Staff profile
Professor Adrian Simpson
Professor, Principal of St. Mary's College
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor, Principal of St. Mary's College in the School of Education | +44 (0) 191 33 48340 |
Principal of St Mary's College | +44 (0) 191 33 45946 |
Adrian Simpson is Principal of St. Mary's College. He is also Professor in the School of Education.
Research Interests
Adrian’s research interests revolve around aspects related with the school-university transition in mathematics, particularly in how students come to understand the nature of formal argumentation in university mathematics and different ways in which students understand abstract mathematical structures. He has also published papers in cognitive psychology about abstract and contextual reasoning as well as patterns of assesment in higher education (and in university mathematics in particular).
Recently he has been working on notions of 'evidence' in educational research and policy-making, taking a critical stance towards the widespread mis-use of so-called 'scientific' and quantitative methods in the field.
Information for prospective doctoral research student supervisions
Adrian is interested in supervising doctoral research studies in any area of mathematics education or in educational policy making. He has previously supervised students on postgraduate studies in mathematical reasoning, cognition, proof and argumentation, the school-university transition, students' understanding of key advanced mathematical concepts (such as analysis, algebra, trigonometry and logic). In addition he is interested in supervising doctoral studies in assessment in higher education or the use of evidence in evaluating educational interventions or policy making..
Research interests
- Assessment in Higher Education
- Evidence in educational research
- Mathematics Education
- Psychology of Reasoning
Esteem Indicators
- 2014: Editor: Research in Mathematics Education
- 2013: Editorial Board Member: Editoral Board member, Research in Mathematics Education
- 2013: External Docen Supervisor: External Docen Supervisor, Charles University, Prague 2011-12; External Doctoral Supervisor, University of Grenada 2013
- 2013: Keynote speeches: Keynote speaker at:
Delta 2013 conference, Kiama, Australia
RUME 2010 conference, Raleigh, NC, USA
- 2013: External Examiner 2007-2013: Undergraduate mathematics education, Leeds University, 2007-11 MSc (Mathematics Education), Leeds University, 2009-12 MSc (Science Education), Leeds University, 2010-12 PhD (Mathematics Education), Loughborough University, 2013
- 2000: Reviewer: Reviewing: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education; Educational Studies in Mathematics; Research in Mathematics Education; European Journal of Psychology of Education; International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education; Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education; Journal of Mathematics Behavior; Mathematical Thinking and Learning;
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2019). Mathematics and Statistics. In S. Marshall (Ed.), A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. Routledge
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2015). Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Statistics. In H. Fry, S. Ketteridge, & S. Marshall (Eds.), A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Routledge
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2012). Performance assessment in mathematics: Preliminary empirical research. In P. Iannone, & A. Simpson (Eds.), Mapping university mathematics assessment practices. Norwich: HEA
- Ianone, P., & Simpson, A. (2012). A survey of current assessment practices. In P. Iannone, & A. Simpson (Eds.), Mapping university mathematics assessment practices. Norwich: HEA
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (2006). The transition to independent graduate studies in mathematics. In A. Selden, F. Hitt, G. Harel, & S. Hauk (Eds.), Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (233-246). Oxford University Press
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2002). The Warwick analysis project: practice and theory. In D. Holton (Ed.), The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at the University Level (99-111). Springer: Dordrecht
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (2002). Understanding their Thinking: the tension between the Cognitive and the Affective. In D. Coben, O. John, & G. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Perspectives on adults learning mathematics (83-99). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Houston, K., Rogers, P., & Simpson, A. (1999). Teaching mathematics as a way of life. In C. Rust (Ed.), Improving Student Learning through the Disciplines. OCSLD
Edited book
- Simpson, A. (Ed.). (in press). The Evidential Basis of “Evidence-Based Education”. Routledge
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (Eds.). (2012). Mapping University Mathematics Assessment Practices. Norwich: HEA
- Simpson, A. (Ed.). (2006). Retirement as process and concept : a festschrift for Eddie Gray and David Tall : presented at Charles university, Prague 15-16 July, 2006. Karlova University
Journal Article
- Rowlandson, P., & Simpson, A. (in press). Interleaving in mathematical category learning. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,
- Simpson, A. (online). A critical evaluation of regression discontinuity studies in school effectiveness research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education,
- Rowlandson, P., & Simpson, A. (2024). Brokering knowledge from laboratory experiments in evidence‐based education: The case of interleaving. British Educational Research Journal, 50(5), 2461-2479.
- Simpson, A. (2023). A recipe for disappointment: policy, effect size and the winner’s curse. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 16(4), 643-662.
- Simpson, A. (2023). Benchmarking a misnomer: A note on “Interpreting effect sizes in education interventions”. Educational Researcher, 52(3), 180-182.
- Simpson, A., & Wang, Y. (2023). Making sense of ‘mastery’: Understandings of a policy term among a sample of teachers in England. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 581-600.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2022). How we assess mathematics degrees: the summative assessment diet a decade on. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 41(1), 22-31.
- Simpson, A. (2020). On the misinterpretation of effect size. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 103(1), 125-133.
- Simpson, A. (2019). Whose Prior is it Anyway? A Note on 'Rigorous Large-Scale Educational RCTs are Often Uninformative'. Educational Researcher, 48(6), 382-384.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2019). The relation between mathematics students' discipline-based epistemological beliefs and their summative assessment preferences. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 5(2), 147-162.
- Simpson, A. (2019). Separating arguments from conclusions: The mistaken role of effect size in educational policy research. Educational Research and Evaluation, 25(1-2), 99-109.
- Simpson, A., & Vondrová, N. (2019). Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Vision with Video Interventions: A Divergent Replication. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(5), 567-584.
- Simpson, A. (2019). The evidential basis of ‘Evidence Based Education’: An introduction to the special issue. Educational Research and Evaluation, 25(1-2), 1-6.
- Simpson, A., Vondrová, N., & Žalská, J. (2018). Sources of Shifts in Pre-Service Teachers' Patterns of Attention: The Roles of Teaching Experience and of Observational Experience. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 21(6), 607-630.
- Simpson, A. (2018). Unmasking the unasked: correcting the record about assessor masking as an explanation for effect size differences. Educational Research and Evaluation, 24(1-2), 3-12.
- Simpson, A. (2018). Princesses are bigger than Elephants: effect size as a category error in evidence based education. British Educational Research Journal, 44(5), 897-913.
- Simpson, A. (2018). The Structure of Surveys and the Peril of Panels. Studies in Higher Education, 43(8), 1334-1347.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2017). University students’ perceptions of summative assessment: the role of context. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 41(6), 785-801.
- Simpson, A. (2017). The misdirection of public policy: comparing and combining standardised effect sizes. Journal of Education Policy, 32(4), 450-466.
- Simpson, A. (2017). The Surprising Persistence of Biglan's Classification Scheme. Studies in Higher Education, 42(8), 1520-1531.
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2017). Interactions between defining, explaining and classifying: The case of increasing and decreasing sequences. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 94(1), 5-19.
- Fernández-Plaza, J., & Simpson, A. (2016). Three concepts or one? Students' understanding of basic limit concepts. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 93(3), 315-332.
- Simpson, A. (2016). Assessment and its outcomes: the influence of disciplines and institutions. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(6), 917-937.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2015). Students’ views of oral performance assessment in mathematics: straddling the ‘assessment of’ and ‘assessment for’ learning divide. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(7), 971-987.
- Simpson, A. (2015). The Anatomy of a Mathematical Proof: Implications for Analyses with Toulmin's Scheme. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 90(1), 1-17.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2015). Students' preferences in undergraduate mathematics assessment. Studies in Higher Education, 40(6), 1046-1067.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2015). Mathematics lecturers’ views of examinations: tensions and possible resolutions. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 34(2), 71-82.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2013). Students' perceptions of assessment in undergraduate mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education, 15(1), 17-33.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2012). Oral assessment in mathematics: implementation and outcomes. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 31(4), 179-190.
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2012). How do we assess our students? A survey of current assessment practices in UK universities?. MSOR Connections, 12(1), 7-10
- Iannone, P., & Simpson, A. (2011). The summative assessment diet: how we assess in mathematics degrees. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 30(4), 186-196.
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2011). Classification and concept consistency. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 11(2), 91-106.
- Iannone, P., Inglis, M., Mejia-Ramos, J., Simpson, A., & Weber, K. (2011). Does generating examples aid proof production?. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 77(1), 1-14.
- Moutsios-Rentzos, A., & Simpson, A. (2010). The thinking styles of university mathematics students. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 3(4), 1-10
- Inglis, M., & Simpson, A. (2009). Conditional inference and advanced mathematical study: Further evidence. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 72(2), 185-198.
- Inglis, M., & Simpson, A. (2009). The defective and material conditionals in mathematics: Does it matter?. Proceedings of the ... PME Conference, 3, 225-232
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2009). The role of definitions in example classification
- Inglis, M., & Simpson, A. (2008). Conditional inference and advanced mathematical study. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 67(3), 187-204.
- Inglis, M., Mejia-Ramos, J., & Simpson, A. (2007). Modelling mathematical argumentation: the importance of qualification. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66(1), 3-21.
- Simpson, A., & Stehlikova, N. (2006). Apprehending Mathematical Structure: A Case Study of Coming to Understand a Commutative Ring. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 61(3), 347-371.
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (2005). Cognitive Empathy and the Transition to Independent Graduate Study in Mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58(1), 121-135.
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2005). Convergence of Sequences and Series 2: Interactions between Nonvisual Reasoning and the Learner's Beliefs about their own Role. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58(1), 77-100.
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2004). Convergence of sequences and series: interactions between visual reasoning and the learner's beliefs about their own role. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 57(1), 1-32.
- de Hoyos, M., Gray, E., & Simpson, A. (2004). Pseudo-solutioning. Research in Mathematics Education, 6(1), 101-113
- Alcock, L., & Simpson, A. (2002). Definitions: Dealing with Categories Mathematically. For the learning of mathematics, 22(2), 28-34
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (2000). When does a way of working become a methodology?. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 19(2), 175-188.
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (2000). A search for understanding. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 18(4), 415-427.
- Simpson, A. (2000). What use are mathematics education researchers?. MSOR Connections, 1, 5-8
- Tall, D., Thomas, M., Davis, G., Gray, E., & Simpson, A. (1999). What is the object of the encapsulation of a process?. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 18(2), 223-241
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (1996). Mathematics across the university: facing the problem. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 20(2), 116-124
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (1995). A theory, a story, its analysis and some implications. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 14(2), 237-250
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (1993). Natural, conflicting and alien. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 12(4), 313-320
- Duffin, J., & Simpson, A. (1991). Interacting reflections on a young pupil's work. For the learning of mathematics, 11(3), 10-15
- Simpson, A. (1990). The infidel is innocent. Mathematical Intelligencer, 12(3), 43-51