters, 12(8),
- Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2012). Maximal Refraction and Superluminal Propagation in a Gaseous Nanolayer. Physical Review Letters, 109(23), Article 233001.
- Weller, L., Bettles, R., Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2011). Absolute absorption on the rubidium D1 line including resonant dipole–dipole interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(19), Article 195006.
- Pohl, T., Adams, C., & Sadephpour, H. (2011). Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18, SI), Article 180201.
- Abel, R., Carr, C., Krohn, U., & Adams, C. (2011). Electrometry near a dielectric surface using Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review A, 84(2), Article 023408.
- Sevincli, S., Ates, C., Pohl, T., Schempp, H., Hofmann, C., Guenter, G., Amthor, T., Weidemueller, M., Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2011). Quantum interference in interacting three-level Rydberg gases: coherent population trapping and electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44,
- Tanasittikosol, M., Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2011). Microwave dressing of Rydberg dark states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184020.
- Haendel, S., Wiles, T., Marchant, A., Hopkins, S., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2011). Magnetic merging of ultracold atomic gases of (85)Rb and (87)Rb. Physical Review A, 83(5), Article 053633.
- Marchant, A. L., Haendel, S., Wiles, T. P., Hopkins, S. A., Adams, C. S., & Cornish, S. L. (2011). Off-resonance laser frequency stabilization using the Faraday effect. Optics Letters, 36(1), 64-66.
- Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2011). Optical non-linearity in a dynamical Rydberg gas. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18),
- Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2010). Cooperative Atom-Light Interaction in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 105(19), Article 193603.
- Sargsyan, A., Bason, M., Sarkisyan, D., Mohapatra, A., & Adams, C. (2010). Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Two-Photon Absorption in the Ladder System in Thin Columns of Atomic Vapors. Optics and Spectroscopy, 109(4), 529-537.
- Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Curran, P., Fry, P., Fundi, P., Gibbs, M., Schrefl, T., Adams, C., Hughes, I., Bending, S., & Allwood, D. (2010). Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(4),
- Bason, M., Tanasittikosol, M., Sargsyan, A., Mohapatra, A., Sarkisyan, D., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2010). Enhanced electric field sensitivity of rf-dressed Rydberg dark states. New Journal of Physics, 12, Article 065015.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2010). Optical control of Faraday rotation in hot Rb vapor. Physical Review A, 81(4), Article 043838.
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., & Adams, C. (2010). Dark soliton decay due to trap anharmonicity in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 81(3), Article 033606.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). Off-resonance absorption and dispersion in vapours of hot alkali-metal atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(17), Article 175004.
- Parker, N., Martin, A., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2009). Bright solitary waves of trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(15), 1456-1461.
- Siddons, P., Bell, N., Cai, Y., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). A gigahertz-bandwidth atomic probe based on the slow-light Faraday effect. Nature Photonics, 3(4), 225-229.
- Abel, R., Mohapatra, A., Bason, M., Pritchard, J., Weatherill, K., Raitzsch, U., & Adams, C. (2009). Laser frequency stabilization to excited state transitions using electromagnetically induced transparency in a cascade system. Applied Physics Letters, 94(7), Article 071107.
- Weatherill, K., Pritchard, J., Griffin, P., Dammalapati, U., Adams, C., & Riis, E. (2009). A versatile and reliably re-usable ultra-high vacuum viewport. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(2),
- Cornish, S., Parker, N., Martin, A., Judd, T., Scott, R., Fromhold, T., & Adams, C. (2009). Quantum reflection of bright matter-wave solitons. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(15), 1299-1305.
- Bridge, E., Millen, J., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2009). A vapor cell based on dispensers for laser spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(1), Article 013101.
- Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2009). Narrow absorptive resonances in a four-level atomic system. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(7),
- Abel, R., Krohn, U., Siddons, P., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2009). Faraday dichroic beam splitter for Raman light using an isotopically pure alkali-metal-vapor cell. Optics Letters, 34(20), 3071-3073.
- Mohapatra, A., Bason, M., Butscher, B., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2008). A giant electro-optic effect using polarizable dark states. Nature Physics, 4(11), 890-894.
- Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2008). Electro-optic control of atom-light interactions using Rydberg dark-state polaritons. Physical Review A, 77(3),
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., Ge, C., & Hughes, I. (2008). Absolute absorption on rubidium D lines: comparison between theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(15), Article 155004.
- Martin, A., Adams, C., & Gardiner, S. (2008). Bright solitary-matter-wave collisions in a harmonic trap: Regimes of solitonlike behavior. Physical Review A, 77(1),
- Weatherill, K., Pritchard, J., Abel, R., Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., & Adams, C. (2008). Electromagnetically induced transparency of an interacting cold Rydberg ensemble. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(20), Article 201002.
- Parker, N., Martin, A., Cornish, S., & Adams, C. (2008). Collisions of bright solitary matter waves. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(4), Article 045303.
- Mohapatra, A., Jackson, T., & Adams, C. (2007). Coherent optical detection of highly excited Rydberg states using electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review Letters, 98,
- Martin, A., Adams, C., & Gardiner, S. (2007). Bright matter-wave soliton collisions in a harmonic trap : regular and chaotic dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 98(2),
- Parker, N., Cornish, S., Adams, C., & Martin, A. (2007). Bright solitary waves and trapped solutions in Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(15), 3127-3142.
- Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2006). Photo-ionization in far-off-resonance optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 8,
- Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2006). Sagnac interferometry in a slow-light medium. Physical Review A, 74,
- Allwood, D., Schrefl, T., Hrkac, G., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2006). Mobile atom traps using magnetic nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 89(1),
- Harris, M., Adams, C., Cornish, S., McLeod, I., Tarleton, E., & Hughes, I. (2006). Polarization spectroscopy in rubidium and cesium. Physical Review A, 73(6), Article 062509.
- Kay, A., Pachos, J., & Adams, C. (2006). Graph-state preparation and quantum computation with global addressing of optical lattices. Physical Review A, 73(2), Article 022310.
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., MacLeod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2006). Spatially selective loading of an optical lattice by light-shift engineering using an auxiliary laser field. New Journal of Physics, 8(11),
- Parker, N., & Adams, C. (2006). Response of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate to a rotating ellipticaltrap. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39(1), 43-55.
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2005). Fast switching of alkali atom dispensers using laser induced heating. Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(9),
- Parker, N., & Adams, C. (2005). Emergence and decay of turbulence in stirred atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters, 95(14),
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., MacLeod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2005). Spatially selective loading of an optical lattice by light-shift engineering using an auxiliary laser field
- Barenghi, C., Parker, N., Proukakis, N., & Adams, C. (2005). Decay Of Quantised Vorticity By Sound Emission. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 138, 629-634
- Sakellari, E., Proukakis, N., & Adams, C. (2004). Tunnelling induced collapse of an atomic Bose–Einstein condensate in a double-well potential. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(18), 3681-3690.
- Proukakis, N., Parker, N., Frantzeskakis, D., & Adams, C. (2004). Analogies between dark solitons in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates and optical systems. Journal of optics. B, Quantum and semiclassical optics, 6(5, SI), S380-S391.
- Sakellari, E., Proukakis, N., Leadbeater, M., & Adams, C. (2004). Josephson tunnelling of a phase-imprinted Bose-Einstein condensate in a time-dependent double-well potential. New Journal of Physics, 6, Article 42.
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., Barenghi, C., & Adams, C. (2004). Controlled vortex-sound interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review Letters, 92(16),
- Proukakis, N., Parker, N., Barenghi, C., & Adams, C. (2004). Coupling Between Topological Excitations And The Background Sound Field In Atomic Bose-einstein Condensates. Laser Physics, 14, 284-290
- Purves, G., Jundt, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2004). Refractive index measurements by probe-beam deflection
- Sakellari, E., Proukakis, N., Leadbeater, M., & Adams, C. (2004). Josephson tunnelling of a phase-imprinted Bose Einstein condensate in a time-dependent double-well potential. New Journal of Physics, 6, 42-
- Proukakis, N., Parker, N., Barenghi, C., & Adams, C. (2004). Parametric driving of dark solitons in atomic bose-einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters, 93(13), Article 130408.
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., Barenghi, C., & Adams, C. (2004). Dynamical instability of a dark soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose Einstein condensate perturbed by an optical lattice. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37, 175-
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., Barenghi, C., & Adams, C. (2004). Dynamical instability of a dark soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate perturbed by an optical lattice. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(7), S175-S185.
- Jundt, G., Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2003). Non-linear Sagnac interferometry for pump-probe dispersion spectroscopy. The European Physical Journal D, 27(3), 273-276.
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., Leadbeater, M., & Adams, C. (2003). Deformation of dark solitons in inhomogeneous Bose–Einstein condensates. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36(13), 2891-2910.
- Parker, N., Proukakis, N., Leadbeater, M., & Adams, C. (2003). Soliton-sound interactions in quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters, 90(22),
- Cox, S., Griffin, P., Adams, C., DeMille, D., & Riis, E. (2003). Reusable ultrahigh vacuum viewport bakeable to 240 degrees C. Review of Scientific Instruments, 74(6), 3185-3187.
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