Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43567 |
Professor in the Institute for Computational Cosmology | +44 (0) 191 33 43567 |
Academic Career
- 10/2016-06/2019: Reader, Department of Physics, Durham University
- 10/2014-09/2016: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Durham University
- 10/2011-09/2014: Lecturer in Theoretical Astrophysics, Department of Physics, Durham University
- 10/2011-09/2014: Royal Astronomical Society Research Fellow, Institute for Computational Comology, Durham University
- 10/2009-09/2011: Research Fellow in Applied Mathematics (JRF), Queens' College, University of Cambridge
- 10/2009-09/2011: Research Associate, Department of Applied Maths & Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
- 10/2009-09/2011: Research Associate, Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy, University fo Cambridge
- 2006-2009: PhD in Applied Mathematics, Queens' College, University of Cambridge, the United Kingdom
- 2004-2006: MPhil in Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 2000-2004: BSc in Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Teaching and Mentoring
- Lecturer for Level 3/4 course "Cosmology"
- Mentor for the University College
- Adviser for Level 1 Physics & Natural Science students
- Supervisor for Level 4 project (Physics)
Research interests
- accelerated cosmic expansion and cosmological tests of gravity
- large scale structure
- weak gravitational lensing
- numerical simulations
- cosmic voids
- numerical relativity
- reconstuction and BAO
Authored book
Conference Paper
- Cai, Y., Padilla, N., & Li, B. (2015, December). Testing gravity using void profiles. Presented at The Zeldovich Universe, Tallinn, Estonia
- Padilla, N., Paz, D., Lares, M., Ceccarelli, L., Garcia Lambas, D., Cai, Y., & Li, B. (2015, December). Void dynamics. Presented at The Zeldovich Universe, Tallinn, Estonia
Journal Article
- Li, Y., Zhu, H., & Li, B. Reconstructing features in the primordial power spectrum [preprint]. Manuscript submitted for publication
- Li, B., Chu, M.-C., Cheung, K.-C., & Tang, A. (online). Dark energy as a signature of extra dimensions
- Zhang, H., Li, B., Weinzierl, T., & Barrera-Hinojosa, C. (2025). ExaGRyPE: Numerical general relativity solvers based upon the hyperbolic PDEs solver engine ExaHyPE. Computer Physics Communications, 307, Article 109435.
- Collier, M., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2024). Galaxy clustering in modified gravity from full-physics simulations – I. Two-point correlation functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534(3), 2204-2220.
- Robertson, A., Huff, E., Markovič, K., & Li, B. (2024). Modelling the redshift-space cluster–galaxy correlation function on Mpc scales with emulation of the pairwise velocity distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(4), 4081-4103.
- Davies, C. T., Harnois-Déraps, J., Li, B., Giblin, B., Hernández-Aguayo, C., & Paillas, E. (2024). Constraining modified gravity with weak-lensing peaks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(3), 3546-3569.
- Pallero, D., Gómez, F. A., Padilla, N. D., Jaffé, Y. L., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., Hernández-Aguayo, C., & Arnold, C. (2024). Galaxy evolution in modified gravity simulations: using galaxy properties to constrain our gravitational model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(3), 3344-3364.
- Chen, H., Wang, J., Mao, T., Ma, J., Meng, Y., Li, B., Cai, Y.-C., Neyrinck, M., Falck, B., & Szalay, A. S. (2024). Estimation of line-of-sight velocities of individual galaxies using neural networks – I. Modelling redshift–space distortions at large scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(4), 3947-3960.
- Atayde, L., Frusciante, N., Bose, B., Casas, S., & Li, B. (2024). Nonlinear power spectrum and forecasts for a generalized cubic covariant Galileon. Physical Review D, 110(2), Article 024082.
- Ereza, J., Prada, F., Klypin, A., Ishiyama, T., Smith, A., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., Hernández-Aguayo, C., & Ruedas, J. (2024). The Uchuu-glam BOSS and eBOSS LRG lightcones: exploring clustering and covariance errors. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(2), 1659-1682.
- Jiang, A., Liu, W., Fang, W., Li, B., Barrera-Hinojosa, C., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Minkowski functionals of large-scale structure as a probe of modified gravity. Physical Review D, 109(8), Article 083537.
- Rodriguez-Meza, M. A., Aviles, A., Noriega, H. E., Ruan, C.-Z., Li, B., Vargas-Magaña, M., & Cervantes-Cota, J. L. (2024). fkPT: constraining scale-dependent modified gravity with the full-shape galaxy power spectrum. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024(03), Article 049.
- Sáez-Casares, I., Rasera, Y., & Li, B. (2024). The e-MANTIS emulator: fast predictions of the non-linear matter power spectrum in f(R)CDM cosmology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 7242-7262.
- Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Li, B., Baugh, C. M., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Zarrouk, P., & Davies, C. T. (2024). An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(2), 2490–2507.
- Betts, J. C., van de Bruck, C., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2023). Machine learning and structure formation in modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(3), 4148–4156.
- Harnois-Déraps, J., Hernandez-Aguayo, C., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Arnold, C., Li, B., Davies, C. T., & Cai, Y.-C. (2023). MGLENS: Modified gravity weak lensing simulations for emulation-based cosmological inference. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(4), 6336–6358.
- Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Nishimichi, T., Kobayashi, Y., Ruan, C.-Z., Eggemeier, A., Miyatake, H., Takada, M., Yoshida, N., Zarrouk, P., Baugh, C. M., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2023). Galaxy clustering from the bottom up: A Streaming Model emulator I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(3), 3219–3238.
- Elbers, W., Frenk, C. S., Jenkins, A., Li, B., Pascoli, S., Jasche, J., Lavaux, G., & Springel, V. (2023). Where shadows lie: reconstruction of anisotropies in the neutrino sky. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(10), Article 010.
- Arnold, C., Li, B., Giblin, B., Harnois-Déraps, J., & Cai, Y.-C. (2022). FORGE - the f(R) gravity cosmic emulator project I: Introduction and matter power spectrum emulator. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(3), 4161-4175.
- Zhang, H., Weinzierl, T., Schulz, H., & Li, B. (2022). Spherical accretion of collisional gas in modified gravity I: self-similar solutions and a new cosmological hydrodynamical code. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(2), 2464-2482.
- Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2022). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters VI: Realistic galaxy formation simulations to study clusters in modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(3), 3349-3365.
- Li, Y., Zhu, H.-M., & Li, B. (2022). Non-linear reconstruction of features in the primordial power spectrum from large-scale structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(3), 4363-4378.
- Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Prada, F. (2022). Towards an accurate model of small-scale redshift-space distortions in modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 440-459.
- Davies, C. T., Cautun, M., Giblin, B., Li, B., Harnois-Déraps, J., & Cai, Y.-C. (2022). Cosmological forecasts with the clustering of weak lensing peaks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(4), 4729-4746.
- Cataneo, M., Uhlemann, C., Arnold, C., Gough, A., Li, B., & Heymans, C. (2022). The matter density PDF for modified gravity and dark energy with Large Deviations Theory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(2), 1623-1641.
- Barrera-Hinojosa, C., Li, B., & Cai, Y.-C. (2022). Looking for a twist: probing the cosmological gravitomagnetic effect via weak lensing-kSZ cross correlations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(3), 3589-3604.
- Ruan, C.-Z., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Li, B., Arnold, C., Baugh, C. M., Klypin, A., & Prada, F. (2022). Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: conformal coupling models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022(5), Article 18.
- Elbers, W., Frenk, C. S., Jenkins, A., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2022). Higher order initial conditions with massive neutrinos. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3),
- Hernández-Aguayo, C., Ruan, C.-Z., Li, B., Arnold, C., Baugh, C. M., Klypin, A., & Prada, F. (2022). Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022, Article 048.
- Mitchell, M. A., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2021). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters IV: cluster and halo properties in DGP gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(3), 4140-4156.
- Alam, S., Arnold, C., Aviles, A., Bean, R., Cai, Y.-C., Cautun, M., Cervantes-Cota, J. L., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Chandrachani Devi, N., Eggemeier, A., Fromenteau, S., Gonzalez-Morales, A. X., Halenka, V., He, J.-H., Hellwing, W. A., Hernandez-Aguayo, C., Ishak, M., Koyama, K., Li, B., de la Macorra, A., …Zheng, Y. (2021). Towards testing the theory of gravity with DESI: summary statistics, model predictions and future simulation requirements. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11, Article 050.
- Davies, C. T., Cautun, M., Giblin, B., Li, B., Harnois-Déraps, J., & Cai, Y.-C. (2021). Constraining cosmology with weak lensing voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(2), 2267-2282.
- Elbers, W., Frenk, C. S., Jenkins, A., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2021). An optimal non-linear method for simulating relic neutrinos. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(2), 2614-2631.
- Fiorini, B., Koyama, K., Izard, A., Winther, H. A., Wright, B. S., & Li, B. (2021). Fast generation of mock galaxy catalogues in modified gravity models with COLA. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(09), Article 021.
- Becker, C., Eggemeier, A., Davies, C. T., & Li, B. (2021). Proca-stinated cosmology. Part II. Matter, halo, and lensing statistics in the vector Galileon. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(06), Article 014.
- Liu, Y., Yu, Y., & Li, B. (2021). Biased Tracer Reconstruction with Halo Mass Information. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 254(1), Article 4.
- Hernández-Aguayo, C., Arnold, C., Li, B., & Baugh, C. M. (2021). Galaxy formation in the brane world I: overview and first results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(3), 3867-3885.
- Mao, T.-X., Wang, J., Li, B., Cai, Y.-C., Falck, B., Neyrinck, M., & Szalay, A. (2021). Baryon acoustic oscillations reconstruction using convolutional neural networks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(1), 1499-1510.
- Aviles, A., Valogiannis, G., Rodriguez-Meza, M. A., Cervantes-Cota, J. L., Li, B., & Bean, R. (2021). Redshift space power spectrum beyond Einstein-de Sitter kernels. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(04), Article 039.
- Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2021). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters – V. A self-consistent pipeline for unbiased constraints of f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(3), 4157-4174.
- Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Li, B., Eggemeier, A., Zarrouk, P., Baugh, C. M., Nishimichi, T., & Takada, M. (2020). Towards a non-Gaussian model of redshift space distortions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(1), 1175-1193.
- Wang, Y., Li, B., & Cautun, M. (2020). Iterative removal of redshift space distortions from galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(3), 3451-3471.
- Hernández-Aguayo, C., Cautun, M., Smith, A., Baugh, C. M., & Li, B. (2020). Measuring the baryon acoustic oscillation peak position with different galaxy selections. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(3), 3120-3130.
- Leo, M., Theuns, T., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2020). Constraining structure formation using EDGES. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(4), Article 004.
- Barrera-Hinojosa, C., & Li, B. (2020). GRAMSES: a new route to general relativistic $N$-body simulations in cosmology. Part II. Initial conditions. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(4), Article 056.
- Hilbert, S., Barreira, A., Fabbian, G., Fosalba, P., Giocoli, C., Bose, S., Calabrese, M., Carbone, C., Davies, C. T., Li, B., Llineares, C., & Monaco, P. (2020). The accuracy of weak lensing simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493(1), 305-319.
- Almaraz, E., Li, B., & de la Macorra, A. (2020). Nonlinear structure formation in Bound Dark Energy. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020, Article 016.
- Barrera-Hinojosa, C., & Li, B. (2020). GRAMSES: a new route to general relativistic N-body simulations in cosmology. Part I. Methodology and code description. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 01, Article 007.
- Aviles, A., Koyama, K., Cervantes-Cota, J. L., Winther, H. A., & Li, B. (2020). Marked correlation functions in perturbation theory. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 01, Article 006.
- Becker, C., Arnold, C., Li, B., & Heisenberg, L. (2020). Proca-stinated cosmology. Part I. A N-body code for the vector Galileon. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(10),
- Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2019). Simulating galaxy formation in f(R) modified gravity: Matter, halo, and galaxy-statistics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(2), 2507-2520.
- Davies, C. T., Cautun, M., & Li, B. (2019). Cosmological test of gravity using weak lensing voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(4), 4907-4917.
- Winther, H., Casas, S., Baldi, M., Koyama, K., Li, B., Lombriser, L., & Zhao, G.-B. (2019). Emulators for the non-linear matter power spectrum beyond ΛCDM. Physical Review D, 100,
- Shao, S., Li, B., Cautun, M., Wang, H., & Wang, J. (2019). Screening maps of the local Universe I - Methodology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(4), 4912-4925.
- Davies, C. T., Cautun, M., & Li, B. (2019). The self similarity of weak lensing peaks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(4), 5833-5851.
- Arnold, C., Leo, M., & Li, B. (2019). Realistic simulations of galaxy formation in f(R) modified gravity. Nature Astronomy, 3(10), 945-954.
- Devi, N. C., Rodríguez-Puebla, A., Valenzuela, O., Avila-Reese, V., Hernández-Aguayo, C., & Li, B. (2019). The Galaxy Halo Connection in Modified Gravity Cosmologies: Environment Dependence of Galaxy Luminosity function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(1), 782-802.
- Robertson, A., Harvey, D., Massey, R., Eke, V., McCarthy, I. G., Jauzac, M., Li, B., & Schaye, J. (2019). Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: cosmological simulations with SIDM and baryons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(3), 3646-3662.
- Leo, M., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2019). A high-redshift test of gravity using enhanced growth of small structures probed by the neutral hydrogen distribution. Physical Review D, 100(6), Article 064044.
- Noble Chamings, F., Avgoustidis, A., Copeland, E. J., Green, A. M., & Li, B. (2019). Early dark energy constraints on growing neutrino quintessence cosmologies. Physical Review D, 100(4), Article 043525.
- Cataneo, M., Lombriser, L., Heymans, C., Mead, A., Barreira, A., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2019). On the road to percent accuracy: nonlinear reaction of the matter power spectrum to dark energy and modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(2), 2121-2142.
- Mitchell, M. A., Arnold, C., He, J.-H., & Li, B. (2019). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters II: A universal model for the halo concentration in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 1410-1425.
- Hernández-Aguayo, C., Hou, J., Li, B., Baugh, C., & Sánchez, A. G. (2019). Large-scale redshift space distortions in modified gravity theories. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2194-2213.
- Satpathy, S., Croft, R. A., Ho, S., & Li, B. (2019). Measurement of marked correlation functions in SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey using LOWZ galaxies in Data Release 12. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(2), 2148-2165.
- Paillas, E., Cautun, M., Li, B., Cai, Y.-C., Padilla, N., Armijo, J., & Bose, S. (2019). The Santiago-Harvard-Edinburgh-Durham void comparison II: unveiling the Vainshtein screening using weak lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(1), 1149–1165.
- Baker, T., Barreira, A., Desmond, H., Ferreira, P., Jain, B., Koyama, K., Li, B., Lombriser, L., Nicola, A., Sakstein, J., & Schmidt, F. (2019). Novel Probes Project: Tests of Gravity on Astrophysical Scales. Reviews of Modern Physics, 93, Article 015003.
- Leo, M., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2018). N-body simulations of structure formation in thermal inflation cosmologies. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(12), Article 010.
- He, J.-H., Guzzo, L., Li, B., & Baugh, C. M. (2018). No evidence for modifications of gravity from galaxy motions on cosmological scales. Nature Astronomy, 2(12), 967-972.
- Li, B. (2018). Approximation methods in modified gravity models. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 27(15), Article 1848004.
- Adhikari, S., Sakstein, J., Jain, B., Dalal, N., & Li, B. (2018). Splashback in galaxy clusters as a probe of cosmic expansion and gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(11), Article 033.
- Zhao, W., Wright, B. S., & Li, B. (2018). Constraining the time variation of Newton's constant G with gravitational-wave standard sirens and supernovae. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(10), Article 052.
- Davies, C. T., Cautun, M., & Li, B. (2018). Weak lensing by voids in weak lensing maps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 480(1), L101-L105.
- Hernández-Aguayo, C., Baugh, C. M., & Li, B. (2018). Marked clustering statistics in f(R) gravity cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479(1), 4824-4835.
- Leo, M., Baugh, C., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2018). Nonlinear growth of structure in cosmologies with damped matter fluctuations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(08), Article 001.
- Mitchell, M. A., He, J.-H., Arnold, C., & Li, B. (2018). A general framework to test gravity using galaxy clusters I: Modelling the dynamical mass of haloes in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(1), 1133-1152.
- Armijo, J., Y.-c., C., Padilla, N., Li, B., & Peacock, J. (2018). Testing modified gravity using a marked correlation function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(3), 3627-3632.
- Cautun, M., Paillas, E., Cai, Y.-C., Bose, S., Armijo, J., Li, B., & Padilla, N. (2018). The Santiago-Harvard-Edinburgh-Durham void comparison I: SHEDding light on chameleon gravity tests. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476(3), 3195-3217.
- Wright, B. S., & Li, B. (2018). Type Ia supernovae, standardizable candles, and gravity. Physical Review D, 97(8), Article 083505.
- Leo, M., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2018). A new smooth-k space filter approach to calculate halo abundances. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(04), Article 010.
- Birkin, J., Li, B., Cautun, M., & Shi, Y. (2018). Reconstructing the baryon acoustic oscillations using biased tracers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 5267-5280.
- Li, B., & Shirasaki, M. (2018). Galaxy–galaxy weak gravitational lensing in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(3), 3599-3614.
- Bellini, E., Barreira, A., Frusciante, N., Hu, B., Peirone, S., Raveri, M., Zumalacárregui, M., Avilez-Lopez, A., Ballardini, M., Battye, R., Bolliet, B., Calabrese, E., Dirian, Y., Ferreira, P., Finelli, F., Huang, Z., Ivanov, M., Lesgourgues, J., Li, B., Lima, N., …Vernizzi, F. (2018). Comparison of Einstein-Boltzmann solvers for testing general relativity. Physical Review D, 97(2), Article 023520.
- Shi, Y., Cautun, M., & Li, B. (2018). New method for initial density reconstruction. Physical Review D, 97(2), Article 023505.
- Rondeau, F., & Li, B. (2017). Equivalence of cosmological observables in conformally related scalar tensor theories. Physical Review D, 96(12), Article 124009.
- Leo, M., Baugh, C., Li, B., & Pascoli, S. (2017). The effect of thermal velocities on structure formation in N-body simulations of warm dark matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(11), Article 017.
- Shi, D., Li, B., & Han, J. (2017). Environmental screening of dark matter haloes in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(1), 705-715.
- Lee, J., & Li, B. (2017). The Effect of Modified Gravity on the Odds of the Bound Violations of the Turn-around Radii. Astrophysical Journal, 842(1), Article 2.
- Fang, W., Li, B., & Zhao, G.-B. (2017). New Probe of Departures from General Relativity Using Minkowski Functionals. Physical Review Letters, 118(18), Article 181301.
- Shirasaki, M., Nishimichi, T., Li, B., & Higuchi, Y. (2017). The imprint of f(R) gravity on weak gravitational lensing II: Information content in cosmic shear statistics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466(2), 2402-2417.
- Bose, S., Li, B., Barreira, A., He, J.-H., Hellwing, W. A., Koyama, K., Llinares, C., & Zhao, G.-B. (2017). Speeding up N-body simulations of modified gravity: Chameleon screening models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(02), Article 050.
- Barreira, A., Bose, S., Li, B., & Llinares, C. (2017). Weak lensing by galaxy troughs with modified gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(02), Article 031.
- Bose, S., Hellwing, W., Frenk, C., Jenkins, A., Lovell, M., Helly, J., Li, B., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Gao, L. (2017). Substructure and galaxy formation in the Copernicus Complexio warm dark matter simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(4), 4520-4533.
- Cataneo, M., Rapetti, D., Lombriser, L., & Li, B. (2016). Cluster abundance in chameleon f(R) gravity I: toward an accurate halo mass function prediction. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(12), Article 024.
- He, J.-H., Li, B., & Baugh, C. M. (2016). Subhalo abundance matching in f(R) gravity. Physical Review Letters, 117(22), Article 221101.
- Ceron-Hurtado, J., He, J., & Li, B. (2016). Can background cosmology hold the key for modified gravity tests?. Physical Review D, 94(6), Article 064052.
- Liu, X., Li, B., Zhao, G., Chiu, M.-C., Fang, W., Pan, C., Wang, Q., Du, W., Yuan, S., Fu, L., & Fan, Z. (2016). Constraining f(R) Gravity Theory Using Weak Lensing Peak Statistics from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey. Physical Review Letters, 117(5), Article 051101.
- King, L., Clowe, D., Coleman, J., Russell, H., Santana, R., White, J., Canning, R., Deering, N., Fabian, A., Lee, B., Li, B., & McNamara, B. (2016). The Distribution of Dark and Luminous Matter in the Unique Galaxy Cluster Merger Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(1), 517-527.
- J.-h, H., & Li, B. (2016). Accurate method of modeling cluster scaling relations in modified gravity. Physical Review D, 93(12), Article 123512.
- Barreira, A., Llinares, C., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2016). RAY-RAMSES: a code for ray tracing on the fly in N-body simulations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(05), Article 001.
- Stark, A., Miller, C., Kern, N., Gifford, D., Zhao, G.-B., Li, B., Koyama, K., & Nichol, R. (2016). Probing theories of gravity with phase space-inferred potentials of galaxy clusters. Physical Review D, 93(8), Article 084036.
- Li, B., He, J., & Gao, L. (2016). Cluster gas fraction as a test of gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(1), 146-155.
- Bose, S., Hellwing, W., Frenk, C., Jenkins, A., Lovell, M., Helly, J., & Li, B. (2016). The Copernicus Complexio: Statistical Properties of Warm Dark Matter Haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(1), 318-333.
- Barreira, A., Li, B., Jennings, E., Merten, J., King, L., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4085-4102.
- Winther, H., Schmidt, F., Barreira, A., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Llinares, C., Baldi, M., Falck, B., Hellwing, W., Koyama, K., Li, B., Mota, D., Puchwein, E., Smith, R., & Zhao, G. (2015). Modified gravity N-body code comparison project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4208-4234.
- Barreira, A., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2015). Speeding up N-body simulations of modified gravity: Vainshtein screening models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12), Article 059.
- He, J., Li, B., & Hawken, A. (2015). Effective dark matter power spectra in f(R) gravity. Physical Review D, 92(10), Article 103508.
- Mead, A., Peacock, J., Lombriser, L., & Li, B. (2015). Rapid simulation rescaling from standard to modified gravity models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(4), 4203-4221.
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Supervision students
Michael Collier
PGR Student