“I believe it is God’s divine spark which kindles the musical imagination now, as it has always done, and reminds us, in an increasingly de-humanized world, of what it means to be human” (Sir James MacMillan).
The University of St Andrews’ School of Divinity, Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts (ITIA), and Music Centre are delighted to host the International Network for Music Theology conference “Incarnation and Inculturation” on 25th-27th June 2026.
Our keynote speaker, who will be present throughout, is Sir James MacMillan, Composer and Professor of Music and Theology, University of St Andrews.
The INMT committee invites papers on any aspect of Christian theology and music, and we welcome a diversity of methodological perspectives. We will be reflecting, in particular, on how music embodies, or leads to, spiritual experience and how different cultures influence and are influenced by music.
There will be at least one panel on (1) Gregorian chant; (2) the music of Sir James MacMillan.
Abstracts for a single speaker (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) should be 350 words and clearly describe the argument, evidence, and research findings, and situate the work in relation to previous scholarship. If you would like to contribute to one of the panels above, please mention this in your individual proposal.
You are also welcome to propose your own panel. Abstracts for 3 speakers (1 1/2 hours) or 4 speakers (2 hours) should be 350 words and provide an outline of the main argument, evidence, and research findings of the panel, as well as situating the panel’s work in relation to previous scholarship and articulating how the research contributes to interdisciplinary scholarship on music and theology. The panel organised should also include an individual proposal abstract for each paper following the guidelines for Individual Proposals, along with each panellist's contact information.
Please send your proposals as Word or PDF documents to inmt.information@gmail.com no later than 1 July 2025. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 1 August 2025. The following format should be used:
Organising Committee
Abigail Cawte (leader, Durham University), Christopher Blakey (Durham University), Victoria Costa (University of St Andrews), Sophie Jones (The Foundations Trust, Cambridge), Chris Massa (Durham University), and Cameron Shippee (University of St Andrews).