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Projects and Case Studies

Partnership Projects

Examples of our research and evidence partnerships.

North East Local Enterprise Partnership logo

North East Local Enterprise Partnership

The Policy Hub has been working with the North East LEP on a programme of collaborative research projects and student placements aimed at increasing the research contribution to the regional economic strategy. This work has drawn on ESRC Impact Accelerator funding and engaged a range of Durham researchers, leading to reports on, for example, good work and flexible working practice, productivity and foreign investment and contributions to the North East LEP trade strategy.

Research and Evidence Programme.

Get in touch For more information about this project contact Neil Heckels
Durham County Council logo

Durham County Council Research Partnership

The Policy Hub is leading a project with DCC to increase the engagement between the two organisations and improve the way that data, evidence and expertise can support local decision making for the benefit of local people and communities. We were successful in securing funding from the ESRC to employ a member of staff who is co-hosted by the two organisations to improve connections.

Part of a wider partnership agreement between the University and Durham County Council (DCC).

Get in touch For more information about this project contact Britta Turner
Cover of Connect: a newsletter for our Members of Parliament 2nd Edition

Bricks and Water

We supported an inquiry into Water and Flooding, drawing on Durham research and relevant regional projects to contribute recommendations for policymakers. 

See here for the final report and more information. 

Working with the Institute of Hazard Risk and Resilience and Westminster Think Tank Policy Connect.

What we do

Partnership Projects

We develop research and evidence partnerships with a range of policy stakeholders.

Venue for COP26 in Glasgow

Policy and Impact Projects

We provide policy advice, guidance and practical support for research projects.

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