Staff profile
Dr Behzad Kazemtabrizi
Associate Professor, Director of Education
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor, Director of Education in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 41734 |
I received my PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering emphasising on Power Systems from the University of Glasgow in 2011. Shortly after I joined the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Durham University where I worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) from February 2012 till September 2013. I have been with the Department of Engineering (formerly School of Engineering and Computer Science) at Durham University first as an Assistant Professor between September 2013 - July 2020 and as an Associate Professor since July 2020.
My principal research interests are in advanced electrical power systems modelling, analysis, simulation and optimisation for improving performance and reliability of future flexible power systems.
I have in the past looked at problems that encompass reliability of large-scale offshore wind farms (e.g. UK round 3 developments) where I have focused on efficient and reliable grid integration of the wind farm to the grid. The research covers a wide variety of subjects, from developing tools for evaluating effects of large scale wind power in system adequacy (ability to meet demand), cost-benefit analysis of deploying alternative offshore connections, and integration of energy storage for maintaining performance standards within the whole power network.
I have lately been working on flexible power systems especially hybrid AC/DC networks with an outlook of planning and optimising the operation of such systems. In this context, I am interested at looking at operational aspects in which the controllability and reliability of the system is improved by employing flexible power flow control. This research area focuses on both large-scale integration of HVDC systems within existing AC transmission systems as well as integration of AC/DC networks in distribution networks.
I have used a variety of computational packages over the years including MATLAB based MATPOWER power systems simulation package, PSCAD/EMTDC for dynamic simulations in power systems, and general- purpose model-based language packages such as AIMMS for optimisation problems.
I am interested in hearing from prospective PhD students who may be intersted in pursuing a research career into advanced topics of power systems operation and reliability. I am also interested in students in relevant areas of mathematics and physics, particularly data sciences, and statistics who are looking for applied problems in future energy/power systems.
Research interests
- Advanced Power Systems Modelling
- Decision Making under Uncertainty
- Flexibility and Resiliency in Future Power Systems
- Power Electronics (FACTS/HVDC)
- Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems
- Optimal Power Flows
- Renewable Energy Integration (Wind Power)
- Power System Dynamics
Authored book
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Liu, J., Kazemtabrizi, B., Du, H., Matthews, P., & Sun, H. (2024, November). An Integrated Stacked Sparse Autoencoder and CNN-BLSTM Model for Ultra-Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting with Advanced Feature Learning. Presented at 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chicago, USA
- Parker, S., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, December). Comparison of ARIMA, FARIMA, and LSTM methods for day-ahead forecasting for scenario generation for wind power systems. Paper presented at Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2023, Glasgow, UK
- Pina-Gongora, D. C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, May). Multivariate CNN-LSTM model for wind power forecast and input variables correlation analysis based on SHAPLEY values. Paper presented at Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2023, Glasgow, UK
- Saxena, I., Kazemtabrizi, B., Troffaes, M. C., & Crabtree J., C. (2024, May). Data-Driven Infrastructure Planning for Offshore Wind Farms. Presented at Torque 2024, Florence, Italy
- Khadijah Hamzah, S., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2024, June). Minimising the Impact of Contingency in Multiple-Period Short Term Operational Planning with RAS-FUBM For Wind Integration. Presented at PEMD 2024: Power Electronics, Machines and Drives 13th International Conference, Nottingham, UK
- Adeniji, O., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, June). Stochastic Optimization of an Active Network Management Scheme for a DER-Rich Distribution Network Comprising Various Aggregators. Presented at EEEIC2023: 23rd International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Madrid, Spain
- Thomas, H., Sun, H., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, March). Calculating the Maximum Penetration of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks with Renewable Energy and V2G. Presented at ISGT ME 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Hamzah, S. K., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, June). Optimum operational planning of wind-integrated power systems with embedded Multi-terminal High Voltage Direct Current Links using the Flexible Universal Branch Model. Presented at EEEIC2023: 23rd International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Madrid, Spain
- Higuera, G., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2023, June). Network reconfiguration under a stochastic optimisation framework for Day-Ahead Operation Planning for Future Distribution Networks. Presented at 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy
- Pina-Gongora, D. C., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. (2022, October). Performance comparison of Probabilistic and Artificial Neural Network Models for Long-sequence Generation of Wind Speed Forecasts. Presented at 21st Wind and Solar Integration Workshop (WIW 2022), The Hague, Netherlands
- Cruz Victorio, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2023, June). Price Forecast Methodologies Comparison for Microgrid Control with Multi-Agent Systems. Presented at 14th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference, Madrid, Spain
- Cruz Victorio, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2020, June). Distributed Real-Time Power Management in Microgrids using Multi-agent Control with Provisions of Fault Tolerance. Presented at 29th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Delft, Netherlands
- Li, X., Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. J. (2020, December). Optimisation of Large Offshore Wind Farm Layout Considering Reliability and Wake Effect. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2020, London
- Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. J. (2019, December). Impacts of Reliability on Operational Performance and Cost of Energy Evaluation of Multimegawatt, Far-offshore Wind Turbines. Presented at ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE) 2019, Glasgow, UK
- Bains, H., Kazemtabrizi, B., Madariaga, A., & Troffaes, M. C. (2019, July). Using interval dominance and Gamma-maximin for decision making in offshore power transmission. Paper presented at ISIPTA 2019, Ghent, Belgium
- Cruz Victorio, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2019, December). Decentralised Real-time Optimisation of Power Management in Microgrids Using Multi-Agent Control. Presented at 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Perth, Australia
- Thompson, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., Crabtree, C., Dao, C., Dinmohamdi, F., & Flynn, D. (2019, February). Reliability and Economic Evaluation of High Voltage Direct Current interconnectors for large-scale renewable energy integration and transmission. Presented at 15th IET International conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, Coventry, UK
- Bains, H., Madariaga, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Troffaes, M. C. (2019, December). The Impact of Offshore Transmission Regulatory Regimes on Technology Choices. Presented at CIGRE Symposium, Aalborg
- Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. J. (2019, December). Modelling the Effects of Reliability and Maintenance on Levelised Cost of Wind Energy. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- Cervantes, C., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Troffaes, M. (2018, October). Contingency Ranking in Power Systems via Reliability Rates. Presented at 18th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Palermo, Italy
- Bustos, A., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2018, December). Flexible General Branch Model Unified Power Flow Algorithm for Future Flexible AC/DC Networks. Presented at 18th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Palermo, Italy
- Meng, F., Kazemtabrizi, B., Zeng, X., & Dent, C. (2017, September). An Optimal Differential Pricing in Smart Grid Based on Customer Segmentation. Presented at 7th IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies “ISGT Europe 2017”., Torino, Italy
- Heylen, E., Deconinck, G., Van Hertem, D., Troffaes, M. C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2017, September). Qualitative comparison of techniques for evaluating performance of short term power system reliability management. Presented at ISGT Europe 2017, Torino, Italy
- Ibrahim, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., Bordin, C., Dent, C., McTigue, J., & White, A. (2017, June). Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage for Active Distribution Network Applications. Presented at 12th IEEE PES Powertech Conference 2017., Manchester, England
- Ibrahim, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Dent, C. (2016, December). Operational Planning and Optimisation in Active Distribution Networks using Modern Intelligent Power Flow Controllers. Presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Sheehy, S., Edwards, G., Dent, C., Kazemtabrizi, B., Troffaes, M., & Tindemans, S. (2016, October). Impact of high wind penetration on variability of unserved energy in power system adequacy. Presented at International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Beijing, China
- Chappa, H., Thakur, T., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2016, June). A new voltage instability detection index based on real-time synchronophasor measurements. Presented at 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Florence, Italy
- Shahbazi, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Dent, C. (2016, December). Coordinated Control of DC Voltage Magnitudes and State of Charges in a Cluster of DC Microgrids. Presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Ahmad, T., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2015, November). Analysis of Two Onshore Wind Farms with a Dynamic Farm Controller. Presented at EWEA 2015, Paris, France
- Ahmad, T., Matthews, P., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Smith, C. (2015, September). Dynamic Wind Farm Controller. Presented at 11th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe., Stuttgart, Germany
- Smith, C., Crabtree, C., Matthews, P., & Kazemtabrizi, B. Modelling and Evaluation of Wind Speed Time Series for Reliability Analysis of Offshore Wind Farms. Presented at 10th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, EAWE., Orléans, France
- Ahmad, T., Smith, C., Matthews, P., Crabtree, C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. Determining the Wind Speed Distribution within a Wind Farm considering Site Wind Characteristics and Wake Effects. Presented at 10th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, EAWE., Orléans, France
- Kazemtabrizi, B., & Hogg, S. (2014, June). A New Simulation and Control Model for a Variable Speed Variable Pitch Direct Drive Large Offshore Wind Turbine Generator With Integrated Energy Storage. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Kazemtabrizi, B., Crabtree, C., & Hogg, S. (2013, June). Reliability Evaluation of New Offshore Wind Farm Electrical Grid Connection Topologies. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, USA
- Kazemtabrizi, B., & Acha, E. (2012, December). A comparison study between mathematical models of Static VAR Compensators aimed at optimal power flow solutions. Presented at 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
Journal Article
- Rajabdorri, M., Troffaes, M. C. M., Kazemtabrizi, B., Sarvarizadeh, M., Sigrist, L., & Lobato, E. (2025). Data-driven estimation of the amount of under frequency load shedding in small power systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 139(Part B), Article 109617.
- Lai, C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2024). A novel data-driven tighten-constraint method for wind-hydro hybrid power system to improve day-ahead plan performance in real-time operation. Applied Energy, 371, Article 123616.
- Rajabdorri, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., Troffaes, M., Sigrist, L., & Lubato, E. (2023). Inclusion of frequency nadir constraint in the unit commitment problem of small power systems using machine learning. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 36, Article 101161.
- Cruz-Victorio, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2023). Real-time resilient Microgrid power management based on multi-agent systems with price forecast. IET Smart Grid, 6(2), 190-204.
- Cruz Victorio, M. E., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shahbazi, M. (2022). Statistical Evaluation of Wind Speed Forecast Models for Microgrid Distributed Control. IET Smart Grid, 5(5), 347-362.
- Ferrandon-Cervantes, C., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Troffaes, M. (2022). Inclusion of Frequency Stability Constraints in Unit Commitment Using Separable Programming. Electric Power Systems Research, 203, Article 107669.
- Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., Crabtree, C. J., & Tavner, P. J. (2021). Integrated condition-based maintenance modelling and optimisation for offshore wind farms. Wind Energy, 24(11), 1180-1198.
- Thomas, H., Sun, H., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2021). Closest Energy Matching: Improving peer‐to‐peer energy trading auctions for EV owners. IET Smart Grid, 4(4), 445-460.
- Alvarez-Bustos, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., Shahbazi, M., & Acha, E. (2021). Universal Branch Model for the Solution of Optimal Power Flows in Hybrid AC/DC Grids. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 126(Part A), Article 106543.
- Bains, H., Madariaga, A., Troffaes, M. C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2020). An Economic Model for Offshore Transmission Asset Planning Under Severe Uncertainty. Renewable Energy, 160, 1174-1184.
- Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. J. (2020). Offshore Wind Turbine Reliability and Operational Simulation under Uncertainties. Wind Energy, 23(10), 1919-1938.
- Dao, C. D., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Crabtree, C. J. (2019). Wind Turbine Reliability Data Review and Impacts on Levelised Cost of Energy. Wind Energy, 22(12), 1848-1871.
- Asrul Ibrahim, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Renedo, J. (2019). Security-constrained day-ahead operational planning for flexible hybrid AC/DC distribution networks. Applied Sciences, 9(21), Article 4685.
- Zhang, Y., Meng, F., Wang, R., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Shi, J. (2019). Uncertainty-resistant Stochastic MPC Approach for Optimal Operation of CHP Microgrid. Energy, 179, 1265-1278.
- Renedo, J., Ibrahim, A., Kazemtabrizi, B., Garcia-Cerrada, A., Rouco, L., Zhao, Q., & Garcia-Gonzalez, J. (2019). A simplified algorithm to solve optimal power flows in hybrid VSC-based AC/DC systems. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 110, 781-794.
- Ahmad, T., Basit, A., Ahsan, M., Coupiac, O., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2019). Implementation and Analyses of Yaw Based Coordinated Control of Wind Farms. Energies, 12(7), Article 1266.
- Ahmad, T., Basit, A., Anwar, J., Coupiac, O., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2019). Fast Processing Intelligent Wind Farm Controller for Production Maximisation. Energies, 12(3), Article 544.
- Ahmad, T., Coupliac, O., Petit, A., Guignard, S., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2018). Field Implementation and Trial of Coordinated Control of Wind Farms. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 1169-1176.
- Kazemtabrizi, B., & Acha, E. (2014). An Advanced STATCOM Model for Optimal Power Flows Using Newton's Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(2), 514-525.
- Acha, E., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Castro, L. (2013). A New VSC-HVDC Model for Power Flows Using the Newton-Raphson Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3), 2602-2612.
- Acha, E., & Kazemtabrizi, B. (2013). A New STATCOM Model for Power Flows Using the Newton–Raphson Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3), 2455-2465.