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Students being delivered a seminar in the business school

Durham Research Methods Centre are pleased to be welcoming some great speakers and supporting the following seminars/workshops over the next few weeks. Further information below.

Monday 17th June 2024, 1000-1200

Durham Research Methods Centre and the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing are hosting a two-hour workshop on System-thinking and the determinants of health: Implications for evaluation and research.  We are delighted to welcome Dr Anna Matheson from Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington, who will provide an international perspective through talking about her longstanding research interests in the application of complexity theory to health policy and to the Healthy Families New Zealand initiative, in particular.

Location: Room 113, Sociology Department, 32 Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HN

See here for more details.

Thursday 27th June 2024, 1100-1230

Dr Caroline Fitzpatrick, Chair Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Digital Media Use by Children and Its Implications for Promoting Togetherness: An Ecosystemic Approach and Associate Professor at University of Sherbrooke, Canada will be visiting Durham in June and presenting a seminar on using longitudinal methods to understand screen media habits and their developmental consequences during childhood and adolescence.

Location: DRMC/Nine DTP Hub, 1st Floor, Arthur Holmes Building, left of The Calman Learning Centre, up  the stairs, turn left. Door signed ‘DRMC’ and ‘Nine DTP’.

See here for more details.