Staff profile
Professor Alastair Edge
Director of Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy
Affiliation | Telephone |
Director of Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43792 |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43792 |
Research interests
- Clusters of Galaxies
- Large Infrared Surveys
- X-ray Astronomy
Conference Paper
- Kim, J.-W., Edge, A. C., Wake, D., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C. M., & Lacey, C. G. (2013, July). Clustering of EROs from UKIDSS DXS and Pan-STARRS PS1. Presented at IAU Symposium
- Bayer-Kim, C., Crawford, C., Allen, S., Fabian, A., & Edge, A. (2003, December). The Peculiar Cooling Flow Cluster RX J0820.9+0752
- Edge, A. (2001, December). Molecular Gas in Cluster Cooling Flows
- Böhringer, H., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Schuecker, P., Schindler, S., Voges, W., Neumann, D., Cruddace, R., Degrandi, S., Chincarini, G., Reiprich, T., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., & Shaver, P. (2000, December). Probing the Large-Scale Structure with the REFLEX Cluster Survey
- Pearce, F., Couchman, H., Thomas, P., & Edge, A. (2000, December). The effect of Radiative Cooling on X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies
- Schuecker, P., Bohringer, H., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Voges, W., Chincarini, G., Cruddace, G., De Grandi, S., Edge, A., Macgillivary, H., Shaver, P., & Vettolani, G. (2000, December). Eigenmode and Fourier Analyses of REFLEX Cluster Number Density Fluctuations
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., & Henry, J. (2000, December). MACS: The Evolution & Properties of Massive CLusters of Galaxies
- Edge, A., Pooley, G., Jones, M., Grainge, K., & Saunders, R. (1998, December). GPS Sources with High Peak Frequencies
- Collins, C., Bohringer, H., Guzzo, L., Schuecker, P., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Cruddace, R., Degrandi, S., Chincarini, G., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., Shaver, P., Vettolani, G., & Voges, W. (1998, December). The REFLEX Cluster Survey
- Bohringer, H., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Schuecker, P., Cruddace, R., Chincarini, G., de Grandi, S., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., Shaver, P., Vettolani, G., & Voges, W. (1998, December). Results from the REFLEX Cluster Survey
- Peres, C., Allen, S., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., & White, D. (1997, December). Cooling Flows in ROSAT observations of clusters of galaxies
- Edge, A., Jones, M., Saunders, R., Pooley, G., & Graings, K. (1997, December). GPS sources with high peak frequencies
- Edge, A. (1997, December). The cooling flow fraction to a redshift of 0.3
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Bautz, M., Furuzawa, A., & Tawara, Y. (1997, December). ASCA and ROSAT Observations of Distant Massive Cooling Flows. Presented at X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, Tokyo
- Ebeling, H., Allen, S., Crawford, C., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Böhringer, H., Voges, W., & Huchra, J. (1996, December). X-ray evolution in the ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample
- Guzzo, L., Böhringer, H., Briel, U., Chincarini, G., Collins, C., de Grandi, S., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Schuecker, S., Seitter, W., Shaver, P., Vettolani, P., Cruddace, R., Fabian, A., Gursky, H., Gruber, R., Hartner, G., MacGillivray, H., …Zamorani, G. (1995, December). The ESO All-Southern-Sky Redshift Survey of ROSAT Clusters of Galaxies
- Ebeling, H., Böhringer, H., Briel, U., Voges, W., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Allen, S., & Huchra, J. (1995, December). The Evolution of the X-ray Luminosity Function of Abell-Type Clusters of Galaxies from ROSAT All-Sky Survey Data
- Edge, A. (1994, December). Active Galactic Nuclei in Clusters of Galaxies
- Siddiqui, H., Stewart, G., Butcher, J., Edge, A., & Johnstone, R. (1994, December). ROSAT Observations of Bright X-ray Clusters: Abell 2142 and Abell 2199
- Edge, A. (1994, December). X-ray evolution of clusters of galaxies. (I)
- Böhringer, H., Schwarz, R., Edge, A., Voges, W., & Ebeling, H. (1992, December). X-Ray Properties of Clusters of Galaxies Observed in the ROSAT All Sky Survey
- Schwarz, R., Edge, A., Voges, W., Böhringer, H., Ebeling, H., Schartel, N., & Briel, U. (1991, December). The structure of the Perseus cluster
- Böhringer, H., Voges, W., Ebeling, H., Schwarz, R., Edge, A., Briel, U., & Henry, J. (1991, December). ROSAT Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
- Colless, M., Babul, A., Edge, A., Johnstone, R., & Raychaudhury, S. (1991, December). Clusters and superclusters of galaxies
- Edge, A., Fabian, A., & Stewart, G. (1991, December). Ninety percent cooling flows?
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., Nulsen, P., & Edge, A. (1991, December). Ginga and Exosat observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
- Johnstone, R., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Thomas, P. (1991, December). GINGA and SSS observations of A478
- Edge, A., Stewart, G., Fabian, A., & Arnaud, K. (1991, December). Evidence for evolution of the luminosity function of clusters of galaxies
- Edge, A., Stewart, G., & Smith, A. (1988, December). EXOSAT Observations of the Virgo Cluster
- Edge, A., Stewart, G., & Smith, A. (1986, December). EXOSAT observations of the Virgo cluster
Journal Article
- Ebeling, H., Richard, J., Beauchesne, B., Basto, Q., Edge, A. C., & Smail, I. (2025). Beyond MACS: physical properties of extremely X-ray luminous clusters at z > 0.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(3), 2662-2694.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Choi, H., Guo, M., Richard-Laferrière, A., Rhea, C., Prunier, M., Russell, H., Fabian, A., Walsh, J. L., Gingras, M.-J., McNamara, B., Allen, S., Chené, A.-N., Edge, A., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., McDonald, M., Natarajan, P., Sanders, J., Steiner, J. F., Vigneron, B., & von der Linden, A. (2025). Hubble Space Telescope Observations within the Sphere of Influence of the Powerful Supermassive Black Hole in PKS 0745-191. The Astrophysical Journal, 980(2), Article 170.
- Calzadilla, M. S., McDonald, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Croston, J. H., Donahue, M., Edge, A. C., Floyd, B., Garmire, G. P., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Huynh, M. T., Khullar, G., Kraft, R. P., McNamara, B. R., Noble, A. G., Romero, C. E., Ruppin, F., Somboonpanyakul, T., & Voit, G. M. (2024). The SPT-Chandra BCG Spectroscopic Survey. I. Evolution of the Entropy Threshold for ICM Cooling and AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters over the Last 10 Gyr. The Astrophysical Journal, 976(2), Article 169.
- van Weeren, R. J., Timmerman, R., Vaidya, V., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Botteon, A., Roberts, I. D., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Bonafede, A., Brüggen, M., Brunetti, G., Cassano, R., Cuciti, V., Edge, A. C., Gastaldello, F., Groeneveld, C., & Shimwell, T. W. (2024). LOFAR high-band antenna observations of the Perseus cluster: The discovery of a giant radio halo. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, Article A12.
- Patel, N. R., Jauzac, M., Niemiec, A., Lagattuta, D., Mahler, G., Beauchesne, B., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., & Limousin, M. (2024). The KALEIDOSCOPE survey : A new strong and weak gravitational lensing view of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(4), 4500-4514.
- Rose, T., McNamara, B. R., Combes, F., Edge, A. C., McDonald, M., O’Sullivan, E., Russell, H., Fabian, A. C., Ferland, G., Salomé, P., & Tremblay, G. (2024). Two distinct molecular cloud populations detected in massive galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(1), 771-794.
- Biava, N., Bonafede, A., Gastaldello, F., Botteon, A., Brienza, M., Shimwell, T. W., Brunetti, G., Bruno, L., Rajpurohit, K., Riseley, C. J., van Weeren, R. J., Rossetti, M., Cassano, R., De Gasperin, F., Drabent, A., Rottgering, H. J. A., Edge, A. C., & Tasse, C. (2024). First evidence of a connection between cluster-scale diffuse radio emission in cool-core galaxy clusters and sloshing features. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, Article A82.
- Rose, T., McNamara, B. R., Combes, F., Edge, A. C., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Tamhane, P., Fabian, A. C., & Tremblay, G. (2024). A massive multiphase plume of gas in Abell 2390’s brightest cluster galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(2), 3441-3455.
- Vigneron, B., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Rhea, C. L., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Lim, J., Reinheimer, J., Li, Y., Drissen, L., Bryan, G. L., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Hamer, S., Martin, T., McDonald, M., McNamara, B., Richard-Lafferrière, A., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Voit, G. M., Webb, T., & Werner, N. (2024). High-spectral-resolution Observations of the Optical Filamentary Nebula Surrounding NGC 1275. Astrophysical Journal, 962(1), Article 96.
- Girdhar, A., Harrison, C. M., Mainieri, V., Fernández Aranda, R., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Bianchin, M., Calistro Rivera, G., Circosta, C., Costa, T., Alexander, D. M., Edge, A. C., Farina, E. P., Kakkad, D., Kharb, P., Molyneux, S. J., Mukherjee, D., Njeri, A., S., S., Venturi, G., & Ward, S. R. (2024). Quasar feedback survey: molecular gas affected by central outflows and by ∼10-kpc radio lobes reveal dual feedback effects in ‘radio quiet’ quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 9322-9342.
- Edge, A., Laferriere, A. R., Russell, H. R., Fabian, A. C., Chadayammuri, U., Reynolds, C. S., Canning, R. E. A., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., King, L. J., McNamara, B. R., Nulsen, P. E. J., & Sanders, J. S. (2023). Constraints on thermal conductivity in the merging cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 6205-6213.
- Olivares, V., Su, Y., Forman, W., Gaspari, M., Andrade-Santos, F., Salome, P., Nulsen, P., Edge, A., Combes, F., & Jones, C. (2023). X-Ray Cavity Dynamics and Their Role in the Gas Precipitation in Planck Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) Selected Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 954(1), Article 56.
- Allingham, J. F. V., Jauzac, M., Lagattuta, D. J., Mahler, G., Bœhm, C., Lewis, G. F., Eckert, D., Edge, A., & Ettori, S. (2023). Joint HST, VLT/MUSE, and XMM−Newton observations to constrain the mass distribution of the two strong lensing galaxy clusters: MACS J0242.5-2132 and MACS J0949.8+1708. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522(1), 1118-1137.
- Ruppin, F., McDonald, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Bayliss, M., Bleem, L., Calzadilla, M., Edge, A., Filipović, M., Floyd, B., Garmire, G., Khullar, G., Kim, K., Kraft, R., Mahler, G., Norris, R., O’Brien, A., Reichardt, C., Somboonpanyakul, T., Stark, A., & Tothill, N. (2023). Redshift Evolution of the Feedback–Cooling Equilibrium in the Core of 48 SPT Galaxy Clusters: A Joint Chandra–SPT–ATCA Analysis. Astrophysical Journal, 948(1), Article 49.
- Nightingale, J., Smith, R. J., He, Q., O’Riordan, C. M., Kegerreis, J. A., Amvrosiadis, A., Edge, A. C., Etherington, A., Hayes, R. G., Kelly, A., Lucey, J. R., & Massey, R. J. (2023). Abell 1201: detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 3298-3322.
- Perrott, Y. C., SM, G., Edge, A. C., Grainge, K. J. B., Green, D. A., & Saunders, R. D. E. (2023). Sub-kpc radio jets in the brightest central galaxy of the cool-core galaxy cluster RXJ1720.1+2638. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 520(1), L1-L4.
- Tamhane, P. D., McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Combes, F., Qiu, Y., Edge, A. C., Maiolino, R., Fabian, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Johnstone, R., & Carniani, S. (2023). Radio jet–ISM interaction and positive radio-mechanical feedback in Abell 1795. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(3), 3338-3356.
- Alexander, D. M., Davis, T. M., Chaussidon, E., Fawcett, V., X. Gonzalez-Morales, A., Lan, T.-W., Yèche, C., Ahlen, S., Aguilar, J., Armengaud, E., Bailey, S., Brooks, D., Cai, Z., Canning, R., Carr, A., Chabanier, S., Cousinou, M.-C., Dawson, K., de la Macorra, A., Dey, A., …Zou, S. (2023). The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of the Quasar Survey Spectra. Astronomical Journal, 165(3), Article 124.
- Masterson, M., McDonald, M., Ansarinejad, B., Bayliss, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Calzadilla, M. S., Edge, A. C., Floyd, B., Kim, K. J., Khullar, G., & Somboonpanyakul, T. (2023). Evidence for AGN-regulated Cooling in Clusters at z ∼ 1.4: A Multiwavelength View of SPT-CL J0607-4448. Astrophysical Journal, 944(2), Article 164.
- Babyk, I. V., McNamara, B., Nulsen, P., Russell, H., Edge, A., & Blitz, L. (2023). Atmospheric Pressure and Molecular Cloud Formation in Early-type Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 944(1), Article 69.
- Lagattuta, D. J., Richard, J., Ebeling, H., Basto, Q., Cerny, C., Edge, A., Jauzac, M., Mahler, G., & Massey, R. (2023). RXJ0437+00: constraining dark matter with exotic gravitational lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522(1), 1091-1107.
- Lan, T.-W., Tojeiro, R., Armengaud, E., Prochaska, J. X., Davis, T., Alexander, D. M., Raichoor, A., Zhou, R., Yèche, C., Balland, C., BenZvi, S., Berti, A., Canning, R., Carr, A., Chittenden, H., Cole, S., Cousinou, M.-C., Dawson, K., Dey, B., Douglass, K., …Zhou, Z. (2023). The DESI Survey Validation: Results from Visual Inspection of Bright Galaxies, Luminous Red Galaxies, and Emission-line Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 943(1), Article 68.
- Rose, T., McNamara, B., Combes, F., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Gaspari, M., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Tremblay, G., & Ferland, G. (2023). Does absorption against AGN reveal supermassive black hole accretion?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(1), 878 - 892.
- Lagattuta, D. J., Richard, J., Bauer, F. E., Cerny, C., Claeyssens, A., Guaita, L., Jauzac, M., Jeanneau, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Mahler, G., Prieto Lyon, G., Acebron, A., Meneghetti, M., Niemiec, A., Zitrin, A., Bianconi, M., Connor, T., Cen, R., Edge, A., Faisst, A. L., …Weaver, J. R. (2022). Pilot-WINGS: An extended MUSE view of the structure of Abell 370. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 497-517.
- Baek, J., Chung, A., Edge, A., Rose, T., Kim, J.-W., & Jung, T. (2022). Circumnuclear Medium around the Central AGN in a Cool-core Cluster, Abell 1644-South. Astrophysical Journal, 932(1), Article 64.
- Girdhar, A., Harrison, C., Mainieri, V., Bittner, A., Costa, T., Kharb, P., Mukherjee, D., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Alexander, D., Calistro Rivera, G., Circosta, C., De Breuck, C., Edge, A., Farina, E., Kakkad, D., Lansbury, G., Molyneux, S., Mullaney, J., S, S., Thomson, A., & Ward, S. (2022). Quasar feedback survey: multiphase outflows, turbulence, and evidence for feedback caused by low power radio jets inclined into the galaxy disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(2), 1608-1628.
- Ignesti, A., Brunetti, G., Shimwell, T., Gitti, M., Birzan, L., Botteon, A., Brüggen, M., de Gasperin, F., Di Gennaro, G., Edge, A., Riseley, C., Röttgering, H., & van Weeren, R. (2022). A LOFAR view into the stormy environment of the galaxy cluster 2A0335+096. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659, Article A20.
- Tamhane, P. D., McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Edge, A. C., Fabian, A. C., Nulsen, P. E., & Babyk, I. V. (2022). Molecular Flows in Contemporary Active Galaxies and the Efficacy of Radio-Mechanical Feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(1),
- Rose, T., Edge, A., Kiehlmann, S., Baek, J., Chung, A., Jung, T.-H., Kim, J.-W., Readhead, A. C., & Sedgewick, A. (2022). The variability of brightest cluster galaxies at high radio frequencies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(2), 2869-2884.
- Allison, J. R., Sadler, E., Amaral, A., An, T., Curran, S., Darling, J., Edge, A., Ellison, S., Emig, K., Gaensler, B., Garratt-Smithson, L., Glowacki, M., Grasha, K., Koribalski, B., Lagos, C. D. P., Lah, P., Mahony, E., Mao, S., Morganti, R., Moss, V., …Zwaan, M. (2022). The First Large Absorption Survey in H i (FLASH): I. Science goals and survey design. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 39,
- Biava, N., de Gasperin, F., Bonafede, A., Edler, H., Giacintucci, S., Mazzotta, P., Brunetti, G., Botteon, A., Brüggen, M., Cassano, R., Drabent, A., Edge, A., Enßlin, T., Gastaldello, F., Riseley, C., Rossetti, M., Rottgering, H., Shimwell, T., Tasse, C., & van Weeren, R. (2021). The ultra-steep diffuse radio emission observed in the cool-core cluster RX J1720.1+2638 with LOFAR at 54 MHz. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(3), 3995-4007.
- Ebeling, H., Richard, J., Smail, I., Edge, A., Koekemoer, A., & Zalesky, L. (2021). An extreme case of galaxy and cluster co-evolution at z = 0.7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(3), 3663-3671.
- Polles, F., Salomé, P., Guillard, P., Godard, B., Pineau des Forêts, G., Olivares, V., Beckmann, R., Canning, R., Combes, F., Dubois, Y., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Hamer, S., & Lehnert, M. (2021). Excitation mechanisms in the intracluster filaments surrounding brightest cluster galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 651, Article A13.
- Biava, N., Brienza, M., Bonafede, A., Gitti, M., Bonnassieux, E., Harwood, J., Edge, A. C., Riseley, C. J., & Vantyghem, A. (2021). Constraining the AGN duty cycle in the cool-core cluster MS 0735.6+7421 with LOFAR data. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 650, Article A170.
- Jarvis, M., Harrison, C., Mainieri, V., Alexander, D., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Calistro Rivera, G., Circosta, C., Costa, T., De Breuck, C., Edge, A., Girdhar, A., Kakkad, D., Kharb, P., Lansbury, G., Molyneux, S., Mukherjee, D., Mullaney, J., Farina, E., S, S., Thomson, A., & Ward, S. (2021). The quasar feedback survey: discovering hidden Radio-AGN and their connection to the host galaxy ionized gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(2), 1780-1797.
- Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., O’Dea, C., Baum, S., Combes, F., Edge, A., Fabian, A., McDonald, M., Nulsen, P., Russell, H., & Salomé, P. (2021). A Massive, Clumpy Molecular Gas Distribution and Displaced AGN in Zw 3146. Astrophysical Journal, 910(1), Article 53.
- Prasow-Émond, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Rhea, C., Latulippe, M., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Richard-Laferrière, A., Sanders, J., Edge, A., Allen, S., Mantz, A., & Linden, A. V. D. (2020). A Multiwavelength Study of the Cool Core Cluster MACS J1447.4+0827. Astronomical Journal, 160(3), Article 103.
- Shimwell, T., Röttgering, H., Morganti, R., Edge, A., Cuciti, V., Brunetti, G., Botteon, A., Brüggen, M., Rafferty, D., & Bîrzan, L. (2020). LOFAR observations of X-ray cavity systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(3), 2613-2635.
- Martz, C., McNamara, B., Nulsen, P., Vantyghem, A., Gingras, M.-J., Babyk, I. V., Russell, H., Edge, A., McDonald, M., Tamhane, P., Fabian, A., & Hogan, M. (2020). Thermally Unstable Cooling Stimulated by Uplift: The Spoiler Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 897(1), Article 57.
- Peck, A., Oonk, J., O’Dea, C., Nesvadba, N., Ferland, G., Fabian, A., Donahue, M., Bremer, M., Baum, S., Tremblay, G., Sarazin, C., Salomé, P., Gaspari, M., Russell, H., McNamara, B., Hamer, S., Combes, F., Edge, A., & Rose, T. (2020). A molecular absorption line survey toward the AGN of Hydra-A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(1), 364-380.
- Schellenberger, G., David, L. P., Vrtilek, J., O’Sullivan, E., Lim, J., Forman, W., Sun, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Jones, C., Giacintucci, S., Edge, A., Gastaldello, F., Temi, P., Brighenti, F., & Bardelli, S. (2020). Atacama Compact Array Measurements of the Molecular Mass in the NGC 5044 Cooling-flow Group. Astrophysical Journal, 894(1), Article 72.
- Bonnassieux, E., Edge, A., Morabito, L., & Bonafede, A. (2020). Decoherence in LOFAR-VLBI beamforming. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 637, Article A51.
- Steinhardt, C. L., Jauzac, M., Acebron, A., Atek, H., Capak, P., Davidzon, I., Eckert, D., Harvey, D., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagos, C. D., Mahler, G., Montes, M., Niemiec, A., Nonino, M., Oesch, P., Richard, J., Rodney, S. A., Schaller, M., Sharon, K., Strolger, L.-G., …Zitrin, A. (2020). The BUFFALO HST Survey. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 247(2), Article 64.
- Richard-Laferrière, A., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Nemmen, R., Rhea, C., Taylor, G., Prasow-Émond, M., Gendron-Marsolais, M., Latulippe, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Sanders, J., Hogan, M., & Demontigny, G. (2020). On the relation between mini-halos and AGN feedback in clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(2),
- Wright, A. H., Hildebrandt, H., Kuijken, K., Erben, T., Blake, R., Buddelmeijer, H., Choi, A., Cross, N., de Jong, J. T., Edge, A., Gonzalez-Fernandez, C., González Solares, E., Grado, A., Heymans, C., Irwin, M., Kupcu Yoldas, A., Lewis, J. R., Mann, R. G., Napolitano, N., Radovich, M., …Verdoes Kleijn, G. A. (2019). KiDS+VIKING-450: A new combined optical and near-infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 632, Article A34.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Edge, A., Madar, M., Olivares, V., Salomé, P., & Vantyghem, A. (2019). Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(3), 3025-3045.
- Babyk, I. V., McNamara, B., Tamhane, P., Nulsen, P., Russell, H., & Edge, A. (2019). Origins of Molecular Clouds in Early-type Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 887(2), Article 149.
- Calzadilla, M. S., McDonald, M., Bayliss, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Brodwin, M., Edge, A. C., Floyd, B., Gupta, N., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McNamara, B. R., & Reichardt, C. L. (2019). Discovery of a Powerful >1061 erg AGN Outburst in the Distant Galaxy Cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 887(1), Article L17.
- Olivares, V., Salome, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Guillard, P., Lehnert, M., Polles, F., Beckmann, R., Dubois, Y., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., McNamara, B., Rose, T., Russell, H., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A., Canning, R., Ferland, G., Godard, B., …Pineau des Forets, G. (2019). Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 631, Article A22.
- Rose, T., Edge, A., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Peck, A., Sarazin, C., Tremblay, G., Baum, S., Bremer, M., McNamara, B., O’Dea, C., Oonk, J., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Mittal, R., & Vantyghem, A. (2019). Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 349-365.
- Thomson, A., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Simpson, J., Arumugam, V., Stach, S., Murphy, E., Rujopakarn, W., Almaini, O., An, F., Blain, A., Chen, C., Cooke, E., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Edge, A., Farrah, D., Gullberg, B., Hartley, W., Ibar, E., Maltby, D., …Wardlow, J. (2019). Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion?. Astrophysical Journal, 883(2), Article 204.
- Rodríguez-Muñoz, L., Rodighiero, G., Mancini, C., Pérez-González, P., Rawle, T., Egami, E., Mercurio, A., Rosati, P., Puglisi, A., Franceschini, A., Balestra, I., Baronchelli, I., Biviano, A., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Enia, A., Grillo, C., Haines, C., Iani, E., Jones, T., …Zemcov, M. (2019). Quantifying the suppression of the (un)-obscured star formation in galaxy cluster cores at 0.2≲ z ≲0.9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 586-619.
- Rose, T., Edge, A., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Russell, H., Tremblay, G., Baum, S., O’Dea, C., Peck, A., Sarazin, C., Vantyghem, A., Bremer, M., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., McNamara, B., Mittal, R., Oonk, J., …Voit, M. (2019). Deep and narrow CO absorption revealing molecular clouds in the Hydra-A brightest cluster galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(1), 229-238.
- Cheale, R. A., Geach, J. E., Edge, A. C., Blain, A. W., Chapman, S. C., Egami, E., Hogan, M. T., Rawle, T. D., & Webb, T. M. (2019). The SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey – I. Catalogue of lensed galaxies and submillimetre-bright central galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(2), 2757-2778.
- Calzadilla, M. S., Russell, H. R., McDonald, M. A., Fabian, A. C., Baum, S. A., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A. C., McNamara, B. R., Nulsen, P. E., O’Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. R., Tremblay, G. R., & Vantyghem, A. N. (2019). Revealing a Highly Dynamic Cluster Core in Abell 1664 with Chandra. Astrophysical Journal, 875(1), Article 65.
- Hamer, S., Fabian, A., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Olivares, V., Polles, F., Edge, A., & Beckmann, R. (2019). Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: line emission outside the protection of the filaments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 4984-4998.
- Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Fox, C., Coe, D., Jauzac, M., Strait, V., Edge, A., Acebron, A., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Bradač, M., Bradley, L. D., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Cibirka, N., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Frye, B. L., Hoag, A. T., Huang, K.-H., …Zitrin, A. (2019). RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5–1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST. Astrophysical Journal, 873(1), Article 96.
- Jarvis, M., Harrison, C., Thomson, A., Circosta, C., Mainieri, V., Alexander, D., Edge, A., Lansbury, G., Molyneux, S., & Mullaney, J. (2019). Prevalence of radio jets associated with galactic outflows and feedback from quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2710-2730.
- Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., Russell, H., Edge, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Fabian, A., McDonald, M., & Salomé, P. (2019). An Enormous Molecular Gas Flow in the RX J0821+0752 Galaxy Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 870(2), Article 57.
- Jauzac, M., Mahler, G., Edge, A. C., Sharon, K., Gillman, S., Ebeling, H., Harvey, D., Richard, J., Hamer, S. L., Fumagalli, M., Swinbank, A. M., Kneib, J.-P., Massey, R., & Salomé, P. (2018). The core of the massive cluster merger MACS J0417.5-1154 as seen by VLT/MUSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(3), 3082-3097.
- Tremblay, G., Combes, F., Oonk, J., Russell, H., McDonald, M., Gaspari, M., Husemann, B., Nulsen, P., McNamara, B., Hamer, S., O’Dea, C., Baum, S., Davis, T., Donahue, M., Voit, G., Edge, A., Blanton, E., Bremer, M., Bulbul, E., Clarke, T., …ZuHone, J. (2018). A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole. Astrophysical Journal, 865(1), Article 13.
- Cheale, R., Geach, J., Edge, A., Perrott, Y., & Cantwell, T. (2018). The nature of the variable millimetre–selected AGN in the brightest cluster galaxy of Abell 851. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 481(1), L54-L58.
- Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., Russell, H., Edge, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Fabian, A., McDonald, M., & Salomé, P. (2018). Molecular Gas Filaments and Star-forming Knots Beneath an X-Ray Cavity in RXC J1504–0248. Astrophysical Journal, 863(2), Article 193.
- Gullberg, B., Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Biggs, A., Bertoldi, F., Breuck, C. D., Chapman, S., Chen, C.-C., Cooke, E., Coppin, K., Cox, P., Dannerbauer, H., Dunlop, J., Edge, A., Farrah, D., Geach, J., Greve, T., Hodge, J., Ibar, E., Ivison, R., …Weiss, A. (2018). The Dust and [C ii] Morphologies of Redshift ∼4.5 Sub-millimeter Galaxies at ∼200 pc Resolution: The Absence of Large Clumps in the Interstellar Medium at High-redshift. Astrophysical Journal, 859(1), Article 12.
- Gendron-Marsolais, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Martin, T., Drissen, L., McDonald, M., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Hamer, S., McNamara, B., & Morrison, G. (2018). Revealing the velocity structure of the filamentary nebula in NGC 1275 in its entirety. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 479(1), L28-L33.
- Duffy, R., Worrall, D., Birkinshaw, M., Nulsen, P., Wise, M., de Vries, M., Snios, B., Mathews, W., Perley, R., Hardcastle, M., Rafferty, D., McNamara, B., Edge, A., McKean, J., Carilli, C., Croston, J., Godfrey, L., & Laing, R. (2018). The X-ray Ribs Within the Cocoon Shock of Cygnus A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476(4), 4848-4860.
- Babyk, I. V., McNamara, B., Nulsen, P., Hogan, M., Vantyghem, A., Russell, H., Pulido, F., & Edge, A. (2018). X-Ray Scaling Relations of Early-type Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 857(1), Article 32.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Fecteau-Beaucage, D., van Weeren, R., Russell, H., Edge, A., Olamaie, M., Rumsey, C., King, L., Fabian, A., McNamara, B., Hogan, M., Mezcua, M., & Taylor, G. (2018). Mystery solved: discovery of extended radio emission in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(2), 2743-2753.
- Lansbury, G. B., Jarvis, M. E., Harrison, C. M., Alexander, D. M., Moro, A. D., Edge, A. C., Mullaney, J. R., & Thomson, A. P. (2018). Storm in a Teacup: X-Ray View of an Obscured Quasar and Superbubble. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 856(1), Article L1.
- Snios, B., Nulsen, P. E., Wise, M. W., de Vries, M., Birkinshaw, M., Worrall, D. M., Duffy, R. T., Kraft, R. P., McNamara, B. R., Carilli, C., Croston, J. H., Edge, A. C., Godfrey, L. E., Hardcastle, M. J., Harris, D. E., Laing, R. A., Mathews, W. G., McKean, J. P., Perley, R. A., Rafferty, D. A., & Young, A. J. (2018). The Cocoon Shocks of Cygnus A: Pressures and Their Implications for the Jets and Lobes. Astrophysical Journal, 855(1), Article 71.
- Gaspari, M., McDonald, M., Hamer, S., Brighenti, F., Temi, P., Gendron-Marsolais, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Edge, A., Werner, N., Tozzi, P., Sun, M., Stone, J., Tremblay, G., Hogan, M., Eckert, D., Ettori, S., Yu, H., Biffi, V., & Planelles, S. (2018). Shaken Snow Globes: Kinematic Tracers of the Multiphase Condensation Cascade in Massive Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 854(2), Article 167.
- Mezcua, M., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Lucey, J., Hogan, M., Edge, A., & McNamara, B. (2018). The most massive black holes on the Fundamental Plane of black hole accretion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(1), 1342-1360.
- Dye, S., Lawrence, A., Read, M., Fan, X., Kerr, T., Varricatt, W., Furnell, K., Edge, A., Irwin, M., Hambly, N., Lucas, P., Almaini, O., Chambers, K., Green, R., Hewett, P., Liu, M., McGreer, I., Best, W., Zhang, Z., Sutorius, E., …Tedds, J. (2018). The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey: definition and J-band data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(4), 5113-5125.
- Pulido, F., McNamara, B., Edge, A., Hogan, M., Vantyghem, A., Russell, H., Nulsen, P., Babyk, I., & Salomé, P. (2018). The Origin of Molecular Clouds in Central Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 853(2), Article 177.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Combes, F., Edge, A., Hogan, M., McDonald, M., Salomé, P., Tremblay, G., & Vantyghem, A. (2017). Close entrainment of massive molecular gas flows by radio bubbles in the central galaxy of Abell 1795. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(4), 4024-4037.
- Hogan, M., McNamara, B., Pulido, F., Nulsen, P., Vantyghem, A., Russell, H., Edge, A., Babyk, I., Main, R., & McDonald, M. (2017). The Onset of Thermally Unstable Cooling from the Hot Atmospheres of Giant Galaxies in Clusters: Constraints on Feedback Models. Astrophysical Journal, 851(1), Article 66.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Edge, A. C. (2017). Stellar dynamics in the strong-lensing central galaxy of Abell 1201: a low stellar mass-to-light ratio, a large central compact mass and a standard dark matter halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471(1), 383-393.
- Smith, R. J., & Edge, A. C. (2017). An extended cold gas absorber in a central cluster galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 471(1), L66-L70.
- Cafolla, C., Mathew, R., Edge, A., Swinbank, A., Lansbury, G., Wilson, R., Butterley, T., Lucey, J., Hardy, L., Littlefair, S., & Dhillon, V. (2017). SS Cancri: the shortest modulation-period Blazhko RR Lyrae. Information bulletin on variable stars, 63, Article 6213.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Edge, A. C. (2017). A counter-image to the gravitational arc in Abell 1201: Evidence for IMF variations, or a 10^10 M⊙ black hole?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(1), 836-848.
- Danielson, A., Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Simpson, J., Casey, C., Chapman, S., da Cunha, E., Hodge, J., Walter, F., Wardlow, J., Alexander, D., Brandt, W., de Breuck, C., Coppin, K., Dannerbauer, H., Dickinson, M., Edge, A., Gawiser, E., Ivison, R., Karim, A., …van der Werf, P. (2017). An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Spectroscopic Redshifts. Astrophysical Journal, 840(2), Article 78.
- Hogan, M., McNamara, B., Pulido, F., Nulsen, P., Russell, H., Vantyghem, A., Edge, A., & Main, R. (2017). Mass Distribution in Galaxy Cluster Cores. Astrophysical Journal, 837(1), Article 51.
- Green, T., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Burgett, W., Draper, P., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P., Magnier, E., Metcalfe, N., Wainscoat, R., & Waters, C. (2017). Hiding in plain sight – recovering clusters of galaxies with the strongest AGN in their cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(4), 4872-4885.
- Russell, H., McDonald, M., McNamara, B., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Bayliss, M., Benson, B., Brodwin, M., Carlstrom, J., Edge, A., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Marrone, D., Reichardt, C., & Vieira, J. (2017). Alma Observations of Massive Molecular Gas Filaments Encasing Radio Bubbles in the Phoenix Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 836(1), Article 130.
- Kim, J.-W., Ko, J., Hwang, H. S., Edge, A. C., Lee, J. H., Lee, J. C., & Jeong, H. (2017). The Dependence of Cluster Galaxy Properties on the Central Entropy of Their Host Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 836(1), Article 105.
- Geach, J., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., van der Werf, P., Alexander, D., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Arumugam, V., Asboth, V., Banerji, M., Beanlands, J., Best, P., Blain, A., Birkinshaw, M., Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Chen, C.-C., Chrysostomou, A., Clarke, C., …Zemcov, M. (2017). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(2), 1789-1806.
- Coleman, J. E., King, L. J., Oguri, M., Russell, H. R., Canning, R. E., Leonard, A., Santana, R., White, J. A., Baum, S. A., Clowe, D. I., Edge, A., Fabian, A. C., McNamara, B. R., & O'Dea, C. P. (2017). The mass distribution of the unusual merging cluster Abell 2146 from strong lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 2469-2480.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Gandhi, P., Hogan, M., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Russell, H., Iwasawa, K., & Mezcua, M. (2017). Chandra X-ray observations of the hyper-luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F15307+3252. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 2223-2233.
- Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., Edge, A., Combes, F., Russell, H., Fabian, A., Hogan, M., McDonald, M., Nulsen, P., & Salomé, P. (2017). A 13CO Detection in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal, 848(2), Article 101.
- Hodge, J., Swinbank, A., Simpson, J., Smail, I., Walter, F., Alexander, D., Bertoldi, F., Biggs, A., Brandt, W., Chapman, S., Chen, C., Coppin, K., Cox, P., Dannerbauer, H., Edge, A., Greve, T., Ivison, R., Karim, A., Knudsen, K., Menten, K., …van der Werf, P. (2016). Kiloparsec-scale Dust Disks in High-redshift Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 833(1), Article 103.
- Vantyghem, A., McNamara, B., Russell, H., Hogan, M., Edge, A., Nulsen, P., Fabian, A., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Baum, S., Donahue, M., Main, R., Murray, N., O’Connell, R., O’Dea, C., Oonk, J., Parrish, I., Sanders, J., Tremblay, G., & Voit, G. (2016). Molecular gas along a bright Hα filament in 2A 0335+096 revealed by Alma. Astrophysical Journal, 832(2), Article 148.
- McNamara, B., Russell, H., Nulsen, P., Hogan, M., Fabian, A., Pulido, F., & Edge, A. (2016). A Mechanism for stimulating AGN feedback by lifting gas in massive galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 830(2),
- Green, T., Edge, A., Stott, J., Ebeling, H., Burgett, W., Chambers, K., Draper, P., Metcalfe, N., Kaiser, N., Wainscoat, R., & Waters, C. (2016). A Multiwavelength Photometric Census of AGN and Star Formation Activity in the Brightest Cluster Galaxies of X-ray Selected Clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(1), 560-577.
- Hamer, S., Edge, A., Swinbank, A., Wilman, R., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Fabian, A., Crawford, C., Russell, H., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McNamara, B., & Bremer, M. (2016). Optical emission line nebulae in galaxy cluster cores 1: the morphological, kinematic and spectral properties of the sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(2), 1758-1789.
- Tremblay, G. R., Oonk, J. R., Combes, F., Salomé, P., O'Dea, C. P., Baum, S. A., Voit, G. M., Donahue, M., McNamara, B. R., Davis, T. A., McDonald, M. A., Edge, A. C., Clarke, T. E., Galván-Madrid, R., Bremer, M. N., Edwards, L. O., Fabian, A. C., Hamer, S., Li, Y., Maury, A., …Wise, M. W. (2016). Cold, clumpy accretion onto an active supermassive black hole. Nature, 534(7606), 218-221.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Edge, A., Combes, F., Murray, N., Parrish, I., Salomé, P., Sanders, J., Baum, S., Donahue, M., Main, R., O'Connell, R., O'Dea, C., Oonk, J., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A., & Voit, G. (2016). ALMA observations of cold molecular gas filaments trailing rising radio bubbles in PKS 0745-191. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(3), 3134-3149.
- Kim, J.-W., Im, M., Lee, S.-K., Edge, A. C., Hyun, M., Kim, D., Choi, C., Hong, J., Jeon, Y., Jun, H. D., Karouzos, M., Kim, D., Kim, J. H., Kim, Y., Park, W.-K., Taak, Y. C., & Yoon, Y. (2016). Discovery of a Supercluster at z ~ 0.91 and Testing the ΛCDM Cosmological Model. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 821(1),
- Driver, S. P., Wright, A. H., Andrews, S. K., Davies, L. J., Kafle, P. R., Lange, R., Moffett, A. J., Mannering, E., Robotham, A. S., Vinsen, K., Alpaslan, M., Andrae, E., Baldry, I. K., Bauer, A. E., Bamford, S. P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bourne, N., Brough, S., Brown, M. J., Cluver, M. E., …Williams, R. (2016). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Panchromatic Data Release (far-UV-far-IR) and the low-z energy budget. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(4), 3911-3942.
- White, J., Canning, R., King, L., Lee, B., Russell, H., Baum, S., Clowe, D., Coleman, J., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., McNamara, B., O'Dea, C., & Sanders, J. (2015). Dynamical analysis of galaxy cluster merger Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(3), 2718-2730.
- Hogan, M., Edge, A., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Grainge, K., Hamer, S., Mahony, E., Russell, H., Fabian, A., McNamara, B., & Wilman, R. (2015). A comprehensive study of the radio properties of brightest cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(2), 1201-1222.
- Hogan, M., Edge, A., Geach, J., Grainge, K., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Hovatta, T., Karim, A., McNamara, B., Rumsey, C., Russell, H., Salomé, P., Aller, H., Aller, M., Benford, D., Fabian, A., Readhead, A., Sadler, E., & Saunders, R. (2015). High radio-frequency properties and variability of brightest cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(2), 1223-1240.
- McDonald, M., McNamara, B., van Weeren, R., Applegate, D., Bayliss, M., Bautz, M., Benson, B., Carlstrom, J., Bleem, L., Chatzikos, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Garmire, G., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Jones-Forman, C., Mantz, A., Miller, E., Stalder, B., Veilleux, S., & ZuHone, J. (2015). Deep Chandra, HST-COS, and Megacam Observations of the Phoenix Cluster: Extreme Star Formation and AGN Feedback on Hundred Kiloparsec Scales. Astrophysical Journal, 811(2),
- Zavala, J., Yun, M., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D., Wilson, G., Geach, J., Egami, E., Gurwell, M., Wilner, D., Smail, I., Blain, A., Chapman, S., Coppin, K., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Edge, A., Montaña, A., Nakajima, K., Rawle, T., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Swinbank, A., …Zeballos, M. (2015). Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: observations of dust continuum and CO emission lines of cluster-lensed submillimetre galaxies at z=2.0-4.7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(2), 1140-1151.
- Fabian, A., Walker, S., Pinto, C., Russell, H., & Edge, A. (2015). Effects of the variability of the nucleus of NGC 1275 on X-ray observations of the surrounding intracluster medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(3), 3061-3067.
- Tremblay, G., O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Mittal, R., McDonald, M., Combes, F., Li, Y., McNamara, B., Bremer, M., Clarke, T., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Hamer, S., Hogan, M., Oonk, J., Quillen, A., Sanders, J., Salomé, P., & Voit, G. (2015). Far-ultraviolet morphology of star-forming filaments in cool core brightest cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(4), 3768-3800.
- Simpson, J., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Chapman, S., Geach, J., Ivison, R., Thomson, A., Aretxaga, I., Blain, A., Cowley, W., Chen, C.-C., Coppin, K., Dunlop, J., Edge, A., Farrah, D., Ibar, E., Karim, A., Knudsen, K., Meijerink, R., Michałowski, M., …van der Werf, P. (2015). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: ALMA resolves the bright-end of the submillimeter number counts. Astrophysical Journal, 807(2), Article 128.
- Livermore, R. C., Jones, T. A., Richard, J., Bower, R. G., Swinbank, A. M., Yuan, T.-. T., Edge, A. C., Ellis, R. S., Kewley, L. J., Smail, I., Coppin, K. E. K., & Ebeling, H. (2015). Resolved spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed galaxies: global dynamics and star-forming clumps on ∼100 pc scales at 1 < z < 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450(2), 1812-1835.
- Kim, J.-W., Im, M., Lee, S.-K., Edge, A. C., Wake, D. A., Merson, A. I., & Jeon, Y. (2015). Linking Galaxies to Dark Matter Halos at z ~ 1 : Dependence of Galaxy Clustering on Stellar Mass and Specific Star Formation Rate. Astrophysical Journal, 806(2),
- Massey, R., Williams, L., Smit, R., Swinbank, M., Kitching, D., Harvey, D., Jauzac, M., Israel, H., Clowe, D., Edge, A., Hilton, M., Jullo, E., Leonard, A., Liesenborgs, J., Merten, J., Mohammed, I., Nagai, D., Richard, J., Robertson, A., Saha, P., …Tittley, E. (2015). The behaviour of dark matter associated with four bright cluster galaxies in the 10 kpc core of Abell 3827. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(4), 3393-3406.
- Harrison, C., Thomson, A., Alexander, D., Bauer, F., Edge, A., Hogan, M., Mullaney, J., & Swinbank, A. (2015). Storm in a "Teacup": A Radio-quiet Quasar with ≈10 kpc Radio-emitting Bubbles and Extreme Gas Kinematics. Astrophysical Journal, 800(1), Article 45.
- Chen, C.-C., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Simpson, J., Ma, C.-J., Alexander, D., Biggs, A., Brandt, W., Chapman, S., Coppin, K., Danielson, A., Dannerbauer, H., Edge, A., Greve, T., Ivison, R., Karim, A., Menten, K., Schinnerer, E., Walter, F., Wardlow, J., …van der Werf, P. (2015). An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Near-infrared Morphologies and Stellar Sizes. Astrophysical Journal, 799(2), Article 194.
- Simpson, J., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Almaini, O., Blain, A., Bremer, M., Chapman, S., Chen, C.-C., Conselice, C., Coppin, K., Danielson, A., Dunlop, J., Edge, A., Farrah, D., Geach, J., Hartley, W., Ivison, R., Karim, A., Lani, C., Ma, C.-J., …van der Werf, P. (2015). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: ALMA Resolves the Rest-frame Far-infrared Emission of Sub-millimeter Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 799(1), Article 81.
- Karouzos, M., Im, M., Kim, J.-W., Lee, S.-K., Chapman, S., Jeon, Y., Choi, C., Hong, J., Hyun, M., Jun, H., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Pak, S., Park, W.-K., Taak, Y., Yoon, Y., & Edge, A. (2014). The Infrared Medium-Deep Survey. II. How to Trigger Radio AGNs? Hints from their Environments. Astrophysical Journal, 797(1),
- Russell, H., Fabian, A., McNamara, B., Edge, A., Sanders, J., Nulsen, P., Baum, S., Donahue, M., & O'Dea, C. (2014). The bow shock, cold fronts and disintegrating cool core in the merging galaxy group RX J0751.3+5012. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(1), 629-641.
- David, L., Lim, J., Forman, W., Vrtilek, J., Combes, F., Salome, P., Edge, A., Hamer, S., Jones, C., Sun, M., O'Sullivan, E., Gastaldello, F., Bardelli, S., Temi, P., Schmitt, H., Ohyama, Y., Mathews, W., Brighenti, F., Giacintucci, S., & Trung, D.-V. (2014). Molecular Gas in the X-Ray Bright Group NGC 5044 as Revealed by ALMA. Astrophysical Journal, 792(2),
- Dutson, K., Edge, A., Hinton, J., Hogan, M., Gurwell, M., & Alston, W. (2014). A non-thermal study of the brightest cluster galaxy NGC 1275 - the Gamma-Radio connection over four decades. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(3), 2048-2057.
- Oliva-Altamirano, P., Brough, S., Lidman, C., Couch, W., Hopkins, A., Colless, M., Taylor, E., Robotham, A., Gunawardhana, M., Ponman, T., Baldry, I., Bauer, A., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Cluver, M., Cameron, E., Conselice, C., Driver, S., Edge, A., Graham, A., van Kampen, E., …Sharp, R. (2014). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): testing galaxy formation models through the most massive galaxies in the Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(1), 762-775.
- Werner, N., Oonk, J., Sun, M., Nulsen, P., Allen, S., Canning, R., Simionescu, A., Hoffer, A., Connor, T., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., von der Linden, A., Reynolds, C., & Ruszkowski, M. (2014). The origin of cold gas in giant elliptical galaxies and its role in fuelling radio-mode AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(3), 2291-2306.
- McNamara, B., Russell, H., Nulsen, P., Edge, A., Murray, N., Main, R., Vantyghem, A., Combes, F., Fabian, A., Salome, P., Kirkpatrick, C., Baum, S., Bregman, J., Donahue, M., Egami, E., Hamer, S., O'Dea, C., Oonk, J., Tremblay, G., & Voit, G. (2014). A 10^10 Solar Mass Flow of Molecular Gas in the A1835 Brightest Cluster Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal, 785(1), Article 44.
- McDonald, M., Swinbank, M., Edge, A., Wilner, D., Veilleux, S., Benson, B., Hogan, M., Marrone, D., McNamara, B., Wei, L. H., Bayliss, M., & Bautz, M. (2014). The State of the Warm and Cold Gas in the Extreme Starburst at the Core of the Phoenix Galaxy Cluster (SPT-CLJ2344-4243). Astrophysical Journal, 784(1), Article 18.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Edge, A., Nulsen, P., Main, R., Vantyghem, A., Combes, F., Fabian, A., Murray, N., Salomé, P., Wilman, R., Baum, S., Donahue, M., O'Dea, C., Oonk, J., Tremblay, G., & Voit, G. (2014). Massive Molecular Gas Flows in the A1664 Brightest Cluster Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal, 784(1), Article 78.
- Rawle, T., Egami, E., Bussmann, R., Gurwell, M., Ivison, R., Boone, F., Combes, F., Danielson, A., Rex, M., Richard, J., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Altieri, B., Blain, A., Clement, B., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Edge, A., Fazio, G., Jones, T., Kneib, J.-P., …Zemcov, M. (2014). [C II] and ^12CO(1-0) Emission Maps in HLSJ091828.6+514223: A Strongly Lensed Interacting System at z = 5.24. Astrophysical Journal, 783(1), Article 59.
- Kim, J.-W., Edge, A. C., Wake, D. A., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C. M., Lacey, C. G., Yamada, T., Sato, Y., Burgett, W. S., Chambers, K. C., Price, P. A., Foucaud, S., Draper, P., & Kaiser, N. (2014). Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(1), 825-840.
- Smail, I., Geach, J., Swinbank, A., Tadaki, K., Arumugam, V., Hartley, W., Almaini, O., Bremer, M., Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Danielson, A., Edge, A., Scott, D., Simpson, C., Simpson, J., Conselice, C., Dunlop, J., Ivison, R., Karim, A., Kodama, T., …Webb, T. (2014). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Ultraluminous star-forming galaxies in a z=1.6 cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 782(1), Article 19.
- Ebeling, H., Stephenson, L., & Edge, A. (2014). Jellyfish: Evidence of Extreme Ram-pressure Stripping in Massive Galaxy Clusters. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 781(2), Article L40.
- Hamer, S., Edge, A., Swinbank, A., Oonk, J., Mittal, R., McNamara, B., Russell, H., Bremer, M., Combes, F., Fabian, A., Nesvadba, N., O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Salomé, P., Tremblay, G., Donahue, M., Ferland, G., & Sarazin, C. (2014). Cold gas dynamics in Hydra-A: evidence for a rotating disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(1), 862-878.
- Danielson, A., Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Bayet, E., van der Werf, P. P., Cox, P., Edge, A., Henkel, C., & Ivison, R. (2013). 13CO and C18O emission from a dense gas disc at z = 2.3: abundance variations, cosmic rays and the initial conditions for star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(3), 2793-2809.
- Canning, R., Sun, M., Sanders, J., Clarke, T., Fabian, A., Giacintucci, S., Lal, D., Werner, N., Allen, S., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Johnstone, R., Nulsen, P., Salomé, P., & Sarazin, C. (2013). A multiwavelength view of cooling versus AGN heating in the X-ray luminous cool-core of Abell 3581. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(2), 1108-1125.
- Owers, M., Baldry, I., Bauer, A., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brown, M., Cluver, M., Colless, M., Driver, S., Edge, A., Hopkins, A., van Kampen, E., Lara-Lopez, M., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Pimbblet, K., Ponman, T., & Robotham, A. (2013). Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Witnessing the Assembly of the Cluster ABELL 1882. Astrophysical Journal, 772(2), Article 104.
- Ettori, S., Gastaldello, F., Gitti, M., O'Sullivan, E., Gaspari, M., Brighenti, F., David, L., & Edge, A. (2013). Cold fronts and metal anisotropies in the X-ray cool core of the galaxy cluster Zw 1742+3306. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 555, Article A93.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Edge, A., Hogan, M., Main, R., & Vantyghem, A. (2013). Radiative efficiency, variability and Bondi accretion on to massive black holes: the transition from radio AGN to quasars in brightest cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 530-553.
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Burgett, W., Chambers, K., Hodapp, K., Huber, M., Kaiser, N., Price, P., & Tonry, J. (2013). X-ray selected galaxy clusters in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 62-72.
- Geach, J., Chapin, E., Coppin, K., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., Werf, P. V. D., Serjeant, S., Farrah, D., Roseboom, I., Targett, T., Arumugam, V., Asboth, V., Blain, A., Chrysostomou, A., Clarke, C., Ivison, R., Jones, S., Karim, A., Mackenzie, T., …Zemcov, M. (2013). The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 53-61.
- Karim, A., Swinbank, A., Hodge, J., Smail, I., Walter, F., Biggs, A., Simpson, J., Danielson, A., Alexander, D., Bertoldi, F., de Breuck, C., Chapman, S., Coppin, K., Dannerbauer, H., Edge, A., Greve, T., Ivison, R., Knudsen, K., Menten, K., Schinnerer, E., …van der Werf, P. (2013). An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : high-resolution 870 μm source counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 2-9.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Allen, S., Sanders, J., & Taylor, G. (2013). The rapid evolution of AGN feedback in brightest cluster galaxies: switching from quasar-mode to radio-mode feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(2), 1638-1658.
- Hodge, J., Karim, A., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Walter, F., Biggs, A., Ivison, R., Weiss, A., Alexander, D., Bertoldi, F., Brandt, W., Chapman, S., Coppin, K., Cox, P., Danielson, A., Dannerbauer, H., De Breuck, C., Decarli, R., Edge, A., Greve, T., …van der Werf, P. (2013). An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : source catalog and multiplicity. Astrophysical Journal, 768(1), Article 91.
- Werner, N., Oonk, J., Canning, R., Allen, S., Simionescu, A., Kos, J., van Weeren, R., Edge*, A., Fabian, A., von der Linden, A., Nulsen, P., Reynolds, C., & Ruszkowski, M. (2013). The Nature of Filamentary Cold Gas in the Core of the Virgo Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 767(2), Article 153.
- Dutson, K., White, R., Edge, A., Hinton, J., & Hogan, M. (2013). A stacked analysis of brightest cluster galaxies observed with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(3), 2069-2079.
- Santos, J., Altieri, B., Popesso, P., Strazzullo, V., Valtchanov, I., Berta, S., Böhringer, H., Conversi, L., Demarco, R., Edge, A., Lidman, C., Lutz, D., Metcalfe, L., Mullis, C., Pintos-Castro, I., Sánchez-Portal, M., Rawle, T., Rosati, P., Swinbank, A., & Tanaka, M. (2013). Dust-obscured star formation in the outskirts of XMMU J2235.3-2557, a massive galaxy cluster at z = 1.4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433(2), 1287-1299.
- Mittal, R., Oonk, J. R., Ferland, G. J., Edge, A. C., O'Dea, C. P., Baum, S. A., Whelan, J. T., Johnstone, R. M., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Fabian, A. C., Tremblay, G. R., Donahue, M., & Russell, H. (2012). Herschel observations of extended atomic gas in the core of the Perseus cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(4), 2957-2977.
- Bonafede, A., Brüggen, M., van Weeren, R., Vazza, F., Giovannini, G., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Hoeft, M., & Klein, U. (2012). Discovery of radio haloes and double relics in distant MACS galaxy clusters: clues to the efficiency of particle acceleration. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(1), 40-56.
- Livermore, R., Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Bower, R., Coppin, K., Crain, R., Edge, A., Geach, J., & Richard, J. (2012). Observational Limits on the Gas Mass of a z = 4.9 Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 758,
- van Weeren, R., Bonafede, A., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Brüggen, M., Giovannini, G., Hoeft, M., & Röttgering, H. (2012). Diffuse radio emission in MACS J1752.0+4440. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 425(1), L36-L40.
- Tremblay, G., O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Clarke, T., Sarazin, C., Bregman, J., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., McNamara, B., Mittal, R., Oonk, J., Quillen, A., Russell, H., Sanders, J., Salomé, P., Voit, G., Wilman, R., & Wise, M. (2012). Residual cooling and persistent star formation amid active galactic nucleus feedback in Abell 2597. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(2), 1042-1060.
- Limousin, M., Ebeling, H., Richard, J., Swinbank, A., Smith, G., Jauzac, M., Rodionov, S., Ma, C.-J., Smail, I., Edge, A., Jullo, E., & Kneib, J.-P. (2012). Strong lensing by a node of the cosmic web. The core of MACS J0717.5+3745 at z = 0.55. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 544, Article A71.
- Tremblay, G., O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Clarke, T., Sarazin, C., Bregman, J., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., McNamara, B., Mittal, R., Oonk, J., Quillen, A., Russell, H., Sanders, J., Salomé, P., Voit, G., Wilman, R., & Wise, M. (2012). Multiphase signatures of active galactic nucleus feedback in Abell 2597. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(2), 1026-1041.
- Haines, C., Pereira, M., Sanderson, A., Smith, G., Egami, E., Babul, A., Edge, A., Finoguenov, A., Moran, S., & Okabe, N. (2012). LoCuSS: A Dynamical Analysis of X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei in Local Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 754(2), Article 97.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Hogan, M. (2012). On the hunt for ultramassive black holes in brightest cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(1), 224-231.
- Mehrtens, N., Romer, A. K., Hilton, M., Lloyd-Davies, E., Miller, C. J., Stanford, S., Hosmer, M., Hoyle, B., Collins, C. A., Liddle, A. R., Viana, P. T., Nichol, R. C., Stott, J. P., Dubois, E. N., Kay, S. T., Sahlén, M., Young, O., Short, C., Christodoulou, L., Watson, W. A., …Ogando, R. (2012). The XMM Cluster Survey: optical analysis methodology and the first data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423(2), 1024-1052.
- Russell, H., McNamara, B., Sanders, J., Fabian, A., Nulsen, P., Canning, R., Baum, S., Donahue, M., Edge, A., King, L., & O'Dea, C. (2012). Shock fronts, electron-ion equilibration and intracluster medium transport processes in the merging cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423(1), 236-255.
- Stott, J. P., Hickox, R. C., Edge, A. C., Collins, C. A., Hilton, M., Harrison, C. D., Romer, A. K., Rooney, P. J., Kay, S. T., Miller, C. J., Sahlén, M., Lloyd-Davies, E. J., Mehrtens, N., Hoyle, B., Liddle, A. R., Viana, P. T., McCarthy, I. G., Schaye, J., & Booth, C. (2012). The XMM Cluster Survey: the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intracluster medium via AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422(3), 2213-2229.
- Hamer, S., Edge, A., Swinbank, A., Wilman, R., Russell, H., Fabian, A., Sanders, J., & Salomé, P. (2012). The relation between line emission and brightest cluster galaxies in three exceptional clusters: evidence for gas cooling from the intracluster medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421(4), 3409-3417.
- Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Sanders, J., Hogan, M., & Taylor, G. (2012). Extreme AGN feedback in the MAssive Cluster Survey: a detailed study of X-ray cavities at z>0.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421(2), 1360-1384.
- Rawle, T., Edge, A., Egami, E., Rex, M., Smith, G., Altieri, B., Fiedler, A., Haines, C., Pereira, M., Pérez-González, P., Portouw, J., Valtchanov, I., Walth, G., van der Werf, P., & Zemcov, M. (2012). The Relation between Cool Cluster Cores and Herschel-detected Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 747(1), Article 29.
- Combes, F., Rex, M., Rawle, T., Egami, E., Boone, F., Smail, I., Richard, J., Ivison, R., Gurwell, M., Casey, C., Omont, A., Berciano Alba, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Edge, A., Fazio, G., Kneib, J.-P., Okabe, N., Pelló, R., Pérez-González, P., Schaerer, D., …van der Werf, P. (2012). A bright z = 5.2 lensed submillimeter galaxy in the field of Abell 773 : HLSJ091828.6+514223. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 538, Article L4.
- Hamilton-Morris, V., Smith, G. P., Edge, A., Egami, E., Haines, C., Marshall, P., Sanderson, A., & Targett, T. (2012). A Weak-lensing and Near-infrared Study of A3192: Disassembling a Richness Class 3 Abell Cluster. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 748(2),
- Mauduit, J.-C., Lacy, M., Farrah, D., Surace, J., Jarvis, M., Oliver, S., Maraston, C., Vaccari, M., Marchetti, L., Zeimann, G., Gonzáles-Solares, E., Pforr, J., Petric, A., Henriques, B., Thomas, P., Afonso, J., Rettura, A., Wilson, G., Falder, J., Geach, J., …Xu, C. (2012). The Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS): Survey Definition and Goals. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 124(917), 714-736.
- Mittal, R., O'Dea, C., Ferland, G., Oonk, J., Edge, A., Canning, R., Russell, H., Baum, S., Böhringer, H., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Fabian, A., Hatch, N., Hoffer, A., Johnstone, R., McNamara, B., Salomé, P., & Tremblay, G. (2011). Herschel observations of the Centaurus cluster - the dynamics of cold gas in a cool core. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418(4), 2386-2402.
- Sawangwit, U., Shanks, T., Abdalla, F., Cannon, R., Croom, S., Edge, A., Ross, N., & Wake, D. (2011). Angular correlation function of 1.5 million luminous red galaxies: clustering evolution and a search for baryon acoustic oscillations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416(4), 3033-3056.
- Russell, H., van Weeren, R., Edge, A., McNamara, B., Sanders, J., Fabian, A., Baum, S., Canning, R., Donahue, M., & O'Dea, C. (2011). A merger mystery: no extended radio emission in the merging cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417, L1-L5.
- Coppin, K., Geach, J., Smail, I., Dunne, L., Edge, A., Ivison, R., Maddox, S., Auld, R., Baes, M., Buttiglione, S., Cava, A., Clements, D., Cooray, A., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Dye, S., Eales, S., Fritz, J., Hopwood, R., Ibar, E., …van der Werf, P. (2011). Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey: detection of a far-infrared population around galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416(1), 680-688.
- Wilman, R., Edge, A., McGregor, P., & McNamara, B. (2011). Molecular accretion in the core of the galaxy cluster 2A 0335+096. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416(3), 2060-2067.
- Norris, R., Hopkins, A., Afonso, J., Brown, S., Condon, J., Dunne, L., Feain, I., Hollow, R., Jarvis, M., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Lenc, E., Middelberg, E., Padovani, P., Prandoni, I., Rudnick, L., Seymour, N., Umana, G., Andernach, H., Alexander, D., Appleton, P., …Zhao, G.-B. (2011). EMU: Evolutionary Map of the Universe. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 28, 215-248.
- Salomé, P., Combes, F., Revaz, Y., Downes, D., Edge, A., & Fabian, A. (2011). A very extended molecular web around NGC 1275. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 531,
- Braglia, F., Ade, P., Bock, J., Chapin, E., Devlin, M., Edge, A., Griffin, M., Gundersen, J., Halpern, M., Hargrave, P., Hughes, D., Klein, J., Marsden, G., Mauskopf, P., Moncelsi, L., Netterfield, C., Ngo, H., Olmi, L., Pascale, E., Patanchon, G., …Wiebe, D. (2011). Submillimetre observations of galaxy clusters with the BLAST: the star formation activity in Abell 3112. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(2), 1187-1202.
- Geach, J., Smail, I., Moran, S., MacArthur, L., Lagos, C., & Edge, A. (2011). On the Evolution of the Molecular Gas Fraction of Star-Forming Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 730(2), Article L19.
- Danielson, A., Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Cox, P., Edge, A., Weiss, A., Harris, A., Baker, A., De Breuck, C., Geach, J., Ivison, R., Krips, M., Lundgren, A., Longmore, S., Neri, R., & Flaquer, B. (2011). The properties of the interstellar medium within a star-forming galaxy at z= 2.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 1687-1702.
- Kim, J.-W., Edge, A., Wake, D., & Stott, J. (2011). Clustering properties of high-redshift red galaxies in SA22 from the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(1), 241-256.
- Coppin, K., Chapman, S., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Walter, F., Wardlow, J., Weiss, A., Alexander, D., Brandt, W., Dannerbauer, H., De Breuck, C., Dickinson, M., Dunlop, J., Edge, A., Emonts, B., Greve, T., Huynh, M., Ivison, R., Knudsen, K., Menten, K., …P., P. (2010). Detection of molecular gas in a distant submillimetre galaxy at z = 4.76 with Australia Telescope Compact Array. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407, L103-L107.
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Mantz, A., Barrett, E., Henry, J., Ma, C., & van Speybroeck, L. (2010). The X-ray brightest clusters of galaxies from the Massive Cluster Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(1), 83-93.
- Atrio-Barandela, F., Kashlinsky, A., Ebeling, H., Kocevski, D., & Edge, A. (2010). The Error Budget of the Dark Flow Measurement. Astrophysical Journal, 719(1), 77-87.
- Russell, H., Sanders, J., Fabian, A., Baum, S., Donahue, M., Edge, A., McNamara, B., & O'Dea, C. (2010). Chandra observation of two shock fronts in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406(3), 1721-1733.
- O'Dea, K., Quillen, A., O'Dea, C., Tremblay, G., Snios, B., Baum, S., Christiansen, K., Noel-Storr, J., Edge, A., Donahue, M., & Voit, G. (2010). Hubble Space Telescope Far-ultraviolet Observations of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: The Role of Star Formation in Cooling Flows and BCG Evolution. Astrophysical Journal, 719(2), 1619-1632.
- Edge, A., Oonk, J., Mittal, R., Allen, S., Baum, S., Böhringer, H., Bregman, J., Bremer, M., Combes, F., Crawford, C., Donahue, M., Egami, E., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Hamer, S., Hatch, N., Jaffe, W., Johnstone, R., McNamara, B., O'Dea, C., …Wise, M. (2010). Herschel observations of FIR emission lines in brightest cluster galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 518, Article L46.
- Smith, G., Haines, C., Pereira, M., Egami, E., Moran, S., Hardegree-Ullman, E., Babul, A., Rex, M., Rawle, T., Zhang, Y.-Y., Finoguenov, A., Okabe, N., Sanderson, A., Edge, A., & Takada, M. (2010). LoCuSS: Probing galaxy transformation physics with Herschel. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 518,
- Ivison, R., Swinbank, A., Swinyard, B., Smail, I., Pearson, C., Rigopoulou, D., Polehampton, E., Baluteau, J.-P., Barlow, M., Blain, A., Bock, J., Clements, D., Coppin, K., Cooray, A., Danielson, A., Dwek, E., Edge, A., Franceschini, A., Fulton, T., Glenn, J., …Wright, G. (2010). Herschel and SCUBA-2 imaging and spectroscopy of a bright, lensed submillimetre galaxy at z = 2.3. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 518, Article L35.
- Edge, A., Oonk, J., Mittal, R., Allen, S., Baum, S., Böhringer, H., Bregman, J., Bremer, M., Combes, F., Crawford, C., Donahue, M., Egami, E., Fabian, A., Ferland, G., Hamer, S., Hatch, N., Jaffe, W., Johnstone, R., McNamara, B., O'Dea, C., …Wise, M. (2010). Herschel photometry of brightest cluster galaxies in cooling flow clusters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 518, Article L47.
- Limousin, M., Ebeling, H., Ma, C.-J., Swinbank, A., Smith, G., Richard, J., Edge, A., Jauzac, M., Kneib, J.-P., Marshall, P., & Schrabback, T. (2010). MACS J1423.8+2404: gravitational lensing by a massive, relaxed cluster of galaxies at z = 0.54. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(2), 777-782.
- Lu, T., Gilbank, D., Balogh, M., Milkeraitis, M., Hoekstra, H., van Waerbeke, L., Wake, D., Edge, A., & Bower, R. (2010). Large-scale structure and dynamics of the most X-ray luminous galaxy cluster known - RX J1347-1145. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 403(4), 1787-1800.
- Kashlinsky, A., Atrio-Barandela, F., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., & Kocevski, D. (2010). A New Measurement of the Bulk Flow of X-Ray Luminous Clusters of Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 712(1), Article L81.
- Wardlow, J., Smail, I., Wilson, G., Yun, M., Coppin, K., Cybulski, R., Geach, J., Ivison, R., Aretxaga, I., Austermann, J., Edge, A., Fazio, G., Huang, J., Hughes, D., Kodama, T., Kang, Y., Kim, S., Mauskopf, P., Perera, T., & Scott, K. (2010). An AzTEC 1.1-mm survey for ULIRGs in the field of the Galaxy Cluster MS0451.6-0305. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(4), 2299-2317.
- Richard, J., Kneib, J.-P., Limousin, M., Edge, A., & Jullo, E. (2010). Abell 370 revisited: refurbished Hubble imaging of the first strong lensing cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402, L44-L48.
- Mahony, E., Croom, S., Boyle, B., Edge, A., Mauch, T., & Sadler, E. (2010). The RASS-6dFGS catalogue: a sample of X-ray selected AGN from the 6dF Galaxy Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(2), 1151-1165.
- Swinbank, A., Smail, I., Longmore, S., Harris, A., Baker, A., De Breuck, C., Richard, J., Edge, A., Ivison, R., Blundell, R., Coppin, K., Cox, P., Gurwell, M., Hainline, L., Krips, M., Lundgren, A., Neri, R., Siana, B., Siringo, G., Stark, D., …Younger, J. (2010). Intense star formation within resolved compact regions in a galaxy at z = 2.3. Nature, 464(7289), 733-736.
- Smith, G., Ebeling, H., Limousin, M., Kneib, J.-P., Swinbank, A., Ma, C.-J., Jauzac, M., Richard, J., Jullo, E., Sand, D., Edge, A., & Smail, I. (2009). Hubble Space Telescope Observations of a Spectacular New Strong-Lensing Galaxy Cluster: MACS J1149.5+2223 at z = 0.544. Astrophysical Journal, 707, L163-L168.
- Sanderson, A., Edge, A., & Smith, G. (2009). LoCuSS: the connection between brightest cluster galaxy activity, gas cooling and dynamical disturbance of X-ray cluster cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398(4), 1698-1705.
- Siana, B., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Richard, J., Teplitz, H., Coppin, K., Ellis, R., Stark, D., Kneib, J.-P., & Edge, A. (2009). Detection of Far-Infrared and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission from the Cosmic Eye: Probing the Dust and Star Formation of Lyman Break Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 698(2), 1273-1281.
- Guzzo, L., Schuecker, P., Böhringer, H., Collins, C., Ortiz-Gil, A., de Grandi, S., Edge, A., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Altucci, C., & Shaver, P. (2009). The REFLEX galaxy cluster survey. VIII. Spectroscopic observations and optical atlas,. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 499, 357-369.
- Geach, J., Smail, I., Coppin, K., Moran, S., Edge, A., & Ellis, R. (2009). CO interferometry of gas-rich spiral galaxies in the outskirts of an intermediate redshift cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 395, L62-L66.
- Ebeling, H., Ma, C., Kneib, J.-P., Jullo, E., Courtney, N., Barrett, E., Edge, A., & Le Borgne, J.-F. (2009). A spectacular giant arc in the massive cluster lens MACSJ1206.2-0847. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 395, 1213-1224.
- Wilman, R., Edge, A., & Swinbank, A. (2009). Integral field spectroscopy of ionized and molecular gas in cool cluster cores: evidence for cold feedback?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 395, 1355-1370.
- Stott, J., Pimbblet, K., Edge, A., Smith, G., & Wardlow, J. (2009). The evolution of the red sequence slope in massive galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394, 2098-2108.
- Croom, S., Richards, G., Shanks, T., Boyle, B., Sharp, R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bridges, T., Brunner, R., Cannon, R., Carson, D., Chiu, K., Colless, M., Couch, W., de Propris, R., Drinkwater, M., Edge, A., Fine, S., Loveday, J., Miller, L., Myers, A., …Wake, D. (2009). The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: the spectroscopic QSO catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 392, 19-44.
- O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Privon, G., Noel-Storr, J., Quillen, A., Zufelt, N., Park, J., Edge, A., Russell, H., Fabian, A., Donahue, M., Sarazin, C., McNamara, B., Bregman, J., & Egami, E. (2008). An Infrared Survey of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. II. Why are Some Brightest Cluster Galaxies Forming Stars?. Astrophysical Journal, 681(2), 1035-1045.
- Wake, D., Sheth, R., Nichol, R., Baugh, C., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Colless, M., Couch, W., Croom, S., de Propris, R., Drinkwater, M., Edge, A., Loveday, J., Lam, T., Pimbblet, K., Roseboom, I., Ross, N., Schneider, D., Shanks, T., & Sharp, R. (2008). The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: evolution of the clustering of luminous red galaxies since z = 0.6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387, 1045-1062.
- Salomé, P., Revaz, Y., Combes, F., Pety, J., Downes, D., Edge, A., & Fabian, A. (2008). Observations of CO in the eastern filaments of NGC 1275. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 483, 793-799.
- Salomé, P., Combes, F., Revaz, Y., Edge, A., Hatch, N., Fabian, A., & Johnstone, R. (2008). Cold gas in the Perseus cluster core: excitation of molecular gas in filaments. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 484, 317-325.
- Zheng, C., Romani, R., Sako, M., Marriner, J., Bassett, B., Becker, A., Choi, C., Cinabro, D., DeJongh, F., Depoy, D., Dilday, B., Doi, M., Frieman, J., Garnavich, P., Hogan, C., Holtzman, J., Im, M., Jha, S., Kessler, R., Konishi, K., …York, D. (2008). First-Year Spectroscopy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey. Astronomical Journal, 135(5), 1766-1784.
- Quillen, A., Zufelt, N., Park, J., O'Dea, C., Baum, S., Privon, G., Noel-Storr, J., Edge, A., Russell, H., Fabian, A., Donahue, M., Bregman, J., McNamara, B., & Sarazin, C. (2008). An Infrared Survey of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. I. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 176, 39-58.
- Lee, I., Im, M., Kim, M., Kang, E., Shim, H., Richards, G., Edge, A., Lee, M., Park, C., & Park, M.-G. (2008). Seoul National University Bright Quasar Survey in Optical (SNUQSO). I. First Phase Observations and Results. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 175, 116-127.
- Stott, J., Edge, A., Smith, G., Swinbank, A., & Ebeling, H. (2008). Near-infrared evolution of brightest cluster galaxies in the most X-ray luminous clusters since z = 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 384(4), 1502-1510.
- Frieman, J., Bassett, B., Becker, A., Choi, C., Cinabro, D., DeJongh, F., Depoy, D., Dilday, B., Doi, M., Garnavich, P., Hogan, C., Holtzman, J., Im, M., Jha, S., Kessler, R., Konishi, K., Lampeitl, H., Marriner, J., Marshall, J., McGinnis, D., …York, D. (2008). The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Technical Summary. Astronomical Journal, 135(1), 338-347.
- Sadler, E., Cannon, R., Mauch, T., Hancock, P., Wake, D., Ross, N., Croom, S., Drinkwater, M., Edge, A., Eisenstein, D., Hopkins, A., Johnston, H., Nichol, R., Pimbblet, K., de Propris, R., Roseboom, I., Schneider, D., & Shanks, T. (2007). Radio galaxies in the 2SLAQ Luminous Red Galaxy Survey - I. The evolution of low-power radio galaxies to z \~ 0.7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381, 211-227.
- Ross, N., Â, D., ngela, J., Shanks, T., Wake, D., Cannon, R., Edge, A., Nichol, R., Outram, P., Colless, M., Couch, W., Croom, S., de Propris, R., Drinkwater, M., Eisenstein, D., Loveday, J., Pimbblet, K., Roseboom, I., Schneider, D., Sharp, R., & Weilbacher, P. (2007). The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: the LRG 2-point correlation function and redshift-space distortions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381, 573-588.
- Swinbank, A., Edge, A., Smail, I., Stott, J., Bremer, M., Sato, Y., van Breukelen, C., Jarvis, M., Waddington, I., Clewley, L., Bergeron, J., Cotter, G., Dye, S., Geach, J., Gonzalez-Solares, E., Hirst, P., Ivison, R., Rawlings, S., Simpson, C., Smith, G., …Yamada, T. (2007). The discovery of a massive supercluster at z = 0.9 in the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 379, 1343-1351.
- Coppin, K., Swinbank, A., Neri, R., Cox, P., Smail, I., Ellis, R., Geach, J., Siana, B., Teplitz, H., Dye, S., Kneib, J.-P., Edge, A., & Richard, J. (2007). A Detailed Study of Gas and Star Formation in a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 3.07. Astrophysical Journal, 665(2), 936-943.
- Lawrence, A., Warren, S., Almaini, O., Edge, A., Hambly, N., Jameson, R., Lucas, P., Casali, M., Adamson, A., Dye, S., Emerson, J., Foucaud, S., Hewett, P., Hirst, P., Hodgkin, S., Irwin, M., Lodieu, N., McMahon, R., Simpson, C., Smail, I., …Folger, M. (2007). The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 379, 1599-1617.
- Dye, S., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Ebeling, H., & Edge, A. (2007). Separation of the visible and dark matter in the Einstein ring LBGJ213512.73-010143. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 379, 308-316.
- Stott, J., Smail, I., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Smith, G., Kneib, J.-P., & Pimbblet, K. (2007). An Increase in the Faint Red Galaxy Population in Massive Clusters since z \~ 0.5. Astrophysical Journal, 661(1), 95-101.
- Ebeling, H., Barrett, E., Donovan, D., Ma, C., Edge, A., & van Speybroeck, L. (2007). A Complete Sample of 12 Very X-Ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters at z > 0.5. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 661(1), L33-L36.
- Foucaud, S., Almaini, O., Smail, I., Conselice, C., Lane, K., Edge, A., Simpson, C., Dunlop, J., McLure, R., Cirasuolo, M., Hirst, P., Watson, M., & Page, M. (2007). Number counts and clustering properties of bright distant red galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Early Data Release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 376, L20-L24.
- Collister, A., Lahav, O., Blake, C., Cannon, R., Croom, S., Drinkwater, M., Edge, A., Eisenstein, D., Loveday, J., Nichol, R., Pimbblet, K., De Propris, R., Roseboom, I., Ross, N., Schneider, D., Shanks, T., & Wake, D. (2007). MegaZ-LRG: a photometric redshift catalogue of one million SDSS luminous red galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375(1), 68-76.
- Warren, S., Hambly, N., Dye, S., Almaini, O., Cross, N., Edge, A., Foucaud, S., Hewett, P., Hodgkin, S., Irwin, M., Jameson, R., Lawrence, A., Lucas, P., Adamson, A., Bandyopadhyay, R., Bryant, J., Collins, R., Davis, C., Dunlop, J., Emerson, J., …Varricatt, W. (2007). The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey First Data Release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 213-226.
- Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Richard, J., Ebeling, H., Kneib, J.-P., Edge, A., Stark, D., Ellis, R., Dye, S., Smith, G., & Mullis, C. (2007). A Very Bright, Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 3.07. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 654(1), L33-L36.
- Coppin, K., Chapin, E., Mortier, A., Scott, S., Borys, C., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Hughes, D., Pope, A., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Wagg, J., Alexander, D., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Babbedge, T., Best, P., Blain, A., Chapman, S., Clements, D., …Willott, C. (2006). The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(4), 1621-1652.
- Dye, S., Warren, S., Hambly, N., Cross, N., Hodgkin, S., Irwin, M., Lawrence, A., Adamson, A., Almaini, O., Edge, A., Hirst, P., Jameson, R., Lucas, P., van Breukelen, C., Bryant, J., Casali, M., Collins, R., Dalton, G., Davies, J., Davis, C., …Weatherley, S. (2006). The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Early Data Release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(3), 1227-1252
- van Breukelen, C., Clewley, L., Bonfield, D., Rawlings, S., Jarvis, M., Barr, J., Foucaud, S., Almaini, O., Cirasuolo, M., Dalton, G., Dunlop, J., Edge, A., Hirst, P., McLure, R., Page, M., Sekiguchi, K., Simpson, C., Smail, I., & Watson, M. (2006). Galaxy clusters at 0.6 < z < 1.4 in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Early Data Release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 373(1), L26-L30
- Roseboom, I., Pimbblet, K., Drinkwater, M., Cannon, R., de Propris, R., Edge, A., Eisenstein, D., Nichol, R., Smail, I., Wake, D., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bridges, T., Carson, D., Colless, M., Couch, W., Croom, S., Driver, S., Hewett, P., Loveday, J., Ross, N., …Weilbacher, P. (2006). The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: the star formation histories of luminous red galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 373(1), 349-360.
- Wake, D., Nichol, R., Eisenstein, D., Loveday, J., Edge, A., Cannon, R., Smail, I., Schneider, D., Scranton, R., Carson, D., Ross, N., Brunner, R., Colless, M., Couch, W., Croom, S., Driver, S., Â, D., ngela, J., Jester, S., de Propris, R., …Brinkmann, J. (2006). The 2df SDSS LRG and QSO survey: evolution of the luminosity function of luminous red galaxies to z= 0.6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(2), 537-550.
- Cannon, R., Drinkwater, M., Edge, A., Eisenstein, D., Nichol, R., Outram, P., Pimbblet, K., de Propris, R., Roseboom, I., Wake, D., Allen, P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bridges, T., Carson, D., Chiu, K., Colless, M., Couch, W., Croom, S., Driver, S., Fine, S., …Schneider, D. (2006). The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Luminous Red Galaxy Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(1), 425-442.
- Geach, J., Smail, I., Ellis, R., Moran, S., Smith, G., Treu, T., Kneib, J., Edge, A., & Kodama, T. (2006). A panoramic mid-infrared survey of two distant clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 649(2), 661-672.
- Wilman, R., Edge, A., & Swinbank, A. (2006). Integral field spectroscopy of H alpha emission in cooling flow cluster cores: disturbing the molecular gas reservoir. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371(1), 93-107
- Salome, P., Combes, F., Edge, A., Crawford, C., Erlund, M., Fabian, A., Hatch, N., Johnstone, R., Sanders, J., & Wilman, R. (2006). Cold molecular gas in the Perseus cluster core - Association with X-ray cavity, H alpha filaments and cooling flow. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 454(2), 437-445.
- Augusto, P., Edge, A., & Chandler, C. (2006). The radio properties of the cD galaxy of Abell 2390. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367(1), 366-374
- Pimbblet, K., Smail, I., Edge, A., O'Hely, E., Couch, W., & Zabludoff, A. (2006). The Las Campanas/Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey - III. Spectroscopic studies of X-ray bright galaxy clusters at z similar to 0.1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 366(2), 645-666
- Wilman, R. . J., Edge, A., & Johnstone, R. M. (2005). The nature of the molecular gas system in the core of NGC 1275. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 359(2), 755-764.
- Jones, M., Edge, A., Grainge, K., Grainger, W., Kneissl, R., Pooley, G., Saunders, R., Miyoshi, S., Tsuruta, T., Yamashita, K., Tawara, Y., Furuzawa, A., Harada, A., & Hatsukade, I. (2005). H-0 from an orientation-unbiased sample of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and X-rayclusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 357(2), 518-526
- Gaensicke, B., Marsh, T., Edge, A., Rodriguez-Gil, P., Steeghs, D., Araujo-Betancor, S., Harlaftis, E., Giannakis, O., Pyrzas, S., Morales-Rueda, L., & Aungwerojwit, A. (2005). IGR J17303-0601 is a new intermediate polar
- Gänsicke, B., Marsh, T., Edge, A., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Steeghs, D., Araujo-Betancor, S., Harlaftis, E., Giannakis, O., Pyrzas, S., Morales-Rueda, L., & Aungwerojwit, A. (2005). Cataclysmic variables from a ROSAT/2MASS selection - I. Four new intermediate polars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 361, 141-154
- Boehringer, H., Schuecker, P., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Voges, W., Cruddace, R., Ortiz-Gil, A., Chincarini, G., de Grandi, S., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., & Shaver, P. (2004). REFLEX Galaxy Cluster Survey catalogue (Boehringer+, 2004)
- Böhringer, H., Schuecker, P., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Voges, W., Cruddace, R., Ortiz-Gil, A., Chincarini, G., De Grandi, S., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., & Shaver, P. (2004). The ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray (REFLEX) Galaxy cluster survey. V. The cluster catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 425, 367-383.
- Edge, A., Smith, G., Sand, D., Treu, T., Ebeling, H., Allen, S., & van Dokkum, P. (2003). A unique small-scale gravitational arc in A1201. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 599(2), L69-L72.
- Mazzotta, P., Edge, A., & Markevitch, M. (2003). A Chandra Study of the Complex Structure in the Core of 2A 0335+096. Astrophysical Journal, 596(1), 190-203.
- Edge, A., & Frayer, D. (2003). Resolving molecular gas in the central galaxies of cooling flow clusters. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 594(1), L13-L17.
- Smith, G. P., Edge, A. C., Eke, V. R., Nichol, R. C., Smail, I., & Kneib, J.-P. (2003). Measuring σ₈ with Cluster Lensing: Biases from Unrelaxed Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 590(2), L79-L82.
- Saunders, R., Kneissl, R., Grainge, K., Grainger, W., Jones, M., Maggi, A., Das, R., Edge, A., Lasenby, A., Pooley, G., Miyoshi, S., Tsuruta, T., Yamashita, K., Tawara, Y., Furuzawa, A., Harada, A., & Hatsukade, I. (2003). A measurement of H-0 from Ryle Telescope, ASCA and ROSAT observationsof Abell 773. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 341(3), 937-940
- Sun, M., Jones, C., Murray, S., Allen, S., Fabian, A., & Edge, A. (2003). Chandra Observations of the Galaxy Cluster A478: The Interaction of Hot Gas and Radio Plasma in the Core, and an Improved Determination of the Compton y-Parameter. Astrophysical Journal, 587(2), 619-624.
- Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Bremer, M., Röttgering, H., van Haarlem, M., Rengelink, R., & Courtney, N. (2003). The discovery of two distant, massive clusters of galaxies in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 339(4), 913-924.
- Edge, A. C., Wilman, R. J., Johnstone, R. M., Crawford, C. S., Fabian, A. C., & Allen, S. W. (2002). A survey of molecular hydrogen in the central galaxies of cooling flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337(1), 49-62.
- Wilman, R. J., Edge, A. C., Johnstone, R. M., Fabian, A. C., Allen, S. W., & Crawford, C. S. (2002). Exciting molecular hydrogen in the central galaxies of cooling flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337(1), 63-70.
- Grainge, K., Jones, M., Pooley, G., Saunders, R., Edge, A., Grainger, W., & Kneissl, R. (2002). Measuring the Hubble constant from Ryle Telescope and X-rayobservations, with application to Abell 1413. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333(2), 318-326
- Böhringer, H., Collins, C., Guzzo, L., Schuecker, P., Voges, W., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Chincarini, G., De Grandi, S., Cruddace, R., Edge, A., Reiprich, T., & Shaver, P. (2002). The ROSAT-ESO Flux-limited X-Ray (REFLEX) Galaxy Cluster Survey. IV. The X-Ray Luminosity Function. Astrophysical Journal, 566(1), 93-102.
- Smith, G., Smail, I., Kneib, J.-P., Czoske, O., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Pello, R., Ivison, R., Packham, C., & Le Borgne, J.-F. (2002). HST observations of Extremely Red Objects (Smith+, 2002)
- LaRoque, S., Joy, M., Carlstrom, J., Dawson, K., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Grego, L., Holzapfel, W., Miller, A., Nagai, D., Patel, S., & Reese, E. (2002). Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Imaging of MACS Galaxy Clusters at z > 0.5. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, 706-
- Crawford, C., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Allen, S., Bohringer, H., Ebeling, H., McMahon, R., & Voges, W. (2002). Redshifts of ROSAT X-ray brightest clusters (Crawford+, 1995)
- Smith, G. P., Smail, I., Kneib, J.-P., Czoske, O., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Pelló, R., Ivison, R., Packham, C., & Le Borgne, J.-F. (2002). A Hubble Space Telescope lensing survey of X-ray-luminous galaxy clusters - II. A search for gravitationally lensed EROs *. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 330, 1-16.
- Bayer-Kim, C., Crawford, C., Allen, S., Edge, A., & Fabian, A. (2002). The peculiar cooling flow cluster RX J0820.9+0752. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337, 938-952.
- Pimbblet, K., Smail, I., Edge, A., Couch, W., O'Hely, E., & Zabludoff, A. (2002). Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey - I (Pimbblet+, 2001)
- Pimbblet, K., Smail, I., Edge, A., Couch, W., O'Hely, E., & Zabludoff, A. (2001). The Las Campanas/AAT rich cluster survey - I. Precision and reliabilityof the photometric catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327(2), 588-600
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., & Henry, J. (2001). MACS: A Quest for the Most Massive Galaxy Clusters in the Universe. Astrophysical Journal, 553(1), 668-676.
- Edge, A. (2001). The detection of molecular gas in the central galaxies of cooling flow clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328, 762-782.
- Thomas, P., Muanwong, O., Pearce, F., Couchman, H., Edge, A., Jenkins, A., & Onuora, L. (2001). A simulated τCDM cosmology cluster catalogue: the NFW profile and the temperature-mass scaling relations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 324, 450-462.
- Böhringer, H., Schuecker, P., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Voges, W., Schindler, S., Neumann, D., Cruddace, R., De Grandi, S., Chincarini, G., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., & Shaver, P. (2001). The ROSAT-ESO flux limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey. I. The construction of the cluster sample. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 369, 826-850.
- Gaztelu, A., Balogh, M., Bower, R., Davies, R., Edge, A., Smail, I., & Ziegler, B. (2001). Evolution of Galaxies in Poor Clusters. Astrophysics and Space Science, 277, 587-587.
- Mauskopf, P., Ade, P., Allen, S., Church, S., Edge, A., Ganga, K., Holzapfel, W., Lange, A., Rownd, B., Philhour, B., & Runyan, M. (2000). A Determination of the Hubble Constant Using Measurements of X-Ray Emission and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect at Millimeter Wavelengths in the Cluster Abell 1835. Astrophysical Journal, 538(2), 505-516.
- Wilman, R., Edge, A., Johnstone, R., Crawford, C., & Fabian, A. (2000). Molecular hydrogen emission in Cygnus A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 318, 1232-1240.
- Pearce, F., Thomas, P., Couchman, H., & Edge, A. (2000). The effect of radiative cooling on the X-ray properties of galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 317, 1029-1040.
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Boehringer, H., Allen, S., Crawford, C., Fabian, A., Voges, W., & Huchra, J. (2000). The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. (Ebeling+, 1998)
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., & Henry, J. (2000). MACS: The Most Massive Galaxy Clusters at z > 0.3. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 32, 1209-
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Allen, S., Crawford, C., Fabian, A., & Huchra, J. (2000). Extended ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample (Ebeling+ 2000)
- Almaini, O., Lawrence, A., Shanks, T., Edge, A., Boyle, B., Georgantopoulos, I., Gunn, K., Stewart, G., & Griffiths, R. (2000). X-ray variability in a deep, flux-limited sample of QSOs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 315, 325-336.
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Allen, S., Crawford, C., Fabian, A., & Huchra, J. (2000). The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - IV. The extended sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 318, 333-340.
- Iwasawa, K., Ettori, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Ebeling, H. (2000). Zw 1718.1-0108: a highly disturbed galaxy cluster at low Galactic latitude. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 313, 515-523.
- Augusto, P., Gonzalez-Serrano, J., Edge, A., Gizani, N., Wilkinson, P., & Perez-Fournon, I. (1999). The kpc-scale radio source population. New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 663-667
- Edge, A., Ivison, R., Smail, I., Blain, A., & Kneib, J.-P. (1999). The detection of dust in the central galaxies of distant cooling-flow clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306, 599-606.
- Guzzo, L., Bohringer, H., Schuecker, P., Collins, C., Schindler, S., Neumann, D., de Grandi, S., Cruddace, R., Chincarini, G., Edge, A., Shaver, P., & Voges, W. (1999). The REFLEX Cluster Survey: observing strategy and first results on large-scale structure
- Ebeling, H., Fabian, A., Allen, S., Edge, A., & Crawford, C. (1999). Cosmological constraints from the X-ray luminosity function of the ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 31, 710-
- Crawford, C., Allen, S., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Fabian, ,., & C., A. (1999). The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III. Optical spectra of the central cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306, 857-896.
- Iwasawa, K., Allen, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Ettori, S. (1999). X-ray and lensing results on the cluster around the powerful radio galaxy 4C+55.16. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306, 467-472.
- Bohringer, H., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Neumann, D., Schindler, S., Schuecker, P., Cruddace, R., Degrandi, S., Chincarini, G., Edge, A., MacGillivray, H., Shaver, P., Vettolani, G., & Voges, W. (1998). Probing the cosmic large-scale structure with the REFLEX Cluster Survey: profile of an ESO key programme
- Smail, I., Edge, A., & Ellis, R. (1998). Identification of two Z ~ 3.8 QSOs in a deep CCD survey. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 15, 267-272
- Peres, C., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Allen, S., Johnstone, R., & White, D. (1998). A ROSAT study of the cores of clusters of galaxies - I. Cooling flows in an X-ray flux-limited sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 298, 416-432.
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Bohringer, H., Allen, S., Crawford, C., Fabian, A., Voges, W., & Huchra, J. (1998). The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - I. The compilation of the sample and the cluster log N-log S distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 301, 881-914.
- O'Hely, E., Couch, W., Smail, I., Edge, A., & Zabludoff, A. (1998). The Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 15, 273-279
- Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Allen, S., Crawford, C., & Boehringer, H. (1997). The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample (BCS): The Cluster X-Ray Luminosity Function within Z = 0.3. Astrophysical Journal, 479, L101-
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Bautz, M., Furuzawa, A., & Tawara, Y. (1996). ASCA and ROSAT observations of distant, massive cooling flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 283(1), 263-281.
- Ebeling, H., Voges, W., Bohringer, H., Edge, A., Huchra, J., & Briel, U. (1996). Properties of the X-ray-brightest Abell-type clusters of galaxies (XBACs) from ROSAT All-Sky Survey data - I. The sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 281, 799-829.
- Ebeling, H., Voges, W., Bohringer, H., Edge, A., Huchra, J., & Briel, U. (1996). Erratum: Properties of the X-ray-brightest Abell-type clusters of galaxies (XBACs) from ROSAT All-SKy Survey data - I. The sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 283, 1103-
- Edge, A., & Rottgering, H. (1995). X-ray properties of head-tail radio sources in clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 277, 1580-1586.
- Crawford, C., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Allen, S., Bohringer, H., Ebeling, H., McMahon, R., & Voges, W. (1995). Optical spectroscopy of the ROSAT X-ray brightest clusters - II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 274, 75-84.
- Ellis, R., Smail, I., & Edge, A. (1995). Gravitational lensing: mapping the dark matter in clusters. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 12, 120-122
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Bohringer, H., White, ,., & A., D. (1995). Cooling flows, central galaxy-cluster alignments, X-ray absorption and dust. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 275, 741-754.
- Edge, A. (1995). Book Review: Groups of galaxies (ASP conf. series 70) / Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1995. Observatory, 115, 220-
- Fabian, A., Crawford, C., Edge, A., & Mushotzky, R. (1994). Cooling flows and the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation for clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 267, 779-
- Edge, A., Boehringer, H., Guzzo, L., Collins, C., Neumann, D., Chincarini, G., de Grandi, S., Duemmler, R., Ebeling, H., Schindler, S., Seitter, W., Vettolani, P., Briel, U., Cruddace, R., Gruber, R., Gursky, H., Hartner, G., MacGillivray, H., Schuecker, P., Shaver, P., …Zamorani, G. (1994). A giant arc in a ROSAT-detected cluster of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 289, L34-L36
- Edge, A., Fabian, A., Allen, S., Crawford, C., White, D., Bohringer, H., & Voges, W. (1994). ZWICKY:3146 - the Most Massive Cooling Flow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 270, L1-
- Edge, A., McMahon, R., Irwin, M., & Marsden, B. (1994). 1994 JQ1. Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 5-
- Grainge, K., Jones, M., Pooley, G., Saunders, R., & Edge, A. (1993). Detection of the Sunyaev / Zeldovich Effect in ABELL:773. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 265, L57-
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., White, D., Daines, S., Edge, A., & Stewart, G. (1993). A ROSAT PSPC observation of Abell 478 - The distribution of X-ray absorbing matter in a massive cooling flow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 262, 901-914.
- Boehringer, H., Voges, W., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Neumann, D. (1993). A ROSAT HRI study of the interaction of the X-ray-emitting gas and radio lobes of NGC 1275. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 264, L25-L28
- Ebeling, H., Voges, W., Bohringer, H., & Edge, A. (1993). Detection statistics of Abell and ACO clusters of galaxies in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 275, 360-
- Schwarz, R., Edge, A., Voges, W., Boehringer, H., Ebeling, H., & Briel, U. (1992). The structure of the intracluster medium of the Perseus cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 256, L11-L14
- Allen, S., Edge, A., Fabian, A., Boehringer, H., Crawford, C., Ebeling, H., Johnstone, R., Naylor, T., & Schwarz, R. (1992). Optical spectroscopy of the ROSAT X-ray brightest clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 259, 67-81.
- Edge, A., Stewart, G., & Fabian, A. (1992). Properties of cooling flows in a flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 258, 177-188.
- Johnstone, R., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Thomas, P. (1992). The spectral signature of the cooling flow in Abell 478. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 255, 431-440.
- Allen, S., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., Edge, A., & Nulsen, P. (1992). GINGA and EXOSAT observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 254, 51-58.
- Edge, A., & Stewart, G. (1991). EXOSAT Observations of Clusters of Galaxies - Part Two - X-Ray to Optical Correlations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 252, 428-.
- Edge, A., & Stewart, G. (1991). EXOSAT observations of clusters of galaxies. I - The X-ray data. II - X-ray to optical correlations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 252, 414-441
- Raychaudhury, S., Fabian, A., Edge, A., Jones, C., & Forman, W. (1991). X-ray and optical observations of the Shapley supercluster in Hydra-Centaurus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 248, 101-111.
- Day, C., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Raychaudhury, S. (1991). GINGA observations of the Shapley supercluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 252, 394-402
- Briel, U., Henry, J., Schwarz, R., Bohringer, H., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Hartner, G., Schindler, S., Trumper, J., & Voges, W. (1991). The X-ray morphology of the relaxed cluster of galaxies A2256. I - Evidence for a merger event. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 246, L10-L13
- Edge, A. (1991). On the relation between the X-ray properties of clusters of galaxies and their brightest cluster member. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 250, 103-110.
- Pesce, J. E., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Johnstone, R. (1990). The influence of cluster cooling flows on imaging X-ray surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 244, 58-63
- Edge, A., Stewart, G., Fabian, A., & Arnaud, K. (1990). An X-Ray Flux-Limited Sample of Clusters of Galaxies - Evidence for Evolution of the Luminosity Function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 245, 559-
- Briel, U., Ebeling, H., Edge, A., Hartner, G., Henry, J., Schwarz, R., & Voges, W. (1990). ROSAT-PSPC Observation of the Abell Cluster of Galaxies A2256. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 22, 1227-
- McHardy, I., Stewart, G., Edge, A., Cooke, B., Yamashita, K., & Hatsukade, I. (1990). GINGA observations of Abell 2281 - Implications for H0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 242, 215-220.
- Lahav, O., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Putney, A. (1989). The spatial distribution of X-ray clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 238, 881-895.
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