Staff profile
Dr Alison Jobe
Associate Professor, Director of Postgraduate Research
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor, Director of Postgraduate Research in the Department of Sociology |
I first joined the Department of Sociology in 2011. Currently, I teach on the undergraduate and postgraduate Criminology degrees, and I am Director of Postgraduate Research for the Sociology department.
A longstanding research interest centres around institutional responses to victims of violence and victims' experiences of accessing justice and support services. This research theme has been explored through research on trafficking, asylum, sex work, sexual violence, and child protection/ safeguarding.
My most recent research focuses on criminal justice responses to learning disabled/ autistic victim-survivors of sexual violence and was undertaken in collaboration with third sector organisations and victim-survivors of sexual violence. This work used a participatory and creative approach with the key aim of developing inclusive criminal justice responses. This research was funded by ESRC IAA, Research England and ESRC. See the project webpages here: Towards Inclusive Responses to Sexual Violence - Towards inclusive criminal justice responses to sexual violence (
Past research projects
Sex Workers in Custody, with Kate O’Brien (Durham), Gaynor Trueman and Jessica Hyer Griffin. Supported by Research Impact Funding.
Criminal Justice System responses to people with learning disabilities in cases of sexual assault/ rape in North East England, with Helen Williams (Sunderland); Northumbria police and Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland (RCTN). Funded by N8 Policing Research Partnership (People and Knowledge Exchange).
An evaluation of RSACC SELFIE (Sexualisation, Exploitation, Love, Friendship, Information and Empowerment) Young People’s Sex and Relationships Project, with Hannah King (Durham). Funded by Big Lottery Fund.
An Abolitionist Industrial Complex: Patterns of anti-trafficking / anti-slavery policy and practice in the 21st century with Siobhan Mcgrath Geography, Durham University. Funded by Institute of Advanced Studies.
Peer Talk. Participatory research with women who sell or swap sex in North East England. with Maggie O’Neill (Cork), Colleen Bilton, Kelly Stockdale (Northumbria), Kath, Hannah and community co-researchers. Funded by Northern Rock Foundation.
Safeguarding Young People. Responding to Young People- age 11-17- who are maltreated. with Sarah Gorin, Gwyther Rees, Mike Stein (NSPCC, Children’s Society and University of York). Funded by Big Lottery Fund.
Authored book
Chapter in book
- O'Neill, M., & Jobe, A. (in press). Gender and Migration. In D. Richardson, & V. Robinson (Eds.), Introducing Gender and Women's Studies: fifth edition. (5th Edition). Red Globe Press
- Jobe, A. (2010). Accessing help and services: trafficking survivors' experiences in the United Kingdom. In G. Wylie, & P. McRedmond (Eds.), Human trafficking in Europe : character, causes and consequences (164-180). Palgrave Macmillian
- Jobe, A. (2009). Accessing Help and Services: Trafficking Survivor’s Experiences in the United Kingdom. In L. Dresdner, & L. Peterson (Eds.), (Re)Interpretations: the shapes of justice in women's experience. Cambridge Scholars Press
- Jobe, A. (2008). Sexual Trafficking: A New Sexual Story?. In K. Throsby, & F. Alexander (Eds.), Gender and interpersonal violence : language, action and representation (66-82). Palgrave Macmillan
Journal Article
- Williams, H., & Jobe, A. (online). Testimonial injustice: exploring ‘credibility’ as a barrier to justice for people with learning disabilities/autism who report sexual violence. Disability and Society,
- Jobe, A., Stockdale, K., & O’Neill, M. (2022). Stigma and Service Provision for Women Selling Sex. Findings from Community-based Participatory Research. Ethics and Social Welfare, 16(2), 112-128.
- Jobe, A. (2020). Telling the Right Story at the Right Time: women seeking asylum with stories of trafficking into the sex industry. Sociology, 54(5), 936-952.
- Brooks-Gordon, B., Wijers, M., & Jobe, A. (2020). Justice and Civil Liberties on Sex Work in Contemporary International Human Rights Law. Social Sciences, 9(1), Article 4.
- Jobe, A., & Gorin, S. (2013). 'If kids don't feel safe they don't do anything': young people's views on seeking and receiving help from Children's Social Care Services in England. Child & Family Social Work, 18(4), 429-438.
- Gorin, S., & Jobe, A. (2013). Young People Who Have Been Maltreated: Different Needs--Different Responses?. The British Journal of Social Work, 43(7), 1330 -1346.
Other (Print)
- Jobe, A. (in press). Reflections on a Doctoral study of Human Trafficking. A methodological journey from life story interviews to analysing asylum applications. [No known commissioning body]
- who report rape or sexual assault. [No known commissioning body]
- O'Neill, M., Jobe, A., Bilton, C., & Stockdale, K. (2017). Peer Talk: Hidden Stories. A Participatory Research Project with Women Who Sell or Swap Sex in Teesside. [No known commissioning body]
- O'Neill, M., & Jobe, A. (2016). Policy Briefing: Adult Sex Work, Law and Policy: new horizons in the 21st Century. [No known commissioning body]
- Rees, G., Gorin, S., Jobe, A., Stein, M., Medford, R., & Goswami, H. (2010). Safeguarding young people: responding to young people aged 11 to 17 who are maltreated. [No known commissioning body]
- Rees, G., Gorin, S., Jobe, A., Stein, M., Medford, R., & Goswami, H. (2010). Safeguarding young people: responding to young people aged 11 to 17 who are maltreated. Executive Summary. [No known commissioning body]
- Jobe, A. (2009). External Evaluation of the Medical Foundation for Care of Victims of Torture, North East/ Department of Health Project: “Building Relationships and Promoting Human Rights: Developing a model of good practice for clinicians who are working with survivors of torture or organised violence in the Newcastle Primary Care Mental Health Service”. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper