Staff profile
Professor Alexander Stasinski
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Research interests
- Representations of finite and p-adic groups
- Deligne--Lusztig theory and generalisations
- Algebraic groups and related algebraic geometry
- Representation growth and zeta functions
- Algebraic aspects of number theory
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: From June 2017: Full member of the EPSRC Peer Review College.
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Stasinski, A., & Zordan, M. (in press). Rationality of representation zeta functions of compact p-adic analytic groups. American Journal of Mathematics,
- Stasinski, A., & Zordan, M. (2024). Rationality of twist representation zeta functions of compact p-adic analytic groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 377, 7601-7631
- Knight, L., & Stasinski, A. (2023). Representatives of similarity classes of matrices over PIDs corresponding to ideal classes. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 66(1), 88-103.
- Stasinski, A. (2021). A uniform proof of the finiteness of the class group of a global field. The American Mathematical Monthly, 128(3), 239-249.
- Stasinski, A. (2021). Representations of SL over finite local rings of length two. Journal of Algebra, 566, 119-135.
- Stasinski, A., & Vera-Gajardo, A. (2019). Representations of reductive groups over finite local rings of length two. Journal of Algebra, 525, 171-190.
- Häsä, J., & Stasinski, A. (2019). Representation growth of compact linear groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 372(2), 925-980.
- Stasinski, A. (2018). Commutators of trace zero matrices over principal ideal rings. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 228(1), 211-227.
- Stasinski, A., & Stevens, S. (2017). The regular representations of GLN over finite local principal ideal rings. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 49(6), 1066-1084.
- Chen, Z., & Stasinski, A. (2017). The algebraisation of higher Deligne–Lusztig representations. Selecta Mathematica (New Series), 23(4), 2907-2926.
- Stasinski, A., & Voll, C. (2017). Representation zeta functions of some nilpotent groups associated to prehomogeneous vector spaces. Forum Mathematicum, 29(3), 717-734.
- Stasinski, A. (2016). Similarity and commutators of matrices over principal ideal rings. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368(4), 2333-2354.
- Stasinski, A., & Voll, C. (2014). Representation zeta functions of nilpotent groups and generating functions for Weyl groups of type B. American Journal of Mathematics, 136(2), 501-550.
- Stasinski, A., & Voll, C. (2013). A New Statistic on the Hyperoctahedral Groups. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20(3), Article 50
- Stasinski, A. (2012). Reductive group schemes, the Greenberg functor, and associated algebraic groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216(5), 1092-1101.
- Stasinski, A. (2011). Extended Deligne–Lusztig varieties for general and special linear groups. Advances in Mathematics, 226(3), 2825-2853.
- Aubert, A.-M., Onn, U., Prasad, A., & Stasinski, A. (2010). On cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 175(1), 391-420.
- Stasinski, A. (2009). Unramified representations of reductive groups over finite rings. Representation Theory, 13, 636-656.
- Stasinski, A. (2009). The smooth representations of GL_2(o). Communications in Algebra, 37(12), 4416-4430.
Supervision students
Alexander Jackson
Ewan Cassidy