November webinar: Slow-Drip Moral Injury: Scope, Empowerment and Relief

By Prof. Esther Reed and Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock | Monday 13 November 2023 at 7pm GMT (2pm EST)
Drawing upon their combined experience in moral theology and organisational psychology, Esther and Jutta investigate “slow drip” moral injury.
Some workplaces not only expose employees to individual potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) but also to “slow drip”, everyday moral pain – perhaps the sadness of people’s lives, socio-economic inequalities, inter-generational poverty, always “doing more with less”.
In this webinar a provisional definition of “slow drip” moral injury will be ventured, with journey(s) mapped from theoretical and qualitative investigation to validated measures for practical help. Third-wave mindfulness techniques will be considered as means to generate ethically-aware coping measures for empowerment, pain relief and mutual support. This will be an exploratory paper that anticipates further research.
Esther Reed is a Professor of Theological Ethics at the University of Exeter and Jutta Tobias Mortlock is Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology at City, University of London.
Please note that this webinar will NOT be recorded, so please do come along if you can!