18 March 2024 - 19 March 2024
12:30PM - 4:30PM
Hybrid - online via zoom and in person in Nine DTP/DRMC Hub. 1st Floor, Arthur Holmes Building. Left of the Calman Learning Centre. Signposted DRMC.
The Durham RIOTS Club are running a 1 and a half day R workshop focussing on programming and statistics!
Riots Club Logo
The focus is on examples that might be most useful to developmental psychologists, but the wider skills may be useful to anyone looking to build some R skills.
The style will be looking at teaching these techniques rather than worked examples, although we will move at a pace that should allow everyone to work through the ideas together.
The first half day is for people not very familiar with R, while the second day looks at advanced visualisation, mixed effects modelling, and then handling complex eye-tracking and pupillometric data and some of the complex modelling techniques involved.
There is an option to attend online, if doing so please use the sign up form on the home page (tickets are only for in-person attendance).
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/r-workshop-for-developmental-psychologists-tickets-851672614717