Staff profile
Professor Clive Jones
Professor of Regional Security
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Regional Security in the School of Government and International Affairs | +44 (0) 191 33 45675 |
Member of the Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies |
Clive completed his PhD at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 1994. His thesis, which examined the political and social impact of the mass migration of Jews from the former Soviet Union upon Israeli conceptions of security was published soon after as a research monograph. Having taught for a year in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth, he moved to the University of Leeds where he eventually came to hold a Chair in Middle East Studies and International Politics. After 17 years at Leeds, Clive moved to the School of Government and International Affairs in February 2013 where he now holds a Chair in Regional Security (Middle East). In 2011, Clive was elected to a Fellowship of the Royal Historical Society and between 2013-16 was the Chair of the European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS). In 2018, he was awarded a Visiting Research Chair at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.
Clive’s research interests lie in three related areas: International Relations (particularly with regard to foreign and defence policy decision-making), Middle East studies (with a clear emphasis upon Israel and Gulf Security) and security studies (with emphasis upon low intensity conflict and the political and operational use of intelligence as it relates to the Middle East). His book Britain and the Yemen Civil War 1962-1965 (2004/2010) as well as recent articles in peer reviewed journals such as The Middle East Journal, Middle Eastern Studies, International Affairs, Journal of Strategic Studies, Intelligence and National Security and Studies in Conflict and Terrorism have explored many of these themes. In 2010, his work on British covert involvement in the Yemen civil War during the 1960s was the subject of a BBC documentary In 2019, he was interviewed for the ZDF (Germany) documentary, Geheime Israel: Der Mossad (Secret Israel: The Mossad).
Research interests
- Israeli foreign and security policy
- Gulf Security
- Civil-Military relations in the Middle East
- Intelligence and National Security
Esteem Indicators
- 2018: Visiting Research Professor: Department of Historical & Classical Studies, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
- 2013: European Association of Israel Studies: Chair from 2013-2016
- 2011: Fellowship of the Royal Historical Society: In 2011, Professor Clive Jones was elected to a Fellowship of the Royal Historical Society
- 2002: Senior Visiting Research Fellow: In 2002, Professor Jones was a senior visiting research fellow in the Department of Political Science, University of Haifa
- 2000: Editorial Board Member: Middle Eastern Studies, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Israel Studies Review, Fathow
- 2000: Plenary lectures: Professor Jones has given plenary lectures and papers to a host of think tanks, research institutes, university departments and government agencies across the world, the most recent including:
- Israeli Intelligence Commemoration Centre Tel Aviv (2018),
- Royal United Services Institute London (2017),
- Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT) Manama (2016),
- The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Arts, Trondheim (2013).
- The Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo (2011),
- US Army War College in Carlisle PA (2005)
- 2000: Co-editor: SSCI ranked journal Civil Wars (2007-10).
Authored book
- Jones, C. (2019). The Clandestine Lives of Colonel David Smiley: 'Code Name Grin'. Edinburgh University Press
- Jones, C., & Guzansky, Y. (2019). Fraternal Enemies: Israel and the Gulf Monarchies. Hurst/Oxford University Press
- Jones, C. (2010). Britain and the Yemen civil War 1962-1965. (2nd ed). Sussex Academic Press
- Jones, C., & Murphy, E. (2001). Israel: Challenges to Identity, Democracy and the State. Routledge
- Jones, C. (1996). Soviet Jewish Aliyah: Impact and Implications for Israel and the Middle East. Frank Cass
Chapter in book
- Jones, C. (2019). Israel and the Gulf-States: Regimes, Rivalry and Regional Security. In Israel in a Turbulent Region: Security and Foreign Policy. Routledge
- Jones, C. (2013). Gone But Not Forgotten? The Occasional Lessons of the October 1973 War. In A. Siniver (Ed.), The October 1973 War (249-264). Hurst
- Jones, C. (2013). Israel’s Insurgent Citizens: Contesting the State – Demanding the Land. In G. Joffé (Ed.), Islamist Radicalisation in Europe and the Middle East: Reassessing the Causes of Terrorism (200-213). I. B. Tauris
- Jones, C. (2012). A Guiding Hand or Controlling Grasp? Britain, Intelligence and the War in Oman 1970-76. In J. R. Macris, & S. Kelly (Eds.), Imperial Crossroads: The Great Powers and the Persian Gulf (91-107). Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute Press
- Jones, C. (2012). From the deniable to the acceptable?’ Britain, intelligence and covert action in Yemen and Oman, 1962-1976. In T. T. Petersen (Ed.), Challenging Retrenchment: The United States, Great Britain and the Middle East (141-172). Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press/NTNU
- Jones, C. (2010). Israel and the Al-Aqsa Intifada: The Conceptzia of Terror’. In A. Siniver (Ed.), International Terrorism Post 9-11 (126-143). Routledge
- Jones, C. (2008). Britain, Covert Action and the Yemen Civil War 1962-1967. In Z. Levey, & E. Podeh (Eds.), Britain and the Middle East: From Imperial Power to Junior Partner (248-263). Brighton: Sussex Academic Press
- Jones, C. (2006). Israel: Major Beneficiary. In R. Fawn, & R. Hinnebusch (Eds.), The Iraq War: Causes and Consequences (187-185). Lynne Rienner
- Jones, C. (2002). Israel’s Foreign Policy. In A. Ehteshami, & R. Hinnebusch (Eds.), The Foreign Policies of Middle East States (115-138). Lynne Rienner
Edited book
- Jones, C., & Peterson, T. (Eds.). (2021). Grand Strategy in the Contemporary Middle East: The Concepts and the Debates. Berlin/London: Gerlach Press
- Jones, C., & Brehony, N. (Eds.). (2020). Britain's Departure from Aden and South Arabia: Without Glory but Without Disaster. Berlin/London: Gerlach Press
- Jones, C. (Ed.). (2017). Britain and State Formation in Arabia. Routledge
- Jones, C., & Pedersen, T. T. (Eds.). (2013). Israel’s Clandestine Diplomacies. London/New York: Hurst/Oxford University Press
- Jones, C., & Catignani, S. (Eds.). (2012). Israel and Hizbollah: An Asymmetric Conflict in Historic and Comparative Perspective. Routledge
- Jones, C., & Pedahzur, A. (Eds.). (2005). Between Terrorism and Civil Wars: The Al-Aqsa Intifada. Routledge
- Jones, C., & Kennedy Pipe, C. (Eds.). (2000). International Security Issues in a Global Age. Frank Cass
Journal Article
- Jones, C., & Petersen, T. T. (online). Hostages to Fortunes: Britain, The Gulf Monarchies and the Incarceration of UK Nationals. The International History Review, 1-17.
- Petersen, T. T., & Jones, C. (2023). British Revival and American Decline? Anglo-American Relations and the Persian Gulf 1979–1987. The International History Review, 45(5), 807-823.
- Jones, C. (2022). Anthropologists, Topographers, Diplomats, and Spies: Royal Air Force Intelligence Officers in South Arabia 1954–1959. Middle Eastern Studies, 58(3), 402-420.
- Jones, C. (2021). Getting the Better of the Bargain: Technical Intelligence, Arms Sales, and Anglo-Israeli Relations 1967–1974. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 32(3), 531 - 553.
- Jones, C. (2020). Moving off the Gold Standard: Energy, Security, “Stateness”, and the Nuclearisation of the Gulf. Journal of Arabian Studies, 10(1),
- Jones, C. A., & Guzansky, Y. (2017). Israel's relations with the Gulf states: Toward the emergence of a tacit security regime?. Contemporary Security Policy, 38(3), 398-419.
- Jones, C. (2015). Israel’s Security Nexus as Strategic Restraint: The Case of Iran 2009–2013. Journal of Strategic Studies, 41(1-2), 160-180.
- Jones, C. A. (2014). Military intelligence and the war in Dhofar: An appraisal. Small Wars and Insurgencies, 25(3), 628-646.
- Jones, C., & Milton-Edwards, B. (2013). Missing the 'devils' we knew? Israel and Political Islam amid the Arab Awakening. International Affairs, 89(2), 399-415.
- Jones, C. (2012). Good Friends in Low Places? The British Secret Intelligence Service and the Jewish Agency 1939-1945. Middle Eastern Studies, 48(3), 413-428.
- Jones, C. (2011). Military Intelligence, Tribes and Britian's War in Dhofar, 1970-1976. The Middle East journal, 65(4), 557-574.
- Jones, C. (2011). The Tribes that Bind: Yemen and the Paradox of Political Violence. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 34(12), 902-916.
- Jones, C. (2009). The Writing on the Wall: Israel, the Security Barrier and the Future of Zionism. Mediterranean Politics, 14(1), 3-20.
- Jones, C. (2009). What's Left of the Left in Israel? The shadow of the February 2009 National Election. Asian Affairs, 41(1), 20-34.
- Jones, C. (2006). Where the state feared to tread: Britain and the Yemen Civil War. Intelligence and National Security, 21(5), 717-737
- Jones, C. (2006). Private Military Companies as "Epistemic Communities”. Civil Wars, 8(3-4), 355-372.
- Jones, C. (2004). Among Ministers, Mavericks and Mandarins: Britain, Covert Action and the Yemen Civil War 1962-64. Middle Eastern Studies, 40(1), 99-126.
- Jones, C. (2003). One Size Fits All: Israel, Intelligence and the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 26(4), 271-286.
- Jones, C. (2001). A Reach Greater than the Grasp: Israel, Intelligence and the War in South Lebanon 1990-2000. Intelligence and National Security, 16(1), 1-26.
- Jones, C. (1999). Israel’s Democracy at Fifty: From Resilience to Residue. Democratization, 6(1), 155-178.
- Jones, C. (1999). Ideo-theology and the Jewish State: Conflict or Conciliation. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 26(1), 9-26.
- Jones, C., & Stone, J. (1997). Britain and the Arabian Gulf: New Perspectives on Strategic Influence. International Relations, 13(4), 1-24
- Jones, C. (1997). Israeli counter-insurgency strategy and the War in South Lebanon. Small Wars and Insurgencies, 8(3), 82-108.
- Jones, C. (1995). Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War: The Internal-External Security Dilemma. International Relations, 12(6), 31-51.
- Jones, C. (1994). Arab Responses to Soviet Jewish Aliyah 1989-92. Israel Affairs, 1(2), 267-287