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Professor Anne Taormina

Director of Research, Professor, Mathematical & Theoretical Physics

Director of Research, Professor, Mathematical & Theoretical Physics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences+44 (0) 191 33 43059

Research interests

  • String and Conformal Field Theory
  • Group Theory and Applications to Mathematical Biology

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: Invitation to research centres:

    ICTP (Trieste, December 2015), IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette, February 2016 and January 2017)

  • 2000: Plenary and invited talks: Chennai, April 2014 (Conference on Mock Modular Forms and Physics); Waterloo, Perimeter Institute, April 2015 (Conference on Mock Modularity, Moonshine and String Theory); Nagoya, November 2016 (Conference on ‘Moonshine and K3 surfaces’); MITP Mainz, February 2017 (Workshop “Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics”)

  • 2000: Editorial: Editor of an IOP Volume on `New Moonshines' (2016 - 2017)
  • 2000: Committee Duties: Elected member of the Peer Review College EPSRC; Member of the Governing Board, School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advance Studies
  • 2000: National and International Collaboration: Freiburg University; Max Planck Institute Bonn, Lebedev Institute, Moscow; Brussels Free University; University of Tokyo (Bunkyo-Ku); University of York
  • 2000: Conference organization: Organiser of an LMS Symposium on `New Moonshine, Mock Modular Forms and String Theory' (Durham, August 2015), of a summer workshop on `Quantum Gravity & New Moonshines' (Aspen, August 2017) and of an ESI workshop on `Moonshine' (Vienna, September 2018)


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article