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Supporting SDGs through SMART Soils 

Our long-term vision is that the Durham University SMART Soils Lab is recognised for its pioneering work developing a new field of nature-based environmental engineering of the soil microbiome to reverse fifty years of degradation and significantly contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

This transformation may take two decades, but in the nearer term the key goal of SMART Lab will be to assemble the scientific, technical, social and arts & humanities expertise that will put Durham and the North-East at the forefront of this next green revolution: where soil is at the heart of our circular economy.

We have global network of academic partners working in soil health. Together, and working with civil society, public and private partnerships, the SMART Lab will use research-based insights to develop real-world solutions, such as microbiome restoration technologies, AI algorithms and bio-based materials to engineer soils to provide solutions to local and global challenges. Our goals are:

(1) Improving the soil microbiome for crop growth, nutrition (SDG 2: ending hunger, food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture) and healthy communities SDG 3: healthy lives).
(2) Strengthening soil structure to (a) reduce erosion (SDG 15: combatting desertification, halting and reversing land degradation, and halting biodiversity loss); (b) strengthen built environments (SDG 9: building resilient infrastructure and promoting sustainable industrialisation); (c) store water (SDG 6: ensuring access to water and sanitation for all); and (d) prevent flooding (SDG 11: sustainable cities).

(3) Storing carbon and recycling industrial waste (SDG 13: taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and SDG12 reuse of wastes and circular economy) as well as aligning with regional, national and international net zero and biodiversity agendas.
(4) Improving regional economic and environmental growth by opening opportunities for bioprospecting for sustainable biobased materials for health and agritech and development of AI algorithms.