Staff profile
Dr Alistair Brown
Assistant Professor (Teaching), Digital Humanities and Modern Literature
Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor (Teaching), Digital Humanities and Modern Literature in the Department of English Studies | |
PDRA in the Business School |
Contact and Office Hours
Office hours for current students: Tuesdays, 13.00-14.00 on Teams.
If you're not a current student but you are interested in what I do or you think we might work together, please email or reach me on LinkedIn.
I am pleased to hear about prospective PhD projects, but please check my profile carefully first to ensure your project matches what I can support, and that your proposal fits with the requirements of a Department of English Studies (rather than Linguistics, Computer Science etc.).
What I do
I am Assistant Professor (Teaching) in Digital Humanities and Modern Literature, and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My research and scholarship interests fit within the digital humanities (especially game studies and virtual reality), as well as digital pedagogy and learning technology, and the creative industries. Particular specialisms include:
- video games and literature: how do games tell stories based on literary texts, and what stories do we tell about video games in literature?
- the use of VR in experiencing, teaching and learning English: what is the role of virtual reality in the literature classroom? How can we tell or enhance the stories of existing literature through VR technology?
I am currently Principal Investigator for 'AI Enhanced VR Audiobooks', which is looking at how we can use AI generated 360 images to produce audiobooks for experience in virtual reality. Previously I was (2022-2023) Principal Investigator for 'Theatre in the Round', which examined whether the use of 360 video and virtual reality headsets might enhance students' ability to perceive critical issues in dramatic performance.
I also collaborate with Dr Teti Dragas on Durham's Digital Storytelling programme, where we pioneered the use of DS in English Studies.
Impact and Engagement
Alongside teaching within the Department I edit and maintain the award-winning research and dissemination blog, Research in English At Durham (READ), and associated social media feeds; this has one of the widest reaches of any English department on social media in the UK.
I have been involved in digital projects in the cultural and education sector since 2003. Recent web developments include Records of Early English Drama North East and the James Shirley Project, which included custom databases and GIS methods for the visualisation of textual and archival data. I have competencies in HTML, CSS, PHP/SQL, Javascript/Ajax. I also serve as technical advisor to the Postgraduate English and Kaleidoscope journals, having led their transition to Open Journal Systems publishing.
I research broadly in the fields of contemporary fiction, science fiction, and the digital humanities. I am preparing a monograph on Demons of the Digital Age: Artificial Intelligence and Simulation in Literature, Cinema and Video Games and am drafting a second on Video Games and Literary Adaptation.
From November 2017 to March 2019 I was post-doctoral research associate on the project Creative Fuse North East, which seeks to enhance the innovative work of creative, digital and IT businesses by engaging them with universities. I maintain an interest in creativity, the crossover of skills between the arts and humanities and digital, and cultural metrics; this research informs current scholarship projects on equipping English graduates with the digital skills required by the creative industries.
I teach on various modules within English Studies at Durham, including a Level 3 special topic on video games and literary adaptation. Other modules include Literary Theory and the MA dissertation, as well as digital humanities for the Liberal Arts programme.
Alongside Durham, I teach as an Associate Lecturer in Arts at the Open University. I have previously taught at the University of Sunderland and Singapore University of Social Sciences.
Research interests
- Cyberfiction
- Digital humanities
- Narratology
- Postmodernism
- Video game narratives
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy:
- 2022: Durham University Teaching and Learning Award: Winner in the category Excellence in Student Academic Support
- 2019: Global Undergraduate Awards (Literature Panel Judge): Appointed judge for the Global Undergraduate Awards (Literature)
- 2019: Shortlisted, WonkHE Awards: Shortlisted for the 2019 WonkHE Awards in the 'Leadership, Management, and Governance' category, for article on Creative Cities and the Future of Higher Education
Chapter in book
- Brown, A. (2018). Is posthuman incest possible? Science fiction and the futures of the body. In M. Leeson (Ed.), Incest in contemporary literature. Manchester University Press
- Brown, A. (2014). Renaissance Demons and Posthuman Cyborgs: Ambroise Paré’s On Monsters and Marvels and Donna Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto”. In A. Wood, & B. Shillace (Eds.), Unnatural Reproductions and Monstrosity: The Birth of the Monster in Literature, Film, and Media. Cambria
- Brown, A. (2014). The Sense of an Ending: The Computer Game Fallout 3 as a Serial Fiction. In R. Allen, & T. van den Berg (Eds.), Serialization in Popular Culture. Routledge
- Brown, A. (2011). E-Volutionary Fictions: The Darwinian Algorithm in Literature and Computer Games. In N. Saul, & S. James (Eds.), The Evolution of Literature in European Cultures. Rodopi
Journal Article
- Brown, A., Childs, M., & Youdale, J. (online). Theatre in the round: a study of the effectiveness of 360-degree video and VR to address critical questions in the teaching and learning of drama. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media,
- Brown, A., Virdee, D., & Shack, A.-R. (2021). Prestige and Gatekeeping in Postgraduate Journals: The Case of Postgraduate English.
- Cockshut, L., Brown, A., & Hardey, M. (2020). Social innovation and the university: the impact of intervention for the micro creative economy in North East England. Social Enterprise Journal, 16(2), 203-220.
- Brown, A. (2016). What Game Worlds Can Teach Us About Literary Worlds. Alluvium, 5(2),
- Brown, A. (2015). Communication Technology and Narrative: Letters, Instant Messaging, and Mobile Phones in Three Romantic Novels. Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication, 36(1-2), 33-58.
- Brown, A. (2013). Are Videogame Narratives Postmodern?. Alluvium, 2(3),
- Brown, A. (2012). Grand Theft Auto as a Cognitive Map of the Postmodern Condition
- Brown, A. (2012). Ulysses as a Role Playing Game. Alluvium, 1(5),
- Brown, A. (2008). Pitchforks at the Library Doors: Literary Studies in the Digital Age
- Brown, A. (2008). Rereading Posthumanism in The War of the Worlds and Independence Day. e-sharp, 12,
- Brown, A. (2008). Uniting the Two Cultures of Body and Mind in A.S. Byatt’s A Whistling Woman. Journal of literature and science, 1(1),
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Brown, A. (2019). Creative cities and the future of higher education. [Blog]
- Brown, A. (2018). Making Pictures Speak. [Website]
Other (Print)