Staff profile

Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Physics |
Lecturer in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology |
Conference Paper
- Ferroglia, A., Marzani, S., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2014, December). Boosted Top Quark Pair Production in Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Presented at 2nd Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2014), New York, USA
- Pecjak, B. D. (2008, December). NNLO corrections to anti-B --> X(u) l anti-nu and the determination of |V(ub)|. Presented at Proceedings, 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008)
- Pecjak, B. D. (2008, December). Soft-collinear effective theory approach to factorization and resummation in DIS at large x. Presented at 16th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2008)
- Pecjak, B. D. (2008, December). Theory Review of Exclusive Rare Radiative Decays. Presented at Proceedings, 6th Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2008)
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Jiang, M., Pecjak, B. D., Perez, G., & Sankaranarayanan, S. (2024). Lorentz violating backgrounds from quadratic, shift-symmetric, ultralight dark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(8), Article 114.
- Biekötter, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Smith, T. (2024). Using the effective weak mixing angle as an input parameter in SMEFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(4), Article 73.
- Biekötter, A., Pecjak, B. D., Scott, D. J., & Smith, T. (2023). Electroweak input schemes and universal corrections in SMEFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7), Article 115.
- Cullen, J. M., & Pecjak, B. D. (2020). Higgs decay to fermion pairs at NLO in SMEFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(11), Article 79.
- Czakon, M., Ferroglia, A., Mitov, A., Pagani, D., Papanastasiou, A. S., Pecjak, B. D., Scott, D. J., Tsinikos, I., Wang, X., Yang, L. L., & Zaro, M. (2020). Top quark pair production at complete NLO accuracy with NNLO+NNLL′ corrections in QCD. Chinese Physics C, 44(8), Article 083104.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Frederix, R., Pagani, D., Pecjak, B. D., & Tsinikos, I. (2019). Top-quark pair hadroproduction in association with a heavy boson at NLO+NNLL including EW corrections. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(8), Article 39.
- Pecjak, B. D., Scott, D. J., Wang, X., & Yang, L. L. (2019). Resummation for rapidity distributions in top-quark pair production. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(3), Article 60.
- Gauld, R., Haisch, U., & Pecjak, B. D. (2019). Asymmetric heavy-quark hadroproduction at LHCb: predictions and applications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(3), Article 166.
- Czakon, M., Ferroglia, A., Heymes, D., Mitov, A., Pecjak, B. D., Scott, D. J., Wang, X., & Yang, L. L. (2018). Resummation for (boosted) top-quark pair production at NNLO+NNLL′ in QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(5), Article 149.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Ossola, G., Pecjak, B. D., & Sameshima, R. D. (2017). Associated production of a top pair and a Z boson at the LHC to NNLL accuracy. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(04), Article 105.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B., & Yang, L. (2017). NNLL resummation for the associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(2), Article 126.
- Becher, T., Pecjak, B. D., & Shao, D. Y. (2016). Factorization for the light-jet mass and hemisphere soft function. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(12), Article 18.
- Gauld, R., Pecjak, B., & Scott, D. (2016). QCD radiative corrections for h→bb¯ in the standard model dimension-6 effective field theory. Physical Review D, 94(7), Article 074045.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Ossola, G., & Pecjak, B. (2016). Associated production of a top pair and a W boson at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(09), Article 089.
- Pecjak, B. D., Scott, D. J., Wang, X., & Yang, L. L. (2016). Resummed differential cross sections for top-quark pairs at the LHC. Physical Review Letters, 116(20), Article 202001.
- Gauld, R., Pecjak, B. D., & Scott, D. J. (2016). One-loop corrections to h → bb¯ and h → ττ¯ decays in the Standard Model dimension-6 EFT: four-fermion operators and the large-m t limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(5), Article 080.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B. D., Signer, A., & Yang, L. L. (2016). Associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson beyond NLO. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(3), Article 124.
- Gauld, R., Haisch, U., Pecjak, B. D., & Re, E. (2015). Beauty-quark and charm-quark pair production asymmetries at LHCb. Physical Review D, 92(3), Article 034007.
- Broggio, A., Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Zhang, Z. (2014). NNLO hard functions in massless QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(12), Article 005.
- Bobeth, C., Haisch, U., Lenz, A., Pecjak, B., & Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, G. (2014). On new physics in Delta Gammad. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6), Article 40.
- Ferroglia, A., Marzani, S., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2014). Boosted top production: factorization and resummation for single-particle inclusive distributions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(1), Article 028.
- Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2013). Top-quark pair production at high invariant mass: an NNLO soft plus virtual approximation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(9), Article 032.
- Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2012). The NNLO soft function for the pair invariant mass distribution of boosted top quarks. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(10), Article 180.
- Ferroglia, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2012). Soft-gluon resummation for boosted top-quark production at hadron colliders. Physical Review D, 86(3), Article 034010.
- Kidonakis, N., & Pecjak, B. D. (2012). Top-quark production and QCD. The European Physical Journal C, 72(7), Article 2084.
- Ahrens, V., Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2011). Top-pair forward-backward asymmetry beyond next-to-leading order. Physical Review D, 84(7), Article 074004.
- Ahrens, V., Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L.-L. (2011). RG-improved single-particle inclusive cross sections and forward-backward asymmetry in tt¯tt¯ production at hadron colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(9), Article 070.
- Ahrens, V., Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2011). production cross section at hadron colliders. Physics Letters B, 703(2), 135-141.
- Mannel, T., Pecjak, B., & Pivovarov, A. (2011). Sum rule estimate of the subleading non-perturbative contributions to B s –B¯sB¯s mixing. The European Physical Journal C, 71(4), Article 1607.
- Ahrens, V., Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2010). Renormalization-Group Improved Predictions for Top-Quark Pair Production at Hadron Colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(9), Article 97.
- Antonelli, M., Asner, D., Bauer, D., Becher, T., Beneke, M., Bevan, A., Blanke, M., Bloise, C., Bona, M., Bondar, A., Bozzi, C., Brod, J., Buras, A., Cabibbo, N., Carbone, A., Cavoto, G., Cirigliano, V., Ciuchini, M., Coleman, J., Cronin-Hennessy, D., …Zupan, J. (2010). Flavor physics in the quark sector. Physics Reports, 494(3-4), 197-414.
- Greub, C., Neubert, M., & Pecjak, B. (2010). NNLO corrections to B¯→Xuℓν¯ℓ and the determination of |V ub |. The European Physical Journal C, 65(3-4), 501-515.
- Ahrens, V., Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2010). Threshold expansion at order alpha(s)**4 for the t t-bar invariant mass distribution at hadron colliders. Physics Letters B, 687(4-5), 331-337.
- Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2009). Two-loop divergences of QCD scattering amplitudes with massive partons. Physical Review Letters, 103(20), Article 201601.
- Ferroglia, A., Neubert, M., Pecjak, B. D., & Yang, L. L. (2009). Two-loop divergences of massive scattering amplitudes in non-abelian gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(11),
- Asatrian, H., Greub, C., & Pecjak, B. (2008). Next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to anti-B ---> X(u) l anti-nu in the shape-function region. Physical Review D, 78(11), Article 114028.
- Ali, A., Pecjak, B. D., & Greub, C. (2008). Towards B→Vγ decays at NNLO in SCET. The European Physical Journal C, 55(4), 577-595.
- Becher, T., Neubert, M., & Pecjak, B. D. (2007). Factorization and Momentum-Space Resummation in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. Journal of High Energy Physics, 01,
- Boos, H., Feldmann, T., Mannel, T., & Pecjak, B. (2006). Can anti-B --> X(c) l anti-nu l help us extract |V(ub)|?. Journal of High Energy Physics, 05,
- Boos, H., Feldmann, T., Mannel, T., & Pecjak, B. (2006). Shape functions from anti-B --> X(c)l anti-nu(l). Physical Review D, D73,
- Beneke, M., Campanario, F., Mannel, T., & Pecjak, B. (2005). Power corrections to anti-B --> X(u) l anti-nu (X(s) gamma) decay spectra in the 'shape-function' region. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06,
- Pecjak, B. D. (2005). Non-factorizable contributions to deep inelastic scattering at large x. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10,
- Neubert, M., & Pecjak, B. D. (2002). Higher order corrections to QCD factorization in B --> pi K, pi pi decays. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002(02), Article 028.
- Becher, T., Neubert, M., & Pecjak, B. D. (2001). Asymptotics of QCD factorization in exclusive hadronic decays of B mesons. Nuclear Physics B, B619, 538-564.
Supervision students
Ery McPartland
PGR Student
Livia Maskos
PGR Student