Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology | |
Co-Director in the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Research interests
- Diagnosis, psychiatry and neurodisability/diversity
- Science, technology and society (STS)
- Medical sociology and anthropology
- Ethnography and Ecosocial theory/methods
- Critical global health and medical humanities
- Globalisation and translation of knowledge
- Interdisciplinary collaboration and co-production
- Environments of health, wellbeing, disability and vulnerability
- Children, families, and social inequalities
Esteem Indicators
- 2024: Member of the RENKEI Network UK-Japan:
- 2024: Wellcome's Early-Career Awards Committee Member [Humanities and Social Sciences]:
- 2024: Member of the Planetary Health Alliance:
- 2024: Editorial Board - Sociology of Health and Illness:
- 2023: Grant Reviewer, USA National Science Foundation (NSF) :
- 2023: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE UK:
- 2022: Associate member, Social Dimensions of Biomedicine, University of Edinburgh:
- 2022: Founding member of steering committee for Mental Health Observatory, Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health:
- 2021: Visiting Scholar, Usher Institute (CBSS), University of Edinburgh:
- 2021: Fellow of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, USA:
- 2021: 101 Mulheres na Ciência | 101 Portuguese Women in Science, Ciência Viva [honours list, 3rd ed]:
- 2020: Associate member, Culture, Mind and Brain Programme (DSTP), McGill University:
- 2019: Scientific editor, Transcultural Psychiatry:
- 2019: Editorial board, Canadian Journal of Bioethics:
- 2019: Member and grant collaborator, Biosocial Birth Cohort Research Network, UCL:
- 2018: Member, Training and Research Advisory Committee, Kids Brain Health Network, Canada:
- 2018: Rising Star Prize | Prix Relève Étoile, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC):
- 2015: Elsevier Prize for Outstanding PhD Thesis:
- 2013: KCL Social Science & Public Policy Award for Postgraduate Students:
- 2010: Fellow of Science & Technology Foundation, FCT-Portugal:
- 2009: Visiting Researcher, Centre de sociologie de l'innovation, École des Mines Paris:
Book review
- Filipe, A. M. (2017). Adams, V. (ed). Metrics: What Counts in Global Health. Durham: Duke University Press. 2016. 258pp. $24.95 (pbk) ISBN 978–0‐8223–6097–1. Sociology of Health & Illness, 39(8), 1575-1577.
- Filipe, A. M., & Singh, I. (2016). Raising Generation Rx: Mothering Kids with Invisible Disabilities in an Age of Inequality. By Linda M. Blum. New York: New York University Press, 2015. Pp. viii+310. $79.00 (cloth); $27.00 (paper). American Journal of Sociology, 122(3), 985-987.
Chapter in book
- Rojas Navarro, S., & Filipe, A. M. (2023). Situer la vie sociale des TDAH: Entre le médical, le local et le global. In C. L. Vieira, C. Yves, & P. M. M. Renata (Eds.), L’attention médicamentée: La Ritaline à l’école (57-76). Presses Universitaires de Rennes
- Ferreira, P., & Filipe, A. M. (2019). Bioética [bioethics]. In ALICE Dictionary. CES/ALICE
- Filipe, A. M. (2018). The emergence and shaping of ADHD in Portugal: Ambiguities of a diagnosis “In the making”. In M. R. Bergey, A. M. Filipe, P. Conrad, & I. Singh (Eds.), Global Perspectives on ADHD: Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in Sixteen Countries (118-137). Johns Hopkins University Press
- Bergey, M., & Filipe, A. M. (2018). ADHD in a global context: An introduction. In M. R. Bergey, A. M. Filipe, P. Conrad, & I. Singh (Eds.), Global Perspectives on ADHD: Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in Sixteen Countries (1-8). Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Filipe, A. M. (2014). Biopolitics. In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Editors: W. C. Cockerham, R. Dingwall, S. Quah (142-145). Wiley.
- Filipe, A. M., Roriz, M., Neves, D., Matias, M., & Nunes, J. A. (2014). Coletivos sociais na saúde: o ativismo em torno das doenças raras e do parto em Portugal. . CES Almedina
Edited book
- Bergey, M. R., Filipe, A. M., Conrad, P., & Singh, I. (Eds.). (2018). Global Perspectives on ADHD: Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in Sixteen Countries. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Akrich, M., Nunes, J., Patterson, F., & Rabeharisoa, V. (Eds.). (2008). The dynamics of patient organizations in Europe. Presses des Mines.
Journal Article
- Gibbon, S., Roberts, E. F. S., Hardy, R., Béhague, D. P., Téllez Rojo, M. M., Goncalves-Soares, A., Mathers, R., Penkler, M., Fraga, S., Wooyoung Kim, A., Pentecost, M., Tabor, E., Jeffries-Hein, R., Lappé, M., Borra, C., Rossmann, S., Lloyd, S., Filipe, A., & Silva, S. (2024). New frontiers for Biosocial Birth Cohort Research: interdisciplinary approaches to exposure, harmonisation and collaboration. Wellcome Open Research, 9, Article 355.
- Filipe, A. (2024). Pandemic Life-lines: A Multimodal Autoethnography of COVID-19 Illness, Isolation, and Shared Immunities. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 11(1), 1-32.
- Ford, A., De Togni, G., Erikainen, S., Filipe, A. M., Pickersgill, M., Sturdy, S., Swallow, J., & Young, I. (2024). How and why to use ‘vulnerability’: an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality. Medical Humanities, 50(1), 125-134.
- Filipe, A. M. (2023). The other face of medical globalization? Pharmaceutical data, prescribing trends, and the social localization of psychostimulants. BioSocieties, 18(2), 335-357.
- Salvino, C., Spencer, C., Filipe, A. M., & Lach, L. M. (2022). Mapping of Financial Support Programs for Children With Neurodisabilities Across Canada: Barriers and Discrepancies Within a Patchwork System. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 33(3), 168-177.
- McCrossin, J., Filipe, A. M., Nicholas, D., & Lach, L. M. (2022). The Allegory of "Navigation" as a Concept of Care: The Case of Child Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 27(2), Online-first.
- Erikainen, S., Stewart, E., Filipe, A. M., Chan, S., Cunningham-Burley, S., Ilson, S., King, G., Porteous, C., Sinclair, S., & Webb, J. (2022). Towards a feminist philosophy of engagements in health-related research. Wellcome Open Research, 6, 58.
- Filipe, A. M., Bogossian, A., Zulla, R., Nicholas, D., & Lach, L. M. (2021). Developing a Canadian framework for social determinants of health and well-being among children with neurodisabilities and their families: an ecosocial perspective. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(26), 3856-3867.
- Filipe, A. M., Lloyd, S., & Larivée, A. (2021). Troubling Neurobiological Vulnerability: Psychiatric Risk and the Adverse Milieu in Environmental Epigenetics Research. Frontiers in Sociology, 6, Article 635986.
- Filipe, A. M. (2020). Situar a hiperatividade e déficit de atenção em Portugal: dimensões sociais, históricas e éticas de um tema emergente na saúde global. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 36(12), Article e00056420.
- Filipe, A. M. (2017). Situated Interventions in Health Care? Refiguring the Normative Place and Experimental Practice of Social Science. Science as Culture, 26(3), 418-423.
- Filipe, A., Renedo, A., & Marston, C. (2017). The co-production of what? Knowledge, values, and social relations in health care. PLoS Biology, 15(5), e2001403.
- Marston, C., Renedo, A., Matthews, R., Filipe, A., & Reed, J. (2017). Collaborating for better health: the role of qualitative research. BMJ Open, 7(Suppl 2), bmjopen-2017-016492.2.
- Filipe, A. M. (2016). Making ADHD Evident: Data, Practices, and Diagnostic Protocols in Portugal. Medical Anthropology, 35(5), 390-403.
- Rabeharisoa, V., Callon, M., Filipe, A. M., Nunes, J. A., Paterson, F., & Vergnaud, F. (2014). From ‘politics of numbers’ to ‘politics of singularisation’: Patients’ activism and engagement in research on rare diseases in France and Portugal. BioSocieties, 9(2), 194-217.
- Filipe, A. M. (2014). The Rise of Child Psychiatry in Portugal: An Intimate Social and Political History, 1915-1959. Social History of Medicine, 27(2), 326-348.
- Singh, I., Filipe, A. M., Bard, I., Bergey, M., & Baker, L. (2013). Globalization and Cognitive Enhancement: Emerging Social and Ethical Challenges for ADHD Clinicians. Current Psychiatry Reports, 15(9),
- Filipe, A. M. (2010). Entre bios e polis? Debates contemporâneos sobre saúde, biomedicina e biocidadania. Prisma Jurídico, 9(1), 75-89
- Nunes, J., Filipe, A. M., & Matias, M. (2010). Os novos actores colectivos no campo da saúde: o papel das famílias nas associações de doentes. Alicerces, 3, 119-128
- Filipe, A. (2009). Actores colectivos e os seus projectos para a saúde: o caso das associações de doentes em Portugal. Eä: Revista de Humanidades Médicas y Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 1(2), 1-48
- Nunes, J. A., Matias, M., & Filipe, Â. M. (2007). Patient organizations as emerging actors in the health arena: the case of Portugal. RECIIS: Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde, 1(1), 105-108.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Filipe, A. (2020). Paying attention: Diagnosis, values, and meaning-making in the ADHD clinic
- Lloyd, S., Filipe, A., & Larivée, A. (2020). Epistemic and Temporal Disjunctions: (Re)Mapping "Suicide Risk" Epigenetics Through Birth Cohorts
Working Paper
- Rabeharisoa, V., Callon, M., Filipe, A., Nunes, J. A., & Paterson, F. The dynamics of causes and conditions: the rareness of diseases in French and Portuguese patients’ organizations’ engagement in research
- Filipe, A. A vida como política? Debates contemporâneos sobre saúde, (bio)medicina e cidadania
Supervision students
Andrea Olmos
Emma Gratte
Postgraduate Research Student