Staff profile
Christine Woodhead
Honorary Fellow (Ottoman History)

Affiliation |
Honorary Fellow (Ottoman History) in the Department of History |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Member of the Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies |
Chapter in book
- Woodhead, C. (2014). The gift of letters: correspondence between Nergisi and Veysi. In H. Aynur, B. Aydın, & M. B. Ülker (Eds.), Kitaplara vakfedilen bir ömre tuhfe İsmail E. Erünsal’a armağan (971-988). Ülke Yayınları
- Woodhead, C. (2014). Poet, patron and padisah: the Ottoman sultan Murad III (1574-95). In G. E. Gasper, & J. McKinnell (Eds.), Ambition and anxiety: courts and courtly discourse, c. 700-1600 (229-49). Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
- Woodhead, C. (2013). Writing to a Grand Vezir: Azmizade Efendi’s letters to Nasuh Paşa, 1611-1614. In M. İpşirli, F. M. Emecen, I. Keskin, & A. Ahmetbeyoğlu (Eds.), Osmanlı’nın izinde : Prof. Dr. Mehmed İpşirli armağanı (485-492). Timaş
- Woodhead, C. (2006). Estetik nesir [Literary prose]. In T. Halman (Ed.), Türk edebiyati tarihi (317-25). T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları
- Woodhead, C. (2006). Scribal chaos? Observations on the post of re'isülküttab in the late sixteenth century. In O. Özel, & E. Kermeli (Eds.), The Ottoman Empire: Myths, Realities and 'Black Holes'. Istanbul, Isis Press
- Woodhead, C. (2005). Murad III and the historians: representations of Ottoman imperial authority in late 16th century historiography. In H. Karateke, & M. Reinkowski (Eds.), Authority and Legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire (85-98). Brill Academic Publishers
- Woodhead, C. (2000). Puff and patronage: Ottoman takriz-writing and literacy recommendation in the 17th century. In C. Balim-Harding, & C. Imber (Eds.), The Balance of Truth. Essays in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Lewis (395-406). Istanbul, Isis Press
- Woodhead, C. (1999). The Ottoman gazaname: stylistic influences on the writing of campaign narratives. In K. Çiç&ek (Ed.), Great Ottoman Turkish Civilisation, III (55-60). Ankara, Yeni Türkiye
- Woodhead, C. (1995). Perspectives on Süleyman. In M. Kunt, & C. Woodhead (Eds.), Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age (164-90). Longman
- Woodhead, C. (1994). Ottoman historiography on the Hungarian campaigns: 1596 the Eger fethnamesi. In V. CIÉPO Sempozyumu (Ed.), Proceedings of the VIIIth Conference of the Comité des Études Ottomanes et Pré-Ottomances (CIÉPO), at Pécs, Hungary, 1986 (469-77). Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu
- Woodhead, C. (1992). Research on the Ottoman scribal service, c.1574-1630. In C. Fragner, & K. Schwarz (Eds.), Festgabe an Josef Matuz: Osmanistik - Turkologie - Diplomatik (311-28). Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag
- Woodhead, C. (1988). The Ottoman art of letter-writing: influences upon the career of the nişanci and prose-stylist Okçuzade (d.1630). In I. Erunsal, C. Ferrard, & C. Woodhead (Eds.), Osmanli araştirmalari, VII-VIII (143-59)
Edited book
- Woodhead, C. (Ed.). (2011). The Ottoman world. Routledge
- Woodhead, C., & Kunt, M. (Eds.). (1995). Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age: The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World. Longman (Turkish and Polish translations 1998)
- Woodhead, C., Erünsal, I., & Farrard, C. (Eds.). (1988). Osmanli araştirmalari (Journal of Ottoman Studies). VII-VIII, Istanbul, Enderun Kitabevi
Journal Article
- Woodhead, C. (2023). The Ottoman art of word-painting. Rhyme and reason in seventeenth-century Turkish literary letters. The Seventeenth Century, 38(5), 885-903 .
- Woodhead, C. (2008). Environment, communications and economy in the Ottoman Balkans and eastern Mediterranean
- Woodhead, C. (2008). Consolidating the empire: new views on Ottoman history 1453-1869. The English Historical Review, 123, 973-87
- Woodhead, C. (2007). Circles of correspondence: Ottoman letter-writing in the early seventeenth century
- Woodhead, C. (2007). Reading Ottoman sehnames: official historiography in the late sixteenth century. Studia Islamica, 104-105, 67-80
- Woodhead, C. (2007). After Celalzade: the Ottoman nişancı c.1560-1700
- Woodhead, C. (2002). The history of an Historie: Richard Knolles' Generall Historie of the Turkes 1603-1700
- Woodhead, C. (1993). Kuru kadı hikayesi: Peçevi, Ömer Seyfettin and the headless corpse
- Woodhead, C. (1987). 'The present terrour of the world'? Contemporary views of the Ottoman empire, c.1600. History, 72, 20-37
- Woodhead, C. (1983). An experiment in official historiography: the post of şehnameci in the Ottoman empire, c.1555-1605
- Woodhead, C. (1982). From scribe to littérateur: the career of a 16th-century Ottoman katib
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