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Projects and Case Studies

Policy and Impact Projects

Some examples of policy and impact projects completed by the Policy Hub.

Venue for COP26 in Glasgow

Climate Change & COP

The policy hub works closely with the academic lead for the UNFCCC and COP process, Petra Minnerop Associate Professor of Law, to support cross university coordination and policy engagement activities linked to climate change and sustainability. This has involved applying for and securing UNFCCC observer status, convening an internal expert steering group, connecting with the Universities COP network and supporting events and delegate arrangements for COP 26/27.

Get in touch For more information about this project contact Adam Holden
Head showing brain visual with cogs

Dyslexia Debate

Working with Professor Joe Elliott and Local Authorities across the UK, we supported research through networking events, briefings and engagement with practitioners and policymakers working in the area of cognition and reading difficulties. Rather than identifying and resourcing a small proportion of diagnosed dyslexics on the basis of cognitive testing, many Local Authorities across the UK are tailoring their policies and practice to meet the needs of all struggling readers.

Research has fed into Local Authority policy, staff guidance and professional practice.

Get in touch For more information about this project contact Lisa Hodgson.

Promoting Women Mediators

The policy hub supported networking and stakeholder engagement activities involving women working involved in high level international mediation in agencies of the United Nations, international think tanks and research institutes and the development of women’s mediator networks. This included stakeholder analysis and mapping, brokering meetings and networks, organising an international symposium and developing briefings.

Working with Associate professor Dr Catherine Turner from Durham Law School.

Get in touch For more information contact about this project contact Neil Heckels
A range of World flags on poles reaching to the sky

International Trade and Brexit

The Policy Hub has provided ongoing support and guidance to Dr Anamaria Nicolae and Dr Michael Nower from Durham University Business school to engage with regional and national policymakers to connect their research on modelling the effects of Brexit on the UK economy. This has included supporting submissions to parliamentary inquiries, regional networking with North East Chamber of Commerce and Local Enterprise Partnership, Local MEPs and Department for International Trade.

Get in touch For more information about this project contact Neil Heckels

What we do

Partnership Projects

We develop research and evidence partnerships with a range of policy stakeholders.

Venue for COP26 in Glasgow

Policy and Impact Projects

We provide policy advice, guidance and practical support for research projects.

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