Staff profile
Professor Alexander Densmore
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41879 |
I'm interested in the way in which mountains are built through tectonic activity, and in the erosional processes that tear them back down again. The spark behind much of this work came from growing up on the tectonically-active west coast of North America. I received a PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and held lectureships at Trinity College Dublin and ETH Zurich before joining Durham University in 2006. My current research projects include the long-term impacts of earthquakes on mass wasting and sediment transfer in Nepal and China; the use of scientific information to prepare for earthquake- and monsoon-triggered hazard chains, with a particular focus in Nepal; and efforts to understand sediment routing systems both in the field (northern India) and through numerical modelling.
For more information on our current research in Nepal, please see the Sajag-Nepal project.
Chapter in book
- Ivy-Ochs, S., Duehnforth, M., Densmore, A., & Alfimov, V. (2013). Dating fan deposits with cosmogenic radionuclides. In M. Schneuwly-Bollschweiler, M. Stoffel, & F. Rudolf-Miklau (Eds.), Dating Torrential Processes on Fans and Cones (243-263). Springer Verlag
- Ellis, M., & Densmore, A. (2006). First-order topography over blind thrusts. In S. Willett, N. Hovius, D. Fisher, & M. Brandon (Eds.), Tectonics, climate and landscape evolution (251-266). (Geological Society of America Special Paper). Geological Society of America
- Allen, P., Bennett, S., Cunningham, M., Carter, A., Gallagher, K., Lazzaretti, E., Galewsky, J., Densmore, A., Phillips, W., Naylor, D., & Solla Hach, C. (2002). The post-Variscan thermal and denudational history of Ireland. In A. Doré, J. Cartwright, M. Stoker, J. Turner, & N. White (Eds.), Exhumation of the North Atlantic Margin: Timing, Mechanisms and Implications for Petroleum Exploration (371-399). Geological Society of London Special Publications
Journal Article
- Harvey, E., Kincey, M., Rosser, N., Gadtaula, A., Collins, E., Densmore, A., Dunant, A., Arrell, K., Oven, K., Basyal, G., Dhital, M. R., Robinson, T., de Vries, M., Paudyal, S., Pujara, D., & Shrestha, R. (online). Review of landslide inventories for Nepal between 2010 and 2021 reveals data gaps in global landslide hotspot. Natural Hazards,
- Sijapati, S., Robinson, T., Densmore, A., Raj Awasthi, P., Dunant, A., Li, S., Man Rajbhandari, R., Rosser, N., Johnson, A., Oven, K., van Wyk de Vries, M., & Heiselberg, S. (2025). Needs and uses of scientific information for earthquake and monsoon contingency planning by humanitarian clusters in Nepal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 117, Article 105166.
- Dunant, A., Robinson, T. R., Densmore, A. L., Rosser, N. J., Rajbhandari, R. M., Kincey, M., Li, S., Awasthi, P. R., Van Wyk De Vries, M., Guragain, R., Harvey, E., & Dadson, S. (2025). Impacts from cascading multi-hazards using hypergraphs: a case study from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 25(1), 267-285.
- Arrell, K., Rosser, N., Kincey, M., Robinson, T., Horton, P., Densmore, A., Oven, K., Shrestha, R., & Pujara, D. (2024). The dynamic threat from landslides following large continental earthquakes. PLoS ONE, 19(8), Article e0308444.
- Dunant, A., Robinson, T. R., Densmore, A. L., Rosser, N. J., Rajbhandari, R. M., Kincey, M., Li, S., Awasthi, P. R., Van Wyk de Vries, M., Guragain, R., Harvey, E., & Dadson, S. (2024). Impacts from cascading multi-hazards using hypergraphs: a case study from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Herbert, L., Santi, P., & Densmore, A. (2024). Controls on debris-flow avulsions: White Mountains of California and Nevada. Landslides, 21(4), 861-874.
- Van Wyk De Vries, M., Arrell, K., Basyal, G., Densmore, A., Dunant, A., Harvey, E. L., Ganesh, J., Kincey, M., Li, S., Pujara, D. S., Pujara, S., Shrestha, R., Rosser, N., & Dadson, S. (2024). Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(4), 1397-1410.
- Kincey, M. E., Rosser, N. J., Swirad, Z. M., Robinson, T. R., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D. S., Basyal, G. K., Densmore, A. L., Arrell, K., Oven, K. J., & Dunant, A. (2024). National‐Scale Rainfall‐Triggered Landslide Susceptibility and Exposure in Nepal. Earth's Future, 12(2), Article e2023EF004102.
- Mandal, S. K., Densmore, A. L., Kapannusch, R., Scherler, D., Barnes, J. B., & Insel, N. (2023). Cosmogenic Nuclide Tracking of Sediment Recycling From a Frontal Siwalik Range in the Northwestern Himalaya. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(12), Article e2023JF007164.
- Kincey, M., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Robinson, T., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D., Horton, P., Swirad, S., Oven, K., & Arrell, K. (2023). Modelling post-earthquake cascading hazards: Changing patterns of landslide runout following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(3), 537-554.
- Zhang, F., Dellinger, M., Hilton, R. G., Yu, J., Allen, M. B., Densmore, A. L., Sun, H., & Jin, Z. (2022). Hydrological control of river and seawater lithium isotopes. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 3359.
- Milledge, D., Bellugi, D., Watt, J., & Densmore, A. (2022). Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(2), 481-508.
- Joshi, S., Gupta, S., Sinha, R., Densmore, A., Rai, S., Shekhar, S., Mason, P., & van Dijk, W. (2021). Strongly heterogeneous patterns of groundwater depletion in northwestern India. Journal of Hydrology, 598, Article 126492.
- Rosser, N., Kincey, M., Oven, K., Densmore, A., Robinson, T., Pujara, D., Shrestha, R., Smutny, J., Gurung, K., Lama, S., & Dhital, M. (2021). Changing Significance of Landslide Hazard and Risk After The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake. Progress in disaster science, 10, Article 100159.
- Kincey, M. E., Rosser, N. J., Robinson, T. R., Densmore, A. L., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D. S., Oven, K. J., Williams, J. G., & Swirad, Z. M. (2021). Evolution of coseismic and post‐seismic landsliding after the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(3), Article e2020JF005803.
- Croissant, T., Hilton, R. G., Li, G. K., Howarth, J., Wang, J., Harvey, E. L., Steer, P., & Densmore, A. L. (2021). Pulsed carbon export from mountains by earthquake-triggered landslides explored in a reduced-complexity model. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9(4), 823-844.
- Wang, J., Howarth, J. D., McClymont, E. L., Densmore, A. L., Fitzsimons, S. J., Croissant, T., Grocke, D. R., West, M. D., Harvey, E. L., Frith, N. V., Garnett, M. H., & Hilton, R. G. (2020). Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes. Science Advances, 6(23), Article eaaz6446.
- van Dijk, W. M., Densmore, A. L., Jackson, C. R., Mackay, J. D., Joshi, S. K., Sinha, R., Shekhar, S., & Gupta, S. (2020). Spatial variation of groundwater response to multiple drivers in a depleting alluvial aquifer system, northwestern India. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(1), 94-119.
- Shekhar, S., Kumar, S., Densmore, A., van Dijk, W., Sinha, R., Kumar, M., Joshi, S., Rai, S., & Kumar, D. (2020). Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 13452.
- De Haas, T., & Densmore, A. (2019). Debris-flow volume quantile prediction from catchment morphometry. Geology, 47(8), 791-794.
- Zhang, F., Jin, Z., West, A. J., An, Z., Hilton, R. G., Wang, J., Li, G., Densmore, A. L., Yu, J., Qiang, X., Sun, Y., Li, L., Gou, L., Xu, Y., Xu, X., Liu, X., Pan, Y., & You, C.-F. (2019). Monsoonal control on a delayed response of sedimentation to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Science Advances, 5(6),
- Wang, J., Hilton, R. G., Jin, Z., Zhang, F., Densmore, A. L., Gröcke, D. R., Xu, X., Li, G., & Joshua West, A. (2019). The isotopic composition and fluxes of particulate organic carbon exported from the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 252, 1-15.
- Milledge, D., Densmore, A., Bellugi, D., Rosser, N., Watt, J., Li, G., & Oven, K. (2019). Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(4), 837-856.
- Haas, T., Densmore, A., Hond, T., & Cox, N. (2019). Fan‐surface evidence for debris‐flow avulsion controls and probabilities, Saline Valley, California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(5), 1118-1138.
- Burrows, K., Walters, R. J., Milledge, D., Spaans, K., & Densmore, A. L. (2019). A New Method for Large-Scale Landslide Classification from Satellite Radar. Remote Sensing, 11(3), Article 237.
- de Haas, T., Kruijt, A., & Densmore, A. (2018). Effects of debris-flow magnitude-frequency distribution on avulsions and fan development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(13), 2779-2793.
- Frith, N., Hilton, R., Howarth, J., Gröcke, D., Fitzsimons, S., Croissant, T., Wang, J., McClymont, E., Dahl, J., & Densmore, A. (2018). Carbon export from mountain forests enhanced by earthquake-triggered landslides over millennia. Nature Geoscience, 11(10), 772-776.
- Robinson, T., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Oven, K., Shrestha, S., & Guragain, R. (2018). Use of scenario ensembles for deriving seismic risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(41), E9532-E9541.
- Zhuang, J., Peng, J., Xu, C., Li, Z., Densmore, A., Milledge, D., Iqbal, J., & Cui, Y. (2018). Distribution and characteristics of loess landslides triggered by the 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake, Northwest of China. Geomorphology, 314, 1-12.
- Joshi, S., Rai, S., Sinha, R., Gupta, S., Densmore, A., Rawat, Y., & Shekhar, S. (2018). Tracing groundwater recharge sources in the northwestern Indian alluvial aquifer using water isotopes (delta-18O, delta-2H, and 3H). Journal of Hydrology, 559, 835-847.
- de Haas, T., Densmore, A., Stoffel, M., Suwa, H., Imaizumi, F., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J., & Wasklewicz, T. (2018). Avulsions and the spatio-temporal evolution of debris-flow fans. Earth-Science Reviews, 177, 53-75.
- Williams, J., Rosser, N., Kincey, M., Benjamin, J., Oven, K., Densmore, A., Milledge, D., Robinson, T., Jordan, C., & Dijkstra, T. (2018). Satellite-based emergency mapping using optical imagery: experience and reflections from the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 185-205.
- Singh, A., Thomsen, K., Sinha, R., Buylaert, J., Carter, A., Mark, D., Mason, P., Densmore, A., Murry, A., Jain, M., Paul, D., & Gupta, S. (2017). Counter-intuitive influence of Himalayan river morphodynamics on Indus Civilisation urban settlements. Nature Communications, 8(1), Article 1617.
- Tejedor, A., Singh, A., Zaliapin, I., Densmore, A., & Foufoula-Georgiou, E. (2017). Scale-dependent erosional patterns in steady-state and transient-state landscapes. Science Advances, 3(9), Article e1701683.
- Robinson, T., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Williams, J., Kincey, M., Benjamin, J., & Bell, H. (2017). Rapid post-earthquake modelling of coseismic landsliding intensity and distribution for emergency response decision support. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(9), 1521-1540.
- Li, G., West, A., Densmore, A., Jin, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, J., Clark, M., & Hilton, R. (2017). Earthquakes drive focused denudation along a tectonically active mountain front. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 472, 253-265.
- Dühnforth, M., Densmore, A. L., Ivy-Ochs, S., Allen, P., & Kubik, P. W. (2017). Early to Late Pleistocene history of debris-flow fan evolution in western Death Valley (California) using cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al. Geomorphology, 281, 53-65.
- Robinson, T., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Williams, J., Kincey, M., Benjamin, J., & Bell, H. (2017). Rapid post-earthquake modelling of coseismic landslide magnitude and distribution for emergency response decision support. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 17, 1521-1540.
- Schürch, P., Densmore, A., Ivy-Ochs, S., Rosser, N., Kober, F., Schlunegger, F., McArdell, B., & Alfimov, V. (2016). Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan. Geomorphology, 275, 46-57.
- He, H., Wei, Z., & Densmore, A. (2016). Quantitative morphology of bedrock fault surfaces and identification of paleo-earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 693(Part A), 22-31.
- van Dijk, W., Densmore, A., Sinha, R., Singh, A., & Voller, V. (2016). Reduced-complexity probabilistic reconstruction of alluvial aquifer stratigraphy, and application to sedimentary fans in northwestern India. Journal of Hydrology, 541(B), 1241-1257.
- Densmore, A., Sinha, R., Sinha, S., Tandon, S., & Jain, V. (2016). Sediment storage and release from Himalayan piggyback basins and implications for downstream river morphology and evolution. Basin Research, 28(4), 446-461.
- Wang, J., Jin, Z., Hilton, R., Zhang, F., Li, G., Densmore, A., Gröcke, D., Xu, X., & West, A. (2016). Earthquake-triggered increase in biospheric carbon export from a mountain belt. Geology, 44(6), 471-474.
- Shi, F., He, H., Densmore, A., Li, A., Yang, X., & Xu, X. (2016). Active tectonics of the Ganzi-Yushu fault in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 676, 112-124.
- Li, G., West, A., Densmore, A., Hammond, D., Jin, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, J., & Hilton, R. (2016). Connectivity of earthquake-triggered landslides with the fluvial network: implications for landslide sediment transport after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(4), 703-724.
- van Dijk, W., Densmore, A., Singh, A., Gupta, S., Sinha, R., Mason, P., Joshi, S., Nayak, N., Kumar, M., Shekhar, S., Kumar, D., & Rai, S. (2016). Linking the morphology of fluvial fan systems to aquifer stratigraphy in the Sutlej-Yamuna plain of northwest India. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(2), 201-222.
- Parker, R., Hancox, G., Petley, D., Massey, C., Densmore, A., & Rosser, N. (2015). Spatial distributions of earthquake-induced landslides and hillslope preconditioning in northwest South Island, New Zealand. Earth Surface Dynamics, 3(4), 501-525.
- Davies, T., Beaven, S., Conradson, D., Densmore, A., Gaillard, J., Johnston, D., Milledge, D., Oven, K., Petley, D., Rigg, J., Robinson, T., Rosser, N., & Wilson, T. (2015). Towards disaster resilience: A scenario-based approach to co-producing and integrating hazard and risk knowledge. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 242-247.
- Wang, J., Jin, Z., Hilton, R., Zhang, F., Densmore, A., Li, G., & West, A. (2015). Controls on fluvial evacuation of sediment from earthquake-triggered landslides. Geology, 43(2), 115-118.
- Sanyal, J., Carbonneau, P., & Densmore, A. (2014). Low-cost inundation modelling at the reach scale with sparse data in the Lower Damodar River basin, India. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(12), 2086-2102.
- Milledge, D., Bellugi, D., McKean, J., Densmore, A., & Dietrich, W. (2014). A multi-dimensional stability model for predicting shallow landslide size and shape across landscapes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(11), 2481-2504.
- Sanyal, J., Densmore, A., & Carbonneau, P. (2014). Analysing the effect of land use/cover changes at sub-catchment levels on downstream flood peaks: a semi-distributed modelling approach with sparse data. CATENA, 118, 28-40.
- Sanyal, J., Densmore, A., & Carbonneau, P. (2014). 2D finite element inundation modelling in anabranching channels with sparse data: examination of uncertainties. Water Resources Management, 28(8), 2351-2366.
- West, A., Hetzel, R., Li, G., Jin, Z., Zhang, F., Hilton, R., & Densmore, A. (2014). Dilution of 10Be in detrital quartz by earthquake-induced landslides: Implications for determining denudation rates and potential to provide insights into landslide sediment dynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 396, 143-153.
- Li, G., West, A., Densmore, A., Jin, Z., Parker, R., & Hilton, R. (2014). Seismic mountain building: Landslides associated with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in the context of a generalized model for earthquake volume balance. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(4), 833-844.
- Sanyal, J., Carbonneau, P., & Densmore, A. (2013). Hydraulic routing of extreme floods in a large ungauged river and the estimation of associated uncertainties: a case study of the Damodar River, India. Natural Hazards, 66(2), 1153-1177.
- Hillman, S., Horwell, C., Densmore, A., Damby, D., Fubini, B., Ishimine, Y., & Tomatis, M. (2012). Sakurajima volcano: a physico-chemical study of the health consequences of long-term exposure to volcanic ash. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(4), 913-930.
- Leduc, A., Davies, R., Densmore, A., & Imber, J. (2012). The lateral strike-slip domain in gravitational detachment delta systems: a case study of the northwestern margin of the Niger Delta. AAPG Bulletin, 96(4), 709-728.
- Schürch, P., Densmore, A., Rosser, N., Lim, M., & McArdell, B. (2011). Detection of surface change in complex topography using terrestrial laser scanning: application to the Illgraben debris-flow channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(14), 1847-1859.
- Barnes, J., Densmore, A., Mukul, M., Sinha, R., Jain, V., & Tandon, S. (2011). Interplay between faulting and base level in the development of Himalayan frontal fold topography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 116(F3), Article F03012.
- Schürch, P., Densmore, A., Rosser, N., & McArdell, B. (2011). Dynamic controls on erosion and deposition on debris-flow fans. Geology, 39(9), 827-830.
- Parker, R. N., Densmore, A. L., Rosser, N. J., de Michele, M., Li, Y., Huang, R., Whadcoat, S., & Petley, D. N. (2011). Mass wasting triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is greater than orogenic growth. Nature Geoscience, 4(7), 449-452.
- Densmore, A., Li, Y., Richardson, N., Zhou, R., Ellis, M., & Zhang, Y. (2010). The role of late Quaternary upper-crustal faults in the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100(5B), 2700-2712.
- Korup, O., Densmore, A., & Schlunegger, F. (2010). The role of landslides in mountain range evolution. Geomorphology, 120(1-2), 77-90.
- Richardson, N., Densmore, A., Seward, D., Wipf, M., & Li, Y. (2010). Did incision of the Three Gorges begin in the Eocene?. Geology, 38(6), 551-554.
- Densmore, A., Hetzel, R., Ivy-Ochs, S., Krugh, W., Dawers, N., & Kubik, P. (2009). Spatial variations in catchment-averaged denudation rates from normal fault footwalls. Geology, 37(12), 1139-1142.
- Dühnforth, M., Densmore, A., Ivy-Ochs, S., & Allen, P. (2008). Controls on sediment evacuation from glacially modified and unmodified catchments in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(10), 1602-1613.
- Richardson, N., Densmore, A., Seward, D., Wipf, M., Li, Y., Ellis, M., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Extraordinary denudation in the Sichuan Basin: insights from low-temperature thermochronology adjacent to the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(B4), Article B04409.
- Densmore, A., Gupta, S., Allen, P., & Dawers, N. (2007). Transient landscapes at fault tips. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(F3), Article F03S08.
- Densmore, A., Ellis, M., Li, Y., Zhou, R., Hancock, G., & Richardson, N. (2007). Active tectonics of the Beichuan and Pengguan faults at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 26(4), Article TC4005.
- Dühnforth, M., Densmore, A., Ivy-Ochs, S., Allen, P., & Kubik, P. (2007). Timing and patterns of debris flow deposition on Shepherd and Symmes Creek fans, Owens Valley, California, deduced from cosmogenic 10Be. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112,
- Densmore, A., Allen, P., & Simpson, G. (2007). Development and response of a coupled catchment fan system under changing tectonic and climatic forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112,
- Hampel, A., Hetzel, R., & Densmore, A. (2007). Postglacial slip-rate increase on the Teton normal fault, northern Basin and Range Province, caused by melting of Yellowstone ice cap and deglaciation of the Teton Range?. Geology, 35(12), 1107-1110.
- Schuerch, P., Densmore, A., McArdell, B., & Molnar, P. (2006). The influence of landsliding on sediment supply and channel change in a steep mountain catchment. Geomorphology, 78(3-4), 222-235.
- Densmore, A., Dawers, N., Gupta, S., & Guidon, R. (2006). What sets topographic relief in extensional footwalls?. Geology, 33(6), 453-456.
- Cunningham, M., Phillips, W., & Densmore, A. (2004). Evidence for Cenozoic tectonic deformation in SE Ireland and near offshore. Tectonics, 23(6), Article TC6002.
- Densmore, A., Dawers, N., Gupta, S., Guidon, R., & Goldin, T. (2004). Footwall topographic development during continental extension. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109,
- Densmore, A., Dawers, N., Gupta, S., Allen, P., & Gilpin, R. (2003). Landscape evolution at extensional relay zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B5), Article 2273.
- Cunningham, M., Densmore, A., Allen, P., Phillips, W., Bennett, S., Gallagher, K., & Carter, A. (2003). Evidence for post-early Eocene tectonic activity in southeastern Ireland. Geological Magazine, 140(2), 101-118.
- Li, Y., Allen, P., Densmore, A., & Xu, Q. (2003). Evolution of the Longmen Shan Foreland Basin (Western Sichuan, China) during the Late Triassic Indosinian Orogeny. Basin Research, 15(1), 117-138.
- Densmore, A., & Hovius, N. (2000). Topographic fingerprints of bedrock landslides. Geology, 28(4), 371-374.
- Allen, P., & Densmore, A. (2000). Sediment flux from an uplifting fault block. Basin Research, 12(3-4), 367-380.
- Ellis, M., Densmore, A., & Anderson, R. (1999). Development of mountainous topography in the Basin Ranges, U.S.A. Basin Research, 11(1), 21-41.
- Anderson, R., Densmore, A., & Ellis, M. (1999). The generation and degradation of marine terraces. Basin Research, 11(1), 7-19.
- Densmore, A., Ellis, M., & Anderson, R. (1998). Landsliding and the evolution of normal fault-bounded mountains. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(B7), 15203-15219.
- Densmore, A., & Anderson, R. (1997). Tectonic geomorphology of the Ash Hill fault, Panamint Valley, California. Basin Research, 9(1), 53-63.
- Densmore, A., Anderson, R., McAdoo, B., & Ellis, M. (1997). Hillslope evolution by bedrock landslides. Science, 275(5298), 369-372.
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