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Support for Policymakers 

We can provide tailored support to policymakers to: 

  • Understand your research and evidence needs and identify relevant experts for you to connect with
  • Organise knowledge exchange activities, such as policy focused research seminars, workshops, or expert panels
  • Develop research informed policy briefings to aid policy debate
  • Identify student placement opportunities or academic secondments
  • Advertise opportunities for researchers to connect with policy initiatives.

CSaP Policy Fellows Programme 

Centre for Science and Policy Logo

We are an affiliate member of the Cambridge University Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) Policy Fellowship programme. This flagship initiative offers policymakers a formal opportunity to develop their networks with the academic community through a series of facilitated one to one meetings and knowledge exchange activities.  CSaP is located at the University of Cambridge and has been running the Policy Fellowship Programme since 2011. 

CSaP Policy Fellows are invited for a one-to-two-day visit To Durham University. Durham Policy Hub organises a tailor-made programme of bilateral meetings for researchers and policymakers to have in depth discussions on specific policy challenges for which Durham research can provide relevant insights.  

To find out more about CSaP policy fellowships click here.

To discuss any potential collaborative opportunities, identify an expert or discuss the CSaP Policy Fellows Programme, please contact 

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